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January 4, 2009
What's New? A Movie Review of: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
And so the New Year came and The Dude on the Right began his catching up on movies to see, and what better movie to see, and review, than the "everywhere critically acclaimed," "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button." For The Dude, well, he acclaims it as well, just not so critically. Don't get him wrong - The Dude loved the look of the movie, is way-impressed at how far Brad Pitt has come from his "Look at me, I'm a hot piece of ass!" days, and overall liked the spirit of the film, but he just didn't like the way Benjamin grew old/young. The movie probably deserves all of the award nods it will be getting, but he still can't figure out why Brad Pitt, umm, Benjamin, looks like he does when he's eighty year's young. Maybe the DVD will explain it.
Posted by Rightdude at 8:05 PM | Comments (0)