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July 23, 2006
Three Movies in Two Days, but Flies and a Dinner Got in the Way. Only "Clerks II" Got Done.
The Dude on the Right
I had a great plan, it was simply to see four movies in two days, those movies
being "Clerks
II," "My
Super Ex-Girlfriend," "Monster
House," and "The
Lady in the Water." In the immortal words of Meat Loaf, no, wait, he
was a little short of this, he only had "Two Out of Three Ain't Bad." Me,
I had three out of four. But the bad part is this weekend, I was only able
to get one review done, and this might sound weird, but it was because of flies,
and I'll also blame Whammy, but I suppose, really, it's not her fault.
Nope, it was my fault asking her if she wanted to see a movie in 3-D with me
losing a couple of hours of valuable reviewing time, stuck at a great Italian
restaurant and great good, with interesting conversation as only Whammy seems to
come up with. In a nutshell, who the hell would try to set her up with a
"Metal-Head" and a hunter?
So this weekend that was supposed to be full of movie reviews became about trying to see movies, killing a lot of flies, and having some really good food, although I did get an offer Stu will wonder why I turned it down. All I got done was one movie review, a lot of flies killed, and this blog. Dammit, there were a lot of flies. And I still don't know why.
That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
Posted by Rightdude at July 23, 2006 8:22 PM