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November 24, 2008
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! Fireworks, Movies, Manners, and a Cheap Dude.
The Dude on the Right is
almost ready to toss his new MacBook Pro out of the window while
he and Stu Gotz were recording this "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast,
especially as Stu brags about how The Dude could probably take one quick class
at his local Apple store to solve his problems, but The Dude is a stubborn
pollack, so the two of them just hunker down to talk about The Magnificent Mile
Lights Festival in Chicago over the weekend, and Stu seeing "Quantum of Solace"
instead of "Twilight" at the theaters. There is some Netflix catching up
to do for The Dude, Stu might have a way to save the environment thanks to his
thinking while he was taking a poop, and Stu has some hostility for the YMCA
Scuba program, which he might want to see a psychiatrist for.
They both discuss this Thanksgiving weekend's movie schedule, and Stu revisits the brilliance that is "Fast Times at Ridgemont High." So much to talk about in so little time, yet they figure out a way to pull it off, and even mention the fact that Stu Gotz is also a member of Twitter Nation.
Posted by Rightdude at November 24, 2008 7:21 PM