For this movie review of “Black Snake Moan,” The Dude on the Right divides people who will see the movie into two classes. The Dude believes he is in Class A, at least after he got over his ogling of Christina Ricci, and really liked the movie. He also remains a fan of Samuel L. Jackson, and thinks Justin Timberlake also has a future career as an actor.
Author: Andy Labis
What’s New? A Podcast of: Anna Nicole Smith is Still Dead, American Idol is Not, and Fatherly Wisdom.
For this podcast The Dude on the Right introduces his latest news correspondent, Walter Dudeonright, to give the Anna Nicole Smith update. He also talks about the “American Idol” results where he was sad Leslie Hunt got voted off, wonders about Antonella Barba, and wonders if Ryan Seacrest wondered if Kellie Pickler spent some of her money on new boobs. The Dude also comments on some great “Dad Wisdom” thanks to one of his favorite commercials.
Anna Nicole Smith is Still Dead, American Idol is Not, and Fatherly Wisdom.
The Dude on the Right
I wanted to do this podcast yesterday, but I was finally getting our latest
episode of "Stu & The
Dude Reviewin’ the Movies for You!" posted, namely a review of
"Ghost Rider." As such the podcast waited for today, but today was
exciting as Anna Nicole Smith was finally buried and our correspondent, Walter
Dudeonright, fills us in on the story. And it being Friday instead of
Thursday, I’m able to give my quips about who got booted from
"American Idol,"
sadly one being Leslie Hunt and one not being Antonella Barba. It also
seemed that both Ryan Seacrest and I wondered about the new size of Kellie
Pickler’s boobs, and Paula Abdul was starting to get in fine form so I’ve got a
couple of clips of her moments.
Finally for this podcast, sometimes it is up
to a Dad to give words of wisdom to his children, and one of my favorite
commercials these days highlights “Dad Wisdom” at its best.
Thanks for listening and your comments.
That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
What’s New? Stu & The Dude Reviewin’ the Movies for You! Ghost Rider
For this video podcast episode of “Stu & The Dude Reviewin’ the Movies for You!”, the boys tackle “Ghost Rider.” They both kind of liked the movie, especially Eva Mendes’ boobs, but The Dude on the Right really wishes Stu Gotz would have used the fire extinguisher hanging on the chair.
Episode 8: Ghost Rider
A Video Review of “Ghost Rider”
Subscribe Here ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Quick Words From:
The Dude on the Right
I have to admit that I was entertained more than I figured I would be by "Ghost
Rider." Stu Gotz also was entertained, just slightly less than I was.
Both of us liked the outfits Eva Mendes had on as Roxanne, and I even sing a
couple of tributes, one to Roxanne and the other to Johnny Cash. Stu
didn’t like my singing, but he had his own salute to the movie, much to my
dismay. If you want, skip my synopsis (duh, the movie’s about a dude who
sells his soul to the Devil) and get right to Stu’s salute, about 3/4 of the way
in. Sadly, for me, he brought his own fire extinguisher.
Thanks for watching, and we welcome your comments.
That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
P.S. This Video Podcast is in Apple
Quicktime format, Ver. 7+. If all you get is the audio of this video podcast, or it doesn’t load at all, please upgrade your Quicktime/iTunes
software to the latest version. The files are also kinda big (10meg+), so give them time to download. Thanks! The DOTR.
Starring: | Nicolas Cage, Eva Mendes, Peter Fonda |
MPAA Rated: | PG-13 |
The Movie is: | 114 Minutes long. |
Released By: |
Columbia Pictures |
Movie Web Site: | |
Kiddie Movie: | It’s really for teens and above. Leave the little ones at home. |
Date Movie: | It’s campy enough for the both of you. |
Gratuitous Sex: | Nothing gratuitous but Eva is dressed in some tops that accentuate her boobs. |
Gratuitous Violence: |
Ghost Rider does have to kill some people for the Devil. |
Action: | There’s some chasing. |
Laughs: | There are a few lines that give a chuckle. |
Memorable Scene: |
The special effects of the flaming Ghost Rider are great. |
Memorable Quote: |
Nothing really. |
Directed By: | Mark Steven Johnson |
Produced By: | Avi Arad, Michael De Luca, Gary Foster, Steven Paul |
What’s New? Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up Podcast: Academy Award Talk, “Reno 911!: Miami,” and a Children’s Museum.
For this podcast of “Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up!”, The Dude on the Right gives his Oscar/Academy Award show wrap-up, since he was stupid enough to watch the entire show, while Stu Gotz was smart, and didn’t. The Dude also saw “Reno 911!: Miami,” while Stu went to an aquarium and a Children’s Museum.
Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up!: Academy Award Talk, “Reno 911!: Miami,” and a Children’s Museum.
The Dude on the Right
I have really got to stop planning doing anything the morning after The Academy
Awards, which they schedule at 3 hours, because there is no way in hell it ever
lasts, well, 3 hours. As bad as it was for us in the Midwest, I’m sure the
East Coast folks dropped off way before the major awards were announced,
because, well, the Awards ended at around 11:20 PM my time, which puts them
around 12:20 AM East time. Stu Gotz didn’t watch much of them, because he
was smart, but for this episode of "Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up" I start by
giving Stu my take on the Oscars, how I was bummed
"Pan’s Labyrinth" didn’t win its major award, and need to go back, thanks to
listening to Howard Stern,
and rent "Caligula."
I also tell Stu why he should go and see
"Reno 911!: Miami" and Stu tells me that if you have kids, or are dating a
dudette with kids, a good place to go in Chicago is the
Chicago Children’s
Museum. He also explains that another great place to visit is the
Shedd Aquarium
in Chicago, and was amazed at the size of the
Dragon. It ain’t a small lizard.
Thanks for listening and your comments.
That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
The Academy Awards are Boring Me Right Now.
The Dude on the Right
Well I survived our ice storm, and now I’m just trying to survive The Academy
Awards. I have to admit that I have been in the midst of finishing up
animating our next episode of "Stu & The Dude Reviewin’ the Movies for You," our
review of "Ghost Rider," and at this stage all I have left to do is let the
computer do its work and render all of my work into something I can post for all
of you to see, which hopefully will get finished tomorrow night. But in
that midst, The Academy Awards have been on, and I have to say other than the
slightly entertaining musical number about comedians not winning anything, it’s
been a bore-fest. The un-surprise has been that Eddie Murphy didn’t win
for best supporting actor, which most people will blame his latest work in
"Norbit" as the cause, or
worse, that the Academy is racist.
The odd part for me is that this is
probably the first year that I haven’t seen any of the films nominated for Best
Picture. I know, I suppose I’m a lousy reviewer for admitting this,
especially when, yesterday, my local gigaplex was having "Academy Award" picture
day, where for a mere $30 you could sit from 11AM until it finished and watch
all five of the films back-to-back. Rather than catch up on my films for
Oscar day, I opted to see
"Reno 911!: Miami," which I can honestly say, even though I gave it 4 stars
out of 5, has absolutely no chance of being nominated for anything for next
year’s award show.
Well, I suppose I’ll wrap-up this blog now, let my computer
do its rendering magic, and see if I can stay awake for the rest of The Academy
Awards, and see if Jennifer Hudson loses the best supporting actress award,
since it has already been bizarre that "Happy Feet" beat
That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
What’s New? A Movie Review of “Reno 911!: Miami”
For this review of “Reno 911!: Miami,” The Dude on the Right really enjoyed the movie, but then again, he is King of The Land of the Easily Amused. He also thinks he had a peek into one of the screenwriting sessions as to the real reason for the beached whale scene.
What’s New? A Podcast of: Kissing Jennifer Aniston, Dancing With One Leg, and Go Gina and Leslie!
For this podcast The Dude on the Right kissed Jennifer Aniston*. He also talks about Britney Spears a little, and Anna Nicole Smith not at all. The Dude also knows why you will be watching the next season of “Dancing With the Stars,” and “American Idol” is in full force. He’s cheering on Gina and Leslie.
*In his dream.