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December 31, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "Charlie Wilson's War" and a Podcast of "Happy New Year!"
As 2007 wraps up for the Entertainment Ave! crew there's still a little time for one more movie review with The Dude on the Right seeing "Charlie Wilson's War" and now stalking Amy Adams, and although not a true Weekend Wrap-Up podcast, The Dude just wants to thank you, wants to lose weight, and wants to set some goals for the website. Here's to a fabulous 2008 for all of you!
Posted by Rightdude at 4:20 PM | Comments (0)
December 30, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story."
So yesterday we found that The Dude on the Right was stalking Diane Kruger, but during today's movie review of "Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story," we now find that The Dude has tossed Diane aside in favor of his new love, Jenna Fischer. The Dude is so easily influenced by the ladies, and also easily amused, but does warn that some of you might not get a lot of the humor in the latest Judd Apatow flick. It does, though, have things for both the dudes and the dudettes, so in any case you've got that going for you if you go and see it.
Posted by Rightdude at 5:17 PM | Comments (0)
December 29, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "National Treasure: Book of Secrets."
For this movie review of "National Treasure: Book of Secrets," The Dude on the Right returned to stalker mode of Diane Kruger. Too bad for him the movie is only rated PG, and he didn't get the role of Connor in the film. In any case, he's a fan of the original movie, so it's not really a surprise he likes this sequel.
Posted by Rightdude at 3:01 PM | Comments (0)
December 28, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street."
In anticipation of the next episode of "Stu & The Dude Reviewin' the Movies for You!", The Dude on the Right decided to write a review of "Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street" since the animated review might take a couple/three weeks to get done. In any case The Dude didn't really like the movie, and neither did his niece, his nephew, nor his nephew's girlfriend. The Dude still has troubles with Broadway musical adaptations put on the silver screen, but does think Johnny Depp and the rest of the cast can sing.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:37 PM | Comments (0)
December 27, 2007
What's New? A Podcast of: A Chubbier Nephew, Lorain, and A Christmas Tradition.
The Dude on the Right is home from home for the holidays and worries that his nephew is trying to be a little too much like him. Such is one of the musings for this podcast. The Dude is also closer to being "street" thanks to a gift from his niece, and as a gift back he takes his 16 year old to another R-Rated movie, this time "Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street." The Dude's movie review should follow soon.
Anyway, he also ponders his mother being in the hospital over Christmas, looks forward to seeing a boatload of movies over the upcoming weekend, and wonders if any college students realize the impact that Momofuku Ando had on their life's, or even celebrated Mr. Ando's life hearing about his death back in January of 2007. If you are a college student you should probably chug a beer, that you can now afford, thanks to the invention by Momofuku Ando.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:43 PM | Comments (0)
December 21, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "Juno."
The Dude on the Right reviews the movie "Juno," and he has found a new movie that has joined the ranks of his favorites of 2007. Who would have thought the telling of a story of a pregnant 16 year old in a movie that also includes that dudette from "Alias" would be so much fun? Not The Dude, but he loved it anyway and thinks Ellen Page deserves every acting accolade she is being given.
Posted by Rightdude at 6:39 PM | Comments (0)
December 20, 2007
What's New? A Podcast of: Merry Christmas, A Nasally Cold, A Parenting Book, Ringtones, and Shooting at Santa!
The Dude on the Right is still sporting a head cold for this podcast, but he powers through without mentioning the name "Jamie Lynn Spears." Instead he mostly talks about Christmas and shooting at Santa. Also, since it's the end of the year, those end of the year lists start popping up, with The Dude being surprised at how out of the loop he seems to be by not realizing the popularity of Shop Boyz and their hit "Party Like a Rock Star." After hearing it, though, he might be adding the song to his exercise playlist. Sadly, though, it also means he may never hear it again.
Posted by Rightdude at 6:38 PM | Comments (0)
December 18, 2007
What's New? A DVD Review of "Hatchet."
Most horror movies don't scare The Dude on the Right, usually they just make him laugh or groan. Watching (and reviewing) "Hatchet" made him laugh which is a good thing. The Dude knows that his sister would probably be crapping her pants viewing it, but for him, he loves these kinds of horror movies but just thought the first 30 minutes took too long. His favorite quote from the DVD actually came from the director/writer, Adam Green, during one of the extras - "If I'm not going to see some nudity and some gore , don't waste my time." According to The Dude on the Right, "Hatchet" will give you plenty of nudity and plenty of gore, so it probably won't waste your time.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:12 PM | Comments (0)
December 17, 2007
What's New? Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up Podcast! They Both See Movies, The Dude has a Cold, and Stu's Getting Old.
Stu Gotz and The Dude on the Right overcome some health issues to get together for another podcast of "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up!" They both saw "I Am Legend" and "Alvin and the Chipmunks," so there's discussions about the good and bad of those movies, while Stu's Netflix queue gave Stu a good movie while The Dude recommends a movie Stu should add to the queue. They also discuss Dan Fogelberg's death where The Dude gets it correct, TV shows are wrapping up, and what better thing this Christmas season than Mr. Chocolate Rain, Tay Zonday, orating "Twas the Night Before Christmas," at least The Dude on the Right thinks so.
Posted by Rightdude at 6:22 PM | Comments (0)
December 16, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "Alvin and the Chipmunks."
Maybe the movie wasn't that bad, or maybe it's because of The Dude on the Right's headcold, but The Dude reviewed "Alvin and the Chipmunks" and sort of liked it. Sure, he thought the story was too predictable, he found Claire cute but thought her storyline unnecessary, and The Dude also wonders why, after all of these years, it's still hard to understand the little critters, but if you've got kids it will be good for them and you won't be totally bored to tears.
Posted by Rightdude at 3:56 PM | Comments (0)
December 15, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "I Am Legend."
The Dude on the Right reviews "I Am Legend" and realizes once again why he isn't making films. His ending for the movie would have been a hell of a lot different, but he's not giving it away for the review so as not to spoil the movie for you. The Dude might tell Stu Gotz about how he would have turned "I Am Legend" into a movie masterpiece during their "Weekend Wrap-Up" podcast, but in a worst case, if he does a DVD review of the film, he'll be sure to spoil the ending of the film and try to explain why his ending would be so much better. Ending be damned, The Dude did think that Will Smith did a great job carrying the entire movie.
Posted by Rightdude at 6:29 PM | Comments (0)
December 13, 2007
What's New? A Podcast of: Hannah Montana, Baseball & Steroids, The Golden Globe Nominations, and Here Comes Santa!
The Dude on the Right is hoping during this podcast that a lot of baseball dudes get together and sue some of the major networks and radio shows for spouting that they did steroids even before the Mitchell Report came out, which then didn't list them. He was also hoping Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus would be adding some new shows near his niece so he could try to get her tickets as the perfect Christmas present.
The Dude was also disappointed that the Golden Globe nominations didn't include "Knocked Up" nor "Superbad" this year, and also wonders if Dewey Cox can out-funny McLovin? He also wants to lose weight next year, but what year doesn't The Dude on the Right not want to lose weight?
Posted by Rightdude at 6:52 PM | Comments (0)
December 12, 2007
What's New? A DVD Review of "Superbad."
The Dude on the Right was traumatized when he first saw "Superbad" in the movie theater, so he traumatized himself again by watching "Superbad" for a DVD review. As much as he recollected his high school self again, the bonuses on the 2 disc Extended Edition helped The Dude get through it by making him laugh. It will probably make you laugh also, unless you hate foul language and teens being teens in the real world.
Posted by Rightdude at 6:10 PM | Comments (0)
December 10, 2007
What's New? Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up Podcast: "The Golden Compass" Analysis, Weather Woes, and More Movie Talk.
Stu Gotz and The Dude on the Right reunite for another "Weekend Wrap-Up" podcast, and a lot of it deals with movies. They both saw "The Golden Compass," discuss some things about "I Am Legend," and Stu wonders how he let Mama Gotz hijack his Netflix queue. They also talk some football, mostly about the New England Patriots and Miami Dolphins since the Chicago Bears have been sucking lately, they also talk some TV as the fall season winds up, and Stu thinks Bon Jovi and Ozzy Osbourne aren't relevant anymore. Send your complaints to stu@entertainmentavenue.com
Posted by Rightdude at 6:03 PM | Comments (0)
December 9, 2007
Where's the Christmas Spirit, and Hoping to See Concerts.
The Dude on the Right
As I waited at the Dude-Pad for the ice storm that the weather folks kept
predicting I kept looking out the window for the storm, then went to the
hardware store because I needed a new humidifier as my trusty Radio Shack
thermometer/hydrometer said I was breathing 27% humidity air, and began trying
to get into the Christmas spirit by getting my Christmas tree up. But even with
my little winter wonderland in my living room (thought not finished yet), and
even with snow on the ground, I'm finding it hard to get into the Christmas
spirit this year because right now that spirit is coming in spurts, like it did
in my last blog. That's okay, I suppose, because I've always been a
Christmas procrastinator, waiting until the last minute to buy presents,
although today I also got my Sunday newspaper with a pre-printed "Holiday" note
wishing me the best in the holiday season, complete with a self-addressed, but
not stamped, envelope, and wondering if this will finally be the year I tip my
newspaper driver girl, and if so, how much?
And with holiday tipping being a perplexing quandary, whether it be the newspaper delivery person, the mail person, the garbage people (and since we've got recycling and garbage pick-up do I have to tip the both of them?), I at least did see a movie over the weekend that I didn't like, that being "The Golden Compass," I did get some new movie previews done for the website, I'm halfway through the second DVD of special features for "Superbad" so that DVD review should be posted this week, I have some hopes that I'll be able to cover Jonathon Brandmeier and his Leisure Suits this week, as well as the teaming up of Rob Zombie and Ozzy Osbourne, and I'll also finish my Christmas display to finally give me something to keep me in the spirit every time I walk by it, at least until after Christmas when I then have to dread taking down my Christmas crap, I mean spirit.
And I still wonder, where is my ice storm today?
That's it for this one! I'm The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
Posted by Rightdude at 7:48 PM | Comments (0)
December 8, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "The Golden Compass."
The Dude on the Right will usually justify in his head a reason or two for increasing his star rating for a movie, usually revolved around nudity or violence, but for his movie review of "The Golden Compass" The Dude actually talked his way into reducing a star rating. He wasn't going to give the movie many stars to begin with, but he almost seemed more disappointed that the movie didn't actually try to achieve "epic" status, instead just trying to leave people with a good feeling in under two hours. In the end, though, the loss of half a star came after finding out why Ice Bear nation wasn't involved in the final battle.
Posted by Rightdude at 4:11 PM | Comments (0)
December 6, 2007
What's New? A Podcast of: Canada Better Watch Out, Journey's Got a New Singer, and Grammy Award Nominees.
For this podcast The Dude on the Right talks a lot about music, although he begins by welcoming the International visitors to the website where the folks in Ireland are close to overtaking the fans in Canada. But back on the music side, The Dude explains who the new lead singer of Journey is and how it came about, which reminded him of the movie "Rock Star," and continuing with the music theme, with "Hey There Delilah" getting nominated for a couple of Grammy Awards, The Dude is once again tormented and hates Delilah. But the Grammy nominations also lead him into a weird direction, wondering about obscure categories, and past Presidents of the United States of America vs. a maybe future President of the United States of America, all competing in a category of spoken word where it might be Oprah who decides who the Grammy goes to. It's too bad The Grammy Awards are after the Iowa caucus!
Posted by Rightdude at 6:11 PM | Comments (0)
December 5, 2007
30 Minutes to The Christmas Spirit!
The Dude on the Right
Normally, by now, I'm sort of getting into the Christmas spirit, and you would
think that with the blanket of snow we got last night it would kick that feeling
into high gear (I'm Catholic so for for me it's Christmas - If you want me to be
in the "Holiday" spirit, well, screw you), but for whatever reason I'm still in
"Bah-humbug!" mode. I've got no gumption to set up my Christmas display,
the only gumption I do have is to at least set up my Christmas Tree, maybe, and
the dude-pad could also use a good cleaning. My December TV viewing is
coming to a crashing halt thanks to the writer's strike, and my excitement about
football is nearly over as the Chicago Bears are pretty much out of it while
their only use this week is in screwing up my Thursday night TV viewing thanks
to their being the Thursday Night Football game on the NFL Network which no one,
except me (and maybe The Dude on the Left), can view, because I am insane and
need to have every cable channel I can get.
Normally a Christmas movie or two might get me into the spirit, but I didn't like "Fred Claus" that much, and as my weekends finally get back to a little normalcy I could really care less about "The Golden Compass" which opens this weekend, even though I know I should review it to at least get something new posted entertainment-wise. Sure, I could catch up on some movies I haven't seen yet, but I'm thinking neither "Hitman" nor "The Mist" will make me want to bellow "Ho Ho Ho," or as they are supposed to do in Australia now, "Ha Ha Ha!"
you know what? Chicken butt! Actually, as I've been writing this
blog, I've also been going back and forth between my typing and my looking for
pictures of my Christmas display from last year, and then I remembered I posted
a blog about it, with pictures, and now I'm sort of sorry for that "screw you"
earlier in this blog because the pictures made me laugh, like the one in this
blog where it looks like my mountain is the giant head of a snow monster,
looking to eat my Christmas village! And you know what twice? Fried rice!
Actually, in a span of about thirty minutes I'm almost getting into the
Christmas spirit. I just remembered the gifts I want to buy for my niece
and nephew as they will be visiting the old homestead for the wondrous holiday
celebrating the birth of my Lord, Jesus Christ (and please people, quit stealing
him away from his manger), maybe it's actually a blessing that the Bears might
wrap up any hope of continuing their season tomorrow, thus leaving my Sunday
with football I don't care about (unless the Cleveland Browns might be on my
airwaves, but that will wait for Sunday to find out), movies I don't care about,
and maybe it will now be a weekend of music and seeing if I can make my
snow-mountain look like a snow-mountain, rather than a snow monster.
And suddenly, thirty minutes later after I started typing this blog, I'm almost totally into the Christmas spirit, or the Holiday spirit, or just hoping you celebrate something this month by being with friends, family, or maybe just your pet. I think I know where my obsession with creating a Christmas display came from, and it was during my days as a manager of a Radio Shack where I actually had a working waterfall complete with goldfish in the "lake" of the display. I couldn't find the picture of that display (yet), though I still see it in my head, and now I also wonder whatever happened to Mitzi, my one sales associate.
Alright, I've got to finish this blog now before it totally ends up being a novel because, as I am now getting into the Christmas spirit, a lot of past Decembers are flooding into my head, with most of those Decembers bringing a smile to my face.
I'm back with the Christmas spirit. Now if only I could find that picture of my "stunning" Radio Shack display.
That's it for this one! I'm The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
Posted by Rightdude at 7:40 PM | Comments (0)
December 3, 2007
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! A Weekend with Friends, Sports, and TV.
Stu Gotz and The Dude on The Right both survived an annual weekend of seeing old friends so they were able to do another "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast. Stu gets a little "blue" in his talking, but The Dude is just blue about the latest loss by the Chicago Bears. They do talk about their meeting old friends, The Dude talks some about new drinking and eating establishments, and even with a weekend of The Dude on the Right humoring himself in his head, suddenly Jennifer Love Hewitt comes into the picture, and even though that picture isn't that flattering, Stu and The Dude don't care, they both like her boobies.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:25 PM | Comments (0)
December 2, 2007
A Selfish Weekend with Friends.
The Dude on the Right
I wish I had a good reason for the lack of postings the last few days, but
really it was all about selfishness. As happens every early December, this is a
weekend that a bunch of friends from college, including myself, get together for a
weekend in Chicago. Folks fly in from New Jersey, some people brave lousy
driving conditions, but the weekend is culminated with a fancy-shmancy, or at
least just a nice dinner, at one of the many fine-dining establishments in the
Chicago area (this year is happened to be an Italian place called
I won’t go into too much about the weekend as I think Stu Gotz and I will go into some things tomorrow for our Weekend Wrap-Up! Podcast, but the weekend always gives some interesting events, and sometimes things for future blogs. A few years ago a group of us came up with a new religion, which if I could ever find the bar napkins we wrote most of our core beliefs on, well, if you thought the story of Xenu and Scientology is a little bit out there, well, our religion has that beat, and might be a little more fun. But this weekend wasn’t about religion, and as I reminisce this evening of a fun weekend filled with seeing old friends, it was also exciting because for a group of us as we broke out of our predictable selves and discovered a couple of new establishments, namely "Reagle Beagle" (Nice meeting you, Andie!) and "English", both places being enjoyable, different in their own right, and hopefully longer reviews will follow at a later time.
For Stu I think I will fill him in on how I tend to humor myself in my own head with different scenarios I came up with over the weekend, but for some future blogs there might some topics like:
Sure the weekend kept me away from some important news and rumors like Britney Spears being pregnant, mourning the death of Evel Knievel, and paying attention to college football where, depending on the latest BCS standings, The Ohio State Buckeyes might find themselves in the BCS Championship Game after all, leaving The Rose Bowl for USC and Illinois, and the folks at FOX are close to breathing a sigh of relief of the ratings disaster of a West Virginia v. Missouri match-up. Oh well.
As being selfish can sometimes cause I am now left with so many things to catch back up on, so many things to post, and I still don’t know who got booted off of Survivor last Thursday, though I hope to fire up my TiVo later and at let the catching up begin.
It was great to see some old friends again, and in about a year from now I will most likely be selfish once again because sometimes old friends are more important than posting things on the internet.
That's it for this one! I'm The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
Posted by Rightdude at 6:08 PM | Comments (0)