What’s New? A Podcast of: Seeing the Wienermobile, Chickening Out, And Obsessed with Tay Zonday and “Chocolate Rain.”

For this podcast The Dude on the Right was happy to see the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile, but was sad that he chickened out and didn’t sing. He does sing, though, for this podcast, thanks to his latest obsession with Tay Zonday and his song, “Chocolate Rain.” None of that is important though since Angelina Jolie has arrived in Chicago.

Seeing the Wienermobile, Chickening Out, and Obsessed with Tay Zonday and “Chocolate Rain.”


The Dude on the Right

a day when you need a smile there is nothing that might bring yourself a smile
quicker than the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile.  It was there, at the grocery
store where I needed to pick up some grocery type stuff up, so I took some
photos with my iPhone.  But as happy as seeing the

made me, at the end of the day I know I chickened out, because
the giant wiener was there as a promotion for the
"Sing the Jingle"
competition, and I didn’t sing the jingle.

And I was also sad that I figured
out how I would have actually sang the "Bologna Song," thanks to
Tay Zonday and
his singing "Chocolate Rain," later, as I was driving back to the dude-pad, and
although I didn’t sing it for the Oscar Mayer wiener folks, I sing it for you

during this podcast

Wienermobiles and "Chocolate Rain" aside, here in
Chicago, though, Angelina Jolie’s showing up in town seems to be the most
important thing in the world right now because the

Chicago Sun-Times
said so.

So this podcast gives you a plethora of things,
like the Oscar Mayer wiener song, my singing, Tay Zonday talk, and Angelina
Jolie.  What more could you want?

Thanks for listening.

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

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Budding Engineers Giddy as Little Schoolgirls, Thanks to “Calvin and Hobbes.”


The Dude on the Right

I had a lot of topics I was thinking of blogging about today, and I suppose if I
started at the beginning of today, through my typing now, you would have been
enlightened by my thoughts on how I thought Barack Obama could have
vaulted himself into "everyman" territory at yesterday’s Democratic debate at a
sweltering Soldier Field (let’s just say "dressing for the weather" rather than
"dressing Presidential" – hell Bill Clinton played a saxophone!), how Stu Gotz
figures the New York City council is on the verge of over-goofing the Chicago
City Council with their supposed proposal to ban the words "bitch" and "ho,"
and how I still get excited watching a Space Shuttle take off.

And so, instead
of intellectual things, this blog is about a comic strip – "Calvin and

Sure, "Calvin and Hobbes" has been out of print for quite some
time now, but thanks to the internet, and the site
, I get to
again relive the fun Calvin and his stuffed tiger, Hobbes, have, on a daily
basis.  I guess I have Google to thank for this because it was when I set
up my Google home page that I found the gocomics site, and sure enough, they had
a "Calvin and Hobbes" RSS feed, providing me a link, everyday to a classic

Now sure, that’s not that compelling, but yesterday was one of the
strips that even made budding engineers giddy as little schoolgirls.  I
vaguely remember the day, it was back in college, at the fraternity house where
I was a member, and Stevie gathered some of us together to test something
seen in a comic strip.  I don’t remember exactly who was there, it might
have been Odie, Gumby, or maybe Shithead, along with
myself, but I don’t think Yoda, Tosh, Elmer, Markie,
nor Hammy were around.  T.P. was probably back in New Jersey,
Flange might have been at 7-11, and Laughing Boy was probably
sleeping.  But there we were, some of us, with Stevie, in probably the 2nd
head, to see if maybe the world’s most brilliant engineer, Calvin, had stumbled
onto something of utmost importance in the world of toilets and toilet paper. 
And, as budding engineers, we had to test the scientific experiment over and
over again, at different toilets, do some modifications to our own control
groups, and sure enough, Calvin found a way to make young adults giddy as

Not wanting to infringe on some copyright things I won’t post the
actual comic here, but if you want to do your own scientific experiment at home,
thanks to Calvin and his stuffed tiger Hobbes,

this link should take you to the comic
that brought a giant smile to my
face yesterday.  As stressful as college can be, something as simple as
toilet paper can bring good times.  Good times.  Go ahead, try it at
home, but depending on your toilet and toilet paper, be sure to have a plunger
around, just in case.

That’s it for this one! 
I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!

What’s New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up! “The Bourne Ultimatum,” Debating – Gladiator Style in Chicago, Chocolate Rain, and Poo.

For this podcast episode of “Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up!”, The Dude on the Right saw a couple of movies, and Stu Gotz just tried to stay cool. Stu wanted to know if The Dude was going to cover the Democratic Debate at Soldier Field, and even though The Dude is skipping it the both of them have some grand ideas, including Gladiator fighting and wet t-shirt contests, that might make the debate more exciting. The Dude, also, has sounds of “Everything Comes Down to Poo” and “Chocolate Rain” running through his head, but sometimes poo and chocolate rain are one in the same.

“Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up! “The Bourne Ultimatum,” Debating – Gladiator Style in Chicago, Chocolate Rain, and Poo.


The Dude on the Right

We had some slight audio issues to start

this podcast
, or at least Stu Gotz and I thought we did, but maybe we’re
just suffering from heat exhaustion since the both of us did so much work
outside this weekend.  We happily share all of our outdoor exploits with
you during this episode of "Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-up!", and along with
all of our outside activities, I thrill Stu with my talk about "The
Bourne Ultimatum
" and "Hot
" two movies that I caught this weekend, and I actually overtook Stu in
watching "Rescue Me," ruining a couple of plot points for him from the last

Stu, though, is ahead on the "Entourage" viewing and loves "Who
Wants to Be a Superhero,
" but that isn’t nearly as important as our
discussion on how to make the

Democratic debate at Soldier Field
more exciting (think "Gladiator" combined
with a wet t-shirt contest when it starts to rain, complete with Pay-Per-View). 
And as exciting as that might sound just remember,
"Comes Down to Poo"
and "Chocolate
" because sometimes there isn’t anything as compelling as poo, which, I
suppose, could sometimes be chocolate rain.

Thanks for listening.

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

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What’s New? A Movie Review of “Hot Rod.”

For this movie review of “Hot Rod,” The Dude on the Right saw a lot of potential wasted, and thinks Andy Samberg should stop trying to act like Will Ferrell. There were some funny moments for him, but he thinks some of those might be attributed to the fact that he hasn’t grown up yet. Someday he’ll act his age, but for now he laughed at some things during “Hot Rod” that if you have grown up, well, you might not find them funny.

What’s New? A Movie Review of “The Bourne Ultimatum.”

For this movie review of “The Bourne Ultimatum,” The Dude on the Right loved it. It had everything you would expect after “The Bourne Supremacy” and more. Matt Damon has turned out to be the best choice for Jason Bourne, and since The Dude is a Julia Stiles stalker he was happy to see her having a larger role as Nicky Parsons. And he also laughed during the movie. For him, it was nearly perfect.

Dear Stu Gotz, I’m Sorry. It is My Fault for your Chubbiness, and for Introducing You to “Snyder of Berlin” and their Cheese Curls.


The Dude on the Right

Sure the Chicago Tribune and other news outlets reported that your weight might
be directly related to the people you hang out with, and

in a podcast last week
I blamed my buddy, Stu Gotz, for my chubbiness. 
Now I realize that I owe Stu an apology because he isn’t the reason for my
chubbiness, and in fact, I might be the reason for his.  I realized this
after a two day battle with the best cheese curls in the world.

see, a few weeks ago I took a trip to the old country, Lorain, OH, to visit the
parents, and prior to my departure I mentioned to Stu how the best cheese curls
in the world were sold there.  They are from
"Snyder of Berlin"
(not ever to be confused with "Snyder’s of Hanover"), and they make, in my mind,
the world’s best

cheese curls
.  The cheesiness flavor is fantastic, above the flavor of
many other brands, but what makes these cheese curls almost the best, unless you
want total crispiness (in which case you could buy the "Cheese Crunch" version),
is if you chomp down on them right away you get a nice, fluffy, crunchy feeling
without seeming to tear up the inside of your mouth.  But what makes them
the world’s best cheese curls, and is the the ultimate joy in eating them, is
that if you let your mouthful of cheese curls rest on your tongue, for a couple
of seconds, they suddenly melt in your mouth, nearly disintegrating, with a
giant explosion of cheesy flavor.  You swallow, easily, with minimal
chewing, it’s on to your next handful of curls, and if you are sort of careful,
all of a sudden, you have eaten at least half the bag.  If you aren’t
paying attention, eight ounces with 1,360 calories of cheesy, airy, goodness has
made its way into your belly.

Then last Tuesday I opened up the eight ounce
bag of cheese curls I brought home with me, and by Wednesday night they were
gone, and as I was joyfully licking the orange, cheesy crumbs from my fingers I
realized Stu wasn’t the blame for my chubbiness.  That didn’t stop me from
finishing the finger licking, but I realized that maybe I’m the reason Stu is
chubby because as much as he puts me in some situations where proper dietary
functions could be done if I just picked the right things off of the menu, and
he might actually follow, I brought Stu a bag of the world’s best cheese curls
from Ohio, and he and Mama Gotz ate them, and liked them, and if I didn’t bring
home that bag of cheesy curl goodness, Stu wouldn’t have 680 calories of
goodness he has never known before.

So Stu, I am sorry for making you be
chubby, and your being chubby isn’t the reason for my being chubby because maybe
I should set a better example and not tell you that, if you ever get a hankering
for the world’s best cheese curls, you can

sort of order them online
, but sadly they want cash upfront and it might
take a week for the delivery.  But, if you want instant gratification for
your cheesy-curl goodness, they’re only about a five hour drive away, somewhere
in Ohio.

That’s it for this one! 
I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!

What’s New? A Podcast of: Prayers for Bridge Victims, Analyze a Horse Dream, Lame Cub Fans, and Funny Items in the Newspaper.

Since it is Thursday The Dude on the Right is flying solo for this podcast and is looking for some analysis help as to why he had a dream about a horse that went crazy, how he ended up with keepsakes from the jockey of the horse, and who might be his perfect girlfriend. He also has friends who are supposed Chicago Cubs’ fans but questions their allegiance. The Dude also reads a newspaper column called “QT” in the Chicago Sun-Times, lets you know why, and might let Stu Gotz off the hook a little bit for his being chubby. He has so much to talk about, in under 15 minutes, but yet The Dude on the Right fits it all in. His perfect girlfriend would like that, at least in his dream.

Prayers for Bridge Victims, Analyze a Horse Dream, Lame Cub Fans, and Funny Items in the Newspaper.


The Dude on the Right

There isn’t anything as interesting as animal boinking

in this podcast
as there was last Monday, but I do need some help with some
dream analysis because I have no idea what my dream about a crazed horse and
replicating jockeys has to do with anything.  The dream, though, included
my perfect girlfriend, but any help about what it might have meant will be
appreciated.  I also have a couple of friends who are lame Chicago Cubs’
fans because their excuses for not going to our annual "Floppy Hat Day" game
outing, well, are lame, and with the Cubs now the division leaders (at least
today, still) I am surprised at their lack of enthusiasm in what might be the
most important series (it’s against the St. Louis Cardinals) of the year. 
With their not going to the game Stu Gotz and I have a couple of extra tickets,
so there might actually be an opportunity to make some money on the secondary

And finally one of the newspaper columns I read on a basis when it is
written is called

"QT", in the Chicago Sun-Times, by Zay N. Smith
.  He looks at things
going on the world and writes little quips and anecdotes about them.  As
usual I found some things that brought a grin to my face today, and I thought I
would share them in this podcast.  He also reports, with the help of his
readers, how many times "tap-dancing militant Islamic fundamentalists" shows up
in various search engines, and who wouldn’t want to know that?

Thanks for listening.

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

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