A Concert Review |
I must apologize right at the start
of this review because sadly it won’t be as much of a concert
review as I would have liked. Read on and you will understand. My
life is so difficult sometimes. The Dude on the Right.
I like Poe, always have. First introduced with the CD
"Hello," well, the first time I got to see her was
sandwiched as an opening act between
The Refreshments and Seven Mary
Three. As good as she was there, I really wanted to see her
again but I kept screwing it up. So, I patiently waited for Poe to come back. It took awhile, then her
latest CD "Haunted" came out, and, well, I missed her a
few times again. Then I found out she was opening for Depeche Mode
and said to myself "Self, don’t miss her this time. You like
the new CD, like the old CD, it’s time for you to see Poe and get
some photos too." I just wish my seeing her had been as
exciting as my hearing her. I guess I should just be a prick
sometimes instead of playing by the rules. Here we go…
Poe was opening for Depeche Mode at The Tweeter Center outside of
Chicago. The show was supposed to start at 8PM, and knowing things
aren’t always set up like they are supposed to be, well, I got to
the venue about 6:45. All was well with my Depeche Mode clearance,
but there was also supposed to be a photo pass for Poe as well, and
it wasn’t at will-call yet. The nice lady said to give it about 15
or 20 minutes and check again. So, well, I did. I was polite,
checked back again, and still nothing. "Check back about
7:30." 7:30 rolls around and still nothing, but this time I’m
told things are all set, meet my escort at 7:45, stage right, and I’ll
be escorted to the photo pit.
I’m patiently waiting the few minutes until 7:45, when, low and
behold, Poe comes onstage. The prick in me says to blow past the
security dudette (yea, like she could have really stopped me – it
was the dudes at the photo pit that I knew could kick my ass), but
maybe I could have talked my way into the photo pit. The security
dudette wouldn’t let me go so I found another dudette with a
security radio, but, well, my escort was nowhere to be found. Poe is
going through a great version of "Terrible Thought", I can
see her bouncing around on the stage, and I’m quickly thinking my
review is going to be from a really bad spot off the side of the
Second song, "Control," and Poe and her band are really
working the crowd which has just started to fill in. The crowd is
responding, Poe is sounding great even in the echo chamber that can
be The Tweeter Center, and still no escort. Word comes from the
dudette’s radio that my escort is on the way, and still, playing
by the rules, knew that with the start of the third song, a really
kick-ass version of "Hey Pretty" from "Haunted,"
well, please give me at least 30 seconds to get a shot (you only get
three songs to shoot a band usually). I did a 30 second shoot for
James Brown once, I can do it for Poe. Finally my escort arrived, I’m
down the ramp to the photo pit, and I’ve got maybe 15 seconds to
the end of the third song. Sadly Poe is crouched down, staring at,
well, I think was the record mixer dude, and all I really have is a
good shot at her butt. Pissed that my escort took so long, and maybe
more pissed because I didn’t just force the issue and get myself
into the photo pit sooner, I can’t believe I missed taking a
picture of Poe’s butt, but as "Hey Pretty" was
finishing, well, Poe came back to the microphone and left me with
this shot.
15 seconds into my photo shoot and my photo shoot is over. Now I’m
back at my lousy spot, stage right, to finally relax and enjoy Poe.
She pulled into "Haunted," probably my favorite song off
of her latest CD, the Poe fans definitely responded with "Angry
Johnny," and her wrap-up with "5 & ½ Minute
Hallway" left me saying to myself "Self, next time wait
for her to be the headliner, next time force the issue more, and I
guess, next time, just be a prick if you need to be."
Poe’s set was great, even from a bad spot at the side of the
stage. By starting early she ended up able to give extended versions
of songs and was able to give six songs instead what probably would
have been three. She knew how to work the crowd, even jumping into
the audience, helping a sing-a-long, and there was a stage presence
that, well, even though she was the opening act, she’s really
getting to the headlining stage. The set also showed how her music
can blend from the mystical, to the dance, to pop. Poe was able to
show this with only six songs and it will be great to see her when
the full time can be her own.
I’m sorry for the rant about the photo problems but it really
ate into my enjoyment of seeing Poe again. I’m sure
my next time will be better and for this one Poe gets "TWO ‘I
can’t believe I didn’t take a photo of her butt’ THUMBS
That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!! |