Kid Rock
A Concert Review |
Well it’s a good thing there were two opening acts (Buckcherry
and Fuel) for the Kid Rock show at the Allstate Arena. The Dude on
the Right was running late picking me up for the show. His excuse,
"I got about halfway here and realized I forgot my
camera." Now seeing as he is the photographer, this is kinda
like a fireman getting halfway to a fire and forgetting to bring a
hose, or a reviewer forgetting to bring something to take notes on.
It actually worked out OK. We ended up getting the last spot in the
parking lot, right on the exit. No getting stuck in the lot for
hours after the show for us. I guess sometimes it pays to be a
little late.
The opening acts both did a decent job. Buckcherry played about a
half hour set to about a half full house most of who were jockeying
for position on the floor or trying to scam a seat. This is where I
come in. As I mentioned, we were running a little late. I got to my
seat about 10 minutes into Buckcherry’s set to find both my and
The Dude on the Right’s seats taken. After some whining and crying
a group of about eight kids got up and wandered off into someone
else’s seats. The crowd was a strange mix of bikers, hip-hop kids
with baggy pants and bad haircuts, and metal chicks with short
skirts and big… heels. Buckcherry ended their set with "Lit
Up," which was about the only song that really aroused any
interest from the crowd. Fuel played about a 45 minute set that
ending with their hit "Hemorrhage." Both bands provided a
good show and background music for the crowd before Kid Rock would
hit the stage.
For this show, rather than your standard set-change, the Q101
morning DJ and his wacky zoo crew did a little song and dance
between each of the sets. He came out with his sidekicks and a group
of strippers and midgets (No, Howard Stern was in LA this week so
don’t think it was him). He also trotted out a disturbing array of
"freaks." One guy, "T2," had only one eye and
proceeded to pour beer into his eye socket and spit it out his
mouth. He also put a flashlight in his mouth and you could see the
light shining out the eye socket. Another guy put a long needle into
a woman’s neck and licked the blood from said neck. For me the one
entertaining point of this whole thing was the guy juggling flaming
bowling balls. I guess that’s just me.
Finally it was time for the Kid.
Kid Rock puts on just the kind of show I expected. It started
with Kid rising from below the stage; all decked out in his
pimp-daddy, full-length, white mink coat and hat, and started the
night off with "American Bad Ass." Some of my high points
of the show were his version of "Jumpin’ Jack Flash" and
then "Devil Without a Cause" where a giant banner of Joe
C. dropped behind the stage. It made me want to pour out some of my
4 0 for the fallen homey. Kid Rock paid a little homage to the
source of some of his beats with the Fleetwood Mac intro into
"Wasting Time," while the coolest song I think he did was
a little blues solo called "If I was President." I think
if the people of Florida heard this song we’d have another recount
because some of Kid’s campaign promises included:
- He’d turn all the churches into strip clubs and watch the
whole country pray
- He’d give the State of the Union Address smoking a joint a
mile high in Air Force One.
- And he’d put cameras in the Lincoln bedroom so everyone could
watch him get down.
Kid gave his long time friend and DJ, Uncle Kracker, the
spotlight for a while during the show too. Kracker did a song from
his new album (which just happens to be on Kid Rock’s Top Dog
Label) called "Heaven," the chorus of which goes something
like: "If heaven ain’t a lot like Detroit, I don’t wanna go…
Just send me to hell or Salt Lake City, It would be about the same
to me," and then Kid brought out one of his musical influences,
David Allan Coe, who helped out Kid during "You Never Even
Called Me By My Name." Now as much as this got the older biker
guys in my section up and singing, all you youngins who cheer for
Mr. Coe here’s a little hint - the line he’s asking you to sing
towards the end of the song goes "She got runned over by a
damned old train." That should be close enough in a concert
The set ended with "Only God Knows Why" and a change of
tempo version of "Cowboy," and then Kid Rock emerged for
an encore of "Bawitdaba," riding a Harley and wearing a
sequined Uncle Sam getup.
My guess is none of these bands will ever be asked to play at a
DARE event because one of the major themes of the night was, well,
drugs. You had references to pot, acid, ecstasy, mescaline, and
cocaine made by all three bands.
Even so, Kid Rock’s stage show
The stage was impressive, backed by a giant, American flag, a couple
of Budweiser neon lights, and Detroit Tiger’s logos. There were
lots of fireworks, explosions, confetti and big jets of fire (FIRE,
FIRE, FIRE…). Kid does a nice job of changing up his songs and
really playing them live so you don’t get the feeling you’re
just listening to him go through the songs exactly as they were
recorded. And finally, of course, the best parts of the show, aside
from the songs, were the hot go-go dancers grinding away in cages on
both sides of the stage. They get ONE BIG APPENDAGE UP.
‘Till next time I’m The Dude on the Left. Hang Loose.