Happy Birthday to Me!, Vote for Syesha, Jason was Dumber, and Here Comes “Iron Man!”


The Dude on the Right

As I quickly approach year 41 in my life, yet still act like I’m about 22, I
sing myself

"Happy Birthday" during this podcast
because right now I have no birthday
plans.  But that’s okay, because now that I’m going to be out of my 40’s,
well, happy days are here again!  In anticipation of my birthday, though,
and having to renew my driver’s license, I got a haircut by one of the most
entertaining of people today, she who blamed her "sounding like she was stoned"
on a hoarse throat from a previous cold, as opposed to sounding, well, like she
was stoned because, well, she was a stoner dudette.

But stoner haircutting
dudette aside, I try my best not to make fun of Paula Abdul’s blunders during
the recent "American Idol" and now throw all of my support to Syesha because do
we really want to see a final three of all dudes?  And if "American Idol"
wasn’t goofy enough, how about maybe the dumbest contestant in "Survivor"
history, that being Jason who, after witnessing Ozzie be too cocky to play the
immunity idol and getting blindsided, the dude actually trusted the dudettes not
to vote him out, so alas, he didn’t play the immunity idol he found and got
blindsided.  I would like to think I wouldn’t be that stupid if I were on
"Survivor," but I’m more confused as to what family member or friend I would
beckon to visit me on some remote island, this being "family reunion" week for

None of that matters, though, because the coming of my birthday
generally signifies fantastic movies, and for the past many years it has meant a
"Spider-Man" flick.  This year has

"Iron Man"
opening up, which I almost think I am looking more forward too
than the Spidey flicks.  Dudettes, you are lucky, though, because if you
don’t want to see a superhero you can at least go see Dr. McDreamy in

"Made of Honor."
  In maybe ruining my birthday weekend, I’ll probably
see that movie as well.

Happy listening!

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

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Neil Diamond is In the American Idol House! But Why?


The Dude on the Right

I love Neil Diamond.  I’ve seen him in



, and

. I’ve taken some nice photos of the man, I’ve done some
drawings of the man
(scroll down for it), and I have even taken my Mom to his

concert back in 2001
which would have been a better experience for her (but maybe
not so much of a story), had I splurged on a limo.  He is a singer, he is a
songwriter, but hopefully for our last five folks in this contest it will be his
performing skills that he can impress on them.  We’ll have to see how that
goes as the show goes on, so let’s just get to it, and here’s how I thought the
five folks did…

Jason Castro
Sings – "Forever in Blue Jeans"
 – Good choice for him.  It’s bouncy, light-hearted, and works with him
playing guitar, but he still isn’t being much of a performer. 

David Cook
– Sings "I’m Alive"
 – Good, pick obscure Neil Diamond songs people don’t know by a performer who
most people know all of his hits.  David did good with the "I’m Alive"
song, but most people probably don’t want to hear Neil Diamond songs they don’t
know.  Quit trying to be so "original."

Brook White
– Sings – "I’m a Believer"
 – "I’m a Believer" is just so wrong for a song for her to sing.  She
couldn’t hit the low notes, it might have been in the wrong key, and these
people playing their own instruments limit themselves because they are stuck
behind the mike and can’t actually work the crowd.  So far the performing
side of anything isn’t coming out.

– Sings – "Sweet Caroline"
 – So David tried to bust out of his melodic groove with maybe the biggest
karaoke song in existence, and he didn’t even fill in the "So Good, So Good, So
Good" part.  He almost wanted to work the crowd for this song, but then
hunkered back to just singing, almost seeming to hope he wouldn’t forget the

Syesha Mercado
– Sings – "Hello Again"
 – It’s nice enough, but just seems to be lacking some kind of punch that Neil puts into it even though it’s a ballad.

On a side note, Paula Abdul has finally hit an all-time
high for being clueless.

Jason Castro
Sings – "September Morn"
 – Yea, we get the performer you want to be – the laid-back, hippie dude. 
We get it, the dudettes probably like your laid-back attitude, and you picked
good songs this week even though I found you lame.  You’re lucky the chicks
probably dig you.

David Cook
– Sings "All I Need is You"
 – Yup, another obscure Neil Diamond song, what the hell are you thinking? 
Sure, you might be trying to separate yourself and be original, but in a week
you had two songs to pick maybe you should choose an obscure one for the first
song (good choice though), and then bring reality back with a Neil Diamond
classic so everyone could remember that.  You’re probably lucky that you
are a pretty-boy, rocker-dude, because that is the only thing you bring.

Brook White
– Sings – "I Am, I Said"
 – You know what, I hate the fact that the band actually joined in because for
her, doing this solo, on the piano, was really working for me.  The back-up
band ruined it, because as a solo song this was actually a song I liked.  I
still hate that she won’t shut up when the judges give her their critiques, and
I only wish I could see her do this song in a smoky bar, all alone on a piano,
just being herself.

– Sings – "America"
 – I know you are young, but who in the hell is coaching you on the songs for
you to sing?  Of all of the Neil Diamond songs this is probably the worst
choice in my head for you.  I guess it sounded better for his live
performance because on my TV I didn’t like it at all.  Am I hearing
something different?

Syesha Mercado
– Sings – "Thank the Lord for the Night Time"
 – She’s at least coming out of her shell and trying to also be a performer, but
I think it might be a little too late because, as I’m listening to her, Syesha
could have probably turned "Brother Love’s Traveling Salvation Show" into a
fabulous number, but the problem is the American Idol folks forced these people
to do two songs in an hour.

Let’s wrap this up…
As much as I love Neil Diamond I still have absolutely no idea why he was
involved in this show.  The crappy part is that our contestants didn’t need
to try and fit two songs each into an hour, they really needed just one song
each to fill in this hour – and perform the hell out of that song.  I hate
to say this but the "American Idol" folks haven’t seemed to realize why we love
this show, and it’s not for seeing people sing a verse and then a chorus and
then being judged by Randy, Paula, and Simon, clipped because of time
constraints.  Our time is precious, don’t let us feel cheated.

pretty much given up on "Dancing with The Stars," and now I’m almost not caring
about "American Idol."  Idol Producers, at least let these people try to

That’s it for this one! 
I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

What’s New? A Podcast of: Miley Cyrus and Mindy McCready being 15 Years Old, Roger Waters has a Pig, and Happy Birthday Theta Xi!

Dude on the Right doesn’t really relate how joining Theta Xi in college actually

led to this podcast, during, well, this podcast
, but he does so in his
summary, and part of it was that something in 1864 led him to meeting The Dude
on the Left in 1985, which eventually led him to having this podcast. Wow, how
is that for confusing? The Dude on the Right at least keeps things simple for
most of the rest of it, talking about 15 year old confusion, at least for maybe
Miley Cyrus (aka Hannah Montana), and Mindy McCready who was 15 many years ago,
but a story about the death of Cheri Oteri’s father also fascinated him,
especially since it seemed both sad yet bizarre.  He still wonders why
Roger Waters’ letting an inflatable pig fly free during Coechella is news,
especially since Roger has been doing this since at least

sometime in 2006
, but maybe The Dude on the Right will be back to normal
after seeing

"Iron Man"
this weekend, hopefully, the day before his birthday.

The Dude on the Right is fascinated by some of the strangest things sometimes.

Miley Cyrus and Mindy McCready being 15 Years Old, Roger Waters has a Pig, and Happy Birthday Theta Xi!


The Dude on the Right

I almost forgot this is supposed to be

a "Weekend Wrap-Up" podcast during this podcast
, especially since Stu Gotz
isn’t around to remind me, but I did remember I saw

"Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay"

"Baby Mama"
towards the end of my 15 minutes of talking.  The thing is,
with the scandal of 15 year old Miley Cyrus and her "embarrassing" pictures in
Vanity Fair, and the story about Mindy McCready being involved with Roger
Clemens when she was 15 years old, I couldn’t help but wonder what is the deal
with 15 year old girls, and I give my 2 cents worth of commentary.  There
is also a story of the not 15 year old Cheri Oteri and the death of her dad
which caught my eye, and at the end of the podcast I wonder why the story of
Roger Waters at Coechella is a surprise since he’s been releasing a giant,
inflatable pig scribbled with political writing into the air at least since

I saw him in 2006
.  Maybe it was because we have found out that Roger
is a Barack Obama fan.

also do some singing during this podcast as tomorrow, being April 29th, holds a
sort of special place in my heart as it is the 144th birthday (if I added things
correctly), of my fraternity,
Theta Xi.
  Thankfully, back in 1864, Peter Fox, Ralph Packard,
Christopher Waite, George Brainerd, Samuel Buel Jr., Henry Farnum, Thomas
Raymond, and Nathaniel Starbuck decided forming a fraternity at Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute (RPI) in Troy, New York would be a good thing.  This
event resulted in my having a group of lifelong friends, and especially meeting
The Dude on the Left with the two of us forming

"The Unknown Reviewers"
for beer money, which eventually developed into
Entertainment Ave!, which eventually led to this podcast.  Funny how
something 144 years ago influenced today.  Sadly this last paragraph should
have probably been told during my podcast as my podcast tribute to Theta Xi’s
birthday is kind of lame, except, for, well, my singing.

Happy listening!

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

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I Should Have Just Stayed in Bed.


The Dude on the Right

my weekend movie reviewing completed a day early after seeing

"Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay"
on Friday and

"Baby Mama"
yesterday, I was looking forward to a day to get things some
things done around The Dude-Pad, and as Sunday’s are my laundry day, what a
great way to start!  That sounds simple enough only that for the first time
in I can’t even remember, I was in my bathroom, dressed, yet felt naked. 
And then it occurred to me and I yelled, "Crap," only I didn’t yell "Crap," I
yelled the word even my Mom would be washing my mouth out with soap had she
heard me say it.  And the word came out knowing that yesterday’s jeans were
the first article of clothing in the washer, therefore as the washing machine
was still filling up, my wallet was toast, being soaked in a combination of warm
water, floating dirt, and laundry detergent.  So I’m digging through my
washing machine, looking for the jeans at the bottom, and sure enough, there it
was, my wallet, soaked, and then the fun part came, actually reminding myself of
all of the things in my wallet.  The simple things were there – driver’s
license, credit and bank cards, health insurance card, an expired Extended
Warranty card for my car, and some grocery store cards.  Then I remembered
some of the other stuff I knew might disintegrate, namely an old card to the
lady who used to cute my hair, old pictures of my niece and nephew, and some
receipts I didn’t yank out of my wallet for expense purposes.  Luckily,
happily, the disintegration didn’t occur, most everything was saved, and the
pictures of my niece when she was in Kindergarten and my nephew in 4th grade
survived (sure, these pictures are from 1996, but they are both so much cuter
back then)!  The only thing washing my wallet did do was remind me that I
need a new wallet, as it has been slowly falling apart over the last six months,
but damn, I love that wallet!

And sure, a wallet in the laundry isn’t a
catastrophic moment for the day, I just thank God it wasn’t my iPhone, so I
continued my day.  Sunday newspaper – Check!  Breakfast – Check! 
A quick TiVo through "Ebert & Roeper At the Movies" to see how they, or at least
Richard Roeper, felt about the movies I saw this week – Check!  Let’s keep
working on the newspaper while watching "Battlestar Galactica" – No check. 
It turns out my cable system didn’t seem to want me watching the show even
though my TiVo actually changed channels this time, leaving me with a "Searching
for signal message," or something like that, for an hour on my TiVo.  Uggh! 
Now I have to call Comcast this week, and that is always such a joy.

done, Sunday paper done, laundry started, all that was left for my day was
cleaning the first floor of The Dude-Pad.  The breakfast nook/storage area
for my fish-tank cleaning and maintenance stuff went fine, I found a spot for an
old radio in my kitchen which would work nicely when I cook my extravagant
meals, and I was looking forward to rearranging some photos around my living
room area, doing some much needed dusting, and it occurred to me that I had an
old photo I wanted to hang up but needed a frame that I knew I could pick up
when I went to either A) The hardware store where I needed to pick up a new set
of blinds for my living room window, or 2) Even at the grocery store while
getting sustenance supplies for the week.

I measure the blinds I would need,
51 inches wide, I have my grocery list, I head out in the Dude-Mobile to the
Home Depot, buy blinds that are 51 inches wide, and they even have three-packs
of air filters for my furnace!  Bonus!!  I get to the grocery store,
my shopping is complete, and then I get home.  I look down and there is the
picture I needed a frame for that I didn’t buy.  Alright, let’s move on. 
I bought liquid soap for my kitchen and bathroom dispensers, only to find the
bathroom one seems to have issues, necessitating an improvising for some fixing,
therefore slowing down my cleaning schedule, and before I cleaned my living room
I figured hanging the new blinds would be the first step.  I’m up on a
stool, the old blinds are down, the new blinds are up, and then I realized I
couldn’t walk around naked in my living room (not like I ever do, but I like
knowing I have the option), because although the blinds I bought were wide
enough, sadly I didn’t pay attention to the length.  Uggghhhhh!  I was
finally spent, too many things wrong, let’s just watch cars driving left so I
watched the end of the NASCAR race to clear my mind and said to myself, "Self,
the living room cleaning will wait until another day.  I’ve had it."

resting on my couch, watching cars go round and round and then crashing, I
didn’t think my day could get any more into "I should have just stayed in bed"
mode until my bed sheets came out of the dryer, and as I went to put one of my
pillows back into a pillow case, the pillow case tore in places I can’t even
figure out how to mend.  Uggggghhhhh, again.

So, my Sunday, which was
supposed to be all about me, turned into, still, all about me, but not like I
pictured.  I washed my wallet, my cable company doesn’t want me watching "Battlestar
Galactica," I can’t walk around in my living room naked, and I was reminded I
need a new wallet and bed linens.  It is, as a day progresses like this,
that I sort of wish I had a girlfriend, like Jewel, who would just utter the
simple line, "Come on darlin’, let’s go back to bed."

I will say, that today,
I did at least mount the bust of a moose, or maybe a reindeer, on my wall, but
tomorrow will be Monday, and oh, that looks so promising, and I mean that in a
totally sarcastic way.

That’s it for this one! 
I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

What’s New? A Movie Review of “Baby Mama.”

The Dude on the Right went to see and reviewed “Baby Mama,” because, well, that is his job, and he really liked the concept of the movie. Sadly he didn’t like the “twist” the movie folks felt was needed for the movie because he was already camped in with the story the movie trailer was showing. Luckily for his star rating The Dudette Scale overshadowed his.

What’s New? A Movie Review of “Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay.”

The Dude on the Right simply has this advice during his review of “Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay,” and that is if you were a fan of the “White Castle” version you will probably enjoy our two stoners next adventure. However, if you thought that movie was a giant piece of crap, “Guantanamo” will probably surpass it on your crapness scale.

What’s New? A Podcast of: Lee Elia Rants, Carly Smithson is Booted, and RIP Kenneth Keith Kallenbach.

After hearing about the passing of Kenneth Keith Kallenback during The Howard Stern Show this morning, The Dude on the Right realized he actually has a “blowing smoke through his eyes” story, and doesn’t do his best to tell the tale during this podcast. He does, though, warn you as you are listening that you might want to watch your podcast volume during his visiting of the Lee Elia tirade about Chicago Cubs’ fans. The Dude is also happy TV is back in full bloom, happy that Carly Smithson is finally off “American Idol,” and is looking forward to seeing Neil Diamond as the A.I. mentor next week.

Lee Elia Rants, Carly Smithson is Booted, and RIP Kenneth Keith Kallenbach.


The Dude on the Right

In Chicago Cubs’ lore there are many things that tickle the fancy of Cubs’
historians, but as the 25th anniversary of Lee Elia going ballistic approaches,
I give a salute

during this podcast
to the fact that 15% of those without jobs pissed off
Lee just enough so that he gave us some of the sweetest audio ever.  A word
of warning, though, because my salute is uncensored, with no bleeping, with all
of the f-bombs in full glory.  And as much as Lee was a master of words, it
seems Carly Smithson wasn’t the master of music because she got booted from
"American Idol," and I have to say I’m not that sorry to see her go.  What
is exciting me, though, is that next week we get to see five people butcher Neil
Diamond songs, while I’m just hoping that he actually tries to teach some of
these people to be performers.

TV is back in full bloom and "Lost" returns,
again, Harold and Kumar escape from Guantanamo Bay this weekend, and I actually
have a Kenneth Keith Kallenbach story, he a wack-pack member of The Howard Stern
Show.  R.I.P. Dude who could blow smoke out of your eyes.

Happy listening!

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

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It is Andrew Lloyd Webber Week. Shouldn’t We Be Paying Attention to the Pennsylvania Election Results?


The Dude on the Right

So as a good American I suppose I should probably be hunkered down watching the
Pennsylvania Primary Results to see if Hillary Clinton somehow pulls out a
chance to solidly beat Barack Obama if only to further confuse who will be the
Democratic nominee for President, but, dammit, it is Tuesday night, it is
"American Idol" night, and there is more important voting going on in just about
an hour.  Sure, it is Andrew Lloyd Webber Week for A.I., and Andrew Lloyd
Webber is fantastic, legendary, a mega-force when it comes to musicals, and
fine, I’ll admit it, I’m a fan of "Jesus Christ Superstar" and "Cats." 
Hell, I even saw "Cats" on Broadway back in 1985, although part of it is blurry
as we took a high school bus ride from Ohio to New York City, and since I can’t
sleep on moving transportation and "Cats" was the first play we saw out there
the evening we arrived, let’s just say I was nodding off during part of it, at
least I think so.  Man, some of those memories are blurry now, and unless
my mind is really messed up, we also saw "Noises Off" out there, which I can
still watch today and laugh my ass off if done even close to right.  But I

So as much as I do appreciate the music of Andrew Lloyd Webber, maybe
the "American Idol" folks realize no one there has the personality/performance
quality to make it as a pop singer so they’re trying to see if they can make
some money with them on the Broadway stage.  Maybe Andrew Lloyd Webber will
actually get these shlubs to be performers, but I’m still praying for "Bruce
Springsteen Week" when he can teach this group about performing, and then Artie
Lange from The Howard Stern Show, now that he reneged on his resignation, will
have to answer to this equation:  Bruce Springsteen + American Idol = Ball

Enough reminiscing, enough praying, let’s see how our last six folks

Syesha Mercado
– Sings – "One Rock ‘n Roll Too Many"
 – My prediction is that even though she sings nice enough, and she is trying to
perform it as if she were on stage, she’s the first singer of the night and only
her diehard fans will stick by and vote for her.  Sadly, or maybe happily,
she has shown she will be able to make it on Broadway, just not the pop/Idol

Jason Castro
Sings – "Memory"
 – This is not a song for "laid-back"-ness, which Jason Castro is all
about.  The thing is that people who know the song (like me), will probably
think it sucked, but fans who have no concept of the song might actually love
it.  He needed to hit the "Jesus Christ Superstar" soundtrack and become
Jesus, rather than singing anything from "Cats."  Horrible song choice.

Brook White
– Sings – "You Must Love Me"
 – Does "forgetting the song" lend her to the bottom of the pack?  Does
singing a Madonna song save her?  Once she got over forgetting the lyrics
she did okay, but the performance aspect waivered.  Paula seemed crushed,
Simon was correct about the stopping thing, and now we will see how strong her
fan base really is.

– Sings – "Think of Me", I think.
 – So Andrew Lloyd Webber gave David the best bit of advice ever – to open his
eyes, and yet he can’t.  I guess he’s a squinty dude who can sing well, but
still lacks the performance skills because if the dude just approached the front
of the stage, worked the girls in the front row, he would have shown everyone
that he is better than just a good singer.  Simon again is correct. 
David has to break out his shell and be a performer – quit standing in the
center of the stage.

Carly Smithson
– Sings – "Superstar"
– This song fits in her wheelhouse, but there is still something about her that
makes her "over-the-top" for the show.  She still shouts too much, she
still seems to have this attitude of "I deserve to win this," and this song was
probably a better choice for her, even though I still didn’t like it that much.

David Cook
– Sings "Music of the Night"
 – Yea, fine, you could be on Broadway, too.  You will probably stick
around for another week, and at least you seem to try and work the crowd a bit,
but you have shown that there isn’t a pop-idol in this group.

Let’s wrap this up…

Great, this week has shown that we’ve got six people who could probably be on
Broadway, but not one of them has shown that they have the star power to be a
pop singer.  Sorry, but I really don’t care that much about these people
anymore.  We don’t need Mariah, we don’t need Broadway, now we just need to
see if these people can perform, and as I have been re-iterating from week to
week, we really need a performing mentor for these folks.

That’s it for this one! 
I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!