The Corrs
A Concert Review |
Andrea Corr |
The review from Stu Gotz:
Well over a year ago I was cruising the CD isle at my local Best
Buy (why pay more?) when I came across a listening station. What
caught my eye at the station was a CD cover for a band I've never
heard of. The band was The Corrs and the CD cover pictured three
raven-haired, pouty-lipped babes and some pasty white dude. Being
struck by the beauty of the women I gave the CD a listen. I really
liked what I heard and bought the CD. Over the next few weeks I
found myself continually listening to the CD and recommending it to
friends. I even bought two tapes and sent them to friends in Canada
and Europe. Everyone who gave The Corrs a listen really learned to
enjoy their Irish Pop Rock Sound. So why is it that it has taken
them so long to get on a tour. I guess it took the talented French
Canadian diva Celine Dion to recognize this hidden treasure and
invite them along on her tour as her opening act. Bravo Miss Dion!
Or, maybe it was just some smart publicity person. Who knows, but
I'm glad they were the opening act.
Sharon Corr |
Opening for Celine Dion is a big deal because she is like the
hottest female act out there now, except for maybe Alanis Morissett
(another Canadian). The Corrs knew this and were humble enough to
take the time and thank Celine during their short 35 minute set.
They further displayed their humility by only taking up about one
tenth of a huge stage. Regardless of the small space they occupied
or the little time they had on stage, The Corrs made a huge
impression on Celine's audience. So taken was the crowd that The
Corrs received a standing ovation as they bowed and left the stage.
Some joker in the lawn even screamed out "Chicago loves The
Corrs!" I agree. I hope The Corrs will return to Chicago on
their own tour someday (but please play a smaller and more personal
I loved them, the crowd loved them, and they looked like they
were having fun on stage. To me that rates a TWO BIG THUMBS UP for
the Corrs.
Caroline Corr |
And the review from The Dude on the Right
It's my turn. Here's my story. I'm looking at my local concert
schedule on the internet trying to find anything new coming to the
Chicago area to cover. I'm scrolling down the list and I see Celine
Dion. Yea, I already knew about that one, I already plan on covering
her. Then I see a band called The Corrs. I really like The Corrs,
but we'll get to that later. My first reaction to seeing this was
"Shit, I'd really like to see The Corrs. Dammit! Why are they
on the same day as Celine?" Then I see where they are playing,
and all of a sudden I am happy again. It turns out they were opening
for Celine Dion. Way cool, way cool!!
There are few things I give Stu Gotz credit for, in fact, I give
Stu as little credit as possible, but I have to give him credit for
introducing me to The Corrs. We were cruising in the Stu-mobile one
day and he pops on this CD of Irish-type music. "That was
cool," I thought, and then I heard more and said "Hey Stu,
who the hell is this band? I like them." He tells me "The
Corrs," I pick up the CD and I'm hooked on a CD of great
melodies, cool instrumentals, and, well, for no better way to put
it, good love songs. I just couldn't figure out why this band isn't
getting any airplay because they are good.
So, one band I was kinda hoping would come through Chicago and
all of a sudden I'm there! The Corrs, supposedly, because I really
haven't read anything about them and they all have the same last
name, are a brother and sisters group. Three dudettes and a dude.
One dudette on violin and vocals, another dudette on
drums/percussion, the third dudette handling lead vocals and this
flute-type thing, and the dude was on guitar. These little cuties
and the dude didn't get much time, only about 35 minutes as Stu
said, but in that short time I think they found a new group of fans.
See, it worked out kind of well for the band that Celine wasn't
really advertised with an opening act until about a week before the
show. With that, all of Celine's fans showed up promptly at 8:00 and
got the treat of The Corrs.
With a mix of Irish instrumentals and cool harmony-type songs,
the crowd was probably as
Jim Corr |
shocked as I was the first time that they had never heard of this
band before. They didn't run around much, granted they really didn't
have the room to with Celine's giant set behind curtain number one,
but the lead singer, Andrea Corr, and the rest of the band for that
matter, did all they could to make this big ol' outdoor venue as
intimate as possible for their music. And the crowd loved every
minute of it.
Hey, Stu, I don't say thank you much, but thank you for pointing
out The Corrs to me. And to whoever booked The Corrs as the opening
act for Celine Dion, thank you too, because I wondered what happened
to them since their CD was released, and now I know. Just, next
time, give me a little more notice, and maybe a slightly smaller
venue, and maybe an interview too!
Oh yea, I was so wrapped up in how much I like The Corrs show
that I almost forgot to rate them. Well, take a guess? It's TWO BIG
OL' THUMBS UP from me!
That's it for this one, I'm The Dude on the Right (that first
review was from Stu Gotz), and we both say "L8R!" |