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As I am up too early this morning on a Saturday and somehow found myself watching VH1, they are actually playing music videos. On the screen pops “50 Ways to Say Goodbye,” the hit by the group Train that somehow rightly decided that it needed trumpets in it, and wouldn’t you know it, there’s David Hasselhoff on the screen in the video. The other day I was wondering to myself, “Self, I wonder what The Hoff is doing these days?” Now I know. The song, however, is a fun little ditty about breaking up with a girlfriend, listing a bunch of ways that she finds her demise including getting fried by a suntan and running into a shark in the water. The disappointing thing about the song is that it doesn’t actually list 50 ways to say goodbye, only having about 11 or 12 (I lost count), but my favorites are dancing to death in an east side night club and getting run over by a crappy purple Scion. One of the ways to say goodbye, however, doesn’t really make sense, the one about falling in a cement mixer full of quicksand, but hey, the song has trumpets in it, and thinking about it, none of the examples are really ways to say goodbye, but who’s being picky?
In any case, as I think about cars and with the tune still bouncing in my head, I was trying to recollect if I’ve actually ever seen a crappy, purple Scion, and so I plight: Have you ever seen a crappy, purple Scion?
That’s it for this plight! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!