Alan Jackson
Wade Hayes & Emilio
A Concert Review |
There I was, at work, trying to make the day go by,
when a friend of mine calls. What does he request of me? Well, he
says, "Dude, how would you like to go out and show my
girlfriend a good time?" I'm thinking to myself, "Self,
she's a pretty hot little number, and what's he trying to hide, and
who cares because I get to show her a good time!" I tell him,
"Sure," to which he replies. "Great, I have two
tickets for Alan Jackson, and you know how I don't like country, and
I know she is just dying to go to see him, and since I know I can
trust you with my girlfriend, I thought you might want to go."
Hopes and dreams dashed, he trusted me. Ah, but the night was young,
so, off to the Rosemont Horizon for a little country (and who knows
what else!)
We arrive at the show, a triple bill of Emilio, Wade Hayes, and
Alan Jackson. A little walking around, we find our seats right
behind this group of screaming teenagers, and Emilio takes the
Emilio is a new guy to the big name country circuit, but what
impressed me most was his stage presence - he was out there to have
a lot of fun, and that pushed his acceptance with the audience.
Really, as of the show, this guy only had one hit in "It's Not
the End of the World." But you know, he has a lot going for him
and showed a lot to the crowd of up-and-coming fans in his 25
minutes on stage. And my friend's girlfriend even liked him, well,
at least she said "They always wear tight pants -I like staring
at his butt." She didn't really like the "Hotel
California," and I have to kinda agree. Not that the song was
bad, but his up-front stage workings kept the crowd liking him even
if they didn't know the songs he was singing. Stick to your own
material, it's good enough to take you far. Emilio gets ONE THUMB UP
from me, and a stare at his butt from my friend's girlfriend.
Now, prices at the concession stands at the Rosemont Horizon can
really take their toll on a wallet, and mine was empty by the end of
Emilio. But alas, a savior beckoned me. A couple of seats down from
me and my friend's girlfriend was one of my other friend's
ex-girlfriends. Who better to borrow money from so I could buy more
drinks for my friend's girlfriend so maybe she would loosen up a
little and maybe get a little blurry-eyed and stare at my butt. It
was worth a shot.
So, a rush for some drink refills, and twenty minutes later
brought Wade Hayes. Now, the last time I saw Mr. Hayes was opening
up for Joe Diffie who opened up for Brooks and Dunn. It was either
his experience with them, or maybe he read my last review, but this
guy finally doesn't seem as scared up on stage in front of a bunch
of thousand of fans. A few more solid hits under his belt, he
highlighted all of them, and threw in a couple of new songs for the
screaming teenagers to, well, scream over. But, it was during one of
his "I was a rotten guy, please forgive me" songs that my
friend's girlfriend wouldn't stop commenting how men are pigs, they
never listen to your feelings, and should be banned from the face of
the earth. I thought the night was a bust, but then Wade busted into
"Where Do I Go To Start All Over," my friend's girlfriend
says "great, another sappy song," but then goes to me
"I'm all misty - hold me." Well, the song didn't last long
enough - no chance for me, and then she made the comment of "I
don't think he's wearin' underwear - those jeans are so tight."
Nope, it wasn't my butt, but Wade's.
Wade improved a lot since the last time. He's finally having fun,
running around the stage, and seems to not be afraid of being up on
that stage anymore. Good for him, but a little lacking still so only
ONE THUMB UP, better than the shrug last time. Oh yea, he also gets
a stare at his butt from my friend's girlfriend.
You meet some of the funnest/wackiest people at concerts. From my
friend's girlfriend next to me, to the screaming teens in front of
me, to a would be kamikaze blimp driver who loves Judas Priest as
well as Alan Jackson behind me. He wanted to drive the little Alan
Jackson blimp that was cruising around the inside of the Horizon and
crash it into people. Alright, it could be fun, but I had other
things to concentrate on, that is until right before Mr. Jackson
came on stage.
To my dismay, my friend's girlfriend still wouldn't look at my
butt, and then, out of the blue, she says "J.D.'s a God!"
with J.D. being a radio guy from US 99, the big country station here
in Chicago. He came on stage to introduce Alan Jackson, and thanks
to him, I had absolutely no chance of proving my friend wrong that
he could trust me. Thanks J.D., see if I listen to you again. Well,
I couldn't take anymore. I just wanted Alan Jackson to start.
And start he did.
Alan Jackson's part of this little evening was kinda like
watching Country Music Television while the artist sang the song in
your living room. Basically, the stage set-up was a very simple
stage with TV screens, big screens, and videos playing during just
about every one of Alan Jackson's hits.
Yep, a night of hits it was, from Chatahoochee (alright - I think
I spelled it wrong - I don't have a copy of his CD, but I think you
know what I mean) to "Livin' On Love," from "Tall
Tall Trees" to "Don't Rock the Jukebox." If it was an
Alan Jackson hit, it was probably played. Not that that's bad, it's
what the crowd wanted. and I guess he is kinda supporting a greatest
hits CD, so, it was a greatest hits show.
As an entertainer, Alan Jackson fits with the best of them. He
runs around the stage, had some of the sharpest video coverage on
the big screens, and knew how to work the crowd to love him even
more than hearing him on the radio. And now you're saying "I
hear a but coming along." Well, you're right. But, even though
fun, the videos tended to distract me from the music of the man, he
would probably be a hell of a lot more fun if he was running around
wireless, and, as nice as it is to bring opening acts and spotlight
them, Alan Jackson has more than enough material to support 2 hours
instead of a 1 1/2 hour show.
But you know, it's not me he really needed to please, but the
fans who came especially to see him, and from the teenagers in front
of me trying to start their own little mosh pit to my friend's
girlfriend who yes, commented that he had a nice butt, too, everyone
at the Rosemont Horizon had a good time. Yep, it's TWO THUMBS UP for
the Jackson man, and I don't mean Michael. And, oh yea, a stare at
his butt from my friend's girlfriend, who also commented "Those
red boots - they make the man!"
And so, all in all, a good evening. Lots of fun country music,
and in the end, it was my friend's girlfriend who showed me a good
time. Not that way - we just had fun and my friend can still trust
me with his girlfriend, at least until next time when I'm wearing
red boots and tight jeans! |