It amazes Stu Gotz that the kids don’t hurt their ankle, but when it comes to an in-law, x-rays might be necessary, while The Dude on the Right was disappointed in "G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra." They tell each other these tales during this podcast episode of "Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast, and Stu also fills The Dude in on "Seven Pounds," the Will Smith flick. The Dude has issues with Walmart, Stu has issues with The Shack, they both agree KFC is a better name, but neither of them can figure out how Mama Gotz double-booked her calendar for this upcoming weekend. They talk; You can listen.
Author: Andy Labis
Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up! G.I. Joe, A Full Calendar, Walmart, and a Bum Flipper.
The Dude on the Right
As weekends go, this one in Chicago was hot, and if things stay the status quo, next year when Lollapalooza comes through I’m predicting humid, with temperatures in the 90’s, and a chance of showers. It’s not that Stu Gotz nor I went to the big concert, but during this "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast, I get to tell Stu about my trip to see "G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra." Stu had excitement of his own as some of his in-laws are in town, and wouldn’t you know it, it wasn’t the kids who took a spill and maybe broke a foot, but one of the older folks. Stu did get to see a movie, namely "7 Pounds," the Will Smith flick, and thought the beginning of the movie was really slow, while I caught the remake of "Race to Witch Mountain" with Dwayne "Don’t Call Me The Rock" Johnson on Blu-ray.
I let Stu know about some Walmart woes, Stu wonders why some companies can’t just be satifsfied (like Radio Shack becoming The Shack), and even more because, well, it’s a weekend and sometimes we do things.
That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the
Right!! L8R!!!
What’s New? A Movie Review of: G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra
The Dude on the Right wanted to like "G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra," but during this movie review he explains how little Skippy was just as entertaining, even though annoying, while he was watching the movie. For The Dude that’s kind of a shock because as he puts it, the movie had a lot of stabbings, chasing, shooting, and bloated action, complete with flashbacks. Sadly what seemed to be missing the most was an entertaining story. Maybe the sequel will get it right since they already seem to have it set up.
Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up! Lots of Traffic, New Spectacles, No Funny, and a Lazy Sunday.
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Sure, in Chicago they say there are only two seasons, winter and construction, and usually it is construction season that causes all of the traffic delays, but Stu Gotz tells me during our "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast that there is another form of traffic, related solely to the reemergence of football season, and he was just lucky he was heading out of Bourbonnais, Illinois, when training camp for the Chicago Bears started. He also had some traffic woes when he was going to pick up Mama Gotz, but luckily he had some gorgeous weather for a diving excursion. Me, I was chastised by my local optometrist who wondered how I was getting contacts for all of these years without a prescription, and I told him I didn’t realize it was that long since I got my eyes examined because 1-800-CONTACTS would just send me an e-mail asking if I needed a refill, I told them yes, and low and behold – more contacts. I also told Stu about a nice time that was had by all at the Grand Opening my BFF held, how Sunday was lazy without any movie watching, although thanks to "The Soup" on E! I found out my brother was in Key West and got to hang with Al Roker on the Today Show. That’s him, sitting behind Al. Sort of wish I had known and set my TiVo. Oh well.
Since neither Stu nor I saw "Funny People" last weekend, maybe next week we’ll both try to catch "G.I. Joe." Stu, though, did see "G-Force," and lets you know during the podcast if it’s good for kids, and maybe adults as well.
That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the
Right!! L8R!!!
What’s New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up! Sleeping, Fireworks, Merry-Go-Rounds, and Chicago Cubs!
The Dude on the Right and Stu Gotz had different experiences at Chicago’s Venetian Night event, and they talk about it during this episode of "Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast. While The Dude was sleeping, it seems Stu was paranoid the little Gotz’s were going to take a dip in Lake Michigan, but at least the podcast turns to some levity when they discuss the movie "Mamma Mia!" They do their worst to talk about Sarah Palin quitting her post as Governor of Alaska, chat a bit about the good fortune lately of the Chicago White Sox and Cubs, and who knew, but some people are assholes. Then there’s the part about The Dude thinking about a new car, especially with the Cash for Clunkers program, and it being more complicated now that he is engaged.
Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up! Sleeping, Fireworks, Merry-Go-Rounds, and Chicago Cubs!
The Dude on the Right
Somehow both Stu Gotz and I both ended up in downtown Chicago for Venetian Night, and during this episode of our "Weekend Wrap-Up!" we all find out that I slept through it while Stu was worried about his kids drowning. I do tell Stu that I stayed awake for dinner at Carnivale, while Stu at least enjoyed some fireworks once the kids were on terra firma. We also talk some firework traditions in Chicago, namely pulling over on Lake Shore Drive to watch them, and Stu had his share of asshole kids, as well as asshole/stupid parents.
With my extended napping, there was no time to see movies for me, and Stu didn’t catch any in the theater, but he did see "Mamma Mia!" on HBO, and comments on the singing of Pierce Brosnan. We are both kind of happy that the Chicago Cubs and Chicago White Sox are doing well, we don’t really talk too much about Sarah Palin quitting, and we want to see "Funny People" this coming weekend, but both wonder how funny it will be.
That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the
Right!! L8R!!!
I Wish I Had a VCR for My Dreams…
The Dude on the Right
If I’m psychic, I’m gonna need a new car transmission, but at least I’ll have a broken pen. You see, sometimes I dream when I sleep. I know, we all dream, but sometimes I remember my dreams, very vividly in fact. At times I can figure out where my mind came up with the stuff in my dreams, other times I can actually put myself in a state where I know I’m dreaming and then be able to control my dreams, but other times I just let out a big "That was weird" when I wake up, or when they are in a foggy haze I say, in the immortal words of a dude named Aric, "I wish I had a VCR for my dreams." As it were, last night was another night where I remembered my dream, and even though I did let out a "That was weird," in the grand scheme of things, the dream didn’t involve me flying, falling, or a tornado coming at me, so that was nice. But if my dream shows my psychic side, it looks like I’m going to need a new transmission, or maybe it is time to just buy a new car, or get a new pen.
As the dream started, to my recollection, I was in the dude-mobile with my brother, I was trying to pass a car going too slow, but my engine would just rev louder and louder, like it was stuck in first gear. At this point I realize my car won’t shift gears, I’m never going to get enough speed to pass the car, but as I pulled over I found myself in the driveway of a mechanic’s place, similar to the old days when your gas station had two bays to fix people’s cars and the only food stuff you could buy was on a rusty old potato chip rack and pop from a machine instead of a convenient store to buy a 55 gallon drum of pop. Alas, the mechanic looked at my car and told me the news I already figured – that my transmission was shot, and it would cost me $3,000 to fix it. Low in funds I started to well up a bit with tears, but then it occurred to me, "Why should I spend all of that money on a new transmission when I could just finance a new car?" The owner of the shop seemed to agree with me, but sadly they only sold used cars at this place, and they didn’t seem to have anything that would suit my fancy.
Now in a better mood I told my brother we were going to head home, although it might take a while because the dude-mobile could only safely go about 20 miles an hour, but then my brother disappeared as I went to get my car, which was now parked in a dark lot, with only a couple of lights, although there was an outdoor basketball court with a pick-up game going on. Seems simple enough that I should head to my car and head home, only I was petrified nervous because I feared the kids playing basketball were all in a gang because they were all wearing baseball caps tilted to the side. I hastily made my way to my car, fumbled getting my keys out of my pocket, and then all of a sudden the basketball got loose, headed my way, and I dropped my keys as I got the ball and gave it to one of the dudes playing ball. He said "Thank you," gave me a broken pen, and then I woke up.
So, whether I’m psychic or working through, in my head, a fear of having a broken pen, in the end I like dreaming, and my recollection of this one was pretty decent. Next time, maybe it won’t be so, but I’m thinking I might want to change my request for a dream VCR and shift it to the 2000’s, wondering if someone could make a TiVo for my dreams.
That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
What’s New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up! Harry Potter, Count Chocula, Valkyrie, but No Bikers.
The Dude on the Right and Stu Gotz are back again for another fun-filled episode of "Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast, where The Dude can’t seem to locate "Count Chocula," but Stu did see "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince." Along with cereal talk and movie talk, our boys also discuss Tom Watson at The British Open, a dude who looks like he wants to take a dump in the "Twilight 2" trailer, Stu seeing an old fraternity brother of ours, and I remind Stu of the benefits of easy-out parking when seeing an event at Wrigley Field in Chicago.
Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up! Harry Potter, Count Chocula, Valkyrie, but No Bikers.
The Dude on the Right
I couldn’t believe that I couldn’t find "Count Chocula" at my local grocery store, especially now that I’m getting hooked back into cereal, but Stu Gotz doesn’t really have an answer for me during our "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast for my little, chocolate marshmellowy-kind-of-thing fix, instead he spends most of his time talking about "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" and if he thought it was any good. Me, along with my cereal disappointment, I have to say I was bummed that Tom Watson couldn’t pull off winning The British Open, but I got over it because my office is now looking a little less like a tornado came through. Stu, over the weekend, was more of the movie-man than I was, also seeing "Valkyrie" and thinking the dude in the "Twilight 2" trailer had to take a dump, but for what it’s worth, he also didn’t get harrassed by bikers, probably thanks to a local concert.
Next week we’ll probably find out if the Little Gotz’s liked "G-Force," I might drag my BFF to see "The Ugly Truth," but in any case, another weekend wrap-up will be there. For now, though, thanks for listening to this weekend episode!
That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the
Right!! L8R!!!
What’s New? A Movie Review of “Bruno” and A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up!
Well, The Dude on the Right reviewed "Bruno," if you so desire to read his review, but Stu Gotz and The Dude also talk about it during their "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast. Along with the movie, the boys also have some discussions about water slides for the little Gotz’s, new shows hitting TV this summer (Stu is liking "Hung," while The Dude is getting sucked into "Big Brother"), and The Dude also had a great time seeing Tom Jones, which isn’t that unusual.