It’s March Madness Baby! And I’ve Got North Carolina? And Politics?


The Dude on the Right

March Madness Baby!  I suppose I could go back and look at the calendars,
but doesn’t this College Basketball tournament season seem to be a week later,
we all know Easter is at its earliest, and my being on the road tomorrow is
going to drive me crazy because I won’t have an instant wireless connection to
update the scores of every NCAA tournament game so I know that I’m still alive
to win $5 Million bucks thanks to Yahoo!.  That, and it’s also snowing at
home (the picture on the right I stole from my sister).  I am also torn
because I entered about six online pools and wondered if I should go for broke,
with the same picks on every site, winning tickets to next year’s Final Four,
about $20,000 bucks, a couple of flat-screen TVs, and something else, or should
I change my picks for every site hoping to just win something.  I went for
broke.  Come sometime in April I will have a very cool Dude-Pad with money
to spare and TV’s, that is, unless, Michigan State can’t get through a few rounds
and Kansas State can’t, at least, beat USC in the first round.

Also, with it
being Easter weekend and today being the 5th year anniversary of our looking for
weapons of mass destruction in Iraq (at least we found Saddam Hussein, but where
is Osama bin Laden?), I still wonder if I should get into political thoughts on
my website.  His wacky Pastor aside, especially because as I have been
sitting in a Church and took what my Pastor said with a grain of salt, I still
think Barack Obama shows himself as a better states-person.  There, I said
it again, I’m a Barack Obama man, and why in the hell can’t we just get rid of
all of this delegate crap since we seem to know how to count votes in 2008. 

Good luck with your March Madness picks, especially since I have
Vanderbilt beating Kansas.

That’s it for this one! 
I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

Watching Singers v. Dancers


The Dude on the Right

Last night I sort of watched "Dancing With the Stars," especially for my
favorites, Julianne Hough, Edyta, and Kym Johnson.  Isn’t it kind of funny
that we don’t need to reference Edyta with her last name anymore?  Anyway,
I don’t care about any of the "celebrity" female dancers much (nor the dude
celebrities, but I did find Adam Carolla and Penn Jillette fun to watch), wonder
why Julianne wore a giant, yellow outfit (rather than a skimpy, yellow outfit),
and Kym actually looked hotter than Julianne.  But tonight the dancing is
over because tonight is about singing (and cuter dudettes).

My brilliant
dancing analysis will come later as their Spring season goes on, but here are my
musical musings about tonight and singing, and it’s The Beatles night, as
opposed to John Lennon and Paul McCartney night last week.  How much did
the "American Idol" folks pay for the rights to use these songs that mediocre
singers could butcher, anyway? …

Amanda Overmyer
– Sings – Back in the U.S.S.R.
– Something just sounds wrong, like she’s not in synch with the band or
something, but it’s not working for me.  This song doesn’t need a southern
twang to it.  And I don’t like her bouncing up and down while she is

Kristy Lee Cook
– Sings – You’ve Got to Hide Your Love Away
– What the hell did you ever listen to on the radio?  You picked the song
based on title.  You don’t know any Beatles’ songs?  It’s kind of
"new" to you?
– She’s cute but the song is in the wrong key (she can’t hit the low notes), and
if she keeps going on it’s because she is cute.  She did hit the high note
at the end, but the performance seemed kind of lame.  At least Paula
thought she looked gorgeous.

David Archuleta
– Sings – The Long and Winding Road
– You thought "Dang it!" when you forgot the lyrics last week.  Luckily you
didn’t think "Oh, F&^$, how in the hell could I forget the words to a song in
front of 30 million F$#%ing people?"
–  He shows his vocal pipes this week (again) so we know he can sing the
slow songs, and if this keeps up he’s the next Josh Groban.  He needs to
prove he can sing something up-tempo in my book to make it to the ultimate pop
level.  He’ll be in it for the long haul even if he sucks just because the
girls like him.

How stupid was that iPhone commercial.  I understand
product placement, but Ryan Seacrest should be fired because he isn’t even
trying anymore.  Last week he busted on Jim Carrey promoting "Dr. Seuss’
Horton Hears a Who!", and this week it was the iPhone.  Either he is the
worst pitch-man ever, or he is the greatest at scripts written up as "Promote
this by having the attitude of "What the hell is this shit?"

– Sings – A Day  in the Life
– This is not a good song to trim, though I thought he did a decent job trying
to pull it off.  To do it his way he probably needed a month to work to
rehearse it (and a different band), but I think the dudettes will find him cute
enough to pull him to the next round.

Brooke White
– Sings – Here Comes the Sun
– She’s married.  Damn, so much for fantasies about my future wife.
– No matter what, I think we have already found our next "Carrie Underwood
Country Star" no matter if she wins or not.  She performs, is purty, and
somehow seems to be able to put her mark on every song.  I don’t care what
Randy says, what Paula says, or what Simon says, because I really liked her
"fly-a-way" performance and her attitude, but Brooke, don’t beat yourself up so
much because for me it worked.

David Cook
– Sings – Daytripper – The Whitesnake version
– He’s sticking with the rocker mode, and this is a song that works for him, but
I’m thinking the kids in the audience don’t understand the voice box thing. 
He should have just stuck to rocking and not gone Peter Frampton on our ass. 
There’s still something I don’t like about him because it just seems he is
copying people.

Carly Smithson
– Sings – Blackbird
– She’s starting to get that "crazy-eye" look, where I can see the tops of the
whites of her eyes, and it well, isn’t a good look.  I will, every week, be
not liking her only because she had a major recording contract before.  I
know that is kind of petty, but for some of the other contestants where this is
their first chance, someone who actually has gotten to the precipice, and even
though the record company supposedly was her downfall, she has at least gotten
there before.  And you know what, I didn’t really like her performance this
week, either.

Jason Castro
– Sings – Michelle
– He just seems giddy rather than in love while he is singing.  His smile
is actually almost scary.  Dude, you need to learn how to drop that smile
and make it sincere rather than a plastered-on smile.  The singing was
okay, and although Simon thought he looked good, I thought the goofy look

Syesha Mercado
– Sings – Yesterday
– She’s cuter with the tighter hair, with the ponytail.  The straighter
hair was okay, but she just needed to pull it back.
– She sings nice, but the performance was boring except for the high notes. 
The better place would have been at the front of the stage, not on the stool. 
The singing should keep her going on through next week.

– Sings – I’ve Just Seen a Face
– He has just turned into my favorite "American Idol" contestant ever.  He
works every genre, tries to step over party lines, and just seems to try to show
that he can try anything.  He’s a kind of bizarre dude, but sings perfect
for every side.  The only problem is he doesn’t know if he should settle
into being Usher or Cowboy Troy.

 Ramiele Malubay
– Sings – I Should Have Known Better
– She was the last singer of the night, which is usually the one who is supposed
to do the most fabulous version, but I thought her performance was boring, even
though she sang alright.  Just an "Umm" for me.

Let’s wrap this up…

Why does everyone take this season to bust on Simon.  It seems like an easy
joke, but it’s not appropriate for people to pretty much dismiss everything he
might say.  I really hope they get away from The Beatles’ songs, no matter
how much they paid for them, because we have now found out that there are a lot
of people who can’t sing, or arrange, Beatles’ songs.  Please let us get to
wacky mentors again, because as much as they sucked, they were better than a lot
of these people singing songs they couldn’t learn from John Lennon nor Paul

That’s it for this one! 
I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

What’s New? Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up! Stay Awake on a Plane, Horton, DVD’s, and Child Rearing.

The Dude on the Right introduces Stu Gotz to the new way he wants to start the podcasts, but Stu isn’t buying it. Even though The Dude can’t convince Stu the new opening is better, The Dude gives a story why he doesn’t sleep on a plane, they both talk about “Horton Hears a Who!”, and since Stu has kids, well, Stu lets The Dude know his kids would have been out of the theater with the third kick. That’s not enough for a podcast, so The Dude on the Right also talks about his “DVD Sunday!”

Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up! Stay Awake on a Plane, Horton, DVD’s, and Child Rearing.


The Dude on the Right

I give Stu Gotz a live listen to how I might want to start our podcasts, but
with him being here for our

"Stu & The Dude Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast,
he just thinks it might make you
not listen because who wants to hear a reason why I don’t fall asleep on an
airplane.  The new opening is inspired by a web site called
"Wallstrip," but after
telling Stu another reason I don’t sleep on airplanes, and Stu telling how he
can’t not help but sleep on an airplane, we get into the heart of the podcast
with both of our takes on

"Dr. Seuss’ Horton Hears a Who!"
  Movie time discussion then turns into
raising and disciplining children, and I tell Stu about my DVD Sunday because
Stu’s weekend was pretty boring.

For what it’s worth, by the time you read
this synopsis, Erin Go Bra-less, and if there isn’t another podcast before this
weekend, and you are a Christian, Happy Easter!  If not, I hope you can at
least save some money during the Easter Weekend sales.

Thanks for listening!

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

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What’s New? DVD Reviews of “30 Days of Night” and “Wrestlemaniac.”

The Dude on the Right spent his Sunday watching a bunch of DVD’s, and in the middle saw Tiger Woods sink a fantastic putt to win the Arnold Palmer Invitational. He didn’t review Tiger’s putt, but he did start stacking up some DVD reviews in the likes of “30 Days of Night” and “Wrestlemaniac”
(The photo in this blog is from the wrestling film because I believe it’s way too cold in Alaska in winter for dudettes to dress like that).

The Dude will be working on his reviews of "Tripping the Rift: The Movie" and "The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters" (Who knew classic video games could be so fascinating?) during the week, as well as getting ready for Easter weekend.
A podcast or two might also show up this week, another blog, and some American Idol commentary.
It’s just another week in the Entertainment Ave! internet.

What’s New? A Movie Review of “Dr. Seuss’ Horton Hears a Who!”

For some reason The Dude on the Right went to see a movie when he knew there would be kids there, so for some of this review of “Dr. Seuss’ Horton Hears a Who!” we get to find out why The Dude wouldn’t be a good parent. He also didn’t care for the movie that much, and with the rambunctious kids he wonders if they were lying when they told their parents they really liked it.

What’s New? Some Movie Previews.


The Dude on the Right

Hey, we’ve got some new movie previews posted, namely
"Indiana Jones and the
Kingdom of the Crystal Skull,"

"Forgetting Sarah Marshall,"
"Superhero Movie,"
"The Happening." 
I give you my brilliant take on if these movies might be any good, but at least
the previews also give you links to the official sites.  Happy surfing!

That’s it for this one! 
I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

What’s New? A Podcast of: Ashley Alexandra Dupre (a.k.a. Kristen), Idol Talk, Nice Weather, and a Toilet.

The Dude on the Right changes the way he starts this podcast, which deals with lots of topical topics. Of course The Dude talks a bit about Ashley Alexandra Dupre, a.k.a. Kristen, a.k.a. the dudette who slept with Eliot Spitzer, but he also was able to enjoy some Spring weather hitting Chicagoland. The Dude also gives some thoughts on David Hernandez being booted from American Idol, but wonders about a woman stuck to her toilet, hoping, but doubting, that she had the coolest bathroom ever. The end question is if she was as comfortable on her toilet as the Easter Bunny to the right seems to be?

Ashley Alexandra Dupre (a.k.a. Kristen), Idol Talk, Nice Weather, and a Toilet.


The Dude on the Right

thought I would change the way

I open the podcast
so I hope you like it.  Maybe at a time down the
road I’ll let you know what inspired it (Here’s a hint: A cute dudette giving
witty banter about stocks), but part of it also goes along with my, well, I
don’t know, all I know is that with the weather getting nice I was able to get
out for a walk, though it wasn’t warm enough for me to don my Speedo.  I
also talk a little about Ashley Alexandra Dupre, a.k.a. Kristen, but I don’t play
any of her music because it appears her MySpace page was taken down, and I’m not
going to pay for it.  Get it?  "Pay for it."  If you don’t, well, you’ve probably been living under a rock for the last couple of days.  My little podcast
also talks a bit about "American Idol" with David Hernandez getting the boot,
and wraps up with a story about a woman who, I hope but I doubt, had the
greatest bathroom, or at least the most comfortable toilet, ever (Sis, I don’t
care if you hate it). 
there is absolutely no reason for your skin to grow around a toilet seat. 
And in the spirit of Easter, even the Easter Bunny has to go to the bathroom

Thanks for listening!

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

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What’s New? A DVD Review of “Spiral.”

The Dude on the Right sometimes gets nervous when he gets DVD’s to review that never made it to his gigaplex, but, for his DVD review of “Spiral,” the only reason the movie disappointed him was because it was rated PG-13, therefore not having its “Huey Lewis” moment, and thus eliminating it from the realm of “totally creepy, freaky, but great and twisted” thrillers. If your woman doesn’t like blood, guts, swearing, and nudity, “Spiral” is a nice, twisted movie for you to rent.