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April 20, 2008
At First I Wondered "What Was I Thinking?" An Hourish Later My Legs Weren't Screaming "Frack!"
The Dude on the Right
Today was one of those weird days when I had everything planned. My normal
morning routine would easily be in place, complete with starting laundry,
reading the Sunday Chicago Tribune while eating breakfast, and, at the same
time, catching up some some TiVo viewing. Okay, I realized I still can't
seem to get recording the new "Battlestar Galactica" correct, muttered "What the
frack!", then tried to set up a season pass I screwed up before, hoping it
didn't miss this week's episode forever, or at least until the DVD season comes
my Sunday also had a lot of errand-running planned, which, I know, is kind of
lame, but the Sunday also had planned a one hour walk in my favorite
Prairie Forest Preserve. I was sort of curious to see how things were
looking after they
torched the place a few weeks back, except with a slight wind blowing from
the northwest I knew heading north would make my walk back a little easier so I
wouldn't get to see the result of the torchness. And I'm walking, and I'm
walking, and I get to the thirty minute mark and realize that I'm feeling good,
my legs feel spry, I've got over half a bottle of water left, and I say to
myself, "Self, why don't you just do the entire loop? Why turn back now?"
Then I said to myself, "Self, What the hell are you thinking? Do you
realize that it will add another hour to this walk and your Sunday is already
scripted." Then I said to myself, "Self, it's a gorgeous day, with a
slight breeze, and it hasn't started to heat up yet." Then I said to
myself "Self, shut the hell up. We're going for the six miles." Yes,
I'm nuts.
And so I did my first six-mile walk of the year and it felt great. I mean, my legs didn't get fatigued, I planned my water drinking properly, and it was actually more refreshing walking into the slight breeze on the backside of the loop than letting the breeze bring me home. I also got to see that the crispy prairie was starting to turn green, the recent warm weather has instantly put trees into budding mode, and sure, there might be one more cold snap, or a crappy day or five here, but it looks like we have really, finally, turned the corner into the Spring and Summer season.
also and, the walk was not perfect because there was one miscalculation,
especially since my original plan didn't include a six mile, one hour and fifty
minute walk, and that was I was wearing jeans.
I woke up this morning, didn't get myself a gun, didn't figure for the six
mile walk, and haven't put myself back into "shorts mode" yet, so I pulled on my
Levi's, put on a t-shirt, embraced the subtle, slight chill in the air, not
thinking that less than two hours later I would be a little sweatier than I
planned, had people on the trail looking at me like "What the hell is that dude
wearing jeans for?", but you know what, at the end of it all, I got to see some
deer frolicking in the prairie, and sure, you can't see the mallard in the upper
picture of the pond but I did (I so have to bring my better camera gear), and
the burnt prairie is starting to sprout grass.
So what if my running errands were bumped by about an hour. So what if I was the dork wearing jeans on a six mile walk. And so what if my iPhone photos aren't up to my normal standard. It was a beautiful day, it was great to enjoy it, and it's almost time to get my white, pasty legs in some shorts.
That's it for this one! I'm The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
Posted by Rightdude at 8:30 PM | Comments (0)