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Fired Up
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Starring: A whole bunch of people whose names I don't recognize
MPAA Rated: PG-13
Released By: Screen Gems
Web Site:
Directed By: Will Gluck:
Produced By: Matthew Gross, Peter Jaysen, Charles Weinstock

Fired Up
A Movie Preview

Preview Only

MPAA Rated - PG-13

It's ? Long
Release Date: 02/20/09

A Preview by
The Dude on the Right
In a premise that has all of the promise of naked cheerleaders, here's a movie that is rated PG-13 which means, well, you can instantly drop the "naked" part and insert "scantily clad" cheerleaders.  This simple plot is that these two football dudes don't want to have to deal with football camp, so, well, they head to cheerleader camp, where, yup, there are tons of hot chicks, and they think they have their pick of them.  Then, of course, there is falling for a girl, another girl who figures out their plan, and stupid hilarity is supposed to ensue.

I wish I could get more excited about a cheerleader movie, but this one just seems totally stupid.  Maybe I'm wrong, but I do know that if I'm going to see this movie it will have to be with Stu Gotz and not my BFF because, well, the cheerleader storyline will probably just give her bad flashbacks, that and the fact she wouldn't ever go and see a teen comedy about scantily clad cheerleaders being oggled by two jock-dudes.

That's it for this preview!  I'm The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!


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