How Did I Live Without TV for So Long?


The Dude on the Right

If you’ve been reading my blog the last couple of days you know that I was
without my cable TV and good internet access for, it turned out, two entire
days.  The operative word there is "was" because about an hour ago the
cable technician rang my doorbell, I told him I have nothing, he went outside,
and low and behold everything was working again.  He came back in, I asked
him what was the problem, and he said that in the box outside my cable line was
marked "Disconnected," and was, well, disconnected.  He asked if there was
a billing problem, to which I told him there wasn’t, and the best guess we both
could come up with was because there have been a rash of old people moving and
new people moving in at my townhouse area, maybe the technician who came to
disconnect someone who had moved out, well, he disconnected me instead. 
That means some lucky bastard neighbor is getting cable TV for free, while I had
to endure two days of nothing, probably could have won the BINGO game on Friday
night, and was getting panic attacks worried I was going to miss the final
episode of "The Sopranos" (I’m thinking Tony finds himself making a deal with
the feds at an ice cream shop in Jersey at the end of the show, but that’s only
because there was all the hubba-baloo about a town not issuing a permit for
filming at an ice cream shop in New Jersey, which was going to be the final
scene, and then they issued the permit, unless, of course, that was just a
diversion for the real ending where Carmella runs off to Italy with Furio).

any case, I am back in the land of technology, so now I really have no excuses
as to not posting new stuff, although I was sort of getting used to not having
watching TV as a diversion.  Maybe after "The Sopranos" I should just
cancel my cable TV altogether?  What the hell am I saying?  I’m sure,
after tonight, I’ll be back in the land of TV glory, just not brilliant TV glory
yet because I haven’t broken down into the HDTV world.

In any case, it’s back
to my normally scheduled programs, although, so far this summer, there aren’t

That’s it for this one! 
I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!