What’s New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up! Meeting the Parents, Minor League Baseball, Movie Talk, and a Dirty Health Scare.

Suddenly both Stu Gotz and The Dude on the Right have a lot to talk about for

their "Weekend Wrap-Up" podcast
, complete with an exciting topic like doing
some painting in the garage for The Gotz family.  The Dude gives Stu his
movie recommendations, and there is also talk of a skin blotch scare.  Stu
blew out another hard drive on a computer, Stu also re-remembered how much fun a
minor league baseball game could be, and The Dude tells Stu the tales of his
meeting some of the family of his BFF, and how a Father’s Day gathering for his
BFF family is way-different than any family gathering at The Dude’s family
household, both being good in their own kind of way.