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July 31, 2005
You Need to Check Out Google Moon!
The Dude on the Right
When Google launched
their map service, at first I was like "What, another map service? Who
cares?" Then I messed around with it, and I’m sorry
Mapquest, you are
losing the battle in my book in the internet map wars. I will say that
right now the Mapquest folks seem to do a better job at giving
directions, but from the instant I was able to click and instantly drag
the Google map, I was converted because I’m usually pretty good at
figuring out my own directions. Sure, if I want a printed map that
unfolds and I can put in my car, you still can’t beat the folks at
Rand McNally,
but in all honesty, for my internet world, it’s too hard to spell.
So as much as I love Google Maps, then the folks at Google did something that really brought a grin to my face: They went into outer space.
Well, they didn’t really go into outer space, but they got some images from NASA of the lunar surface (that’s the moon if you didn’t know), specifically around the area of the six lunar landings. So like their normal map service, you can click and drag around the moon, but just as important, you can get some great detail of the surface of the moon. My recommendation for the day, go to Google Moon. Then, incrementally, zoom to the surface of the moon by clicking the "+" button. Eventually get yourself to the closest resolution, and I can pretty much guarantee you will be amused at the detail we have been able to get of the lunar surface.
I did catch some movies over the weekend, so Sunday evening/Monday morning comes reviews of "The Island," "Must Love Dogs," and "Stealth." I also got copies of the new Michael Stanley and Cowboy Troy CD’s, so those reviews should be posted sometime this week, as well as a triumphant return to the concert scene with coverage of Neil Diamond in Chicago. You can use those goofy "Subscribe" buttons at the top of the page if you want to automatically be notified in your "My Yahoo," "Newsgator," or "My MSN" accounts, or updated in your favorite news reader. Thanks for your support!
And one final comment, to my sister of mine, I find it very unsportswomanlike of you, wishing that I get a flat on my bike, as I continue my quest to whip your butt in our contest this time around.
That's it for this one! I'm The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
Posted by Rightdude at July 31, 2005 6:49 PM