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March 10, 2009
What's New? Blu-ray DVD review of: South Park: The Complete 12th Season
The Dude on the Left has been absent for a while, but there's nothing to bring him out of hiding like a request to review "South Park: The Complete 12th Season," and since he's got a Blu-ray player, he busts his butt to give a complete review of all aspects of the 3 DVD set. And since he figures most "South Park" fans have already seen the episodes, he begins his review immediately commenting about the special features of the set, and then delves into the various episodes (like "Britney's New Look," "Major Boobage," "The China Problem," and "About Last Night"). The boys of "South Park," Cartman, Kenny, Kyle, and Stan, looked better on Blu-ray, but The Dude on the Left is bummed a little because other than really looking good, there really isn't that much extra in terms of special features on the Blu-ray version.
Posted by Rightdude at March 10, 2009 11:24 PM