What’s New? A Movie Review of “Rambo.”

do-gooders. There John Rambo is, relaxing and getting on with his life in the
jungles of Thailand, and they want to help people in Burma. Now Rambo has to
kill people again.

Anyway, The Dude on the Right thought Sylvester Stallone did some nice
closure with the Rocky character when he put out "Rocky Balboa" last year, and
now, for this movie review of "Rambo," The Dude thinks the same has been done
for one John Rambo. The movie gives you exactly what you probably expect from a
"Rambo" movie, but he does say they up the violence quotient a lot, maybe to
make some of you realize just how brutal some of the violence is in places like
Burma. The only Sylvester Stallone character that now needs some closure is John Spartan.

What’s New? A Podcast of: Get Me To Hollywood, Amy Winehouse, and TV is Back, Sort Of.

For this podcast The Dude on the Right admits that this one is kind of lame, but he does do a short parody of “Rehab” in honor of Amy Winehouse. He’s also a bit flustered with “American Idol,” is looking forward to the return of “Lost” and “Survivor” to fill up his Thursday nights, and wonders about the writer’s strike and will it ever end.

Get Me To Hollywood, Amy Winehouse, and TV is Back, Sort Of.


The Dude on the Right

Fine, this might be

my lamest podcast ever
, but the things in life that should excite me, or
rather the thing in life that should excite me right now, namely "American
Idol," I am almost getting bored with. It’s the audition portion, and other than
the "I Am Your Brother" dude, it’s sort of boring. I am looking forward to the
return of "Lost" and "Survivor," so at least I’ve got that to look forward to,
and I do a quick parody of "Rehab," in honor of Amy Winehouse.

Go ahead, comment on my lameness for this podcast – I probably deserve it.

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

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What’s the Deal with Food? And, Oh Yea, My Niece is a Rocker!


The Dude on the Right

With the passing of my father, and not wanting, yet, to get into some of the
philosophical questions an event like that can bring, there was something that
came up prior to his funeral that I suppose I can understand was important in
the older age of funerals, but in this day and age, especially when my dad
wanted a small, private funeral ceremony, why do some people assume that you
need food and just show up with it, unannounced? And why am I conflicted with
this topic because in the same gesture (by a different family friend) I was able
to remember a dish I love?

Now I’m not saying the bringing food gesture isn’t
nice, but shouldn’t the gesture start with a quick phone call offering
condolences and then tossing in a "If you’d like I can bring you a ham dinner,
complete with vegetables, coleslaw, and a store-bought jello mold in case you
need something to eat?" But no, there it was, the night before, or maybe it was
the night before the night before the funeral (they blend together right now),
that a friend of the family showed up with half a ham, vegetables, coleslaw,
store-bought jello mold, and lots of conversation for my sister to hear. The
issue was that, in the land of the "on the Right" family, we had already planned
for a small gathering of family following dad’s burial by securing a party tray,
which, fine, for this occasion should probably be called a remembrance tray, but
in any case the family refrigerator was already ready to be packed. Somehow, and
God bless Sis on the Right, she found a way to stack, move, renegotiate, and fit
everything in there, including the ham dinner, so that no one would get sick,
and let me tell you, she knows all about the importance of refrigeration and
reheating with
her job in Lunchlady Land!

My confliction on this issue comes because even though the gesture on the
part of our one family friend was nice, but wasn’t necessary, well, a neighbor
baked a small dish of Noodle Pudding, and oh my God, it was so good. I forgot
about Noodle Pudding, haven’t had it in years, and after getting back home found
some recipes on the internet to try (although I should probably just call our
neighbor and get hers, because, can I say it again, it was so good), so even
though one family friend went a little overboard with her food gesture, that
small dish of Noodle Pudding really hit the spot, and as more important in the
time of comfort food was necessary, my mom loved it.

I guess I’m just really confused about sending food to the families of those
going through the loss of a loved one, especially with the joy and
tastefullyness of the Noodle Pudding that came our way, so to alleviate my
confusedness, and because it’s really not long enough for a blog, and because,
during my
"A New Chapter for the "on the Right" Family" blog, I mentioned how my
niece is a rocker, I thought I would include in this post, my niece being a
rocker.  Sorry for the sort of crappy video, but I think it really shows
that my niece ROCKS!

BFF and favorite niece – YOU ROCK!

That’s it for this one! 
I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

What’s New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up! Lots of Movies, Mama Gotz’s Issues, A New Ringtone, and Peeing on a Stick.

Being away from each other for a week sure doesn’t put a kink in the conversation Stu Gotz and The Dude on the Right can put together for a “Weekend Wrap-Up” podcast, and they get right back into things for this episode. The weekends usually include a lot of movie stuff so they talk about that, Stu got a picture from Mama Gotz so they talk about that, Stu saw a pregnancy test commercial so they talk about that, The Dude has a new favorite ringtone so they listen and talk about that, and even though The Dude on the Right doesn’t give a damn about the upcoming Super Bow, they talk about that anyway. And if that isn’t enough they have other things to talk about, and they talk about that, too.

Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up! Lots of Movies, Mama Gotz’s Issues, A New Ringtone, and Peeing on a Stick.


The Dude on the Right

After my being away for a week
for some sadness, Stu Gotz and I are back
together for some happiness, and what better way to be happy than with a

"Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast
. My return to normalcy has been all about movies
so I tell Stu about


"27 Dresses,"

"Jimmy and Judy,"
and my attempt to keep my niece innocent and wholesome by
taking her to see

"The Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything."
But while I was attempting to promote
wholesomeness it seems Stu got a provocative photo from Mama Gotz, and he also
describes a commercial he saw about a pregnancy test.

We also talk some
football during the podcast, what with the upcoming Super Bowl and all, and I
also let Stu know what I’ve changed my ringtone to for him (it’s also the new
ringtone for my nephew and sister). And, oh yea, Stu wants you to watch
on the USA Network, and I still don’t know why.

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

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What’s New? A Movie Review of “27 Dresses.”

The Dude on the Right is still trying to figure out why the three hot women who came to see the movie didn’t just jump him in the movie theater, but a dream unfulfilled didn’t stop him from reviewing “27 Dresses.” This movie appears to be one that is totally for the ladies, because even though The Dude can dig a romantic comedy, “27 Dresses” seemed to lack anything at all testosterone, even with Katherine Heigl looking fantastic and Malin Akerman wearing skimpy outfits.

A New Chapter for the “on the Right” Family.


The Dude on the Right

Every family has a change leading to a new chapter in the book that is their
story.  Most of
the chapters progress from things like the start of the book, namely the marriage, to the birth of a
child, to the child’s first words, to the child’s first steps, to maybe the
birth of a brother or sister, and much of the cycle usually stays the same for a
while.  The chapters switch from the innocence of children, to the family
progressing through the years. 
The children in the family grow, to grade school, to junior high, to high
school, and to adulthood.  A new book is started as some of those children
create another family, an offshoot of the original story, yet still intertwined
with the original.

And as the book that is a family’s life is similar
for all, there are so many differences.  There may be an illness or
accident that takes a child away from a family;  There may be financial
hardships that all must deal with;  There may be a divorce where mom and
dad, not thinking of the children, do their best, at any chance they can, to
make their children hate the other parent; and then there are families that, for
most of the time, forget the meaning of family.

But with every family story,
probably, usually, definitely, inevitably, there will come the death of a
parent/spouse.  Sometimes that death comes as a shock and other times not,
most will agree the death comes to soon, but for some it is way too soon. 
With that death the story continues, though, with one character now only in
memory as the next chapter begins with getting back to some normalcy, "some"
because with the passing of a family member things aren’t the normal that was
created a chapter before.  The book that is the story of the family is not
complete with the death of one member, more chapters must be written, until that
day when the book can be closed when all of the members have passed on.

right now you might be saying to yourself a couple of things, things like "Dude,
what’s with the reflective beginning to this blog, and why haven’t you posted
anything new in over a week?"  Well, both the reflective nature of the
opening of this blog and the lack of postings came about because of the passing
of Dad on the Right on January 12th, starting a new chapter in the book of the
"on the Right" family.  In the realm of my being old enough to fully
comprehend and have to deal with the loss of an immediate family member, the
recent passing of my Dad is the first.  I was 11 when my last grandparent
passed away, and even though I’ve been older for the deaths of some of my aunts
and uncles, and yes, their passings were sad, for me this death thing is kind of
new and a lot different to deal with.  Sure, I could probably go see a
shrink to help me "move on" as it were, but what fun would that be and why would
I spend the money when I could just write about here it from time to time.

today’s therapy lesson was two-part.  One was to reflect that as much of a
bummer it is to have my dad die, I realized that my family’s story isn’t done
yet and there are already stories to tell of the days immediately following when
he passed, stories like "What the heck is his name, anyway?", "Who knew driving
to a cemetery could be so much fun!", "What’s the deal with the food?", "Niece
on the Right is a rocker!", "That’s not an obituary.  This is an
obituary!", and "Everyone says ‘Mom on the Right’ is a hottie."  And Mom,
if you’re reading this, don’t worry, one story will remain in the circle of our
family to laugh at from time to time.

The second part of my therapy lesson was
to get back to some normalcy, and what better way then seeing a movie, in this
case "Cloverfield," and write a review.

So the story of the "on the Right"
family continues, and at least right now Sis on the Right has her own
book of her family so that even when the book of the "on the Right" family is
closed, another book will lead people back to our story.

Stories are always to be read, but better to be written, even with a death as part of it.

That’s it for this one! 
I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

What’s New? A Movie Review of “Cloverfield”

In his getting back to some normalcy The Dude on the Right went to the movies. He saw “Cloverfield” and for this review he didn’t like it that much. He did, though, appreciate the originality of the movie, but for most of it he found himself laughing at the stupidity of the crew of people, and damn, that dude’s video camera has one hell of a battery. It’s popcorn-fun at the movies if you are looking for a little bit of an escape, just don’t take the thing seriously.

What’s New? A Podcast of: 2008: What a Strange Year It’s Already Been

The Dude on the Right is already flabbergasted at how strange 2008 has been, and it’s only ten days in. For this podcast he leaves the family stuff for later but instead delves into Britney Spears and Dr. Phil, wants The Academy Awards to go on but only if the writers get their stuff, and now that Sony/BMG is going to let Amazon sell music/mp3s with no copyright protection, why no love yet for Apple who, sure, wanted to sell a bunch of iPods, but showed the world some people would actually buy music over the internet.
The Dude is also flustered by the elections and the influence Iowa and New Hampshire have on the entire picking a President process, but he has at least 11 reasons why he is looking forward to this season of “Survivor: Micronesia.”