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August 6, 2006

A MySpace Page, and Wondering Why.

By: The Dude on the Right
I did it.  I knew I would because I'm crazy like that some times, but I did it.  I made a MySpace page.  So there I am, at, and I don't really know why.  I even wrote that for my first blog entry over there, because, well, I have a blog here, why do I need a blog there?  I suppose I made it just to have a MySpace page, but I think I also did it as a sort of promotional tool to maybe drive an extra person or two over here to Entertainment Ave!

It was interesting setting up the page because you start to analyze things you want made public, and as a computer nerd, it also re-introduced me to CSS coding, although I haven't utilized any of it yet because at this time it was just enough to get the page done, add some photos, and hope it's not to dorky.  I also found many sites out there that will automatically generate the coding needed to change the layout and color scheme of the page.  Part of that seems like cheating, especially when I would actually like to expand my CSS coding knowledge, but in the end, I'll probably use one of those sites and cheat, knowing that by analyzing how the coding gets manipulated, it will actually help my learning it.  Alright, enough technical workshopping.  If you have a MySpace page, right now I'm looking for friends.  I got two requests to be a friend this morning, one was from some girl with a naked photo of herself on the page, and and the other with a page that had absolutely nothing on it about the person, just looking like she was trolling for friends.  I was going to add the naked girl, but then realized her photo would end up on my "Friend's" list, and felt like adding nudity at this time wouldn't be a good start.

In any case, I'm ready for the bashing I might take from my niece and nephew for the page, but so be it.  I'll survive.

That's it for this one!  I'm The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

Posted by Rightdude at August 6, 2006 4:21 PM


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