Hi Mom and Dad! It’s 2009!


The Dude on the Right

Hi Mom and Dad!

New Year's Eve - Chicago 2008Just wanted to wish the both of you a Happy 2009, although I’m not really sure if you actually celebrate New Year’s Day anymore.  When I woke up this morning I couldn’t help but think a little bit about how my 2008 went, and like most people, I suppose I’m really looking forward to 2009.  There were some fireworks in Chicago last night, so with this letter are a couple of pictures showing the fireworks and Navy Pier.  I know the pictures didn’t come out that well, but my vantage point wasn’t that close, though it was cozy, and my iPhone still doesn’t have that great of a camera, but hey, it was festive and all!

It sure was a weird 2008, wasn’t it?  I’m not even talking about the gas prices that went high and then low, how the stock market took a crap, or the Presidential election (How about our Governor Blagojovich scandal and his appointing Roland Burris to Barack Obama’s Senate seat?  Gotta love Chicago/Illinois politics, don’t you!). I was looking back at my MySpace page for January 1st last year, and how I set a goal to lose just one pound a week on my 500 calories a day plan, but like many a weight-loss goal, it didn’t go as planned.  52 pounds would have been great, but I did lose about 18 pounds last year, and yea, I have to admit, that one of my first goals this year is to get back on the eating healthy and exercise bandwagon.

I was kinda wondering how things were up there in heaven for the two of you (At least I’m really hoping you’re in heaven.  First off, it would really be a bummer to find out you ended up in the other place, in which case there would have been a lot of things we never knew about the two of you, and also, it would be a little bit of a bummer to find out you picked the wrong religion to raise us under and that I should be looking forward to becoming a dog or kangaroo, or something like that in the next life when I’m reincarnated).  I’m assuming you found each other, and hopefully Dad, that you were waiting for Mom with some flowers and a kiss.  I’m also hoping that all dogs do go to heaven, and that the boys found you.

Dad, for you, I know you started 2008 pretty much deciding your time on earth was done, and I hope by now you have been able to explain to Mom why that was because for a lot of the year she was having trouble wrapping her head around that.  With your going away that early, well, you missed a lot of things for me this year, although I do sometimes wonder about the ability of you (and Mom, you also), to watch over us from up there.  I mean, is it sort of like when Harry Stamper told his daughter, Gracie, in the movie “Armageddon” that he’ll check in on her from time to time right before he gets blown to bits on the asteroid?  If so, I really hope you didn’t check in on me during some private time I was having, in which case, Dad, you might have said something like “Oh no, I cursed him with a little wiener.  Oh wait, thank God, he’s a grower! (at which time I’m guessing a booming voice says “Your welcome, Dad on the Right!”)  Please tell me there are times you respect my privacy (You too, Mom), or is it like some “all-knowing” thing like in the movie “Highlander?”  In any case, you should have seen by now that I have a BFF, and she’s great.  She thinks that somehow you and a relative of hers met up there early last year hatching a plan to help us reconnect after some 23 years.  If that’s the case, can I commend all of you on doing a great job!  That does make me want to apologize, though, because I probably don’t ask for enough help from you, although the we never did talk that much about personal things.  I guess in all of those years we never were able to connect that well, though I’m trying to do a better job sending you some thoughts of things that are going on here with me now.

New Year's Eve - Chicago 2008Mom, I hope Dad has helped you get used to things up there in the past couple of months.  Is there some kind of orientation that you have to go through, or are you just kind of thrown in to the mix?  The BFF and I are still dating, and things are going great.  The both of us have some challenges coming up in 2009 (and who doesn’t), but it’s great having someone to help me through them (and I hope I’m helping her through hers), although I always know I can bend your ear a bit if I need to.  And speaking of bending your ear, thanks for that little “talk” we had before Christmas, it really helped me enjoy the holiday a lot more, what with the advice that it’s okay to miss the both of you, but the time for being sad, and letting that ruin my day, needed to go away.  I know you know it was a weird holiday season, what with the family being spread out across the country (though it was nice spending the time with the BFF’s family), but maybe at the end of this year, once things calm down, maybe we can all get together for Christmas or Turkey Day.  I’m thinking here in the Chicago area.  Nothing like Sis on the Right and her family having to deal with the snow and cold, although it won’t be that much different for Bro on the Right, but having them meet the BFF’s family – That would really be interesting!

Well, I better get going.  The Rose Bowl will be starting soon (I think I’m rooting for USC, if only because I really don’t like Penn State and some of our staff members here are big Trojan fans, but come to think of it, I suppose I’m a Trojan fan as well), and it’s time to get going with 2009.  Mom, Dad, say “Hi” to the Grandmas and Grandpas for me.  I miss them, too, but I have to admit, not as much as I miss the two of you.

Oh yea, one more thing, I’m not sure how it works, or if you could pull some strings (or even if you have that kind of pull yet), and Mom, I know you were a big fan of it and frustrated you never came close to winning, but if you’ve been checking in on me, well, you know I occasionally play the Mega Millions game down here, usually with the same set of numbers.  I mean, is there some kind of lottery you have to win up there in order to influence the numbers that get drawn down here, is it based on merit and good deeds, or is it really just a total game of chance?  Even better, you also know that when the jackpot hits $100 million, well, I’m not going to give it away, but it would actually make winning the jackpot a little bit easier at that amount, what to not create some family squabbles and all.  Anyway, if there were some way for you guys to let me know it’s your turn to pick the numbers, well, that would help a lot.

I hope things are going well for you two up there.  I miss and love you both.

Your Son,
The Dude on the Right

That’s it for this one! 
I’m The Dude on the Right!!   L8R!!!

What’s New? A DVD Review of: Eagle Eye

Dude on the Right always wondered if a helicopter scene in

"Eagle Eye"
showed St. James, a church in Chicago where he used to
sometimes go to for mass on Sundays, as well as a view of Keating Hall, the
"sports center" for the Illinois Institute of Technology where The Dude used to
do can-openers off of the high-dive board, at the college where he also started
doing reviews, but that’s not important right now.  What is important right
now is

if he thought the DVD of "Eagle Eye"
was any good, and pretty much The
Dude on the Right thought it held up as well on his plasma as it did at the
movie theater.  He was disappointed that the alternate ending version on
the DVD wasn’t the realistic version The Dude was looking for, he did like the
"making of" features, and always loves a gag-reel, and maybe the commentary
feature was cool, but The Dude rarely, and didn’t, watch the movie with the
commentary floating around in the background.  He does feel, though, if you
want an action movie reminiscent of movies like "I, Robot", "The Italian Job",
and "War Games," but with the effects of 2008, the DVD of "Eagle Eye" will let
you enjoy your time at home, and then wonder if your cell phone is watching you. 
Happy viewing!

What’s New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up! Christmas Talk, an Asshole in a Maserati Talk, but no Oprah Talk.

Stu Gotz is back for

this "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast
, complete with special guest, Mama Gotz! 
Of course there is Christmas talk amongst them all, with Mama Gotz telling about
Christmas at the Gotz’s, and The Dude on the Right wondering about Santa showing
up at church.  Gift giving is a topic of discussion, Stu saw "Bedtime
Stories," and they witness an asshole in a Maserati decide he is the most
important person to pull into a Starbucks’ parking lot.  There is also the
final talk about the Chicago Bears for this season, but no talk about Oprah not
pumping her own gas, even though Stu wanted to talk about it.

Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up! Christmas Talk, an Asshole in a Maserati Talk, but no Oprah Talk.


The Dude on the Right

Last week I blamed Mama Gotz for not letting Stu be able to have time to do a
podcast with me, so for

this "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast,
well, Mama Gotz decided to show up and kick
my ass.  Okay, she didn’t want to kick my ass, but she does make a guest
appearance to talk about Christmas at the Gotz’s, which is nice.  But since
Stu and I are the stars of the show, we don’t give Mama Gotz much air-time, so
instead Stu and I talk about an asshole who pulls up in his Maserati at
Starbucks, and a lot about Christmas.  Stu and the family saw "Bedtime
Stories" with Adam Sandler, I saw chick-flicks with my BFF, and I tell Stu about
some of the gift exchanges my BFF and I had for Christmas.  I question Stu
if it’s appropriate for Santa Claus to show up during Christmas mass, Stu
wonders what someone bought at Walgreens, I’m bummed the Chicago Bears suck, but
through it all we don’t talk about Oprah not pumping her own gas.

With this
being our last podcast of 2008,
thanks for listening!
And from Stu Gotz and me, ’nuff said, and that’s it for this one!  Happy
New Year!

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Global Warming, Global Cooling, A Cuban, Electric Cars, Cheap Gas, and Happy Holidays


The Dude on the Right

Oh the weather outside is frightful, or, well, it’s at least warmer, but as we are definitely going to have a white Christmas here in Chicagoland, I had to laugh at a lot of the comments on the radio when we were having the sub-zero temperatures about “Where is this global warming?”  Some pundit-types were using the cold weather to say, “See, Al Gore is wrong.  We don’t need to worry about the environment.  Everything is cyclical.  This year we might be global warming, next year we’ll be global cooling.  See, Al Gore is a dufus!”  Then there are the environmental types spinning that the cold weather is an affect of global warming because the environment is all out of whack.  Me, I don’t really know who to believe, all I know is that on TV yesterday I saw a news story about a Chinese company that is supposed to have an electric car, similar to the Chevy Volt, that is supposed to come out a couple years earlier, cost a bunch less, only won’t be as luxurious.  Me, I’m not that worried about the carbon emissions, my carbon footprint, or if I fart too much, what I do think is cool would be a car that pretty much doesn’t need gasoline, and somehow the Chinese are ahead of us in developing that car.

And that leads me to the loan offered to the auto manufacturers and a great post from Mark Cuban, the owner of the Dallas Mavericks, the won’t be owner of the Chicago Cubs because baseball owners are a bunch of dufi, but does write a nice blog where a few days ago he mentioned how Chrysler is toast because, well, what better way to waste money than to put a full-page ad in the Wall Street Journal thanking America for, well, investing in Chrysler, “America’s Car Company” that used to be sort of a Mercedes Benz car company until the Benz people couldn’t even take it anymore.  My simple analysis is that the car companies are in this mess much the same way Motorola is in their cell-phone mess.  Motorola rested all of its laurels on the Razr line, not seeing that things are changing, and now no one gives a damn about the latest Razr phone.  The car companies have become just as complacent, resting on their laurels without seeing the innovation consumers want in order to buy a new car.  A little Chinese company might just show that even with the Chevy Volt coming out, a once mighty car company gets beaten to the punch by a company that sees car buying differently.

Than again, with gas prices around $1.50 a gallon again, who cares about electric cars anymore.

In any case, I’m just waiting for my BFF before we start our holiday celebrating, so I thought I would write about something, so why not mix global warming, the loans to the auto companies, and cheap gas all in one post.

Happy Holidays.

That’s it for this one! 
I’m The Dude on the Right!!   L8R!!!

What’s New? A Podcast of: What’s for Dinner, It’s Cold, and No Stu :-(

Flying solo for a

"Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast
, The Dude on the Right only skips one thing he
was planning on talking with Stu Gotz about, so instead he just discusses them
with you, the listener.  Topics include a different take on your Holiday
dinner menu, how he liked "Yes Man," how he is sick of the cold weather even
though winter has just begun, and how he is looking forward to this Christmas
even though he won’t see any movies that day.  With The Dude from Illinois
he also talks a little Rob Blagojevich, some Chicago Bears, and upcoming
Christmas Day movie releases, but he does skip one story because that really is
one Stu will also be upset that he didn’t think of the idea, either.

What’s for Dinner, It’s Cold, and No Stu :-(


The Dude on the Right

I’m blaming Mama Gotz for Stu not being able to join me for a

"Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast
, and I’m sure much to the delight (sarcasm
implied) of our staff member,
Mystery Dude
, I’m flying solo.  I don’t really change much of what I
was going to talk to Stu about, with such topics as alternate meal plans for
your Holiday dinner table, seeing the movie

"Yes Man,"
how cold it is here in Chicagoland, and Christmas is coming! 

I also wanted to discuss with Stu the myriad of movies opening this
Christmas weekend, with the likes of "The Curious Case of Mork from Ork," umm, I
mean, Benjamin Button, "The Spirit," "Valkyrie," "Marley & Me," and Adam Sandler
finding a desire to make a children’s movie, so he has "Bedtime Stories" coming
out.  What would a podcast from Illinois be without more talk of our
Governor, Rod Blagojevich, and even though the Chicago Bears didn’t play as of
podcast recording time, it’s still football season so why not some Bear talk,

I am saving a "Why didn’t I think of that" moment for my next podcast
with Stu, so you’ve got that to look forward to.

So much
more, Holiday wishes to all of you, and as always,
thanks for listening!

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

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A Missing Picture, A Mean Letter, but Thank You, and Here’s to 2009!


The Dude on the Right

I have been getting a bit sentimental lately, coming on Christmas (did I ever
mention that I really love Robert Downey Jr’s version of
and him in

"Iron Man"
?), it’s been a season of happiness, sharing it with my new BFF as
well as old friends, and a season of sadness, being the first Christmas after
both my


died. In preparation for this blog post, well, I tried to do some quick
looking through old family photos for a picture of the Christmas tree we, or
mostly Mom, would put up, but sadly I couldn’t find one of the tree, a beautiful
tree – an artificial tree, white instead of green, some forty years old, with
some ornaments that were probably older than that, and Mom always put bubble
lights on the tree, and as kids we would each pick a bubble light, hoping ours
was the first to bubble. It also had normal-er sized bulbs, not those tiny bulbs
most trees have, some were blinky bulbs, and back in the day we would have the
train set up on the floor, on a sheet of plywood, that would drive the dog nuts!
In my searching I did, however, find some pictures of my first girlfriend, my
first car, Dad smoking a stogie, my fraternity brother Ken, one that my
brother’s girlfriend would get a kick out of, and some pictures of me I hope no
one ever see. I also found a copy of a letter I wrote to my sister that even I
have to admit was kind of mean, but sadly, no picture of that Christmas tree.
It’s not that they don’t exist, I know they do, and if I recall correctly, we
had a picture of it on the collage of photos at my Mom’s funeral, but I don’t
have the photos from that collage, and I don’t have days to search through the
boxes of family photos and negatives that I have, to find one.  Yet.

without getting uber-sentimental, in the few days before Christmas this year,
all I can give you right now is a picture of my Christmas tree (filled with
ornaments thanks to my Mom), and wish all of you, no matter what you celebrate,
a nice end to 2008, and a 2009 filled with more joyness than sadness, more
loveness than hateness, and more smileness than frown-ness.

2008 has been a year of weirdness, but thankfully to all of you who visit,
and my friends, and my BFF, it’s also been a year of happiness through it all!

Here’s to 2009, and if it goes as I hope, it will really be a year of change!

That’s it for this one! 
I’m The Dude on the Right!!   L8R!!!

What’s New? A Movie Review of “Yes Man”

Dude on the Right went to see a movie and was worried it would be "Liar Liar"
revisited, but doing as he does,

he reviewed "Yes Man,"
and still likes Jim Carrey.  Surprisingly
enough it was actually a nice romantic comedy with Jim Carrey only being
slightly over-the-top, although during a scene when "Jumper" from Third Eye
Blind plays out, well, the limits were actually pushed, but still played out
funny.  For the most part, though, things are kept simple and happy, and
Zooey Deschanel is great as Allison, the romantic girl in the movie.  The
Dude is really worried that you will have to explain to your youngins why Jim
Carrey is, in the end, excited after he put up some shelves in his elderly
neighbor’s apartment, but just don’t tell your little ones why Grandpa is happy
when Grandma takes out her teeth.