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Bob Seger
and The Silver Bullet Band
A Concert Review
[More Photos From the Show]

May 11, 1996

The Rosemont Horizon

Rosemont, IL

A Review and Photos by
The Dude on the Right
It was a cool Autumn night, and I was off to see Bob Seger and The Silver Bullet Band at the Rosemont Horizon. Alright, it was the middle of May, but what's the deal with the weather? Bob Seger Photo 1 It was cold outside, and as I stood in line outside, I was cold. Someone's playing with the weather dominator again because this just ain't right. I want to go golfing, I want to go swimming, I want… well, I want a lot, but what I wanted most that night was to see Bob Seger, and it almost didn't happen.

For the second time in a week, my tickets weren't at will-call where they were supposed to be. Nope, shut-out again, and I feared that this review was going to be based on the three songs I got to take pictures for at the beginning of the show. Luckily, the right person was found, who, although couldn't come up with tickets (Seger sold out another show on this tour), came up with not the greatest location, but gave me a little more insight into the production aspect of putting on a show.

Bob Seger is back on tour supporting his "It's A Mystery" CD, and you know, as I watched the crowd, and I watched Bob Seger, I kinda felt bad for some of the youth of today. Why? I'll get to that later.

Seger is 51, and if I'm in as good of shape as he seems to be now when I'm 41, at this point it might just be a miracle. Coming out looking like the hard-working man he has always been, Bob kicked into "Roll Me Away," his new single "Lock and Load," and a virtual playlist of some of his everlasting rock & roll classics and new material which might not be classics, but have that same appeal to the hard working men and women of the world. And I think they were all in the crowd because I haven't seen that many union jackets since the last Teamster's convention!

Yep, Seger hasn't lost his touch for the ways of the working man. He took some time off to "find" himself, and what I see is he found the same man he used to be, maybe a little older, maybe a little wiser,Bob Seger  Photo 2 but still knowing the men and women who built the world did it with blood and sweat. And his songs, and his singing, still reflect that.

It's funny, growing up I remember the working man's singers. People like Springsteen and Seger always seemed to connect with a guy who drives a truck, works on cars, loves (and sometimes ogles) women, but also loves their country, loves their wife, and busts their ass for a days pay. Springsteen seems to be going through his own "finding" himself phase right now, but I'm really glad Seger came around to reality - Bruce, take a look - your future is in your past - take a lesson from Bob Seger and come back to the rock & roll that you helped pave. I'm sorry, I'm straying from the show.

It's not really hard to explain a Bob Seger show, it's basically rock & roll at it's finest. With a supporting cast of many on stage, Bob recruited some members of Little Feat (Shaun Murphy and Bill Payne I believe), some of the Grand Funk Railroad, and fine, I'm not perfect, and don't know the guy's name, but the sax player was unbelievable. And the rest of the band kicked butt too.

After all of these years, his fans still love him, and Bob Seger looked, on stage, like he was having the time of his life. His smile showed amazement and fun, and the entire band pounced around the stage having as much fun as Bob. As songs like "The Horizontal Bop" and "Katmandu" rangBob Seger Photo 3 through the Horizon, the people were dancing in the isles, and the thousands of fanshaven't forgotten any of the words either.

But it was in the middle of the show that I wondered something. As the first notes of "Turn the Page" began to ring, I tried to think of any rock anthems that the youth of the world will have to turn to, or any bands they will get to still love, twenty years from now. I tried to think of current bands who will have the staying power to still have a legion of fans in the future, and just couldn't come up with any. Maybe I'm wrong, but there have been just too many "one album wonders" and no one to take on the world for the next twenty years. Alright, enough editorial shit.

Bob Seger may not have always had the most thought-provoking lyrics, but I'm glad he "found" himself and hit the concert and CD road again. One of the better performers, he hasn't lost touch with the fans who loved him, and has probably picked up a few new fans along the way. Bob Seger gets TWO BIG THUMBS UP from this reviewer! The crowd seemed to have as much fun as was possible, and also appreciated that Seger stayed in touch with them through the years.

Thank you Bob Seger, for showing that Rock & Roll never does forget, and if you want to see what rock & roll is about, Bob Seger and his band will help teach you.

That's it for this one!  I'm The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!


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