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November 30, 2009

Surviving Thanksgiving, Macy's is Slipping, Biaggi's Has a Good Salad, and No Tiger Woods.

Even though he is being talked about everywhere, Stu Gotz and The Dude on the Right decide not to talk about Tiger Woods during their "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast, but probably only because there was too much more to talk about thanks to the Thanksgiving weekend. Stu saw a parade and ratty balloons while The Dude introduced some of his family to his future family; The Dude didn't like "Old Dogs" that much but Stu and The Dude's sister did; There was talk of a really good salad at a dinner at Biaggi's; The boys talk bowling; The boys talk driving; And the boys talk some crappy football thanks again to the Chicago Bears. They talk a lot, they survived Thanksgiving, and Stu gives advice on how to keep a bear out of your yard.

Posted by Rightdude at 6:20 PM | Comments (0)

November 24, 2009

Black Friday Shopping Advice, The Winner of Dancing With the Stars, Movies and Monk!

Black Friday is coming and during their "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast, Stu Gotz and The Dude on the Right give their shopping advice, tell you where the great deals aren't, and only one of them might be up at 5am on Friday. Neither of them aren't watching "Dancing With the Stars," although they do give their analysis of the winner, or at least who of Donny Osmond, Mya, or Kelly Osbourne should win, and Stu almost saw dancing at the circus. The boys talk Facebook picture posting, good deed doing, and even though they didn't venture out to the movies, Stu did see "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang," so the kid in both of them sort of comes out. Finally, they'll both miss "Monk" when it comes to a close, Oprah is leaving over a year from now, and the Chicago Bears still suck. Such is another podcast as Thanksgiving is upon them!

Posted by Rightdude at 5:47 PM | Comments (0)

November 20, 2009

The Kevin Smith Collection: Clerks, Chasing Amy, and Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back

"Clerks" and "Chasing Amy" have now made it to Blu-ray, but during his review of "The Kevin Smith Collection: Clerks, Chasing Amy, and Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back," The Dude on the Right is still wondering why there is a documentary about the making of "Jay and Silent Bob" on the "Clerks" disc. Yes, he listened to Kevin Smith explain why, but The Dude has his own thoughts on the box set, and thinks maybe it is time for a full-blown Kevin Smith set. In the end The Dude thought the "Chasing Amy" disc is the best value for your money, but hey, you have a Blu-ray player so you might as well watch something in black and white on it and "Clerks" is hilarious no matter on what screen.

Posted by Rightdude at 9:10 PM | Comments (0)

November 18, 2009

Black Friday is Coming, Do You Know Where Your Pumpkin Pie Is?

By: The Dude on the Right
With Thanksgiving about a week away, what better way to start to think about the things to be thankful for than pondering what you are going to buy on the Friday after Thanksgiving, that is if you are early enough to be first in line at your favorite store.  Yup, the Black Friday 2009 ads are starting to leak, you can find the Best Buy, Wal-Mart, Target, and heck, even Office Depot ads online if you so desire (good luck finding Office Max, though, because it seems they are being diligent in requesting it be removed from sites trying to show them), but I'm starting to wonder why we even celebrate Thanksgiving Day anymore, other than the fact the turkey farmers would probably throw a fit, that and it is the day before Black Friday.  Really, does anyone care that much about it?  Sure, it's a reason for families to get together, and sure, it's non-denominational so you're not going to piss off various religious groups by having the day off, but doesn't it seem like the holiday is just getting pushed to the side?  The stories are hitting that at Best Buy you can get this TV for this much, at Wal-Mart a slightly different model is the same price, at Target they may not have a good computer, but who cares, join the crowds and just be careful not to get trampled.  Yup, we can expect that on Thanksgiving night there will be the proverbial news story showing the imbecile who is first-in-line to get that flat screen TV that will eventually be on sale for a better price if they could just hold out until right before the Super Bowl, and by the time the Friday morning news hits, the lead story will then be about the people who caused a stampede and killed someone to get the same TV.  Some people will skip some quality family arguments so that they can camp out in the cold and snow to get a laptop for under $500, while others will be doing recon on Wednesday to plot the most efficient route to get as many bargains before 5:30 AM on Friday.

Okay, I'm done being grumpy, because the more I think about it, I am actually looking forward to this Thanksgiving, even if most of the stories will be about anything but why we are celebrating Thanksgiving.  As long as the weather holds out I'll get to see some family members I haven't seen in a while, it will be the second Thanksgiving I'm spending with my BFF which means more to me than I can ever explain to her, and if all goes well I might end the day a few bucks ahead if the dice roll my way during a probable game of Left-Right-Center.  I will give thanks for what I have, I'll say a quiet prayer for people no longer with me, and will even have a good wish in my heart for those who have hurt me.  I'll eat too much, hope Milo lets me sleep a little later, but come to think of it, I was thinking of getting another Blu-ray player and Wal-Mart supposedly will have one for under $100. So, you know what, I'm starting to think that maybe I'll skip Thanksgiving dinner, dig out my winter coat and some blankets, pull the feet warmers out of the drawer, and camp out with the rest of the nutballs.  Nah.  That would just be nuts, and I won’t get any pumpkin pie.  Mmm, pumpkin pie.

Ah, Thanksgiving!

That's it for this one!  I'm The Dude on the Right!!   L8R!!!

Posted by Rightdude at 8:24 PM | Comments (0)

November 17, 2009


"Bruno" is out on DVD (and Blu-ray), and The Dude on the Right decides to give his review. Hell, he liked the movie when it was in the theaters, sort of, but the DVD version puts him over the top in terms of funny. Actually, The Dude doesn't really like the "movie" part of the story at all, thinks it is a waste of times, but for another great look at buffoonery, scary parents, homophobic ultimate fighting fans, and LaToya Jackosn being even more out there than Paula Abdul, he suggests you get the DVD if only for the extras and to be able to fast-forward throught the plot.

Posted by Rightdude at 7:08 PM | Comments (0)


The Dude on the Right really wanted to like the movie "2012," but during his review he mentions that his biggest problem with the movie was that he really didn't care if anyone lived or died, especially the major characters. Sure, Woody Harrelson was great, and John Cusack was his likable self, but The Dude actually would have preferred the movie more if Cusack's character bit the dust. The movie also made him miss Zay "tap-dancing militant Islamic fundamentalists" Smith, who used to write for the Chicago Sun Times and kept the Chicago area informed of the Yellowstone Caldera, so, with no characters to root for, and making him miss a newspaper man, the only thing the movie did inspire The Dude about was buying a limo because it sure seemed to do pretty well as the Earth was caving in around it.

Posted by Rightdude at 5:06 PM | Comments (0)

November 16, 2009

TWILFS, Smurfs, Destruction, Life, Pinewood Races, and More.

This episode of “Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up!” podcast finds Stu Gotz learning what the term TWILF might mean, and by the end of the 20 minutes has Stu giving people a challenge to wipe their ass.  In between and along the way the boys discuss the brief return of Bill Kurtis and Walter Jacobson to the Chicago airwaves and a missed opportunity for hilarity born by Bob Sirott, they talk about “2012,” “Precious,” “Up,” “Bruno,” Kevin Smith movies, the New England Patriots, and somehow they even discuss a Pinewood Derby.  And if that weren’t enough, the boys also talk some “South Park” and “Heroes.”  The weekend is only a weekend long, yet the boys seem to pack in a whole bunch of stuff for your listening pleasure.  Happy Wiping Your Ass!

Posted by Rightdude at 8:53 PM | Comments (0)

Monsters, Inc.

As The Dude on the Right was watching "Monsters, Inc." for his Blu-ray review, he wondered if the movie would still be as enjoyable as when he saw it in the theater. Well, The Dude loved the movie all over again, and for his perusing of the 4-Disc Combo Pack, he found it well worth the money, even if you already bought the movie when it came out on DVD before. Sure, there are a few extras, and a game for your "Monsters" fan, but for the picture quality alone it is a great combo for your Blu-ray/big-screen combination, and if you ever wanted to learn how movies like this go from a brief idea to the final product, there are tons of extras that give some explanations. Needless to say, The Dude on the Right loved it all.

Posted by Rightdude at 8:36 PM | Comments (0)

November 13, 2009


The Dude on the Right admits that seeing "Up" on the theater big-screen, in 3D, is cooler than on the big-screen in his living room, but for his review of the movie "Up," and the 4-disc Blu-ray combo pack, you sure get a whole lot of stuff for your Blu-ray dollar. Sure you will get a movie that he loved, in all its Blu-ray splendor, but the extras included are too numerous to mention in this synopsis so you should read the revie, but here is a sample: There are explanations of character development, artistic development, how the story changed, an extra copy of the movie on standard DVD, a Digital Copy for your portable player, and if that weren't enough there are a couple of "Movie Shorts" in Pixar story-telling glory. All The Dude really knows is that the movie was great, and the extras make this one Blu-ray purchase that is definitely worth it. And hey, you might actually learn some geography if you play the included game called "Global Guardian Badge Game."

Posted by Rightdude at 3:32 PM | Comments (0)

November 2, 2009

Michael Jackson's This Is It, Halloween, A Red Light, and A Facebook Intervention.

The Dude on the Right apologizes for any swearing that occurs during this podcast episode of "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up!", but he and Stu Gotz are blaming Mama Gotz and her potty mouth, for her influence on one of the Little Gotz's. But the dudes don't swear during all of the episode, in fact, most of the conversations about a joke from Playboy, a naked Marge Simpson, Halloween outfits, and "Michael Jackson's This Is It" are vulgar-free, with recommendations on some of them, including Stu's love for "Army of Darkness." Stu didn't have internet access yet still buried his gold, The Dude on the Right did have internet access and needs a Facebook intervention, and neither of them are caring that much about the Chicago Bears right now. And since it's still new TV season, they dudes talk about some TV, too.

Posted by Rightdude at 9:02 PM | Comments (0)


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