Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up! Golf, Movies, Religion and More!


The Dude on the Right

Here comes the Pope, here comes the Pope!  Actually here comes

another podcast of "Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up!,"
but I thought I
would welcome Pope Benedict to these United States, and for whatever reason, Stu
Gotz found it necessary to bring up religion for this podcast.  He also
brings up the fact that Grandma Gotz and Mama Gotz, and for that fact himself,
are sometimes on different wavelengths in raising the little Gotz’s, and it
oddly enough relates to

"SpongeBob SquarePants"
(Did you know he lives in a pineapple under the sea,
and Stu, I hate to toss you to the wolves, or at least Mama Gotz, but did you
realize the absorbent and yellow and porous one is rated TV-Y7?) which all came
to a head this Sunday with the little Gotz’s singing a song and being afraid of

Not having kids I didn’t have the difficulties Stu encountered over
the weekend, mostly because I was watching Tiger Woods not be able to sink a put
to save his life and lose The Masters, am still backed up on my watching "Battlestar
Galactica" because my TiVo decided it wanted to watch Skinemax instead, but we
both talk about a lot of movies, namely

"Prom Night,"

"Smart People"
(which, the more I think about it, I over-rated it for my
written review),


"The Kingdom."
  We also talk a bit about TV, and my recommendation for
watching the finale of
"The Biggest
Loser: Couples,"

At least we don’t talk about politics.

Happy listening!

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

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What’s New? A DVD Review of “Enchanted.”

So it’s been a little while since “Enchanted” hit the movie theaters, but he put the DVD in his Netflix queue and decided to review it. As a whole he really liked the movie, thought Amy Adams was perfect in the role of Giselle, and thinks it might also melt the hearts of dudes who only like movies where things blow up. Even if you don’t have kids you will probably still like it, and although most of the extras on the DVD he found boring, the “making of” stuff fascinated The Dude.

But on What Occasion Would I Wear a “MILF Island” T-Shirt?


The Dude on the Right

So I’m watching the TV show
"30 Rock," as I am
wont to do because I enjoy it, and the episode dealt partly with the "finale" of
"MILF Island," with "20 super-hot moms, 50 kids, and no rules," and the first
part of me, as a fan of
knew that if there was actually a TV show called "MILF Island," I’m sure I would
be watching.  The second part of me knows, now that NBC has screwed it up
and probably copyrighted the concept somehow, FOX won’t be able to actually make
it a series, nor will CBS, who did their own exploitation of children with "Kid
Nation" and all they would have to do would be add some super-hot moms.

any case the episode of "30 Rock" made me laugh, but then quickly reminded me
that I am old.  Why?  They advertised that you could actually buy a "MILF
Island" t-shirt, I found that very funny, and I even thought of jumping online
to order one.  Then I quickly caught myself saying "Self, you’re not in
college anymore, even though you may think you are.  Where in the hell do
you think you could actually pull off wearing a ‘MILF Island’ t-shirt?" 
And in listening to myself I realized there isn’t any place in the entire
Universe where I could pull off wearing that t-shirt, although it would be sort
of funny to try, especially if I could be a fly on the wall, listening to the
comments wearing it had brought about.

I might still buy it anyway
since I need a new t-shirt to wear while I’m exercising at home, and I know that
every time I would look in the mirror while wearing it, well, it will make me laugh, but could
I wear it in public?  Maybe I should just buy one for
I’m sure he would wear it, out in public, and be able to make the
ladies laugh.  He has that way.

That’s it for this one! 
I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

What’s New? A Movie Review of “Prom Night.”

Here’s what The Dude on the Right recommends in his review if you want to see "Prom Night" – See "The Ruins" instead, and he hasn’t even seen "The Ruins" yet.  He has many complaints about "Prom Night," and even though it’s rated PG-13 he thought they could have put in some kind of "killer kills scantily clad girl before she sleeps with her boyfriend" scene, complains that they could have been at least a little original with the boyfriend dying, and wonders if fake blood costs that much money because either they were going for realism with the stab wounds (in which case, why?), or they were afraid of going over budget so they skimped on the blood.  Can you guess that The Dude didn’t like "Prom Night" that much?

What’s New? A Movie Review of “Smart People.”

The Dude on the Right issues an “Artsy Film Alert!” for “Smart People,” because, well, it’s an artsy kind of film, and he knows that his review of the movie won’t be glowing enough to try and drag the “Anti-Artsy Film” crowd into the theater. He did find it funny and thinks it will make a nice DVD rental, but just thought the Dennis Quaid character was a too-over-the-top portrayal of a literature professor in college and didn’t think he needed to be hitting up on the Sarah Jessica Parker character.

What’s New? A Podcast of: Artie Lange, Tiger Woods, and Paula Abdul. How About That Mix?

Lucky for The Dude on the Right he was listening to the West Coast Feed of The Howard Stern Show, so he was able to hear the entire Artie Lange meltdown, resigns, quits episode during the show, especially since it appears Howard might have put the nix on the replays of the show during the rest of the day. With no new information on the fate of Artie Lange, during his Thursday podcast, The Dude talks about it, doesn’t relate his theories on what is going on well, but there will probably never be another day when “Artie Lange” and “Stern Fan Network” are #1 and #2 on Google Trends. Tiger Woods and The Masters were dropped in rankings, thanks to Artie, and from The Dude’s observation, Kristy Lee Cook did not have a nip-slip during last Tuesday’s “American Idol.” Neither did Paula Abdul, but the podcast does have a new edition of “Paula Abdul Clips of the Week.”

Artie Lange, Tiger Woods, and Paula Abdul. How About That Mix?


The Dude on the Right

Just in time for a vacation hiatus for The Howard Stern Show, Artie Lange has a
meltdown, resigns, quits, and may or may not be going to Amsterdam, because of
many reasons people are surmising/assuming (even myself) especially since there
are no real updates, anywhere, and not ever here,

during this podcast,
though I do talk about it.  There will probably
never be another day when "Artie Lange" and the "Stern Fan Network" share the #1
and #2 position on Google Trends, especially when Tiger Woods and The Masters
would normally be the Google interest of the day.

So even though I wonder,
during the podcast, if Artie will come back to the show, wonder if Tiger Woods
can win The Masters and the Grand Slam of golf, I also report that during my
extensive studying of my TiVo’d episode of "American Idol" from Tuesday, there
does not appear to be a nip-slip by Kristy Lee Cook.  And trust me, I
studied that area as extensively as I could once I heard the rumor.  We’ve
also got this week’s inclusion of "Paula Abdul Clips of the Week," where if
anyone was close to a nip-slip during Tuesday’s "Idol," it was Paula, but no,
that didn’t happen either, as I studied her as well.

Happy listening!

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

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It’s “Inspirational Song” Week – Oh I Hope Someone Sings “Gonna Fly Now!”


The Dude on the Right

Because this is the week we are supposed to give money to the "American Idol"
crusade of "Idol Gives Back," to make them look or maybe just feel better about
themselves even though the Idol folks, Fox, and AT&T are making boatloads of
money off of us just by our watching and texting in our votes, (can you sense my
bitterness at their crusade), this week our contestants will be singing
"Inspirational Songs."  I’m wondering if one of them will really put the
concept over the top and sing "You’re the Inspiration" by Chicago.  I’ll
guess we’ll just have to wait and see and then, tomorrow, give all of our money
to "Idol Gives Back" instead of paying our mortgage, because who pays their
mortgage nowadays even though they have a big-screen TV to watch "American
Idol."  Can you still sense my bitterness in their having a charity and
asking us to give them money?

Anyway, let’s go…

Michael Johns
– Sings – "Dream On" by Aerosmith
 – Good song choice for him, but he’s no Steven Tyler.  Any singing issues
could get tossed aside if he was a better performer, with a better outfit. 
He so needed to work the crowd better, somehow.  And Paula won’t shut up. 
Please let her keep it up, this could be a banner week for Paula quotes.

Syesha Mercado
– Sings – "I Believe" by Fantasia
 – So, let’s suck up based on a previous Idol contestant, that I would say a
majority doesn’t know her music anyway.  Again, singing well enough, she
did hit the high note, but I don’t think she performed or connected with the
crowd the way she needed to in order to make her a star.

Jason Castro
Sings – "Over the Rainbow" the

Israel Kamakawiwo’ole
 – I’ll leave out the "Meet Joe Black" reference, and the fact that I know the
version he is doing first because of the radio dude
Steve Dahl, and the fact that
you would never picture a dude like
singing this song, which is actually wrapped with "A Wonderful World," but Jason
did a version consistent to the surfer dude he portrays, and Iz would probably
be proud.  Too bad he didn’t have enough time to do the full version Israel
does – do yourself a favor and get Israel’s version from his "Facing the Future"
album on iTunes.  Make sure you get the right version with both songs.

Kristy Lee Cook
 – Sings – "Anyway" by Martina McBride
 – Sticks with the totally country side, which works for her, but unless the
country fans rally behind her, this song might be her downfall because she still
doesn’t perform.  She sings well, she looks well, but I don’t give a crap. 
I guess I had to be there because she didn’t come off as a performer which is
where I think all of these folks need to now work now.

David Cook
– Sings "Innocent" by Our Lady Peace
 – Can these people pick any more obscure songs?  What the hell are you
doing?  He’s probably got enough of a fan base to keep him here, but this
is a song that is all over the place musically, the band and singers had no clue
how to pull it off, and maybe it’s one of his favorites, and I will give him
credit for probably being the best performer so far, but this was just too all
over the place.

Carly Smithson
– Sings – "The Show Must Go On" by Queen
– First off, how do you not tell the history of this song when Freddy Mercury
was dying at the time he sang it.  Sure it’s inspirational, but Freddy’s
story about this song is more inspiring.  She’s a singer, she knows what
she’s doing, and she’s got a fan base.  This will keep her floating around
for a while, she overdid it, but if you want to know about this song, and the
ending days of Queen, head to

the Wikipedia article.

– Sings – "Angels" by Robbie Williams
 – I’ll give the dude credit for pulling out songs that people won’t really
remember until the chorus, and then singing them nicely, and this week he almost
put an "Elton John" vibe into his performance thanks to staying at the piano. 
The thing though, is if you look at his eyes, he still looks a little lost, in a
"How and why and I’m here?" mode.  With this performance, though, he’s back
to being the one to beat.

Brook White
– Sings – "You’ve Got a Friend" by Carol King
 – She sings purty, she looks purty, and you can connect with her.  It was
a nice, slow song, but she still doesn’t shut up when the judges critique her. 
There still seems to be the lacking of performance with her.

Let’s wrap this up…

The week was about inspiration, no one sang "You’re the Inspiration" or a song
from a Rocky movie, and for the most part, none of them, sans David Cook, seems
to know how perform outside the safety of the microphone stand.  Carly had
a chance but she blew it, and if David Archuleta wins, I don’t care what any
commenters post, he seems to be trying to set himself up as the next Josh Groban
instead of, well, being better than Josh.  Rumors give David’s life a
complicated story, which is perfect for "Oprah."  His goal should be to get

Real singers show up on tomorrow’s "Idol Gives Back," or at least popular
singers, and then we are back to these people who sing nice enough but can’t
perform.  Now I’ve got to go back to my TiVo to see who got booted from
"Dancing With the Stars."

That’s it for this one! 
I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

What’s New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up! Prairie Fires, Movies, Dieting, and Poop.

Luckily The Dude on the Right wasn’t engulfed in flames over the weekend, and Stu Gotz hasn’t gotten the poop beaten out of him by Mama Gotz yet, so the boys are here for a “Weekend Wrap-Up!” podcast. With the weather being nice outside, both The Dude and Stu made the most of it by staying inside and watching movies. Also during the weekend, while The Dude was grilling a steak, it appears Mama Gotz was on a diet, at least according to Stu, (Why she’s on a diet The Dude can’t understand because he doesn’t think she needs to lose any weight. Stu, on the other hand…) though the diet Mama Gotz is on might have failed to mention an important aspect prior to measuring your waistline.

Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up! Prairie Fires, Movies, Dieting, and Poop.


The Dude on the Right

With the weather breaking Stu Gotz and I did what we do best when the weather is
nice – see a lot of movies.  So,

for this podcast
Stu gives his take on "Run, Fatboy, Run" and his Netflixed

"License to Wed."
  Meanwhile, I tell Stu what is wrong with

and the fact that I liked

"Nim’s Island."

I did get out to enjoy nature, or at least a prairie fire,
and while I was grilling a great steak, Stu tells me that Mama Gotz was on a
diet that actually caused her waistline to grow.  Either that, or she
should have pooped first before measuring that waistline.

And, oh yea, we talk
some "South Park" where Stu can’t understand the making fun of Canada.

Happy listening!

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

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