Lot’s of Super Talk About a Bowl and Voting, Bob’s House Was the Best, and I Could Be A Stripper.


The Dude on the Right

One of these Mondays Stu Gotz and I will get back together to do a proper
Weekend Wrap-Up Podcast, but I’m guessing Stu was suffering from a Super Week
hangover and couldn’t get together with me today. So, I’m flying solo

for this podcast
, but for, me it’s also about Super Week, too. Sure, I give my
brilliant analysis of the Super Bowl and the win by the New York Giants, and I
also give some deconstruction of tomorrow’s Super (thanks for asking) Tuesday elections. I also had
a chance to be a Super Stripper over the weekend, with four phone calls
requesting my services, and I don’t even tell you about my seeing a

not-Super movie
during this podcast.

And finally with the
Super Bowl comes Super Commercials and most people are spouting about how
sensitive the "Hank the Horse" Budweiser commercial was, I did laugh a lot
during the FedEx "Carrier Pigeon" and the screaming squirrel for Bridgestone
Tires commercials, and as much as I liked the inspirational story about Chester
Pitts and his playing the oboe, for me, the best commercial of the day was
buried, sadly, in the Super Bowl Pre-Game.  It was a Pepsi commercial
called "Bob’s House," which I felt the Pepsi people actually screwed up by
"explaining" it before it ran, and since
the Pepsi Link
isn’t as intuitive to get the commercial to run, after you listen to the
podcast, come back and watch the commercial through the YouTube link below
(which hopefully will still be active). 
You might have to think, just a little, to get it.

Thanks for listening!

And watch the "Bob’s House" commercial here…

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

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What’s New? A Movie Review of “Strange Wilderness” and a DVD Review of “The Game Plan.”

As The Dude on the Right prepares for the Super Bowl, he pounded out a couple of
reviews. One was of the movie
"Strange Wilderness,"
which he saw the other day, and thinks the movie
might be the worst movie ever. Of course that means he gave it 2 stars and
laughed during the film, mostly laughing about how bad it was.

He is also
trying to get more DVD reviews done, so this time it’s a movie with The Rock.
No, it’s not a super action flick, The Dude reviews the DVD version of
"The Game Plan."
If you’ve got a 5 year old girl it’s probably a movie
for all of you to enjoy together, but if you’re a dude, you’ll probably want to
catch the ESPN extras on the DVD.

Today I Cried a Little. For Me He’s Just “Dad.”


The Dude on the Right

We got snowed-in here, today, in Chicagoland.  Some didn’t, or maybe they
had the proper vehicle, equipped with snow-shoes, to travel the glistening,
white roadways, but I didn’t and the snow-plow people
didn’t show up until around 2PM to get the driveway in my townhouse area
cleared.  Hunkered down in my bunker I did get a little bit of work done in
the morning, but shirking some of my duties I also did some cleaning of the
Dude-Pad.  But that’s not why I cried just a little, as the title of this
blog tells.  Nope, as much as my pad needs a good cleaning, and that does
make me sad, it wasn’t until this evening when the tears came.

tonight, I figured, I would also work to clean up and delete stuff on my
computers, and that is when I came across a picture.

There I was, haphazardly
deleting stuff, when I came across a folder named "Home Photos," and the first
picture showing up was one of a lazy, chubby squirrel.  I remembered when I
took it, back in July, for a blog posted in August, and for a moment I was just
ready to hit the "Delete" key because I already had a

blog, posted, with photos of that lazy squirrel.
  But then I scrolled
through the digital camera roll, and there it was, a photo that made me cry, and
it wasn’t just a little.

And that was a couple of hours ago.

As I have been
working on typing, editing, re-typing, re-editing this blog, I have been torn as
to if I should post the picture, or not, because if members of the "… on the
Right" family view this, they might cry a little as well, but hopefully, for the
world that is forever in the Internet, and in having one of the last pictures of
my Dad, maybe the better picture all of us can go to is an image of him smiling,
with his granddaughter.  And that’s not such a bad thing for the world to

So here it is, the last picture I took of my Dad and Favorite Niece –
His Favorite Granddaughter.

As I have been trying to digitize all of the
pictures I have taken in the old version, that with film, in one keystroke I
almost lost a picture of my Dad.  He’s gone from me now, but with this
picture he will live forever, in the digital world.  His name is, umm,
Frank John Labis, it might also be Frank Joseph Labiszewski, it might
also be Frank John Labiszewski,  For me he is, and always will be, just

That’s it for this one! 
I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

What’s New? A Podcast of: It’s Snowing, TV Talk, Paula Abdul is Slutty, and I Wish “Hello, Hannah Montana.”

The Dude on the Right does a podcast, but thankfully none of it has to do with Apple Webclips because with that topic he’s already wondering what he might have done. For the podcast, though, he is happy to see the snow that Chicago is getting and thinks an older lady might want to move. Some TV shows are coming back, namely “Lost” and “Survivor: Micronesia,” but The Dude is still having a problem getting excited about the Super Bowl. He was excited about Paula Abdul looking slutty on “American Idol,” but isn’t excited about the movies opening this weekend, except for one he didn’t get tickets for yet, namely “Hannah Montana & Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert in Disney Digital 3D.”
It looks like no screaming teens are in store for The Dude on the Right. There are so many things about that previous sentence that sound so wrong. Umm, let’s get back to hot chicks on “Survivor.”

It’s Snowing, TV Talk, Paula Abdul is Slutty, and I Wish “Hello, Hannah Montana.”


The Dude on the Right

It’s snowing here, tonight, in Chicagoland, and I like the snow. Earlier today,

recording this podcast
, I ran into a lady who didn’t want the snow and I had
to remind her that it is still January. She complained she was old. She needs to

But snow isn’t as important tonight as is the return of "Lost", the
return of "Survivor: Micronesia" next week, and I still can’t get ramped up for
the Super Bowl over the weekend. For me this year’s Super Bowl is just turning
into a weekend of Eli Manning being able to show up his brother vs. finally not
having to hear from the Miami fans, ever again, that their team is better than
any team, in any sport, in the history of the world. And as much as I still want
"American Idol" to just get to Hollywood already, it was nice seeing Paula Abdul
in a slutty-looking dress, which Simon seemed to admire, too.

The weekend seems to be bringing a buttload of crappy movies so maybe the
snow is really a blessing. It might just be time to hunker down in the Dude-Pad,
do some cleaning, and wish I had gotten tickets to the "Hannah Montana & Miley
Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert in Disney Digital 3D" movie at my local
gigaplex. At least I have her CD, thanks to iTunes. For tonight, though, I’m
done dealing with iPhone WebClips, but that’s not a story in this podcast, that
might be one for another day. I am wondering, though, with one request for a
WebClip, "What have I done?" Now you might be wondering, too.

Thanks for listening!

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

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I Wasn’t Sure What to Blog About Until I Remembered that I, too, have been Pooped On.


The Dude on the Right

I was debating what to blog about today.  I could get political, talking
about the repercussions of both Rudy Giuliani and John Edwards leaving the
Presidential race today.  I fully understood Rudy Giuliani’s exiting after
Florida, in a message to every political strategist to never ignore Iowa and New
Hampshire (although
I still don’t fully understand their influence
), but didn’t John Edwards,
just a week or so ago, say he was in it until the convention?  And with him
leaving the race why isn’t he endorsing anyone yet?  Could it be that
someone finally whispered in his ear saying "John, you’ve got no chance in hell
to win this thing.  Get out before "Super-Duper Tuesday" so you don’t muck
up the numbers and then we can start to see who the front-runner really is
because we don’t want to endorse the loser, do we?"

Then I was going to blog
about even at my being 40 years old, there is incredible hope for me to land a
hottie.  It was in a news blurb the other day when, and I don’t know how I
missed this news, that Ryan Reynolds is dating, though not engaged, to Scarlett
Johansson.  Most of you probably have no problem realizing who Ms.
Johansson is, namely the 23 year old gorgeous, perfect, woman, but I’m guessing
the name "Ryan Reynolds" doesn’t rank too high in your book of Hollywood celebs. 
Two words are simply in order for Ryan, and they are Van and Wilder. 
That’s right, he was Van Wilder in the movie with the same name.  As hope
for me, with eight years being the age difference, I did a quick check and it
looks like if I want to do the actress direction I should be dating the likes of
Angelina Jolie, Kate Winslet, Milla Jovovich, and if I wanted to find someone
more on the musical side, K.T. Tunstall seems like a fun dudette to hang with,
but how could I, in the end, deny Charlize Theron the man that is The Dude on
the Right?

But since politics can be an explosive subject, and with my
self-esteem not being able to handle the crushing blow of a rejection from
Charlize, I heard about a video on YouTube today that reminded me of days that I
was pooped on, literally.  One was when I was working in downtown Chicago,
for a camera store, and on a trip out for lunch I walked a little too close to
the buildings forgetting that along with crowding the sidewalks, sometimes the
pigeons like to hang out on the building ledges about five stories up. 
Walking along I suddenly caught a white blob, out of the corner of my eye, on my
shoulder, and sure enough, I was pooped on.  Then I recalled another time,
on the way to a Chicago Cubs’ game, when a shortcut to Murphy’s Bleachers from
the El-stop (that’s an elevated train for you non-Chicago folks) is down the
alley the El runs along, when suddenly I feel something plop in my hair. 
Luckily I had some napkins in my pockets to clean up the heavenly present. 
I have also previously done a
podcast on the terror that are Canadian Geese
, and mark my words, the
downfall of the United States might be by geese.  All of that said, I have
never done what this reporter did during his news report, but it leads to loads
of fun, at least for us watching.

Winged creatures might just be the death of us all!

That’s it for this one! 
I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

What’s New? A Podcast of: An Apology, Movie Talk, Some New TV and MTV, but No Stu.

Even though it’s normally a day for a Weekend Wrap-Up Podcast with Stu Gotz, The Dude on the Right and Stu couldn’t figure out how to meet up today so The Dude on the Right handles the podcast duty flying solo. The Dude apologizes for his choice of words in yesterday’s blog, which he has since edited, but doesn’t apologize for liking the new “Rambo” movie. But mostly TV is on the mind of The Dude and he thinks it’s time for MTV to change its name because seriously, what do constant “America’s Next Top Model” marathons have to do with music?

An Apology, Movie Talk, Some New TV and MTV, but No Stu.


The Dude on the Right

Stu Gotz and I couldn’t get our schedules to meet today so I’m flying solo for

this weekend wrap-up podcast
. Starting off I do some apologizing to my mom
and anyone else who might have read the early version of yesterday’s blog where
my writing got a little blue, and not blue as in being sad. Personally I was
grumpy, and I probably should have just written about my grumpidom, but instead
the f-bomb and s-bomb showed up. Oh well. There’s also a little bit of analysis
on my movie viewing over the weekend, namely seeing “Rambo
and “Meet
the Spartans,
” but a lot of this podcast deals with TV stuff, and maybe it’s
finally time for MTV to change its name, maybe to something like ANTMMTV
(America’s Next Top Model Marathon TV). You know, thinking about it as I type
this, maybe MTV is appropriate, but instead of Music Television maybe it’s time
for them to rebrand it to Marathon Television. I wish I had thought of that as I
was recording this podcast. C’est la vie!

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

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Missing the Award Shows, Movies and Movie Previews, and an iPhone WebClip.


The Dude on the Right

With this weekend coming to a close, and my having "The Screen Actors Guild
Awards" on my TV, I realize that as much as I have been hating not getting new
TV shows, other than the reality ones, I do miss the award shows that propagate
the airwaves at the beginning of the year.  Why?  It’s not the crap in
between the awards because who really wants to hear bad jokes that can’t offend
anyone, but I do miss the speeches from those that win the awards, especially
from those who are surprised they actually won the award.  We missed the
drunken ones that might have happened during "The Golden Globe Awards," but
damn, I hope the writers and the TV and whomever folks need to do it come to an
agreement so that "The Academy Awards" can be the exploited award show we have
grown to know and love, and maybe just give us that one speech, from one
surprise winner, to make us dream (I’m cheering on Ellen Page).

On another
note, this weekend saw me getting to see a couple of movies, namely

which I really liked, and

"Meet the Spartans,"
not so much.  I also got all of
my movie
up to date, thanks mostly to Tiger Woods making The Buick
Invitational one of the most boring golf tournaments ever by beating the crap
out of the competition, and the CBS announcers sounding like little schoolboys
trying to call a golf outing, with one already pronouncing that this will be the
year Tiger Woods wins the Grand Slam of golf and another (or maybe it was the
same dude, I get them confused) upset because no one was able to get a birdie
on the hole he was covering.  I know Tiger was so far ahead that it was
nearly impossible for him to lose the tournament, but for goodness sake, can’t
you golf announcers control yourself?  He skipped Hawaii; it’s only
January; 2008 is the same length as any other year; with 320 days left, on any
given day in 2008, Tiger might lose a tournament; but where is the dignity that
is golf?  CBS folks, please go back and listen to your broadcast and boot
the crap out of the broadcast of those who have already lost their minds in January.

And finally, on a last geek note, I have said before that I have an iPhone. 
Fine, I’m a geek.  With the Macsomethingorotherconference, the world of
Apple gave me another iPhone update, still leaving me without the ability to cut
and paste, but that’s another blog for another time.  What they did do, for
the firmware update of 1.1.3, was give the iPhone the ability to add a WebClip
to your iPhone.  Pretty much it means that on your iPhone homepage you can
have a cute little graphic that when you touch it, well, it will open the web
page associated with that WebClip.  Hell, that’s too complicated
to explain.  Look, if you have an iPhone, and you like our web site,
Entertainment Ave!, go to our home
on your iPhone, click the "+" at the bottom of your iPhone screen and
add us to your homepage.  We, unlike other non-cool sites, will have a cool
icon on your iPhone that looks like our favicon, that when you touch it on your
iPhone (and it also works for your iTouch, I think), instantly logs you onto
Entertainment Ave!, keeping you informed of what’s new.

Be smart, be safe, and
if you like TV pray that the TV folks give in to the will of the writer folks,
otherwise 2008 will be the year of reality, and who wants that, unless, of
course, the dudettes on "Survivor: Where Ever They Are." are hot and
get hotter with losing weight.

That’s it for this one! 
I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

What’s New? A Movie Review of “Meet the Spartans.”

The Dude on the Right went to see “Meet the Spartans,” and he even wrote a review about it. Although the movie did make him chuckle at times, there were only three things he used to give his final rating. Actually there were four things, but since two of them belonged to Carmen Electra, he left it at three. He also has grown very tired of Paris Hilton being the go-to fodder for spoof movies because there just isn’t any more originality there.