What’s New? A Podcast of: The W.G.N. is Here, Football Talk, Paris Hilton Talk, Storms and The Olympics!

For this podcast
The W.G.N. reunites with The Dude on the Right to talk
about many a thing.  Sure, there’s football talk, with wonderings about
Brett Favre going the The New York Jets, The Chicago Bears lack of a quarterback
issue between Kyle Orton and Rex Grossman, and The W.G.N.’s continued love for
Cleveland teams.  But they also talk about Paris Hilton’s political
aspirations, the desire to watch The Olympics, and stormage down in
Houston-town.  There are a few more topics of conversation, but hey, why
give a synopsis if you are going to give all of the good stuff away.  Just
go ahead and

listen to the podcast
, they don’t talk too long.

The W.G.N. is Here, Football Talk, Paris Hilton Talk, Storms and The Olympics!


The Dude on the Right

For this podcast
The W.G.N. is back, and I’m really starting to like
spending podcast time with him because, well, he’s The W.G.N.!  There are
many things we can talk about, but what the hell, let’s start things out with
some football talk, some Brett Favre now being a New York Jet talk, and the fact
Chicago doesn’t have a definite quarterback, at least not yet, in the likes of
Kyle Orton nor Rex Grossman talk (although I am partial to liking Mr. Orton). 
We both agree that Aaron Rogers in Green Bay is going to have some huge shoes to

And speaking of shoes, Paris Hilton has nice ones on as
announces her energy policy
, and even though The W.G.N. is tired of
politics, he might just check out Ms. Hilton’s plans for painting The White

Neither of us seem to be that interested in The Olympics, The W.G.N.
thought the latest hurricane to hit Houston was kind of girly, and mostly the
roads just got puddly.

The W.G.N. does need to rant about some earbuds he
bought for his iPhone, and he lets it fly, and me, being his elder, gives him
some advice on the next step in his disagreement with the manufacturer.

this podcast also includes more, so…

Thanks for listening!

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

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The DVD Review Catch-Ups Have Begun!


The Dude on the Right

As I work into the realm of getting more DVD review copies to, well, review, I
took it upon myself this week to work on catching up on some that I got sent to
me in the last month or so.  So, without further ado, DVD reviews have been
posted recently of the made-for-TV version of

"The Andromeda Strain"
(it’s so a TV movie, with lots of plot able to be
solved in the last few minutes of the DVD and "here would be a commercial break"

"The Lather Effect,"
(which in urban slang mode should have been called "The
Shampoo Effect," and has a whole lot of talking and doesn’t give you the
greatest song ever, though it works for the movie), and

"It’s A Boy Girl Thing,"
(a "trading bodies" movie with every cliché you can
imagine yet still gives some fun parts).  I’ve got a couple of horror movie
DVD’s to finish up, one about traveling that I got out of the blue, and then
it’s to my Netflix queue and hopefully a return to reviewing all of the CD’s and
videos I have.

That’s it for this one! 
I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

What’s New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up! Movie-ing, Salespeople-ing, Turtle-ing, Food-ing, but No Twittering (yet).

For this episode of

Stu & The Dude’s "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast
, during the written synopsis The
Dude on the Right becomes obsessed about Twitter and twittering, but thankfully
for the actual podcast he just talks about his weekend – spending some time with
his BFF while she did some car shopping, they had dinner at Carnivale, and went
to see "Swing Vote."  Stu Gotz’s weekend was kind of boring, although he
did have a turtling issue, solved with a trip to Starbucks, and tries to corrupt
The Dude with a visit to Stu’s local Apple Store and some lunch at Ricobene’s. 
Stu can be a bad influence on The Dude, but Stu is thinking The Dude has found a
good influence in The Dude’s BFF.

Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up! Movie-ing, Salespeople-ing, Turtle-ing, Food-ing, but No Twittering (yet).


The Dude on the Right

This podcast of Stu & The Dude’s "Weekend Wrap-Up!"
begins with Stu Gotz’s
explanation of what

is, which he had going on at a Starbucks, to which I incorrectly
reference it as something about a gopher when actually I meant

"prairie doggin"
it, a term I was introduced to during the movie

"Rat Race."
  But enough about animals, my weekend, as has been
happening lately, included time with my BFF where car shopping was the order of
the day, I ordered a pork chop with some fufu when we went to dinner at
Carnivale, and
with no time to watch the "Blazing Saddles" DVD, we did go and see

"Swing Vote"
together.  Stu is becoming delighted with my BFF and her
influence on me.

Stu’s weekend wasn’t very exciting, just catching up on some
things around the Gotz house, but he tries to entice me to visit the Apple Store
near him for a total "why I should buy an Apple" class, and also temps me for
lunch at
for a breaded steak dripping with red sauce, mozzarella, and for
me, sweet peppers, with of course, their fabulous fries.  Do I cave in? 
The podcast might answer those questions.

And finally, I try to explain to Stu
why I’ll be seeing

"Pineapple Express"
this weekend, and hope an

old review of Melissa Etheridge
doesn’t ruin my chances to cover one of her
shows this week in Chicago.  I also tell Stu that maybe I should be
twittering, because, well, I ran into a dudette in the elevator who was
twittering and asked me if I twittered, and lately it seems likes blogs and
podcasts aren’t cool anymore, that the hip people twitter, and I so want to be
hip.  If I were twittering, right now I could twitter that I’m writing my
podcast synopsis and it includes talk about twittering.  Then later I could
twitter how I posted this podcast which included talk about twittering. 
And then later than that, if the weather forecast holds, I could twitter that we
are getting deluged by a big thunderstorm.  And then later still, I could
twitter that I survived our big thunderstorm.  And then later than later
still, I could twitter that I am going to bed.  And then during the night,
if I have a dream, I could wake up and twitter about it.  Now I’m almost
wishing I was twittering because I would twitter about how I’m wondering how I
could incorporate my tweets (those are Twitter postings, as if you didn’t know)
instantly into Entertainment Ave!  What the hell am I thinking?  I
haven’t even finished building our virtual

"Entertainment Ave!" in Second Life
yet, and now I’m thinking of twittering? 
Although if I were twittering I could twitter about wondering if I should be
twittering instead of building our virtual bar in Second Life.  Maybe I
should just concentrate on reviewing concerts again, although if I were
twittering I could twitter about how I should concentrate on reviewing concerts
again. Ugh!!!!

Please just listen to the podcast.! I promise I don’t talk nearly as much about twittering as I have written in this synopsis.

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

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What’s New? A Movie Review of “Swing Vote.”

The Dude on the Right still hates people, but for

his review of "Swing Vote,"
he doesn’t explain why.  His hating people
has nothing to do with the movie itself (though somewhat about people coming to
see a movie), has nothing to do about voting, and in his own twisted way, The
Dude almost wishes he could be the vote to decide the President of The United
States because, well, he would also want to see the "War Room" on Air Force One,
find out if
President’s Secret Book"
is real, if there is a secret treasure underneath
Wall St., and, if The President had any chance of wanting to get his vote, The
Dude would want full access to Area 51, because, well, who wouldn’t?

All that said, The Dude can state, right now, that

"Swing Vote"
has the funniest/twisted/wrong fake "political commercial" he
has seen, that has made him laugh, is a long time, and even though he give it 4
stars out of 5, he still recommends that you just might want to save your money
and see it as a rental or on cable.  The crazy thing is that the "political
commercials" from the movie will still be topical for years to come, as always,
in the wrong way.

What’s New? A Podcast of: A Contest, iPhone Talk, and Hints for Beggars.

The Dude on the Right ended up flying solo for this podcast, but even if The WGN isn’t there to help him through a Thursday, The Dude just looks to set up a contest about farts, wishes America had more talents about whistling, and thinks he can sing S.O.S. better than Pierce Brosnan. The Dude, sadly, is more fixated on people begging for money.

A Contest, iPhone Talk, and Hints for Beggars.


The Dude on the Right

This was supposed to be

a podcast with The WGN
, but he got sidetracked due to some stuff with his
main girl.  With his not being able to podcast, well, I turned a portion of
this podcast into a contest, where if, after listening to the podcast, you are
the first person that I don’t know who uses the comments section of this
podcast page to fill in, correctly, the blank of the portion of the saying that
is missing for this podcast, well, if you actually leave me real contact
information with your answer, and if your are the first to do so, and  "Did
I mention the first person to actually comment the correct phrase wins?", well,
I’ll send you a free shirt & hat.  Yay for maybe you!

This podcast,
though, isn’t just about winning things, it’s also about my loving my iPhone and
"Shazam," how whistlers don’t have "America Having Talent," but I do give those
of you, looking to be beggers, peddlers, or hoping to base your money-making
scam of "My Family Needs Gas", well, a better idea of how to make a few more

And what would a podcast be without some Pierce Brosnan singing a song
from the "Mamma Mia!" soundtrack.

Thanks for listening!

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

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What’s New? Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up! Baseball, A Carnival, and Dogs.

might just be a first, but for

their "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast
neither The Dude on the Right nor
Stu Gotz saw a movie, and as such, can’t give you a movie review of anything
(although both of them will probably see

"Swing Vote"
next weekend).  They did, though, both see a Chicago White
Sox and Chicago Cub’s baseball game during the week, where The Dude’s BFF wasn’t
mortified at meeting any of The Dude’s friends (even at the Cub’s game where
some of them were slightly over-served), and Stu has found out that one of his
sons might be a future roller coaster enthusiast.  The boys also talk about
dogs and fish, and as Stu gives his scientific theory on boobies, well, he might
as well apply for a grant for further study because if someone can get a grant
to study the correlation between pedestrian accidents while texting, why not
give one to study the correlation of growth hormones and boobies?

Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up! Baseball, A Carnival, and Dogs.


The Dude on the Right

this is different.  Normally the

"Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast
with Stu Gotz talks a lot about movies, but,
oddly enough, this weekend had neither of us actually going to see a movie, and
both of us are tired.  Yup, there’s only a little "Step Brothers"’ talk and
a little "The X-Files: I Want to Believe"’ talk, instead my weekend started by
being spent in the old country (that’s Lorain, OH, for those of you who don’t
normally follow my blog or our podcasts) where I comment on how, if the
residents of Lorain shoot down a $20 fee to improve the roads, well, they
deserve to live in a ghost town, and wonder why they are going to lengthen Tower
Blvd. rather than rebuild the original Tower Blvd.

But this podcast isn’t
really about a town that has tons of potential but right now is just a giant
speed bump, nope, a lot of this podcast is about baseball, namely seeing a
Chicago White Sox game last Monday where my BFF got to meet Stu and Mama Gotz,
and then yesterday where she got to meet
Dude on the Left
Slick, Boner, and Stinky, saw Stu in a slightly different light than when she
met him last Monday, and her not being mortified at meeting four, slightly
over-served, college buddies of mine.

though, did get to have some family time over his weekend by attending a local
carnival where he found out one of the Little Gotz’s might be a future roller
coaster enthusiast, Stu’s family has a new puppy that was almost dead, and I
explain to Stu why I have fish and have never gotten a dog.

And, oh yea, this podcast also gives Stu’s scientific analysis/theory of why he
thinks teenage girls are being endowed with larger boobies.

Finally, we do discuss the upcoming movies of next weekend,

The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor

Swing Vote
, and both agree that our significant others will probably want to
see Kevin Costner as a schlub rather than see another mummy movie.  The
strange part – both Stu and I, also, would rather see Kevin Costner as a schlub
instead of another mummy movie.

Thanks for listening!

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

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