I saw “Old Dogs” in the theater and didn’t like it that much, but I liked it a lot more when I watched it in the privacy of my own pad. My Blu-ray review of “Old Dogs” is posted, and pretty much you will get exactly what you expect. It has its moments, but this is really a movie to watch with the kids, and maybe chuckle along with them.
Author: Andy Labis
Academy Award Talk, We Saw Alice in Wonderland, a Lazy Sunday, and Ghost Ships in Milwaukee!
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I’m tired, and during our "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast I tell Stu Gotz that I’m blaming the Academy Awards. Yup, the both of us watched pretty much all of the Oscar telecast, and we pretty much agreed on a lot of things, including who won some of the awards and that there was some wacked-out dudette who now has perpetuated the term "Kanye Moment" when she tried to upstage the dude who was giving the speech when Best short something-or-other won an award. So, yes, our podcast has tons of commentary about the Academy Awards telecast, and we even discuss some fashion!
It was a nice weekend for me, especially Sunday when I accomplished absolutely nothing, and Stu had a nice weekend as well, giving a talk up in Milwaukee, WI, for the Ghost Ships Festival. We both were able to see "Alice in Wonderland" and disagree about the use of 3-D in the movie but not about the movie itself, Stu wants everyone to watch Academy Award winning documentary "The Cove," and I’m looking forward to maybe catching "She’s Out of My League" next weekend while Stu doesn’t even seem to know what it is.
That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
What Would Brian Boitano Do?, What Did Stu See?, What Girl Scout Cookies Do We Like?, and More!
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Stu Gotz wishes everyone "Happy Dupa Day!." I know what Brian Boitano would do, and Olympic withdrawal isn’t really a part of this episode of our "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast. Sure, the Winter Olympics are over and Stu Gotz has a new Wii game about it, but both of us are actually happy the sport’s fest is over because that means our normal TV viewing is back, especially "Chuck," although we could both do without Jay Leno returning, and we analyze "The Marriage Ref." Me, I didn’t see any movies but did hit a lot of stores, while Stu and the Gotz clan went to see "Percy Jackson & The Olympians" and he says that "Harry Potter" has nothing to worry about.
Stu does make me a little bummed, as I think about it now, because he’s got Girl Scout Cookies on the way, and I have none, but I’ll get over it as I sort of spill the beans a little about a project I’m finishing up that has kept me away from movie-going. Stu wonders if my BFF will be mad if we have a boys day and see "Alice in Wonderland" this Friday, he also is looking forward to the DVD of "Gentlemen Broncos," and is preparing for Daylight Saving Time on March 14th, and me, well, next week I’m hoping to make a giant announcement, a huge announcement, or at least an announcement, but for now you’ll have to listen to get a clue!
That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
A Diving Convention and A Health Fair, The Olympics and Imaginary Bitches, Jerry Taft and Weather!
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Both Stu Gotz and I attended conventions this weekend, and during this episode of our "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast you can find out who had the better experience. Actually both of us seemed to have interesting experiences, with Stu at a diving convention where he did a presentation, helped out a dude who had problem with his own presentation, and then was pissed at said dude with the problem. Me, I met Maxine, the lady from the greeting cards, or at least a real-life representation of her, at a health fair that served hot dogs and pizza.
Various "conferences" aside, the weekend brought us some funky weather (I would like to personally thank weather man extraordinaire, Jerry Taft, who, thanks to being a Facebook friend, both ruined my weekend by telling me there would be no snow day for me today, but made me like a weather man who goes above and beyond to let us know the real weather), and a lot of watching of the Winter Olympics. Stu is now a fan of "Imaginary Bitches," I’m looking forward to "Cop Out," and Stu is sick and tired of being sick and might see a doctor to be less sick. All of that, and more! How do we do it!?!
That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
Curling is Coming, A Gay Protest, Valentine’s Day is Over, and The Dude Sings (Badly).
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For this episode of our "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast I get to explain to Stu Gotz why my BFF is the best Valentine’s Day gift-giver ever! Stu also had a nice day, although his day involved an escapade in getting some tea and an urge to beat down an older lady. Calmness did prevail, and maybe that’s because both Stu and I, well, Stu more than I, are getting into the Winter Olympics. He got into the competition right at the get-go, while I’m waiting for the curling competition to begin because nothing screams "winter" like brooms and a big stone. Both of us, though, did catch some and most of the opening ceremonies and give our related critiques.
As the podcast continues, the Winter Olympics will be putting a damper in both of our TV viewing schedule, my BFF and I saw "Avatar" over the weekend, and she liked it, and Stu wondered if the BFF and I went to church on Sunday at Holy Name Cathedral in Chicago in time to take part in the protest of the gay coalition against the Catholic church. I tell Stu of the death of Doug Fieder from The Knack, Stu will be giving a diving presentation at Our World Underwater this weekend, I sing badly, neither of really want to see "Shutter Island," Stu gives his religious views (send your complaints to stugotz@entertainmentavenue.com or comment below), and I won’t be getting Jimmy Buffett tickets. So much to talk about… So little time!
That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
Free Grand Slams at Denny’s, The Super Bowl is Done, and What is Burn Notice?
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The Super Bowl may be over, but during our “Weekend Wrap-Up!” podcast, the memories live on! Yup, Stu Gotz and I talk about the game, the commercials, the success of The Puppy Bowl, the free Grand Slam breakfast at Denny’s, and the resignation of Scott Lee Cohen, the dude elected to run for Lieutenant Governor in Illinois, but because the Democrats didn’t like him, they made him cry, and quit, during halftime of the Super Bowl. Gotta love politics in Illinois!
And along with the big game, we also talk more TV and find out that Stu would have been a great contestant on Saturday Night Live’s game show of “What is Burn Notice?” because, well, he knows what “Burn Notice” is, and that my DVR is filled with Oprah and Ellen. My BFF and I searched out some wedding reception options, a snow storm might cause a lot of school closings in Chicago, my BFF is now the only person who hasn’t seen “Avatar,” and watch out for that salami, especially if you bought it from Costco, because there is some kind of recall. And if you think salami might be stinky, don’t go pee at Chicago’s City Hall.
That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
My Blu-ray review of "Amelia" is posted. I would like to recommend the movie, but my BFF fell asleep while we were watching it. If you are fascinated by Amelia Earhart, like some picturesque scenery, or want to actually watch a deleted scene that should have stayed in the movie, go ahead and get it.
My Blu-ray review of "Surrogates" is posted. The movie was a whole 1/2 star better by watching it in my living room, but hey, go ahead and rent it to see Bruce Willis with some wacky hair.
Vacation Stories, The Granny Awards, Sore Backs, but No Humping Dolphins.
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Stu Gotz is back in town, and for this “Weekend Wrap-Up!” podcast we both give our tales of domestic exercising that neither of us really planned for. But our being out of shape doesn’t curtail this podcast, nope, it’s the day after the Grammy Awards, or as Stu calls them the “Granny Awards,” and even though he didn’t watch them, I did, and we both have opinions about various folks like Lady Gaga, The Black Eyed Peas, and Fergi.
Some vacation talk with Stu leads to his recommendations of sit-down dinner v. buffet on a Royal Caribbean cruise, I lament some website redesign on my inability to get stuff posted, Stu is happy that “Burn Notice” and “Psych” are back on TV, and we both love “Chuck.” Combine that with some talk of “Star Trek” and “Avatar,” humping dolphins, and hey, why not some iPad and Jay Leno talk thrown in for goodness measures, and you get another fun-filled episode of “Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up!” podcast!
That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
Stu Gotz watched the recently released Blu-ray version of “Fame,” the re-make that was in theaters in 2009, and let’s just say that he’s not a fan. Okay, he pretty much didn’t like the movie at all, and he’s got his reasons. Oddly enough, and usually Stu likes thinks quick and to the point, but he thought the movie would have been better served as a three part mini-series so that there could be more character development, and not really surprising, he wishes that mini-series could have been on HBO or Showtime so that the portrayal could have been a little bit more true-to-life, what with the swearing, fighting, and general mayhem that kids can get into nowadays.