The BoDeans
A Concert Review |
April 13, 1996 |
Eastern IL Univ. |
Charlston, IL |
A Review
and Photos by |
Stu Gotz |
The conversation went something like this-.
"Hey Stu, you still got that friend who goes to EIU?"
"Who, Lisa? Yeah Dude. In fact... I'm going to see her this
weekend. She has some tickets for a band."
"The Bodeans?"
"Yeah, that's them."
"Good. Now you have photo clearance too. Bring your camera when
you go."
"Cool. Anyone here at E-Ave ever review them before?"
'Nope, you'll be the first."
"Cool. Hey Dude... Who are the BoDeans?"
That's right... I'll admit it. I wasn't sure who the BoDeans
were. So on the way home that night I picked up one of their CD's at
Best Buy (Why Pay More?). I gave it a listen, Hey!
heard these guys before! Their songs "Do I Do" and
"Good Things" get a lot of air time on the radio. I just
never put two and two together. All right! I'm getting to see the
Now, it's supposed to take about two and a half hours (my
personal best is an hour and forty-five minutes) to get from Chicago
to EIU. Along the way you drive through miles of corn fields and a
"good" radio void. There's not much I can do about the
corn but I always bring along some Dean Martin, Black Flag, and
Jimmy Buffet CD's to pass the time while driving through radio hell.
I got to EIU in about two hours and hooked up with my friend Lisa.
Lisa has two roommates and had two friends spending the weekend, so
I had intended to stay at a hotel, but they were all booked. So, I
had to spend the weekend in an apartment with five female college
co-eds. Does this
like the beginnings to a good porno movie or what? The girls must
have been playing hard to get cause I didn't get any, but I did get
to see two good bands.
Opening for the BoDeans was a three piece band called the
Mosley's. Word has it that the Mosley's are friends of the BoDeans
from the Milwaukee area, or so said Trevor from the Sigma Phi
Epsilon house who was working security. When the Mosley's came on,
the auditorium wasn't quite full yet so I got the chance to slip it
right in front of the stage! The Mosley's started their set with
some rock'n tunes like "Sleeping On The Beach" and
"What Is This Thing". Then they slowed it down with a
"hug your chick and sway" song called "I'm
Afraid". So, there I am getting the impression that these old
guys with receding hairlines are pretty much a rock band when all of
a sudden they mix it up with a country song called "I Like
Talking To You" (the title sounds like something Forrest Gump
would say). This got a couple of girls in the crowd doing the
Doe-See-Doe and I even found myself stomping a foot (I'll have to
get that checked).
The Mosley's finished their set with a strong song called
"You've Got To Want It". This got all the girls dancing
and me wanting it after watching all those young lovely's bouncing
around. After the set was over the bass player was cool enough to
give his Stage Pass to a tall cute blonde in the from row. From what
I gather she looked for him after the show to personally thank him.
Wow! I wish I could sing or play a guitar.
So what kind of band are these guys? Rock or Country? Maybe
they're just a little of both. Being a little older and in need of
some fashion advice didn't stop the Mosley's from putting on a good
show. I don't think I'd pay a lot of money to see them as a
headliner, but if they were playing a club or my favorite pub I'd
check them out and have a beer. I liked the Mosley's and give them
It took about forty minutes before the BoDeans were ready to come
on, so I spent the time
out all the ladies. The crowd was about 75 percent female and all of
them were done up and looking sharp! I was tempted to snap off a
couple of shots of the crowd, but I only had one roll of film left.
Next time I'll have to ask my cheap-ass editor to give me more. When
the lights dimmed and the BoDeans came on stage, the crowd surged
and I was smashed against the stage by the firm, young ladies behind
me. Trevor was cool enough to back them off of me, but this wasn't
necessary because I actually liked it.
The show started with some lesser known tunes like
"Idaho" and "Heart of America." Then they did
"Go Slow Down" which sounds like it came off a spaghetti
western soundtrack. I'm not knocking the song - I liked it. It's
just that I expected Clint Eastwood to come out from back stage and
shoot somebody. Then it happened. Sam Llanas (aka Sammy BoDean)
spoke. "I'm really sorry you people in the bleachers can't be
down here with us... So this ones for you... So let me hear you
howl!" All the girls eyes were on Sammy as they howled and
their boyfriends looked on in dismay. The three sorority girls
behind me were howling their heads off. (Side Note: I like a nice
tan on a girl, but crows feet at age twenty is sad!)
Sammy shares the task of lead singing with Kurt Neumann and
together they're babe magnets. Sam, with his dark hair and baby
face, and Kurt with his "great eyes", according to Beth,
could have had any woman in the crowd. This point was further proven
when the band did the song "Naked." "Naked" is
my friend Lisa's favorite song, and when Sammy started singing it
she started jumping up and down and screaming "get naked with
me". Too bad she wasn't talking to me. She did get Sam's
attention because he walked right up to her and mouthed the word
"What?" She was dumbfounded and I'm sure in need of a
fresh pair of underwear. Later in the show Sam spied me taking notes
and came over and asked "what's that". I replied "I'm
press" and he gave me wave. This was cool but it didn't evoke a
response in me like that of Lisa's.
By the time the BoDeans did "Paradise" all the ladies
in the audience were swooned. At this point in the show I gave up my
prime spot to a petite redhead off to the side and behind me. She
was so thrilled that she kissed me. Wow! I wondered how far I could
have gotten if I let her sit on my shoulders. Then it dawned on me,
a BoDeans show is a great place to pick up chicks! They all can't t
go home with the band. If you decide to try this be warned that
you'll have to put a little effort into it. First off, the BoDeans
are snappy dressers. Kurt in clean non-wrinkled black jeans, Sam, a
simple tee-shirt and cool two tone leather shoes without socks, and
the bass player with a cool gray bowling style shirt. My point being
- leave the baseball caps and flannel at home. Next, be prepared to
a emotional deep guy. Reading an issue of Cosmo should prepare you
for this. Lastly, make a tape for your car. The tape should contain
"Do I Do", "Paradise", and "Naked".
The show ended with an encore set of "Do I Do" followed
by "Still of the Night." Seeing the BoDeans live, it's
hard not to sing along and dance. If you like the BoDeans on CD
you'll love them live. Actually, the BoDeans just released a double
live CD called "Joe Dirt Car". Check it out. I think
you'll like it. I give the BoDeans TWO BIG THUMBS UP!!!
After the show I hung out with my bud Spicoli at the Sigma Nu
house. Around 1am, Lisa and Beth came crashing through screaming
about how they met the band. Turns out the girls found out where the
BoDeans were staying and the went there. They spent a half hour
wandering the halls of the hotel with no luck and just as they were
about to leave the BoDeans got on the elevator with them. The guys
were tired but still friendly, at least that's what Beth said. Beth
got to give Sam a pack of matches and the bass player played with
her scrunchy hair. I think Lisa just stood there speechless in dire
need of an underwear change.
Oh well, every concert brings an experience, and like I said, the
BoDeans brings a good one! 'nuff said. |