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November 7, 2007
What's New? A CD Review of "The Ultimate Hits" from Garth Brooks.
In preparation for his seeing Garth Brooks on November 14th, and then writing a concert review, The Dude on the Right thought he should get the latest Garth CD (with a bonus DVD of videos), titled "The Ultimate Hits."> As he's trying to get back into covering music again, he also thought he would review the thing, and he's happy he has four new songs by Garth. Weirdly enough the DVD actually helped him like the new songs, although he liked the bonus song without a video. The Dude has his "Ultimate" hits for Garth, but most of them never made it to radio. Good thing Garth doesn't look to The Dude for advice.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:40 PM | Comments (0)