Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up! Lots of Movies, Sports, and Spelling Julio.


The Dude on the Right

Gotz is back for a

"Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast
, just in time to ruin the story of what I thought
was a lovely moment at dinner with my BFF, at "Uncle Julio’s Hacienda" (and you
spell "Julio" with a "J" and not an "H", and the drink I thought was called
something like "The Squirrel" is actually called
, and they have way-good food), in Chicago, and he also explains that he doesn’t
know how to hang up his phone.

Dinner and a cell phone aside, the both of us
saw some movies over the weekend, with Stu not liking the Jimmy Buffett-backed
movie, "Hoot," that he saw on cable that much, my liking both

"Eagle Eye"
with Shia LaBeouf, in the theater and "The Hammer" with Adam
Carolla, on DVD, and both myself and my BFF thinking "Ghost Town" with Ricky
Gervais was too long.  Both Stu and I are happy the Chicago Bears won, and
Stu gives his detailed analysis of the new design of the Chicago Tribune
newspaper.  Thankfully he let me take his paper because my subscription is
still on vacation hold and the store was sold out, although, since they were
actually free today, wouldn’t they have actually been free out?  And me, I
also give Stu my quick analysis of my TV viewing, complete about "Dancing With
the Stars," "Survivor: Gabon," and "The Biggest Loser: Families."

Anyway, what
would a timely podcast be without my impersonation of

Tina Fey impersonating Sarah Palin on "Saturday Night Live,"
with the both
of us amazed at Tina Fey’s impersonation of Sarah Palin, though Stu was not
amazed at my impersonation of Tina Fey impersonating Sarah Palin.

Thanks for listening!

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

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What’s New? A Movie Review of “Eagle Eye”

Going into seeing this movie, The Dude on the Right pretty much figured he would
have to suspend reality if he were

to review "Eagle Eye" properly
, and he tried to do as much.  He thinks
Shia LaBeouf and Michelle Monaghan were okay, but liked Billy Bob Thornton a
little bit more.  In the end, though, he wonders if the film people became
infatuated with a couple of films, like "I, Robot," "War Games," "The Italian
Job," and any other movie where cell phones and street lights can be controlled
by computers.  The Dude was also bummed the poignant ending wasn’t played
out rather than the feel-good ending that made The Dude drop his rating 1/2
stars.  In the end, though, if you’re looking for action-packed
non-reality, go and see "Eagle Eye."  Escape from the financial crisis and
realize that yes, computers might be the downfall of us all!

What’s New? A Podcast of: Remote Control Madness, “Survivor: Gabon,” and Who’s to Blame?

The Dude on the Right is flying solo for this podcast
, but that’s okay,
because his life is now in turmoil thanks to his buying a new T.V., and Canada. 
It seems that getting a new T.V. also required getting a new cable box, and now
his way-cool remote control isn’t way-cool anymore because it needs some major
reprogramming.  And as much as he can still control his T.V. viewing with 4
different remotes, and as much as he can now record 5 shows at one time, the
success of the Chicago Cubs, and the impending doom of the Chicago White Sox,
throws a small monkey-wrench into The Dude’s viewing plans because sports are
best watched live.

The Dude also had a nice weekend planned, but as things are in turmoil in the
United States, in the end, it might just all be Canada’s fault.  At least
it was on

"South Park: Bigger, Longer, & Uncut,"
a movie he didn’t let The W.G.N. see
when he was youngin.  Sometimes The Dude tries to be a good uncle.

Remote Control Madness, “Survivor: Gabon,” and Who’s to Blame?


The Dude on the Right

Who knew that buying a new TV would send my life into a remote control meltdown,

but for this podcast
, as much as I’m happy I have my new HDTV, all of a
sudden I have realized that my way-cool Philips Pronto remote control, that
works through walls, needs to be reprogrammed, and if any of you know a good
location to get hex remote codes (I used to have a link through Premise Systems,
but I guess they are gone), I would greatly appreciate an e-mail with where to
go.  Sure, this last sentence probably means absolutely nothing to most of
you, but to us remote control programming nuts, trust me, it makes total sense.

But my lame remote control woes aside, TV is starting to kick into high gear,
especially with "Survivor: Gabon" starting tonight, and yes, I’m still watching
Survivor, much to the worrisome of my BFF.  I have to say I haven’t gotten
sucked back into "Dancing With the Stars," but I am back on board for "The
Biggest Loser: Families" and "Heroes."  The tricky part about T.V., though,
right now, is that The Chicago Cubs have secured a playoff spot, the Chicago
White Sox are letting the end of this season be a nail-biter, and even though I
now have five ways to record shows, sports are always best watched live. 
And I don’t have my programmable remote set up to help me with any of this yet.

Lastly, there’s also some blame to go around for a change in my weekend plans,
and who better to blame than a country.

Thanks for listening!

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

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What’s New? A DVD Review of “Baby Mama.”

"Baby Mama" a movie for the dudes?  Well, The Dude on the Right saw the
movie in the theater, and now does his DVD review of "Baby Mama," and he still
thinks most dudes will find it funny.  It’s pretty obvious the dudettes
will find it funny, because, well, it’s about dudette stuff, and the dudettes
could easily use this movie as an excuse to have a dudette posse party, watching
a funny movie a lot of them can relate with, but hopefully their dude isn’t
really like Carl (the Dax Shepard character).

Tina Fey is on a roll, with her Emmy Award winning show "30 Rock," and if
John McCain dies, leaving Sarah Palin as President, and then Sarah has a brain
aneurism, Tina could actually be the next President of the United States, in
disguise, much like Dave became the President in the movie "Dave," and we
wouldn’t even know it.  Wow, that last comment isn’t even about the DVD
"Baby Mama."  You know what, just rent the damn thing – The Dude on the
Right says that it’s funny.

What’s New? A DVD Review of “I Want Someone to Eat Cheese With.”

The Dude on the Right was going to save

this review of "I Want Someone to Eat Cheese With"
for a rainy day, just to
get something posted, but right now he is so sucked back into the Fall TV
season, well, it might as well be a rainy day.  So here is his posted
review of the DVD, where more people than he can recognize are actually in this
movie, but to name two, Jeff Garlin (duh, he wrote, directed and starred in
it), and Steve Dahl (unless you live in Chicago you might say "Who?") have big
or small parts, but hey, if you are a fan of Sarah Silverman, and want to see
her in some slinky lingerie, this movie will probably be worth the rental, just
to, well, see Sarah Silverman in slinky lingerie.

The Dude does find the movie funny, in terms of dialogue, but also thinks the
movie drags a bit, even though he still thinks it’s funny.  The Dude is
really confused.

What’s New? A Podcast of: Bears, Emmy’s, T.V., TiVo, and No “Buddy Christ” Explanation.

Dude on the Right is lonely, and
flying solo for this podcast, and doesn’t even
explain to the audio world why "The Buddy Christ" is back where he belongs, at
least in the world of The Dude on the Right.  He does, though, talk about
his football team, the Chicago Bears, still sucking, how the Emmy Awards sucked,
but the only thing infiltrating the mind of The Dude right now, other than
wondering how his BFF will accept him into the fall season, is how he will be
able to TiVo all of his favorite T.V. shows, especially since he now owns an
HDTV.  On a Monday when The Dude could have probably used someone to talk
to, namely Stu Gotz, especially to tell him about the secret to maybe relieving
his congested nose during allergy season, well, The Dude is relegated to viewing
television, on a crystal clear, high-def TV screen, yet wondering how to record "Survivor:
Gabon" in high-def.

The Dude really needs to win the

Bears, Emmy’s, T.V., TiVo, and No “Buddy Christ” Explanation.


The Dude on the Right

I’m totally on my game.  Not. 

I open this podcast
simply stating "The Buddy Christ is back where he
belongs, and Stu Gotz, isn’t here.", and do I explain?  Maybe I explain a
little about Stu, but other than during the opening there is no other mention of
"The Buddy Christ," who is now back, where he belongs, after a "leaning over"
issue that sent a candle, speaker, mouse charger, and The Buddy Christ careening
to the floor.  Things were picked up, though something seemed to be
missing, and all of a sudden I realized my Buddy was missing.  There he
was, on the floor, behind the podcast computer, so I used my "Bull Penis" putter
to wrangle him out of a mess of cables, and now, The Buddy Christ, is back where
he belongs!  This is such a longer story than I can relate in a preamble to
a podcast summary.

But enough about something I don’t talk about during this
podcast, I lonely-ing talk about my disgruntleness with The Chicago Bears, how
The Emmy’s still suck, and as this TV season begins, and my BFF only knows me
from my summer, mostly miscellaneous T.V. viewing, she might just be in for the
shock of her life come this Fall Season.  Yup, I’ve got a new TV, one of
those newfangled HDTV’s, and now I might need another new TiVo, which might not
be bad a bad idea so I can actually record all of the shows I want to, in HD, or
move my computer bunker, but for now I’m just torn what Monday night shows
should end up on my TiVo Season Pass, between "Heroes," "The Big Bang Theory,"
"How I Met Your Mother," "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles," "Dancing
With the Stars," and next week "Chuck" comes back to really throw a
monkey-wrench into the mix.

I’ve got three, boring, normal, TiVo tuners, so
I’m still studying the TV schedule as I type this, but it looks like "Dancing
With the Stars" will get the boot, for now, because if Cloris Leachman does fall
down, I know it will be on YouTube.  And don’t get me started about my
Thursday TiVo-ing, with the premiers of "Survivor: Gabon," "My Name is Earl,"
and, to be able to talk with my BFF, I might have to fit "Grey’s Anatomy" in my

A blog might come later about TiVo-ing "The Biggest Loser:
Families," but maybe I should watch that when I wake up and groggily get on my
exercise bike.

What I would almost give for another writer’s strike right now.

Thanks for listening!

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

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What’s New? Hurricane Ike talk with The W.G.N. gets decimated by the tornado that is The W.F.N.

Dude on the Right just wanted

a nice podcast with The W.G.N.
, maybe talking about Hurricane Ike that hit
the Houston area, but then a tornado infiltrated the podcast, namely The W.F.N. 
All of a sudden it was talk about graduating from high school, The Dude
disrespecting The W.F.N., her wanting her own podcast, and well, just about
anything else she wanted to comment about because that girl has things to say,
and she damn well will do her best to make sure you hear it!

It was a fun diversion for The Dude, talking to The W.F.N., but with podcast
time running down, it didn’t leave too much time left for The Dude to converse
with The W.G.N., but they did get in some sport’s talk, some college talk, and
yes, even some hurricane talk.

The W.F.N. definitely needs her own podcast platform, but The Dude just
wonders if he’ll be able to control her so he doesn’t lose any advertisers.

Hurricane Ike talk with The W.G.N. gets decimated by the tornado that is The W.F.N.


The Dude on the Right

had every intention of

this podcast being somewhat calm with The W.G.N.
, us talking about Hurricane
Ike and its effect on his life, maybe some sports, but then a tornado
infiltrated our lives, namely The W.F.N., (that would be the World’s Fantastical
Niece), and as she worried about my concern for her well-being, The W.F.N. tells
me her plans after high school, sort of, and I think I’ve decided that she might
have a comedian side to her, not as Steven Wright, but a twisted cross between
Lisa Lampanelli and Mitch Hedberg (and yes, that’s a huge compliment).  If she isn’t too busy being a high
school senior, and if she’s up for it, I might have to add a third podcast with
her for the week.

But as the reigns were pulled back in, or rather The W.F.N.
gave the headset back to The W.G.N., things get back to sports, including the
Chicago Cubs and Houston Astros, and some football talk.  And as I petition
for another Twitter follower, I also talk some college talk with The World’s
Greatest Nephew about my being an asshole and a communist.

At the end of it
all I’m just glad my family weathered the Hurricane Ike storm, but wonder if I
can handle future podcasts with the tornado that is The W.F.N.

Thanks for listening!

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

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