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July 3, 2008
What's New? A Podcast of: Apologies to The WGN&N, Bro-i-l, Sis, and Night Ranger. That Said, Happy 4th of July!
Dude on the Right is in the doghouse for many too many reasons, so for this
podcast he tries to apologize to The WGN&N, his Bro-i-l, and his Sis (but maybe
not that much to his Sis), for previous comments done wrong, and he's also doing
some apologizing to Night Ranger because The Dude always wanted to be a weather
forecaster, but sucks at it, thus causing him to miss their concert.
The Dude also hopes people play things safe this 4th of July holiday weekend. Hopefully he won't try the firecracker experiment mentioned in the movie "Armageddon," and you shouldn't try that science experiment, either. You should, however, super-supervise any kids in your sight playing with sparklers, because, as an adult, that's your job. 1800 degrees F is a sparkler temperature (that's the bright, glowing part on the rod of a sparkler), and also close to the burning temperature of cremation. Do your best to not let your kids, or the neighbor kids, know what it might feel like if they get cremated.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:16 PM | Comments (0)