« What's New? Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! A Long Life, Beautiful People, Car Crashes, and More! | Main | Thankfully the FCC Agreed With Me, That Satellite Radio has Tons of Competition »
August 25, 2008
What's New? Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! The Democratic Convention, Dancing With the Stars, and Disney Disappoints a Gotz.
This podcast episode of "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up!" isn't
really about The Democratic Convention, nor The Olympics, but during this
podcast there's a trip to the Old Country and peeing. Sure, other stuff is
associated with this podcast, but doesn't that quadfecta explain it all?
Podcast wise, well, Stu ruins some "Dancing With the Stars" talk, and the reputation of shows with Ted McGinley is subtlety talked about, but more talked about is a Little Gotz having his birthday ruined thank to the folks at Disney thinking "Beverly Hills Chihuahua" should be released in October rather on the Little Gotz birthday.
Summer is almost over, women giving Labor is upon us, and pretty soon the leaves on the trees will tell us that the end-of-the-year holidays will lead us to a new year that will probably influence us in ways we can't control, no matter if Barack Obama or John McCain is our new President.
In the end, we can only control our boat.
Posted by Rightdude at August 25, 2008 8:57 PM