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July 20, 2008
What's New? A Movie Review of "Mamma Mia!"
block, a brain cramp, or maybe it’s just that the sweet words of greatness just
don’t want to flow from The Dude on the Right’s brain to his fingertips to
relate how, in a different way from his love of
"Iron Man," "The Dark Knight" will be only the second movie, so far, of
2008, that he will give a 5 star rating. But, somehow, and maybe it is the music
of ABBA stuck in his head, well, The Dude finds a way to say that he didn’t like
the movie version of "Mamma Mia!" during his review and wondered why Pierce
Brosnan was cast, even if it did make him laugh.
The thing is, do you really care what The Dude on the Right thought about the Batman flick, "The Dark Knight?" From the box office numbers it looks like most of you already have seen it. Now you will know if you should go and see "Mamma Mia!"
Posted by Rightdude at 7:35 PM | Comments (1)