A Concert Review |
Dude Note: As I sometimes tend to do
for concert reviews I get long-winded and maybe give you
more about the experience than you really care to read
about. If all you want is to read about the show
itself, it's in the The Best, Acoustic, Bar Band in the World: Shaw/Blades
of this review. Otherwise, happy reading!
The Trials and Tribulations Photographers Go Through
As fan of live music, Joe’s is as good as any venue to see
a show, and I was really looking forward to seeing
Shaw/Blades there. As a photographer, though, Joe’s is
tricky because there isn’t a photo pit so you have three
options: Push your way to the front of the crowd and
probably piss off fans who got there when the doors opened
who may or may not let you in their spot for a few songs;
Shoot from the back of the venue; or get there when the
doors open, about two hours before the headliner comes on,
to secure your spot against the stage. Sadly I was one car
crash (not mine) from getting there when the doors opened.
So after way too long in traffic, I eventually made my
way to Joe’s, let the valet take my car (which proved to be
a mistake), and found myself about three deep away from the
stage, with an hour and half before showtime. The thing was,
at first, it wasn’t bad because it seemed like it was a
shorter-than-me convention of people in front of me, with
the average height about 5’5", and with my gargantuan
tallness of 5’10" I could easily shoot pictures over them.
To the right of me was a cute dudette about my height, but
so far she wasn’t a problem, until the 6’2" boyfriend of the
girl in front of me showed up, and suddenly all of my camera
sightlines were gone. Eavesdropping on conversations now,
wondering if I would have to schmooze my way a little
closer, the dudette next to me seemed really happy to be so
close to the stage. Then, to my surprise, her boyfriend drug
her away, to hang with his friend in the back, and suddenly
there I was, technically in the second row, with a nice
sightline on the Jack Blades’ side. I suppose I’ll have to
see them again (which I would happily do) to get decent
pictures of Tommy Shaw.
Now it was just time to wait, see the opening singer dude
simply named Murph, and then, when Shaw/Blades started, the
photographer in me simply said "Why does Jack get the red
spotlight and Tommy get the white spot? God I hate red
spotlights." But first Murph.
A Dude Simply Named "Murph"
So 8:30 rolls around, and after earlier finding out
was opening for Shaw/Blades I wondered what he would be
about, and it turns out Murph likes to do covers, from the
80’s and the 90’s, just him and his acoustic guitar, only he
does covers you don’t normally hear. There was some "Down
Under" by Men at Work, "Don’t Stop Believin’" from Journey,
and the crowd did their "tee hee" parts during Michael
Jackson’s "Billy Jean." When "Jessie’s Girl" started one of
the cute dudettes in the dudette pack next to me got a
little too excited, spilling her friend’s drink on their
jackets which they decided that the bar floor was the best
place to store them, but the highlight of the evening was,
as Murph put it, the most romantic song ever, and he
proceeded to play the Adam Sandburg/Justin Timberlake smash,
"Dick in a Box." How’s that for a cover!?!
Intermixed with the those covers, Murph played an
original, which sounded pretty good, and my advice to Murph
is that as much as you were spotlighting cover songs to keep
the crowd into you for your 45 minute set, you could easily
have dropped "No Woman, No Cry," and spotlighted another of
your tunes. It’s Two Thumbs Up for Murph.
The Best, Acoustic, Bar Band in the World: Shaw/Blades
As Murph was done with his set it was time for an
intimate setting to be created for one Tommy Shaw and one
Jack Blades. The microphone stands (complete with groovy
swag) were set; the stools were placed properly; the couches
were ready for fans to get an on-stage experience; incense
was lit, as were some candles; travel mugs, simply labeled
"J B" and "T S", with a steaming beverage, were placed on
their respective end tables; an intro video was played; and
out came Jack, Tommy, and Will Evankovich (for some
background guitar and vocal support). They took their
respective stools and kicked into exactly why the fans were
there – hearing fabulous harmonies and acoustic guitar work
on rock classics many have grown to love through the years,
intermixed with storytelling by rock veterans who have seen,
pretty much, it all.
I don’t even really know where to start, other than for
the first three songs I was concentrating on my photo
taking, wishing Jack Blades had the white spotlight and not
Tommy Shaw, wishing a car crash wouldn’t have slowed my
drive (because now one of the dudettes from the dudette pack
to the right of me was trying to creep in front of me and
into my photo sightline), and remembering Tommy Shaw telling
a story about Paco, intro-ing a song from Shaw/Blades first
CD, Hallucination, which, from my brief internet
investigation, I have to assume was "Down That Highway." But
with my photo duties done I departed from my up-front
location to a cozy spot near the back soundboard, and was
able to enjoy every story, and more than that, fully
appreciate the show Shaw/Blades was putting on.
With the first three songs complete, the boys kicked into
some Yes covering "Your Move," a fabulous song to harmonize
to, and then worked into a crowd sing-a-long with Simon & Garfunkel’s "I Am A Rock" where lyrics were forgotten and
Tommy Shaw blamed it on too much pot that was smoked back
The Buffalo Springfield classic, "For What It’s Worth,"
let Tommy showcase his "Dreamgirls" talent kicking from the
last "Stop," into "Stop in the Name of Love," and the "giant
photo" portion of the night showed a lovely picture of Tommy
back in his younger days, and a nicely placed Washington
Monument during a trip to Washington D.C. This little
interlude really showcased that this concert wasn’t going to
be all about the music, but having fun with each other could
also happen at any time. As Steely Dan’s "Dirty Work" and
Damn Yankees "High Enough" finished, I also realized this
would also be a night of lots of guitar solos, with Tommy
usually taking that role.
Impromptu things also like to happen at a Shaw/Blades
show, and that set list isn’t always adhered to (much to the
dismay of the dude who was running the lights for the show),
with one deviation being driven from the Howard Stern fan
base as someone yelled for the boys to play "When I See Beth
Smiling," with the boys graciously obliging (For some quick
history on this for those of you non-Howard listeners:
Howard Stern has a fiancé named Beth and a listener, Lonny
Heckman, wrote a
pretty sappy song titled "When I See Beth Smiling." When
Shaw/Blades were scheduled for an appearance on Howard they
were asked if they could cover it, but they decided to
change the lyrics a bit making the song pretty funny.
Personally I think the boys should record the song, with
their new lyrics and toss it up on iTunes, which would
probably give the dude who originally wrote the song, who’s
life is a little busted up, the dream of a lifetime to have
a songwriting credit with Tommy and Jack, but I’m sorry, I
digress…{Dude follow-up note: Lonny Heckman sadly passed
away on November 27, 2007 from kidney failure
complications.}). With the Howard fans now happy, and the
non-Howard fans getting a kick out of the song, it was back
to cover-time with a great version of "Sister Christian"
into a great medley that included "Carry On," "Foolin’
Yourself" and "Love the One You’re With" as well as another
kick-butt guitar jam.
"California Dreamin" brought another crowd sing-a-long,
and "Lucky Man" rounded out the set. Encore-time brought
more set list deviation with a fantastic "Crystal Ball," I
didn’t have to wonder who would be singing along with "Don’t
Tell Me You Love Me" because it was pretty much everyone,
and the show wrapped up with "Blue Collar Man."
As I was standing there thinking about it, as the night
came to a close, Shaw/Blades was kinda like a way-too-good
bar band because the night wasn’t really about their own
music. Sure there were some Styx, Night Ranger, and Damn
Yankees stuff, but technically, I believe, the only
Shaw/Blades song was "Down That Highway" from the
Hallucination days. They also did, as any good bar band with
a CD for sale does, some great harping that "We’ve got CD’s,
hats, and shirts for sale in the back. Please pick some up
on your way out!"
If you are a fan of music at its simplest, with two very
talented dudes on guitar and harmonizing to lots of classic
songs (and Ivan did great supporting our two dudes), might I
highly recommend you check out Shaw/Blades latest CD,
Influence, and for God’s sake, check out their live show. If
you ask for it they’ll hopefully play "When I See Beth
Smiling" because it wasn’t on their set list when I saw
them, and I loved the story about Ted Nugent not wanting to
leave the stage during the Damn Yankees’ days. For
Shaw/Blades it’s Two "Nice Roller Skates, Tommy" Thumbs Up!
If you see them in concert, and they share some pictures
with you, you’ll understand.
A Valet Nightmare, Sort Of
So at the beginning of this review I mentioned that
letting the valet take my car proved to be a mistake, and
I’ll bet you were reading that entire review wondering why?
Weren’t you? Mind you it’s nothing completely horrible, like
they didn’t lose my car or anything, but thinking I was cool
beans, and knowing "Blue Collar Man" would be the last song,
the instant the lights came up I was by the exit, on
my way to give my ticket to the valet dude to get my car
back, only the valet dude was nowhere to be found. Finally
he appears and by now there’s a group of about ten of us
waiting to get our cars. The dude takes all of our tickets,
gives us our stubs, and then wrestles up the keys, giving
handfuls of keys to the boys actually getting the cars. Some
cars show up, people leave, more people come out giving the
head dude their tickets and more keys keep getting shoved to
the boys getting the cars. Again some cars show up, people
leave, more people come out giving the head dude their
tickets and more keys keep getting shoved to the boys
getting the cars. And again some cars show up, people leave,
more people come out giving the head dude their tickets and
more keys keep getting shoved to the boys getting the cars.
And I’m still standing there, more and more people get
their cars, but still no dude-mobile. And again I’m still
standing there, more and more people get their cars, but
still no dude-mobile. And then I look and realize that an
hour has gone by, there’s only three of us left, I’m
shivering because I left my coat in my car rather than
letting drinks spill on it, I now have visions that my car
was stolen/towed/wouldn’t start so skippy just kept getting
other cars, and I ask the head valet dude "Hey, buddy,
what’s going on?" Then, of course, here comes the
dude-mobile. Here I was thinking I was so cool being the
first in line to get my car back, I guess karma came back to
bite me in the ass. At least the concert was great.
That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!!
Oh Wait! One Final Thing Since This Review is Already
Long as Hell
To the cute dudette who had the good spot in front of the
stage before your boyfriend took you away, if you are
reading this, the band that did the version of "Blinded by
the Light" that the DJ played is Manfred Mann’s Earth Band.
Of course we all know the song was originally from Bruce
Springsteen’s "Greetings from Asbury Park, N.J.," and the
lyrics isn’t "wrapped up like a douche," but actually should
be "cut loose like a deuce." You should have asked the dude
who was singing along, who was me, and yes, I was
eavesdropping on your conversation. |