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August 13, 2008
What's New? A Concert Review of "Scorpions."
Dude on the Right got to see a lot of spiders at Charter One Pavilion in
Chicago, but they weren't nearly as exciting as the band that the Scorpions was for this concert review.
Sure, the Scorpions' dudes, some of whom have been around for over forty years,
and had their first concert in Chicago 29 years ago, might be a little older,
and some people might question the legitimacy of their new CD, but for The Dude,
who has never seen them before, he just felt that they rock. If you want
to see a band that rocks, and remember the song "Rock You Like a Hurricane," you
will probably like seeing the Scorpions, well, rock.
Posted by Rightdude at August 13, 2008 9:55 PM