For this animated movie review of “Balls of Fury,” both Stu Gotz and The Dude on the Right thought Maggie Q was great in the film. The rest of the movie, though, pretty much shows that it isn’t that easy to make a good comedy about ping pong. The boys do play a little table tennis themselves during their reviewing, and they’ve both got some skills. It probably won’t help either of them impress Ms. Q, however.
Author: Andy Labis
Episode 10: Balls of Fury
A Video Review of “Balls of Fury"
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Some Quick Words From:
The Dude on the Right
Neither Stu Gotz nor myself really liked "Balls of Fury," but even so we still
pay homage to the movie by playing a little table tennis during our review.
Stu’s got a pretty good slam, while I can put some wicked spin on the ball.
Is a movie about ping pong any fun? Ehh. There was potential and
some of the rumor mills said the filmmaker folks (including some from the "Reno
911" TV show) caved to some of the suggestions from the movie studio folks.
I’m guessing the filmmaker folks should have stuck to their guns. Good or
bad, both Stu and I really did like Maggie Q, and would have liked her even more
if the movie were rated R and she got naked.
Thanks for watching!
That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
P.S. If you’re downloading the video rather than using
our YouTube view, please note that this Video Podcast is in Apple Quicktime format, Ver. 7+. If all you get is the audio of this video podcast, or it doesn’t load at all, please upgrade your Quicktime/iTunes
software to the latest version. The files are also kinda big (10meg+), so give them time to download.. Thanks! The DOTR.
Starring: | Dan Fogler, Christopher Walken, Maggie Q, George Lopez |
MPAA Rated: | PG-13 |
The Movie is: | 90 Minutes Long |
Released By: |
Rogue Pictures |
Movie Web Site: | |
Kiddie Movie: | There’s a lot of sexual innuendo and people die. |
Date Movie: | Not if you don’t want her to see you drooling over Maggie Q. |
Gratuitous Sex: | Lots of talk about balls. |
Gratuitous Violence: |
People die, and a lot of shooting. |
Action: | Not really. |
Laughs: | A couple. |
Memorable Scene: |
Any scene with Maggie Q. |
Memorable Quote: |
Nothing really. |
Directed By: | Robert Ben Garant |
Produced By: | Gary Barber, Roger Birnbaum, Ben Garant, Jonathan Glickman, Thomas Lennon |
What’s New? A Podcast of: A Shout-Out to My Favorite Niece, Britney has a Good and Bad Day, and Go Cubs.
For this podcast The Dude on the Right gives a couple of shout-outs, but mostly ponders about Britney Spears and her highs and lows. He also gives her some advice, namely to move out of the TMZ. He also mentions that in Chicago a sport’s weekend of all sport’s weekends is coming up.
A Shout-Out to My Favorite Niece, Britney has a Good and Bad Day, and Go Cubs.
The Dude on the Right
First off a big shout-out to my favorite niece, and a get-well shout-out to her
friend start
this podcast. Mostly, though, it is about Britney Spears who seemed to have
a day that started with great news, and then ended with a Judge saying Kevin
Federline might still be the better parent. My advice for Brit: Move out of the
TMZ to someplace where you can actually be a mom and still focus on your career.
Look at Bruce Springsteen – He’s supposedly a great dad and lives in New Jersey,
or Faith Hill and Tim McGraw, living wherever they live, yet all of their
careers don’t stop.
But this weekend, at least in Chicago, is about the
Chicago Cubs beating the Arizona Diamondbacks, the Chicago Bears beating the
Green Bay Packers, and hopefully no Chicago Cubs fans beating up runners during
the Chicago Marathon.
Thanks for listening.
That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
Dear MLB, TBS, and Whomever Else, I didn’t want to watch the Chicago Cubs anyway!
The Dude on the Right
Dear Major League Baseball, The Chicago Cubs, TBS, and whomever else set the TV
schedule for the upcoming baseball Divisional Series,
Thank you!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
And let me write it again – Thank you!
I would like to thank you for scheduling the first two Cubs games for the
Divisional Series at a time when there is pretty much no way in hell I’m going
to watch, and even more importantly at this stage of my Fall TV season, I won’t
miss any of my old favorite, nor new favorite TV shows. Yup, you scheduled the
first two games on Wednesday and Thursday nights, to start at 9PM CDT. Sure,
first pitch is supposed to be at 9:07ish PM, or so someone said on the radio
this morning (and out of sheer curiosity I might try to sneak and see when that
first pitch actually gets thrown tomorrow night, probably during a commercial
break of a new episode of "South Park"), but even in the best of chances it
would be a major miracle for the games to finish by 11PM, and even a minor
miracle for them to finish by Midnight. As much as I love the Cubs I don’t have
the late nights available for these two games unless I wanted to be a zombie at
my morning meetings on Thursday and Friday, and besides, if the Cubs do win both
games, the game that really matters will be at 5PM on Saturday evening, where
hopefully the Cubs will clinch their series at The Friendly Confines of Wrigley
Also, with those games not starting until after 9PM, I’ll have no conflict
with my normal slate of Wednesday nor Thursday night TV viewing and TiVoing.
I’ll have no worries of missing "Bionic Woman," "Survivor," "My Name is Earl" &
"Smallville" (both on TiVo delay), "30 Rock," and anything else coming along
those two nights.
And sure, as a transplanted North Coast resident (Lorain, OH – Represent!), I
am also cheering on the Cleveland Indians, but my mom pretty much figures the
New York Yankees already have that series wrapped up, so I figure why bother
watching. Even so, their games are actually early enough they have the potential
to be over by my TV time anyway.
So, again, baseball and TV folks, Thank you! I didn’t want to watch the
Chicago Cubs anyway!
The Dude on the Right
And that’s it for this one!
I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
What’s New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up! “The Big Bang Theory” and More TV, The Cubs and More Sports, and eBay Dummies.
For this podcast of Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up!, The Dude on the Right and Stu Gotz get into the fall TV season, both liking the new show “The Big Bang Theory” yet wondering if most of America will get it. Stu tells of his weeping at the passing of Flower on “Meerkat Manor,” and The Dude lets Stu know if he should go to the theater and see “The Kingdom.” They both have more TV talk, chat a bit about the Chicago Bears and Chicago Cubs, and The Dude tells Stu about a “not so happy” birthday for a Mom.
Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up! “The Big Bang Theory” and More TV, The Cubs and More Sports, and eBay Dummies.
The Dude on the Right
On a dreary Monday, after a Chicago Bears’ loss, nothing brings joy to my heart
like chatting with Stu Gotz about our weekends
for our podcast. Thank God Stu was around to actually participate, so we
chat a lot about new TV, especially "The Big Bang Theory," a little about
"Chuck," Stu got weepy at Flower’s death on "Meerkat Manor," and
I’m getting sucked into "The Bachelor" again.
On the movie front I
regale Stu with my tales of seeing "The
Kingdom," while he gives his breakdown of his Netflix viewing of "The
Darwin Awards." It also being the Monday after a Bears’ game we also
talk some sports, especially since the Chicago Cubs won their Division and are
in the playoffs. Stu also gets worked up a lot, especially about a stupid eBay
bidder and helping an elder with a computer, so he drops a few F-Bombs here and
there, but just feel lucky that you didn’t get to see him scratch his balls.
Thanks for listening.
That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
What’s New? A Movie Review of “The Kingdom.”
For this movie review of “The Kingdom,” The Dude on the Right waited patiently for the action to start, like he saw in the trailer. His wait was about an hour and a half, and then all hell broke loose for our FBI investigators. The rest of the movie is all about getting along and working together. How nice.
The Chicago Cubs New Magic Number is 22? And I’m Still a Geek.
The Dude on the Right
So last night, with some help from the Milwaukee Brewers, the Chicago Cubs
finally clinched the National League Central Division and now it’s time for the
playoffs. Yay! The thing is that now, what is their new "Magic
Number?" The news stated it was 11, but isn’t that wrong in Magic Number
lore. It’s supposed to be the combination of wins of your team with the
losses of the team you are up against to advance to the next stage of the
season, at least that’s my understanding, so even though the Cubs need to win 11
games to win The World Series, isn’t the Magic Number to win it all actually 22?
In any case I do know that with the Cubs in the playoffs, well, my TV viewing is
being thrown into even more turmoil than it was last week, especially since two
new shows, after watching them and reflecting on an event last week, reminded me
of something.
Even after being 2 scores old, I’m still an insecure geek.
And fine, go ahead and insert the word "nerd" for "geek" if you prefer.
two shows I’m talking about are "The
Big Bang Theory" and "Chuck."
In "The Big Bang Theory" this smoking hot dudette moves into the apartment next
to a couple of uber-geeks, actually surpassing me in the geek-dom of being a
geek, but there he was, the one dude, doing all he could to impress the hot
dudette. And in "Chuck," Chuck is a nice guy, implanted with the spy
secrets of the government, and a smokin’ hot government agent enters his life to
at first find out what he knows, faking to be interested in him, and Chuck gets
his hopes up. The basic part of the story is the same: Geeky guy is
interested in the hot girl but doesn’t know how to be cool enough to work it.
So how did this remind me of my geek-dom? It was last week and Stu Gotz’s
buddy was turning 40 (what a great age). To celebrate, Stu set up a small,
lunch, get-together including Stu, Mama Gotz, Stu’s buddy and the buddy’s wife,
and me, at the Rock Bottom Brewery in Orland Park, south of Chicago. We
all end up at the bar and the bartendress is very cute, with a great body, great
butt, nice boobs, and a perfect smile. You would look at her and say
"Dude, she is so out of your league." As lunch went on a question came up,
namely who was the girl who turned into a blueberry in "Willy Wonka & the
Chocolate Factory," and none of us could remember. As the conversation
between the couples went on (mostly about kids and their houses), I took out my
iPhone, Googled "blueberry girl in Willy Wonka" and announced "Her name was
"Violet Beauregarde." Somehow "iPhone" came up in the conversation and the
cute bartendress pretty much denounced anyone who would buy an iPhone, that she
wasn’t a gadget girl, and that her cell phone was older than the hills but she
knew how to send text messages. As a geek, pretty much everything she said
also indicated "I’ve got no shot in hell with her." But then Stu’s buddy
said something to me, something like "Dude, dare her to let you text her."
I shook off his suggestion, then he said something like "Dude, then let me dare
her to let you text her." And I shook him off again. He seemed
flabbergasted, kinda like "Why the hell not?", and after we left, and after
seeing "The Big Band Theory" and "Chuck," I realized I should have taken him up
on his offer to try and get her phone number. Even after all of these
years I was still an insecure geek, and what’s the worst that would have
happened, other than she lets me text her, her Ultimate Fighting boyfriend sees
a weird text on her phone, he hunts me down, and he beats the living daylights
out of me? At least I would have had her phone number.
So, I don’t have the
cute bartendress’ phone number, I still have my iPhone that isn’t bricked and
somehow has my personal ringtones even though I upgraded to Firmware 1.1.1, and
I think I have come to realize that I will always be a geek.
Or maybe just a
Is there a difference? (No comments from you, Sis.)
That’s it for this one!
I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
What’s New? A Podcast of: The Cubs’ Magic Number is Still Three, A TV Season is in Full Swing.
For this podcast The Dude on the Right is screwed up in the head because his Chicago Cubs can’t seem to clinch their division, and with the Fall TV premier week, well, The Dude has a lot of shows on TiVo to catch up with, new shows he loves (“The Big Bang Theory“), old shows he still loves (“How I Met Your Mother“), and is a little perturbed at “Dancing With the Stars” and “The Biggest Loser” for taking too much of his TV time, even though he likes them. TiVo scheduling is almost more important for him right now rather than watching shows when they actually air, like “Reaper.”