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August 18, 2008
What's New? Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! A Long Life, Beautiful People, Car Crashes, and More!
podcast episode of "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up!" is about living a
long life, and putting yourself in danger. The Dude on The Right put
himself, and the life of his BFF, in danger, by going to see the Chicago Air &
Water Show, where, at any time, planes could have come crashing down on them, or
more likely, they would have been sunburned beyond belief if it wasn't for the
level-headedness of The Dude's BFF. Stu didn't actually put himself in
danger, but he did take the Gotz family to an event of others putting themselves
in danger, namely a Demolition Derby, and he also found out that as cool as the
iPhone might be, it does have a stupid limitation that Stu's Sprint Instinct
might want to exploit a little more in commercial advertisements.
Both of the boys are almost sick of The Olympics and the coverage of Michael Phelps, Stu is still watching shows like "Psych" on Cable TV, and The Dude realized that the nightly light and music show that accompanies Buckingham Fountain in Chicago is pretty cool.
And, oh yea, they also talk about "Tropic Thunder" and upcoming movies.
Posted by Rightdude at August 18, 2008 6:55 PM