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« December 8, 2007 | Main | December 10, 2007 »

December 9, 2007

Where's the Christmas Spirit, and Hoping to See Concerts.

By: The Dude on the Right
As I waited at the Dude-Pad for the ice storm that the weather folks kept predicting I kept looking out the window for the storm, then went to the hardware store because I needed a new humidifier as my trusty Radio Shack thermometer/hydrometer said I was breathing 27% humidity air, and began trying to get into the Christmas spirit by getting my Christmas tree up. But even with my little winter wonderland in my living room (thought not finished yet), and even with snow on the ground, I'm finding it hard to get into the Christmas spirit this year because right now that spirit is coming in spurts, like it did in my last blog.  That's okay, I suppose, because I've always been a Christmas procrastinator, waiting until the last minute to buy presents, although today I also got my Sunday newspaper with a pre-printed "Holiday" note wishing me the best in the holiday season, complete with a self-addressed, but not stamped, envelope, and wondering if this will finally be the year I tip my newspaper driver girl, and if so, how much?

And with holiday tipping being a perplexing quandary, whether it be the newspaper delivery person, the mail person, the garbage people (and since we've got recycling and garbage pick-up do I have to tip the both of them?), I at least did see a movie over the weekend that I didn't like, that being "The Golden Compass," I did get some new movie previews done for the website, I'm halfway through the second DVD of special features for "Superbad" so that DVD review should be posted this week, I have some hopes that I'll be able to cover Jonathon Brandmeier and his Leisure Suits this week, as well as the teaming up of Rob Zombie and Ozzy Osbourne, and I'll also finish my Christmas display to finally give me something to keep me in the spirit every time I walk by it, at least until after Christmas when I then have to dread taking down my Christmas crap, I mean spirit.

And I still wonder, where is my ice storm today?

That's it for this one!  I'm The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

Posted by Rightdude at 7:48 PM | Comments (0)


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