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June 8, 2009
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! The Hangover, Terminator, Idle Hands, and Bonne Terre Mines
The Dude on the Right is back from Houston and Stu Gotz is sad that his favorite Irish American Pub closed, so they both talk a bit about it during this "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast episode. They also have a weekend to talk about with a lot of Stu's dealing with scuba diving at some abandoned lead mines in Bonne Terre, MO, while The Dude gives some movie recomendations in the likes of "Up" and "The Hangover." The podcast, in fact, contains an abundance of movie talk with Stu revisiting a not really naked Jessica Alba in "Idle Hands," some preview talk about "G.I. Joe," "Bruno," and "Toy Story 3," and why not, let's talk about some TV, especially The Dude's latest obsession with the "I'm a Celebrity..." show. There's more, but sadly The Dude forgot to talk about the new iPhone that came out today. Maybe next week.
Posted by Rightdude at 9:05 PM | Comments (0)