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December 3, 2006
A Relation of Colonel Sanders, Kevin Bacon has Nothing on Lonnie, and Short Skirts vs. the Farm.
The Dude on the Right
Yes, I admit, it's been a while since my last blog. It is, for me, that
time of year when the holidays seem to get in the way of consistency, but from
tonight until the Christmas/New Year's time frame, I've got a couple of weeks of
trying to get back to normalcy, only to have it thrown out the window for a
couple of weeks at the end of December, and then comes January, the "New Year,"
when we are supposed to start again, come up with new goals, and screw them up
within about a week.
Such is life, except my last week.
My last week of not getting things posted was about seeing friends, and isn't that what the Holiday Season is about? Now, because it is a Sunday evening after a long, weekend reunionish thing, I'm just trying to get back into the swing of things, and I will list a bunch of topics that I may not revisit, which seems to bug the crap out of my sister, who still wants me to explain the resolution of my mom's issues in buying a new microwave. So, here we go, with some topics from this past weekend which will probably fall by the wayside. If you would really like an explanation, use the comment link at the end of this blog, and maybe those might get to a higher priority of explanation. So here's some things from my last week:
- I met someone who might be the great or just grandson of Colonel Sanders in an elevator. He was wearing a nice skull-cap and had a very cute dudette with him (I hope this doesn't get him in trouble if it wasn't him, or if it was him, and his normal dudette wasn't with him in Chicago last weekend, well, hell, I don't know, like I said, it might be the great or just grandson of Colonel Sanders, or just some dude with a skull-cap with a very cute dudette). She was skittish about being in an elevator, and he liked to joke around by faking jumping up and down in said elevator. As do a lot of my other friends. But not me. We all survived the elevator ride.
- The reason I might have met the great or just grandson of Colonel Sanders is because of dude named Lonnie, who seems to know about everyone, or has one of the smallest degrees of separation I have ever encountered. Kevin Bacon might have six degrees of separation, but Lonnie seems to have about two or three. And that now includes some rugby team members.
- Tequilya: Is that a good or bad way to start a weekend of being with friends? And Karen, or maybe it was Caron, or maybe it was Carin. All I know is she had a fantastic smile and nice boobs.
- Farmers vs. Dudettes in Short Skirts: Who is sticky-shocked?
- A friend of ours got married, and no one seemed to know it. It was a small ceremony, only family, so should your life-long friends, or just people you now just seem to know, feel slighted that they weren't invited to the ceremony? I say, "No," but someone else I know says they should have been invited. I just hope my pledge-bro is happy, and like the heathen I am, I wouldn't have made the ceremony anyways.
- Should smoking be banned from bars and restaurants, or should you at least voice your objection to people you know whom you wish wouldn't smoke?
- If you were in a bar, and really, really, really, really, wanted to hear a song, would you drop three bucks into a virtual jukebox to get it to the head of the line. (I have my answer.)
For those of you out there in internet land, if it were up to me I'd like to explain the entire Colonel Sanders story, but if you you really want to know about "Farmers vs. Dudettes in Short Skirts," that story is great, too. At least if I ever get to it.
In the end, I had a great time this "Holiday Weekend" with friends. I hope you do/did, too.
That's it for this one! I'm The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
Posted by Rightdude at 8:23 PM | Comments (0)