January 11, 2010
American Idol is Coming, Up In the Air is Good, Jay Leno is Moving, and 3-D TV Will Survive.
Another Stu & The Dude's "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast has come, and the boys talk about porn. Well, they sort of talk about porn, namely a sexbot and 3-D-ness, and if anything else at the CES show last week will be a staple of tomorrow because of sex. There is talk of a new computer, about computer server issues, about beer, about movies bad and good for kids, i.e., The Pink Panther 1 & 2, about movies for adults, i.e., Up In The Air, about TV catching up with "Chuck," and the return of "American Idol." The dudes don't talk about Jay Leno that much, what with him losing his show and all, but hey, it's topical, and Stu's not really a fan, so why not, there is some Jay Leno talk as well. So much, so little time, yet Stu and The Dude figure a way to squeeze it into a 20-minute podcast.
Posted by Rightdude at 6:05 PM | Comments (0)
January 6, 2010
Jennifer's Body
Megan Fox's body, umm, rather "Jennifer's Body," is a movie that The Dude on the Right reviews and doesn't think is all that great. He did like the girl-on-girl kissing, he did like a quote about cutting off a nutsack, and he did think Megan Fox was rather pretty, but in the horror realm, or in the realm of girls being mean to each other because of boys, well, "Jennifer's Body" kind of floats along the sameness of some better movies. Then again, the Blu-ray does have an extra simple called "Megan Fox is HOT," so maybe The Dude has a screw loose.
Posted by Rightdude at 9:09 PM | Comments (0)
January 4, 2010
Glassware, Bad Luck, Dr. Who, and a Sugartoad.
The Dude on The Right & Stu Gotz both survived their respective New Year's Eve celebrations, so they've made it back for the first "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast of 2010. In it they don't talk too much about the new year, but mostly about how Stu Gotz is in the doghouse with a Little Gotz, how The Dude's BFF needs some parking lines in the garage, and if "Pink Panther 2" is any good. Stu is sucked back into "Dr. Who" even thought the series is done for the year, The Dude still loves dinner at Sugartoad, Stu broke a mirror - sort of, and The Dude was still in the gift-giving mood, presenting Stu with some momentos of their youth at Illinois Institute of Technology. They talk about "Jersey Shore," "The Squeeze," and "Bridezillas" from their TV screens, they talk a bit about "Avatar" on the movie screen, and they talk about college. It's a new year, they have a lot to talk about, and somehow they pull it off in under 20 minutes...
Posted by Rightdude at 8:21 PM | Comments (0)
December 29, 2009
Sherlcock Holmes
For this movie review of "Sherlock Holmes," The Dude on the Right generally liked the movie, but really felt that if it weren't for the likes of Robert Downey Jr., Jude Law, and Rachel McAdams, well, then Guy Ritchie could have had a big turd on his hand. Anyway, the chemistry between all of the actors was great for The Dude, and he didn't even get that distracted by some of the CGI effects. Instead he just sat back, relaxed with his BFF in the theater, and enjoyed the show. He suggests you might be able to do the same, just leave the kids at home with the sitter.
Posted by Rightdude at 6:28 PM | Comments (0)
December 28, 2009
A Roomba Review, A Sherlock Holmes Reviews, Christmas is Gone, and a Batch of WTF's.
This is more of a "Christmas Weekend Wrap-Up" podcast rather than just a "Weekend Wrap-Up," so The Dude on the Right and Stu Gotz discuss the various gifts they received, how the little Gotz's got a few too many gifts, and Stu gives his review of the Roomba. Both of the boys saw "Sherlock Holmes" and they give their take on the film, The Dude on the Right tells Stu if he should rent "Julie & Julia" to watch with Mama Gotz, and they both think "Kelly's Heroes" is a kick-ass movie. There is talk about the airplane bomber dude, about AT&T sucking by not selling iPhones to people in New York City (although they seem to be selling them again), about someone who should know what an iPod is but doesn't, and about ungrateful family members. With the Chicago Bears on Monday Night Football playing the Minnesota Vikings and Brett Favre, the boys don't talk about football for this podcast, but then again, with the Bears sucking so bad, who cares?
Posted by Rightdude at 7:25 PM | Comments (0)
December 21, 2009
A Mr. Squiggles Zsu Zau Pet, Avatar, Plumbing Talk, Computer Woes and Airport Delays.
Luckily Stu Gotz wasn’t trapped under a sink for their “Weekend Wrap-Up!” podcast, so he and The Dude on the Right were able to discuss a wasted day for both of them over the weekend. Wasted day aside, the boys did get to see “Avatar,” they do some discussing of “Extract,” there is no talk of “Julie & Julia” because The Dude missed quality BFF time due to computer issues, and it seems they missed an opportunity to go to NYC for some in-person research of the XOXO window displays. The boys did do some shopping for Zsu Zsu pets, Mama Gotz didn’t spend enough time at the airport, and Christmas is this weekend so next week we’ll get to see if they were naughty, or nice.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:50 PM | Comments (0)
December 19, 2009
The Dude on the Right reviews "Avatar," and although he says it's no "Titanic," he eventually justifies it being a 5 star out of 5 star movie. You get some quality violence, some Na'vi sex (sort of), and tall, blue creatures who are hot. What else can you ask for? Well, you also get a nice love story, you see that us humans suck sometimes, maybe there is hope that you don't just end up dead but become part of a tree, and a glimpse at what the future of movies will look like, in terms of technology. The movie looks cool, but The Dude still isn't sure about the whole 3-D thing, and it's not just because he has to pay extra for the glasses only to be asked to give them back so they can be reused, umm, recycled.
Posted by Rightdude at 2:03 PM | Comments (0)
December 14, 2009
No Sleep, No New Satellite, No Jon Bovi, No Oprah Caroling, but Yes Movies.
Tiredness and grumpiness are not a great equation for a "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast, but The Dude on the Right and Stu Gotz power through both as they put together another episode of weekend-ness. Stu's grumpiness can be directly related to a satellite TV installation gone awry, as well as an hour and a half drive to hear some Christmas music, and a bizarre Christmas exchange at a Taekwondo party, while The Dude couldn't sleep because of a dradle song and a song about a butcher. The boys do compare notes, however, on the Monk finale from a couple of weeks ago, on "G-Force," but The Dude talks about "Multiplicity" solo while Stu is the only one of the two that has seen "Inkheart." There is talk of Santa Claus, of the lack of Jon Bovi on Saturday Night Live, and Chicago Bears, but in the end, The Dude just wants to see video of Oprah out caroling like she said she was going to do in a tweet from last night. They talk, and hope you'll listen.
Posted by Rightdude at 8:30 PM | Comments (0)
November 30, 2009
Surviving Thanksgiving, Macy's is Slipping, Biaggi's Has a Good Salad, and No Tiger Woods.
Even though he is being talked about everywhere, Stu Gotz and The Dude on the Right decide not to talk about Tiger Woods during their "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast, but probably only because there was too much more to talk about thanks to the Thanksgiving weekend. Stu saw a parade and ratty balloons while The Dude introduced some of his family to his future family; The Dude didn't like "Old Dogs" that much but Stu and The Dude's sister did; There was talk of a really good salad at a dinner at Biaggi's; The boys talk bowling; The boys talk driving; And the boys talk some crappy football thanks again to the Chicago Bears. They talk a lot, they survived Thanksgiving, and Stu gives advice on how to keep a bear out of your yard.
Posted by Rightdude at 6:20 PM | Comments (0)
November 17, 2009
The Dude on the Right really wanted to like the movie "2012," but during his review he mentions that his biggest problem with the movie was that he really didn't care if anyone lived or died, especially the major characters. Sure, Woody Harrelson was great, and John Cusack was his likable self, but The Dude actually would have preferred the movie more if Cusack's character bit the dust. The movie also made him miss Zay "tap-dancing militant Islamic fundamentalists" Smith, who used to write for the Chicago Sun Times and kept the Chicago area informed of the Yellowstone Caldera, so, with no characters to root for, and making him miss a newspaper man, the only thing the movie did inspire The Dude about was buying a limo because it sure seemed to do pretty well as the Earth was caving in around it.
Posted by Rightdude at 5:06 PM | Comments (0)
November 16, 2009
TWILFS, Smurfs, Destruction, Life, Pinewood Races, and More.
This episode of “Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up!” podcast finds Stu Gotz learning what the term TWILF might mean, and by the end of the 20 minutes has Stu giving people a challenge to wipe their ass. In between and along the way the boys discuss the brief return of Bill Kurtis and Walter Jacobson to the Chicago airwaves and a missed opportunity for hilarity born by Bob Sirott, they talk about “2012,” “Precious,” “Up,” “Bruno,” Kevin Smith movies, the New England Patriots, and somehow they even discuss a Pinewood Derby. And if that weren’t enough, the boys also talk some “South Park” and “Heroes.” The weekend is only a weekend long, yet the boys seem to pack in a whole bunch of stuff for your listening pleasure. Happy Wiping Your Ass!
Posted by Rightdude at 8:53 PM | Comments (0)
November 13, 2009
The Dude on the Right admits that seeing "Up" on the theater big-screen, in 3D, is cooler than on the big-screen in his living room, but for his review of the movie "Up," and the 4-disc Blu-ray combo pack, you sure get a whole lot of stuff for your Blu-ray dollar. Sure you will get a movie that he loved, in all its Blu-ray splendor, but the extras included are too numerous to mention in this synopsis so you should read the revie, but here is a sample: There are explanations of character development, artistic development, how the story changed, an extra copy of the movie on standard DVD, a Digital Copy for your portable player, and if that weren't enough there are a couple of "Movie Shorts" in Pixar story-telling glory. All The Dude really knows is that the movie was great, and the extras make this one Blu-ray purchase that is definitely worth it. And hey, you might actually learn some geography if you play the included game called "Global Guardian Badge Game."
Posted by Rightdude at 3:32 PM | Comments (0)
November 2, 2009
Michael Jackson's This Is It, Halloween, A Red Light, and A Facebook Intervention.
The Dude on the Right apologizes for any swearing that occurs during this podcast episode of "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up!", but he and Stu Gotz are blaming Mama Gotz and her potty mouth, for her influence on one of the Little Gotz's. But the dudes don't swear during all of the episode, in fact, most of the conversations about a joke from Playboy, a naked Marge Simpson, Halloween outfits, and "Michael Jackson's This Is It" are vulgar-free, with recommendations on some of them, including Stu's love for "Army of Darkness." Stu didn't have internet access yet still buried his gold, The Dude on the Right did have internet access and needs a Facebook intervention, and neither of them are caring that much about the Chicago Bears right now. And since it's still new TV season, they dudes talk about some TV, too.
Posted by Rightdude at 9:02 PM | Comments (0)
October 26, 2009
Paranormal Activity, Hair Cuts, To H1N1 or Not to H1N1, and The Bears Still Suck.
The Dude on the Right wasn’t cold nor frightened, and tells Stu Gotz why not during their “Weekend Wrap-Up!” podcast. In other news Stu has troubles securing a cheap haircut for the Gotz clan thanks to being a little late for Pat the barber. Both boys see lots of movies with “Paranormal Activity,” “Milk,” “I Love You, Man,” “Imagine That,” and “Caroline” being topics of discussion, Stu thinks the H1N1 vaccine manufacturers should watch “Star Trek,” The Dude unpacks, and leave it to Mama Gotz to ruin “Toy Story,” or maybe it was “Toy Story 2.” – Stu can’t remember.
Posted by Rightdude at 6:30 PM | Comments (0)
October 23, 2009
Paranormal Activity
The Dude on the Right wasn't freaked out by the movie, but during his review of "Paranormal Activity," we find that the dude-pad and the movie set have something in common. As far as the movie goes, though, The Dude gets how the movie folks were going, even liked some of the "creepy" factor, but he doesn't scare easily and thought the movie was too predictable. He also thought the ending ruined it by putting the movie over the top instead of leaving you with a "that could be my wife/girlfriend" the next time she sleepwalks. At least there wasn't any gore.
Posted by Rightdude at 5:17 PM | Comments (0)
October 19, 2009
Staying in Bed, Management, Toy Stories, Not Being Prepared, and Balloon Boy!
The Dude on the Right and Stu Gotz wanted to both be in bed, only not together, and for different reasons, and they explain why during their “Weekend Wrap-Up!” podcast. Neither reason had drinking to excess involved, just klutziness and flu-ness, but they both had some movieness with “Management” and the 3-D versions of “Toy Story” and “Toy Story 2.” The boys also discuss Balloon Boy and the hoax that is ensuing, a topic that somehow shifts into the musical styling’s of The 5th Dimension and Monty Python. All of that, plus some Chicago Bears’ talk, some Sweetest Day talk, and chocolaty goodness of Count Chocula.
Posted by Rightdude at 6:28 PM | Comments (0)
October 14, 2009
The Proposal
The Dude on the Right liked "The Proposal" in the theater, so for this Blu-ray review of the movie it's no surprise that he still likes the movie. What he doesn't like is the lackluster effort at "extras" for the DVD. Pretty much he felt he wasted his time watched the deleted scenes, the outtakes, and all he got out of the "alternate" ending was the fact that he was happy with the original ending, although the alternate ending did reinforce that some filming did not take place in Alaska. He still thinks it's a good "snuggle on the couch with your honey" kind of movie, so dudes, suck it up because you do get Sandra Bullock almost naked.
Posted by Rightdude at 8:29 PM | Comments (0)
October 12, 2009
A Peace Prize, Couples Retreat, Where's My Sidekick Stuff, and Stupid People!
Stu Gotz doesn't really tell The Dude on the Right much about his weekend during their "Weekend Wrap-Up!" Podcast, but that's okay because there is enough stuff going on that even if Stu did have a boring weekend, the boys have lots to talk about. It seems The Dude did do something this weekend, namely seeing "Couples Retreat," so he tells Stu if it's a movie to take Mama Gotz to see, but Stu is more interested in what The Dude thinks about President Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize, if he knows what is wrong with people's Sidekicks, and if he ever saw Alyssa Milano naked. The both have TV woes, the dude wonders about the flu shot, and Stu sees stupid people, but what else is new?
Posted by Rightdude at 8:43 PM | Comments (0)
October 11, 2009
Couples Retreat
The Dude on the Right isn't like most critics, and he thinks that the fact that he enjoyed "Couples Retreat," as you'll find out in this review, is another reason supporting this fact. Sure, he didn't find anything groundbreaking in the film, wonders if they just shot the movie in Bora Bora to have a vacation in Bora Bora, but did enjoy the characters, the jokes, and he's not ashamed to say it, but some of the women in bikinis were cute. The movie didn't preach too much, it had a peeing child, and women get to ogle the yoga instructor. What else do you want from a romantic comedy?
Posted by Rightdude at 1:40 PM | Comments (0)
October 5, 2009
Chicago Sucks, A Movie Weekend, and Wiping Your Ass.
The Dude on the Right and Stu Gotz are a little sad that Chicago didn't get the 2016 Olympics, but Stu tells The Dude, during their "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast, that he was more bummed when he had trouble wiping his butt. The Dude at least had some fun by seeing "Zombieland," "The Invention of Lying," and even "Ghosts of Girlfriends Past," while Stu learned something interesting about a little Gotz, and has his idea for the perfect wedding gift. The Dude now wonders if Stu will get an invite to his wedding. Time will tell.
Posted by Rightdude at 9:19 PM | Comments (0)
October 3, 2009
The Invention of Lying
The Dude on the Right explains, in his review of "The Invention of Lying," that sometimes it is scary when people tell the truth. For example, who really wants to know that they have absolutely no chance of sleeping with someone after their date, or that they will be fired in two days. But that's not to say that The Dude didn't like the movie, because he did, thinks Ricky Gervais is a hoot, and is liking Jennifer Garner who does a great job in her role. It's a great date movie, but after seeing it you might have an idea what she is really thinking, and what she did before you showed up at her door.
Posted by Rightdude at 9:49 PM | Comments (0)
The Dude on the Right was torn at the time he was going to see "Zombieland" because the decision for the 2016 Olympics were pretty much at the same time as the movie. Happily for him he went to see the movie because the result of the movie was much better than the result of the Olympic city as Chicago got shut out right off the bat, but The Dude really liked "Zombieland." Don't worry because this isn't a serious zombie movie, nope, you get fake-looking blood and guts, and over-the-top Woody Harrelson, and Bill Murray as a very funny, well, Bill Murray. The Dude's full review gives you the full scoop.
Posted by Rightdude at 9:32 PM | Comments (0)
September 28, 2009
The Chicago Olympics, Monday TV Viewing, Surrogates, Jim Cantore Calls Stu, and More!
The Dude on the Right and Stu Gotz have a busy weekend, but thankfully a lot of it during this "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast isn't about politics, although there is talk about President Obama going to Denmark to cheer on the Chicago Olympic folks, although we doubt he'll be giving Chia Obama's as parting gifts. The Dude is bummed he missed the F-Bomb dropping during Saturday Night Live, Stu wants The Dude to watch Pawn Shop, and who knew Stu Gotz would spawn some talented kids, but he did!
They talk about flu shots at strip clubs, how they both didn't like the movie "Surrogates," options to record/watch all of their TV shows, and happily Stu's personal phone call from Jim Cantore wasn't necessary for his family's safety this time, but he was glad he got one. Somehow, even with all of this, they even get some time to talk about The Chicago Bears, and Stu makes the discovery of a lifetime, namely he found where you can buy Franken Berry, Boo Berry, and Count Chocula. All is well with the world.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:12 PM | Comments (0)
September 27, 2009
The Dude on the Right went to see "Surrogates," and during this movie review we find that The Dude had problems with the story, the plot, the future of mankind, but not Bruce Willis' hair. The movie is about human-like robots who do all of the work for humans who are "plugged" into the robots while lounging at homes in their robes. It seems there is a weapon that can kill the robot but also kills the human controlling the robot, and this could cause problems for the people who make the robots. That seems to be be the simple explanation for the movie, but The Dude is more worried about the future of mankind because it doesn't appear people are having sex anymore, except in the virtual world.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:00 PM | Comments (0)
September 21, 2009
Goodbye Summer, Lots of TV Talk, Melting Cars, and A-Holes.
Stu Gotz and The Dude on the Right get together for their last "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast of summer, and right off the bat Stu needs The Dude's help as to what he can call a Chicago Cubs' player without getting sued. The Dude isn't a lawyer, so he uses Penn & Teller logic, but the podcast quickly shifts to movie watching as Stu gives his feedback if "Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs" is good for the kids. The boys do a lot of talking about TV, what with the Emmy Awards being the night before, The Dude liking "Community" and "Survivor: Samoa," and they both have TiVo setting to do with the next couple of weeks kicking things into high gear. The Dude watched "Smart People" with his BFF, Stu went to a Demolition Derby again and saw a car melt, and they both wonder if the side effects of Latisse, a drug that gives you longer, fuller, and darker eyelashes is worth it. Luckily for them, neither of them need it.
Posted by Rightdude at 10:13 PM | Comments (0)
September 15, 2009
Jay Leno, U2, Football, Extract, Mini Porterhouse Steaks, and Pee.
Who knew there were tiny porterhouse steaks, but during this podcast episode of Stu & The Dude's "Weekend Wrap-Up!," The Dude on the Right tells Stu Gotz all about it. They both deconstruct the new Jay Leno show, Stu saw "Extract," The Dude isn't off to a good start this football season with losses by the Bears and Buckeyes, Stu has grill issues, The Dude is cheering on The Fab Five on America's Got Talent (though he thinks The Texas Tenors will win), and the fall TV season has both of them scrambling for TiVo options. Their life's are so simple, yet so complex.
Posted by Rightdude at 9:20 PM | Comments (0)
August 24, 2009
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! A Lot of Trees, Crashing Cars, Inglourious Basterds, The Fab 5, and Don't Forget the Boobs
Who knew you have to now account for installed body parts, or at least breast implants, so The Dude on the Right and Stu Gotz talk about it during this podcast episode of their "Weekend Wrap-Up!" Along with boobs, the boys both are able to talk about "Inglourious Basterds" because they both caught the movie, only The Dude is able to talk about "Monk" this weekend, Stu is getting his boys hooked on demolition derby's and the Boy Scouts, while The Dude saw a lot of trees, and appropriately, went to the new Apple store in Naperville. Summer is winding down, The Dude is cheering on The Fab 5 on "America's Got Talent," and the boys keep things going, at least for another weekend.
Posted by Rightdude at 8:18 PM | Comments (0)
August 23, 2009
Inglourious Basterds
... a perfect weather Sunday brought about a lovely afternoon looking at trees, and I tell Stu all about it during this "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast episode. While I was enjoying nature this weekend, and a visit to the new Apple Store in Naperville, IL., Stu and the little Gotz's were enjoying destruction, as in car destruction at the Route 66 Raceway for a demolition derby. We both saw "Inglorious Basterds"... and neither of us are that excited about the movies opening next weekend, but I am looking forward to cheering on The Fab 5 on "America's Got Talent" the next time they are on. We talk about so much in so little time! ...Posted by Rightdude at 8:46 PM | Comments (0)
August 17, 2009
The Goods, Monk, Harry Potter, and a Light Fixture.
Stu Gotz wonders why there aren't any science explanations at the "Harry Potter" exhibit at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago, but during this podcast episode of "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up!", the boys at least have something in common - their laughing during "The Goods," a movie most nobody went to see. The Dude tells Stu about "The Rocker" and "The Soloist," Stu can't figure out when "Monk" ends on TV, and Stu is sort of amazed that The Dude didn't burn the Dude-Pad down while doing some home improvements. All of that and more for your listening pleasure.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:25 PM | Comments (0)
August 12, 2009
The Proposal
The Dude on the Right took his BFF to see "The Proposal," and they both agreed that even though the movie was fairly predictable, that it was still enjoyable. Ryan Reynolds seems to be coming into his own as an actor, Sandra Bullock is her adorable self in adorable mode, as well as playing a great bitch of a boss, and Betty White is just a hoot. The dudes get to see a hot Sandra Bullock pretty much naked, the dudettes get to see a, well, Ryan Reynolds pretty much naked, and PETA will be happy that no puppies were harmed in the making of this film, nor were they taken away by an eagle. Predictable and funny - Who knew?
Posted by Rightdude at 9:02 PM | Comments (0)
August 11, 2009
Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! G.I. Joe, A Full Calendar, Walmart, and a Bum Flipper.
It amazes Stu Gotz that the kids don't hurt their ankle, but when it comes to an in-law, x-rays might be necessary, while The Dude on the Right was disappointed in "G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra." They tell each other these tales during this podcast episode of "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast, and Stu also fills The Dude in on "Seven Pounds," the Will Smith flick. The Dude has issues with Walmart, Stu has issues with The Shack, they both agree KFC is a better name, but neither of them can figure out how Mama Gotz double-booked her calendar for this upcoming weekend. They talk; You can listen.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:02 PM | Comments (0)
August 9, 2009
What's New? A Movie Review of: G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra
The Dude on the Right wanted to like "G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra," but during this movie review he explains how little Skippy was just as entertaining, even though annoying, while he was watching the movie. For The Dude that's kind of a shock because as he puts it, the movie had a lot of stabbings, chasing, shooting, and bloated action, complete with flashbacks. Sadly what seemed to be missing the most was an entertaining story. Maybe the sequel will get it right since they already seem to have it set up.
Posted by Rightdude at 8:27 PM | Comments (0)
July 27, 2009
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! Sleeping, Fireworks, Merry-Go-Rounds, and Chicago Cubs!
The Dude on the Right and Stu Gotz had different experiences at Chicago's Venetian Night event, and they talk about it during this episode of "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast. While The Dude was sleeping, it seems Stu was paranoid the little Gotz's were going to take a dip in Lake Michigan, but at least the podcast turns to some levity when they discuss the movie "Mamma Mia!" They do their worst to talk about Sarah Palin quitting her post as Governor of Alaska, chat a bit about the good fortune lately of the Chicago White Sox and Cubs, and who knew, but some people are assholes. Then there's the part about The Dude thinking about a new car, especially with the Cash for Clunkers program, and it being more complicated now that he is engaged.
Posted by Rightdude at 9:36 PM | Comments (0)
July 20, 2009
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! Harry Potter, Count Chocula, Valkyrie, but No Bikers.
The Dude on the Right and Stu Gotz are back again for another fun-filled episode of "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast, where The Dude can't seem to locate "Count Chocula," but Stu did see "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince." Along with cereal talk and movie talk, our boys also discuss Tom Watson at The British Open, a dude who looks like he wants to take a dump in the "Twilight 2" trailer, Stu seeing an old fraternity brother of ours, and I remind Stu of the benefits of easy-out parking when seeing an event at Wrigley Field in Chicago.
Posted by Rightdude at 9:25 PM | Comments (0)
July 14, 2009
What's New? A Movie Review of "Bruno" and A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up!
Well, The Dude on the Right reviewed "Bruno," if you so desire to read his review, but Stu Gotz and The Dude also talk about it during their "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast. Along with the movie, the boys also have some discussions about water slides for the little Gotz's, new shows hitting TV this summer (Stu is liking "Hung," while The Dude is getting sucked into "Big Brother"), and The Dude also had a great time seeing Tom Jones, which isn't that unusual.
Posted by Rightdude at 9:18 PM | Comments (0)
June 30, 2009
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! The SCUBA Junkman, Lawn Maintenance, Mini-Cornhole-ing, and Transformers!
The Dude on the Right didn't get Stu Gotz's joke about circumcision during this episode of their "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast, but he did get to see "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" and Stu didn't. The Dude also did some lawn maintenance while Stu did some SCUBA selling, The Dude liked chocolate-chip pancakes while Stu didn't cornhole his kids, and the podcast gets poltergeisted by Rush Limbaugh - The Dude is scared.
Posted by Rightdude at 9:05 PM | Comments (0)
June 28, 2009
What's New? A Movie Review of: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
The Dude on the Right isn't like most critics, which is probably why he liked "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" so much. For his review he spotlights a little bit of the plot, basically making sure most people will understand it's about cars, trucks, and airplanes that change into robots, and that Megan Fox is hot. Guess he didn't realize most fans already knew these things.
Posted by Rightdude at 9:18 PM | Comments (0)
June 22, 2009
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! A 50th Anniversary, A Father's Day, A New iPhone, and Movies!
A Father's Day has come and gone, and surprisingly Stu Gotz, who has kids, well, he sort of wishes he had the day The Dude on the Right had, especially as they talk about it during this podcast episode of "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up!" The Dude got a new iPhone and spent some quality time with his BFF while Stu, well, he got a card. The Dude also had fun at a 50th Anniversay party while Stu, well, his TV shows he wanted to watch got erased. The Dude, he had a good time at "The Proposal," Stu, well, he scared his kids when he took them to see "Land of the Lost." Two people about the same age; two different worlds.
Posted by Rightdude at 9:38 PM | Comments (2)
June 8, 2009
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! The Hangover, Terminator, Idle Hands, and Bonne Terre Mines
The Dude on the Right is back from Houston and Stu Gotz is sad that his favorite Irish American Pub closed, so they both talk a bit about it during this "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast episode. They also have a weekend to talk about with a lot of Stu's dealing with scuba diving at some abandoned lead mines in Bonne Terre, MO, while The Dude gives some movie recomendations in the likes of "Up" and "The Hangover." The podcast, in fact, contains an abundance of movie talk with Stu revisiting a not really naked Jessica Alba in "Idle Hands," some preview talk about "G.I. Joe," "Bruno," and "Toy Story 3," and why not, let's talk about some TV, especially The Dude's latest obsession with the "I'm a Celebrity..." show. There's more, but sadly The Dude forgot to talk about the new iPhone that came out today. Maybe next week.
Posted by Rightdude at 9:05 PM | Comments (0)
June 4, 2009
And Still More Movie Previews!
The Dude on the Right
A trip to Houston-Town delayed some postings, like another "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast, and I still have to write my review of "Up" (might I suggest you go and see it even without me writing a review for it?), but I started working on your July movie previews for the summer, although some of them are really previews, I'm just letting you know the movie is out there because you'll probably go and see it without my prodding. What do I mean? Well, does it really matter what I have to preview about for "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince?" No, you're going to go and see it, anyway. And for those of you old enough, who were fans of "Borat," does it matter what the premise is for "Bruno?" Of course not, as long as everyday people end up looking like fools. For the teen crowd, especially the girls, you get "I Love You, Beth Cooper" with the cheerleader from "Heroes," and ladies, you like your Katherine Heigl, so come July 24th you get her to feel good for, and Gerard Butler to swoon over, in "The Ugly Truth." My next batch of previews will include something about guinea pigs, an indie film, frighten you from adopting, and more. I figure four previews right now should get you going for your mid to late July planning stages!
That's it for this one! I'm The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
Posted by Rightdude at 9:31 PM | Comments (0)
May 27, 2009
More Summer Movie Previews!
The Dude on the Right
I told you I'm working on getting the summer movie previews up and posted, and my next batch, telling you if I think the movie will be any good as well as including links to the movie sites, are up and ready for your perusal. With it you get the R-rated Johnny Depp flick, filmed in the Chicago area, "Public Enemies" hitting you in the face right before the 4th of July, and if you want to take a box of tissues to the theater, go ahead and see "My Sister's Keeper." If you're looking for Megan Fox looking hot combined with robots in disguies again, well, "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" comes at the end of June, and maybe you're looking for a nice thriller with Travolta as the bad man, in which case you've got "The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3." Not to be forgotten in the June mix is a movie for the kids, thanks to Eddie Murphy, called "Imagine That," and since your honey is going to want to have a romantic night out, go ahead and catch "The Proposal," that is, unless you don't want to get married. And, oh yea, can Harold Ramis and Judd Apatow go wrong? "Year One" will tell.
That's it for this one! I'm The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
Posted by Rightdude at 9:55 PM | Comments (0)
May 26, 2009
What's New? A Podcast of : Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! Pork-Fest Weekend, Night at the Museum, Grilling, and Gay, Deaf Bikers.
Memorial Day Weekend has come and gone, and The Dude on the Right celebrated it with his BFF by having a Pork-Fest Weekend. The Dude explains to Stu Gotz during their "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast exactly what he means by that, while Stu lets the world know if they should go and see "Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian." The Dude also got to observe what appeared to be members of the Gay, Deaf Biker Gang at Millennium Park in Chicago, he cleaned a dryer vent, and tried to relax, while Stu definitely got is relaxing down by catching up on some TV. Next week they both figure to give their review of "Up," but probably not "Drag Me to Hell."
Posted by Rightdude at 8:18 PM | Comments (0)
May 25, 2009
Summer Has Begun, and I'm Finally Getting to Movie Previews
The Dude on the Right
So Memorial Day 2009 has come and is going, over the weekend a movie about a night in a museum beat a movie about computers and robots hell-bent on destroying us, and I spent a lovely weekend with my BFF which I'll be sure to fill in the details in my Podcast with Stu Gotz tomorrow. For now I just wanted to hip you to the fact that I am working on trying to help you with your future summer movie plans by checking out the trailers for some of the biggest (and some smallest) movies coming out and letting you know if I think they are any good. The list is starting small, with movies coming out in the next couple of weeks, but it will grow exponentially, or at least should be complete in the next couple of weeks, and I'll do my best to get some full-blown reviews posted as well.
For now, next week you've got family fun with the Pixar/Disney flick, "Up," and to get your horror mojo working, Sam Raimi is directing "Drag Me to Hell." The week after you can catch Will Ferrell in all of his "yelling is funny" glory during "Land of the Lost," the adult dudes can have their dudes-night-out by seeing "The Hangover" while sending their dudettes on a ladies-night-out to "My Life in Ruins."
See, your summer movie-watching plans are now complete for the next two weeks.
More previews will be coming soon, Stu will hopefully fill me in on "Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian" during out podcast tomorrow, and don't forget that I tweet, so feel free to follow me!
That's it for this one! I'm The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
Posted by Rightdude at 8:25 PM | Comments (0)
May 20, 2009
What's New? A Movie Review of: Angels & Demons
The Dude on the Right is finally getting back off his ass and getting into the summer movie season, and he kicks it off with his review of "Angels & Demons." Yup, that guy from "The Da Vinci Code" is back to solve another series of puzzles, and this time it's to save The Vatican, and maybe some Cardinals. The Dude liked the movie, probably more than most critics, and gives the simple advice that if you enjoyed the Da Vinci flick, you'll probably like "Angels & Demons," even if you didn't read the book.
Posted by Rightdude at 8:44 PM | Comments (0)
May 19, 2009
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! A Birthday Weekend Part II, The House of Mouse, Star Trek, and Angels & Demon
Well, it took an extra day for The Dude on the Right to get the Stu & The Dude's "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast posted, mostly because yesterday he thought he might have come down with the Swine Flu, or the H1M1 virus, or just ate a bad donut, but in any case he had a fever, felt like crap, so here's the podcast being posted on a Tuesday, no worse for wear. Stu Gotz is happy that The Dude is in love but just hopes that tattoos never show up, Stu had his travel problems coming back from Mickey Mouse Land, and both of them recommend seeing "Star Trek." The Dude on the Right also recommends seeing "Angels & Demons," mostly because it's the same kind of movie as "The Da Vinci Code," and The Dude says that if you want a great soft shell crab, or the best crab cake ever, you should spend some dough and head to "Sugartoad" in Naperville, IL. Go ahead, have a listen.
Posted by Rightdude at 8:13 PM | Comments (0)
April 27, 2009
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! No Swine Flu, Dirty Uniforms, Movies, a Brickhouse, and Jesse James.
Swine Flu probably would keep Stu Gotz and The Dude on the Right from doing a "Weekend Wrap-Up" podcast, but since neither of them have it, well, they decide to talk about the flu since, well, everyone else is, and since everyone else thinks they are an expert, the boys try to be experts, too. Thankfully their weekend escapades bring them away from pig talk and on to other conversations like a Confirmation ceremony, T-Ball pictures for the Gotz boys, Stu finding a restaurant called The Brickhouse, and The Dude finding out his BFF cooks some kick-ass ribs. Of course they have some movie talk, and who knew they were both fans of Jesse James on Celebrity Apprentice?
Posted by Rightdude at 8:50 PM | Comments (0)
April 20, 2009
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! Seeing the Chicago Cubs, Seeing 17 Again, Seeing Slumdog Millionaire, and Seeing More!
Crappy traffic couldn't keep The Dude on the Right and Stu Gotz apart this morning, especially since they had a "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast to record! Stu had quite the adventure because he took The Gotz family to see The Chicago Cubs play the St. Louis Cardinals, and little did he know but Wrigley Field would be invaded by seagulls. The Dude tells Stu that "17 Again" isn't that horrible and Matthew Perry might actually be a really good actor, and Netflix queuing abounded with Stu seeing "Slumdog Millionaire" and The Dude seeing "The Secret Life of Bees." Stu missed out, though, because The Dude saw Donald Trump make fun of Jesse James on "Celebrity Apprentice," but the both of them got to see some large breasts during The Miss USA Pageant. Such are their weekends, sometimes.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:55 PM | Comments (0)
April 12, 2009
What's New? A Movie Review of "Observe and Report."
The Dude on the Right reviewed the movie "Observe and Report," and wanted to like the movie a lot more than he did. His underlying problem with the movie: The film folks decided that for most of the last third of the movie Ronnie (Seth Rogan), the head of mall security, would turn into a complete nutjob. Sure, part of it is because he gave his bi-polar medicine to Brandi (Anna Faris), but The Dude thought the movie was really holding its own as a comedy up until that part. Thankfully, for The Dude, the movie took a funny, yet bizarre turn, at the end, to save it a bit.
Posted by Rightdude at 8:32 PM | Comments (0)
April 6, 2009
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! Being Tired, Adventureland Talk, and The Dude Can't Mix Crap.
The Dude on the Right is pretty tired from being up all night with a dog that wanted to lick carpet. During this podcast episode of "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-up!" he tells Stu Gotz all about it, and then realizes he is happy it wasn't Stu licking carpet that kept him up all night. The boys also have movies to discuss, mostly "Adventureland" but a little about "Monsters Vs. Aliens," and TV is also a topic of discussion as the boys talk the return of "Rescue Me" and then analyze "Celebrity Apprentice." All that and more in this week's episode, so listen up!
Posted by Rightdude at 9:19 PM | Comments (0)
April 5, 2009
Inaugural Blu-ray Reviews of "Pinocchio" & "Quantum of Solace" from The W.G.N., and a Movie Review of "Adventureland" from Me!
The Dude on the Right
Finally I am getting back into the swing of things after my vacation to Dreams Villamagna last weekend (more on that in the coming weeks), and thanks to the inaugural Blu-ray reviews from The W.G.N. of "Pinocchio" and "Quantum of Solace," all I had to do was write about seeing "Adventureland." As far as those Blu-ray movies, The W.G.N. liked "Pinocchio" (and who doesn't?), although he does get a little conflicted with the Blu-ray version because even though it does look good, he still can't stand the black bars on the sides because it just seems like such a waste. He liked "Quantum of Solace" on Blu-ray a lot more than I did in the theater, but hey, to each their own, and I was as snookered as many of you might have been, thinking "Adventureland" was some kind of "Superbad" remake, but it's really not, in fact it's a really good movie but more in an adult/artsy kind of way.
I've got my new calendar/todo application for my iPhone to keep me organized now, I've got my new "what the hell am I eating and how little am I exercising" tracker was well, and in a matter of weeks the dude-pad renovations will be complete, so "Back to normal!" is now the rallying cry for the 2nd quarter of 2009. Oh, who the hell am I kidding, 2009 is looking like nothing like normal, I guess I should just keep writing, keep posting, and enjoy the ride!
That's it for this one! I'm The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
Posted by Rightdude at 5:58 PM | Comments (0)
March 9, 2009
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! Adult Toys, Watchmen, March Madness, Jim Cantore, and More!
Good golly, Miss Molly. The Dude on the Right and Stu Gotz get together for another "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast and you might not be prepared to hear it, but old people are buying adult toys, from The Vermont Country Store no less, and the boys have some frank discussions about what the folks are buying, or at least what the store is selling. The podcast isn't all about massagers that aren't meant for your back, as The Dude does tell Stu if he should ditch Mama Gotz and see "Watchmen," Stu made it through the stormy, Chicago weekend, a Little Gotz is feeling better, The Dude is getting ready for March Madness, and who knew The Rock, a.k.a. Dwayne Johnson, could sing and dance? All that and a little more are discussed in this week's edition, so lock up the kids and yes, go ahead and Google "The Vermont Country Store." You know you want to.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:34 PM | Comments (0)
March 8, 2009
What's New? A Movie Review of: Watchmen
The Dude on the Right wanted to like "Watchmen," especially since it included gratuitous nudity, lots of quality kills, and space travel, but what he didn't count on was a lot of dialogue, back-story he didn't really care about, and over two hours sitting on his butt. That's not saying that "Watchmen" is a bad movie, and for some people it will totally be their cup of tea, but he sort of feels duped by the trailers because they tended to show that this movie was a lot more about action and adventure than about a study in human nature and political powerhouses. With that, The Dude feels "Watchmen" is much more of a drama than an action film, so make sure you drain your bladder and expect that before you plant your butt in the movie theater.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:59 PM | Comments (0)
March 2, 2009
What's New? A DVD Review of: Beverly Hills Chihuahua
The Dude on the Right wondered if Stu Gotz was in "little kid" euphoria mode when he originally saw the movie in the theaters, so for this DVD review of "Beverly Hills Chihuahua," The Dude tests the waters to see if the movie is as entertaining for adults as it is for kids. Well, The Dude thinks that for the most part, if you are a parent you'll enjoy the movie and won't poke your eyes out, but unless you're a big, burly dude who owns a tiny dog, you'll probably want to steer clear because this movie probably isn't for you.
Posted by Rightdude at 8:46 PM | Comments (0)
February 16, 2009
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! Valentine's Day, Lots of Movies, and Not Spoiling SNL - much.
Stu Gotz is back from vacation so The Dude on the Right has a partner for this episode of their "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast. Since Valentine's Day was last weekend, well, the both of them talk a bit about their weekends, with The Dude's being a little more romantic than Stu's, and it included a meal fit for a King. They also settle into a lot of movie talk, with Stu seeing a bunch of rentals that didn't get high reviews from many reviewers, The Dude seeing "High School Musical 3: Senior Year," and neither of them realizing that Ben Affleck was in the original "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" movie. Since Stu was back from vacation, well, he didn't get to watch too much TV, and so as not to ruin the surprises, The Dude tells Stu to check the website for links to a couple of pretty funny Saturday Night Live skits, and that even The Jonas Brothers were funny on the show, too.
Posted by Rightdude at 6:57 PM | Comments (0)
February 7, 2009
What's New? A Movie Review of "He's Just Not That Into You."
The Dude on the Right, while he was watching "He's Just Not That Into You," started to question his own relationship, and if is it really that fucked-up to be tempted if Scarlett Johansson were to hit on him at the convenience store. With that, during his review, he also remembers that the movie is just Hollywood, based on a book that tries to tell dudettes why a dude won't call her. Then he remembered he called his BFF back, so he must be into her. Maybe The Dude should write his own book.
Anyway, for the movie, he thought it tried to intertwine too many stories to explain the book, and couldn't decide if relationships suck or are great.
Posted by Rightdude at 8:12 PM | Comments (0)
February 6, 2009
What's New? Movie Previews of: "Confessions of a Shopaholic," "Friday the 13th," "The International," and "Fired Up."
Fine, so it's February, and The Dude on the Right has been lax at getting movie previews up, but he's finally getting back on his game with four previews, all coming out in the next couple of weeks. With that he previews "Confessions of a Shopaholic" (A movie he thinks his BFF will understand), "Friday the 13th," (He's looking forward to lots of gratuitous sex and gratuitous violence), "The International," (He loves Naomi Watts but doesn't give a damn about the movie)," and "Fired Up," (A movie that will be ruined by a PG-13 rating, and he will only be able to see if Stu Gotz joins him). New things are afoot in 2009, and hopefully strange things won't be afoot at the Circle K- Why not start with some movie previews!
Posted by Rightdude at 8:34 PM | Comments (0)
January 25, 2009
What's New? A DVD Review of: National Lampoon's Stoned Age
The Dude on the Right realizes that someone will find this movie funny, but for his review of "National Lampoon's Stoned Age," he knows that it isn't he, or is it him, or is it, well, The Dude didn't like the movie, even with all of the nudity. Maybe he was diverted becase Ali Larted didn't get naked, or maybe he was diverted because, well, he didn't actually like the movie, but National Lampoon has a DVD out, it's called "Stoned Age," and the funny isn't as close to "Animal House" nor even "Van Wilder." Search out the trailer and if you laugh, it's your kind of movie.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:55 PM | Comments (0)
January 20, 2009
What's New? A Movie Review of "Paul Blart: Mall Cop," and a DVD Review of "Swing Vote."
The Dude on the Right still hasn't gotten into the swing of things for the new year so, well, he is kind of playing catch-up. For today's catching up he posts his review of "Paul Blart: Mall Cop," (he thinks the movie is great for eight-year-old boys, and his, umm, he-better-not-give-her-age, sister), as well as his DVD review of "Swing Vote" (he thinks it's a great DVD rental, thinks the extras kind of blow, but one "Campaign Commercial" still makes him nearly poop his pants). The Dude has a lot of other catching up to do, especially with his TV shows, so maybe the easiest thing would be for him to download, or is it upload, a bunch of crap to his iPhone, but what kind of fun would it be to see Jack Bauer kick ass on a tiny screen? The Dude just might need to invest in a Slingbox, or revisit his TV viewing set-up.
Posted by Rightdude at 9:34 PM | Comments (0)
January 19, 2009
What's New? A Podcast of: Hail to the Chief!, Happy Birthdays!, Happy Anniversary!, and Getting Hitched!
The Dude on the Right is flying solo for this podcast, where most of it details how he and The BFF are now hitched and that the weather in Las Vegas is nicer than it is in Chicagoland. Now don't get yourself all up in a tizzy, it's not what you think, especially since a dude at an AT&T store officiated the hitching, but sadly their uniting didn't allow The BFF to be able to let people pull her finger. The Dude and The BFF aside, it's Inauguration time, and The Dude also wonders what Barak Obama will be singing in the shower, because he has the power, The Dude isn't that keen on "Paul Blart: Mall Cop," and he gives some shout-outs for some birthdays and an anniversay.
Posted by Rightdude at 6:54 PM | Comments (0)
January 12, 2009
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! A Lot of Movies, Manuary has Changed The Dude, and The Golden Globes
The Dude on the Right is changing during Manuary, but probably not in the way Manuary is supposed to change a man, so during this episode of Stu & The Dude's "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast, well, The Dude takes a little while to get out of his weekend transforming, thanks to going to Nordstrom's, seeing "Bride Wars," and watching DVD's of "Funny Face" and "Breakfast at Tiffany's." Stu Gotz does his best to get The Dude back into the real meaning of the month, although really, does his "listening" to "Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Chipettes," really count? The both of them do talk about some exercising things, The Golden Globe Awards, and Tina Fey's boobs, so maybe Manuary is back on track.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:04 PM | Comments (0)
January 5, 2009
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! Merriness ,Movies, MacWorld, Manuary, and More!
The New Year arrives bringing a new feature to Stu and The Dude's "Weekend Wrap-Up! Podcast" - I Subscribe to Playboy for the Articles. Stu Gotz, sadly, probably won't be allowed to re-subscribe to the magazine after this podcast even if it would be for research purposes. But the podcast isn't all about articles in Playboy - the boys also talk a lot about movies, with Stu on the children side with "Bedtime Stories" and "The Tale of Despereaux," and on the DVD side with "Ghost Town," while The Dude on the Right should probably give up his Manuary card because he got weepy while watching "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button," "Marley & Me," and "Young @ Heart." And to top off his start of Manuary, The Dude also watched, with his BFF, "The Duchess" on DVD. The podcast also includes The Dude being excited about the Macworld conference and explaining to Stu the health issues keeping Steve Jobs away from it, and let's not forget about talk of their New Year's Eve and Day.
Posted by Rightdude at 9:04 PM | Comments (0)
January 4, 2009
What's New? A Movie Review of: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
And so the New Year came and The Dude on the Right began his catching up on movies to see, and what better movie to see, and review, than the "everywhere critically acclaimed," "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button." For The Dude, well, he acclaims it as well, just not so critically. Don't get him wrong - The Dude loved the look of the movie, is way-impressed at how far Brad Pitt has come from his "Look at me, I'm a hot piece of ass!" days, and overall liked the spirit of the film, but he just didn't like the way Benjamin grew old/young. The movie probably deserves all of the award nods it will be getting, but he still can't figure out why Brad Pitt, umm, Benjamin, looks like he does when he's eighty year's young. Maybe the DVD will explain it.
Posted by Rightdude at 8:05 PM | Comments (0)
December 30, 2008
What's New? A DVD Review of: Eagle Eye
Dude on the Right always wondered if a helicopter scene in
"Eagle Eye" showed St. James, a church in Chicago where he used to
sometimes go to for mass on Sundays, as well as a view of Keating Hall, the
"sports center" for the Illinois Institute of Technology where The Dude used to
do can-openers off of the high-dive board, at the college where he also started
doing reviews, but that's not important right now. What is important right
now is
if he thought the DVD of "Eagle Eye" was any good, and pretty much The
Dude on the Right thought it held up as well on his plasma as it did at the
movie theater. He was disappointed that the alternate ending version on
the DVD wasn't the realistic version The Dude was looking for, he did like the
"making of" features, and always loves a gag-reel, and maybe the commentary
feature was cool, but The Dude rarely, and didn't, watch the movie with the
commentary floating around in the background. He does feel, though, if you
want an action movie reminiscent of movies like "I, Robot", "The Italian Job",
and "War Games," but with the effects of 2008, the DVD of "Eagle Eye" will let
you enjoy your time at home, and then wonder if your cell phone is watching you.
Happy viewing!
Posted by Rightdude at 8:27 PM | Comments (0)
December 29, 2008
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! Christmas Talk, an Asshole in a Maserati Talk, but no Oprah Talk.
Stu Gotz is back for this "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast, complete with special guest, Mama Gotz! Of course there is Christmas talk amongst them all, with Mama Gotz telling about Christmas at the Gotz's, and The Dude on the Right wondering about Santa showing up at church. Gift giving is a topic of discussion, Stu saw "Bedtime Stories," and they witness an asshole in a Maserati decide he is the most important person to pull into a Starbucks' parking lot. There is also the final talk about the Chicago Bears for this season, but no talk about Oprah not pumping her own gas, even though Stu wanted to talk about it.
Posted by Rightdude at 6:51 PM | Comments (0)
December 22, 2008
What's New? A Podcast of: What's for Dinner, It's Cold, and No Stu :-(
Flying solo for a "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast, The Dude on the Right only skips one thing he was planning on talking with Stu Gotz about, so instead he just discusses them with you, the listener. Topics include a different take on your Holiday dinner menu, how he liked "Yes Man," how he is sick of the cold weather even though winter has just begun, and how he is looking forward to this Christmas even though he won't see any movies that day. With The Dude from Illinois he also talks a little Rob Blagojevich, some Chicago Bears, and upcoming Christmas Day movie releases, but he does skip one story because that really is one Stu will also be upset that he didn't think of the idea, either.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:11 PM | Comments (0)
December 20, 2008
What's New? A Movie Review of "Yes Man"
Dude on the Right went to see a movie and was worried it would be "Liar Liar"
revisited, but doing as he does,
he reviewed "Yes Man," and still likes Jim Carrey. Surprisingly
enough it was actually a nice romantic comedy with Jim Carrey only being
slightly over-the-top, although during a scene when "Jumper" from Third Eye
Blind plays out, well, the limits were actually pushed, but still played out
funny. For the most part, though, things are kept simple and happy, and
Zooey Deschanel is great as Allison, the romantic girl in the movie. The
Dude is really worried that you will have to explain to your youngins why Jim
Carrey is, in the end, excited after he put up some shelves in his elderly
neighbor's apartment, but just don't tell your little ones why Grandpa is happy
when Grandma takes out her teeth.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:12 PM | Comments (0)
December 15, 2008
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! Lousy Audio, Airport Travels, A Polar Express, and An Abrupt Ending
The Dude on the Right ends up with some audio issues for
this podcast of "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up!", but Stu Gotz powers on
trying to keep things flowing even if The Dude sounds like his microphone is
being hit by an electric storm. They both do their best, however, to tell
you their take on the movie "The Day the Earth Stood Still," Stu Gotz got to
spend some quality family time with the Little Gotz's and Mama Gotz at an
Enchanted Castle and on a Polar Express over the weekend, while The Dude regales
stories of going to New Jersey, a digital boarding pass, and why People Magazine
is worse than Playboy (although Stu has his own thoughts). Some topics
don't come up during this podcast, like why the dog in the picture is trying to
do The Dude's hair, and that The Dude finally saw "It's a Wonderful Life" from
start to finish. Hopefully the next episode of the "Weekend Wrap-Up!" will
be audio-problem free!
Posted by Rightdude at 7:09 PM | Comments (0)
December 14, 2008
What's New? A Movie Review of: The Day the Earth Stood Still
The Dude on the Right is slowly getting back into a routine, a routine with newness, a routine with oldness, but thankfully the routine includes a movie review of "The Day the Earth Stood Still." The Dude isn't sure if he should have included a lame-ass movie like "The Day the Earth Stood Still" in the new routine he is trying to develop, but good movies or crappy movies, he's always going to tell you what he thinks. The simple hint is that he loved Keanu Reeves as Ted Theodore Logan, loved Keanu Reeves as Neo, but as Klaatu, his loving Keanu Reeves isn't so much. Go and see the movie for John Cleese and Jaden Smith, or maybe rent the original.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:14 PM | Comments (0)
December 1, 2008
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! Black Friday, A Walnut Room, Painting, Gambling, Movies, and More!
led to the lack of a Thursday podcast last week, but The Dude on the Right & Stu
Gotz do their best to make up for it during this episode of
their "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast. The thing is, with an extended
weekend, they talk about a lot of the same things, like movies ("Bolt," "Tropic
Thunder," "Iron Man," "Delta Farce," and "Australia"), music (Britney Spears has
a new CD, "Circus," coming out), TV ("The Big Band Theory" and "How I Met Your
Mother"), and The Chicago Bears losing, but the holidays brought some new stuff
like a visit to the Museum of Science and Industry for the Gotz's, a new holiday
tradition that should probably stop in its tracks (it's a visit to The Walnut
Room at Macy's, which used to be Marshall Fields), The Dude having dinner and
lunch with a variety of friends, and both Stu and The Dude disgusted at people
who helped lead to the death of a dude at Wal Mart on Black Friday.
They both cover a lot of ground, but the podcast is under 20 minutes, so what the hell, go ahead and give the podcast a listen.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:01 PM | Comments (0)
November 24, 2008
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! Fireworks, Movies, Manners, and a Cheap Dude.
The Dude on the Right is
almost ready to toss his new MacBook Pro out of the window while
he and Stu Gotz were recording this "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast,
especially as Stu brags about how The Dude could probably take one quick class
at his local Apple store to solve his problems, but The Dude is a stubborn
pollack, so the two of them just hunker down to talk about The Magnificent Mile
Lights Festival in Chicago over the weekend, and Stu seeing "Quantum of Solace"
instead of "Twilight" at the theaters. There is some Netflix catching up
to do for The Dude, Stu might have a way to save the environment thanks to his
thinking while he was taking a poop, and Stu has some hostility for the YMCA
Scuba program, which he might want to see a psychiatrist for.
They both discuss this Thanksgiving weekend's movie schedule, and Stu revisits the brilliance that is "Fast Times at Ridgemont High." So much to talk about in so little time, yet they figure out a way to pull it off, and even mention the fact that Stu Gotz is also a member of Twitter Nation.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:21 PM | Comments (0)
November 18, 2008
>What's New? A Movie Review of: Quantum of Solace
Dude on the Right liked the fact that "Casino Royale" became a little more like
"The Bourne Identity" franchise, but now he thinks the James Bond folks took
"Quantum of Solace" to an action level even the "Bourne" franchise doesn't try
to achieve. In any case he gives his movie review, likes Daniel Craig as
James Bond, thinks Olga Kurylenko is hot as Camille, but in his mind, the hottie
factor is kind of like the debate about Ginger or Mary Ann from Gilligan's
Island, because in "Quantum...", well, Gemma Arterton is the "normal" girl, and
she is Strawberry Fields, and she actually gets to sleep with James Bond.
Sure, it leads to her striking oil, but that's another story for the movie.
The Dude will let this James Bond movie go, just hoping the next installment starts to develop James into the smooth, deboner, and if he has to kill a few people along the way, well, he's up for that, kind of secret agent. In the opposite of the words of Elvis, for The Dude on the Right, James Bond needs a little less action and a little more conversation.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:28 PM | Comments (0)
November 17, 2008
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! "Quantum of Solace," The Chicago Bears Suck, A Crabman, and More!
Dude on the Right and Stu Gotz got together for another
wrap-up about their weekend, and they discuss it for their podcast.
Stu kept things with the family, watching "27 Dresses," wondering about TV shows
like "Entourage" and "My Own Worst Enemy," and wasn't allowed to upload
copyrighted music to YouTube, whereas The Dude on the Right saw, with his BFF,
"Quantum of Solace," the NBC Travel Expo at Navy Pier in Chicago (complete with
Crabman and Catalina from "My Name is Earl" and Mike Adamle eating
popcorn), and cleaned his garage. Okay, The Dude's BFF didn't help The
Dude clean his garage, but that's okay, because at least neither Stu nor The
Dude, nor The Dude's BFF, watched enough of the Chicago Bears getting trampled
by the Green Bay Packers to really care about football over the weekend.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:26 PM | Comments (0)
November 12, 2008
What's New? A DVD Review of: Like Water for Chocolate
The Dude on the Right let his BFF recommend some DVD viewing, so he watched (and read), and reviews, the movie "Like Water for Chocolate," complete with subtitles. He realizes it is really a dudette-flick, but he enjoyed it anyway, because even though things get kind of strange, like a spontaneously combusting outhouse and a vindictive ghost, the story is nice, it made him dream about Mexican food, and sometimes he can appreciate a well-made foreign film.
Posted by Rightdude at 8:31 PM | Comments (0)
November 10, 2008
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! Bubble Tea, Families, Movies, and an Injury. And a Full Review of "Role Models."
In the immortal works of Harry Caray, "Holy Cow!" Yup, Stu Gotz and The Dude on the Right got together to for a new podcast of "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up!," and they talk about so many things in about twenty minutes, well, it's almost scary to write about them all. In any case, there is talk about bubble tea, The Dude's BFF, a family gathering, "Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa," "Role Models," and some heart-shaped pubes in "Zack and Miri Make a Porno." They don't forget to talk about the Chicago Bears, the upcoming James Bond flick "Quantum of Solace," and Stu injuring himself playing Wii, and not playing with his Wii.
In conjunction, The Dude on the Right did see
"Role Models," and liked it, in the R-Rated kind of way some movies are
being made nowadays. If you don't like swear words and boobies, you
probably won't like it, but The Dude does like swear words and boobies, and
well-written comedies, so he liked it,
liking it.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:42 PM | Comments (0)
November 4, 2008
What's New? A "Stu & The Dude Weekend Wrap-Up!" Podcast and a Movie Review of "Zack and Miri Make a Porno."
After a few weeks of being apart, Stu Gotz and The Dude on the Right get reunited for a "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast. They talk a little about the death of Mom on the Right, Stu's weekend turned out to be mostly about his kids as they ended up at a jumpy place for youngins and at another place called "Space Golf," while The Dude is still trying to learn how to use his new MacBook. And even though The Dude tells Stu about the movie during the podcast, there's also a full written review of "Zack and Miri Make a Porno" that got posted.
Stu did get to tell The Dude that he was spot on about his earlier review of "Forgetting Sarah Marshall," even with the excess wiener footage, and TV is always a topic for these guys, since they don't really like to read, which leads to some Studs Terkel talk.
Posted by Rightdude at 5:48 PM | Comments (0)
October 13, 2008
What's New? A Podcast of: "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! No More Hooters, Football, A Chihuahua, and More!"
Stu Gotz returns for his duties with The Dude on the Right for another episode of a "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast. The Dude explains to Stu why he probably won't be going back to Hooters with his BFF anytime soon, Stu gives his insight into "Beverly Hills Chihuahua, and who knew that Beanie Babies aren't worth $30 anymore? There is also some talk about the Chicago Bears, guns for kids, and people who forward stupid e-mails that pretty much have no chance in hell of being real, along with more movie talk and Stu explaining he wasn't have a heart attack last weekend.
Posted by Rightdude at 4:25 PM | Comments (0)
September 30, 2008
What's New? A Movie Review of "Ghost Town."
The trailers for the movie "Ghost Town" showed a kinda funny, kinda quirky movie, and for the most part it was, but The Dude on the Right does his best, during his movie review of "Ghost Town," to try and explain that funny and quirky are fine, but dragging things out during a movie is not. The Dude liked the jokes, laughed a bit, but thought the movie was too long. His BFF was a little more harsh in her rating for the movie, so it's probably a good thing for the movie folks, at least for The Dude's rating, that The Dude really likes a good dick joke, even if it was about a dead dude.
Posted by Rightdude at 6:58 PM | Comments (0)
September 29, 2008
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! Lots of Movies, Sports, and Spelling Julio.
a Monday so it must be time for
a new episode of "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast, and right
off the bat Stu Gotz decides to put a different spin on a romantic moment that
The Dude on the Right and his BFF shared while having dinner at
"Uncle Julio's Hacienda"
in Chicago. Stu tries to make up for it with a not-that-humiliating story
about not hanging up his phone after leaving a message, but as the podcast goes
on there is a lot of movie talk, with "Hoot,"
"Eagle Eye," "The Hammer," and "Ghost Town," being some of the topics.
There is also some talk about the new design of the Chicago Tribune, and the
both of them discuss sports, especially since, in Chicago, it's been weird with
the Chicago Bears beating the Philadelphia Eagles, the Chicago Cubs waiting for
the post-season, and the Chicago White Sox needing to win things in the weirdest
ways to keep the nightmare of a Cubs-White Sox "World Series" alive.
The Dude also does his impersonation of Tina Fey impersonating Sarah Palin, but, well, The Dude's not that good.
Posted by Rightdude at 6:23 PM | Comments (0)
September 26, 2008
What's New? A Movie Review of "Eagle Eye"
Going into seeing this movie, The Dude on the Right pretty much figured he would have to suspend reality if he were to review "Eagle Eye" properly, and he tried to do as much. He thinks Shia LaBeouf and Michelle Monaghan were okay, but liked Billy Bob Thornton a little bit more. In the end, though, he wonders if the film people became infatuated with a couple of films, like "I, Robot," "War Games," "The Italian Job," and any other movie where cell phones and street lights can be controlled by computers. The Dude was also bummed the poignant ending wasn't played out rather than the feel-good ending that made The Dude drop his rating 1/2 stars. In the end, though, if you're looking for action-packed non-reality, go and see "Eagle Eye." Escape from the financial crisis and realize that yes, computers might be the downfall of us all!
Posted by Rightdude at 7:18 PM | Comments (0)
September 23, 2008
What's New? A DVD Review of "I Want Someone to Eat Cheese With."
The Dude on the Right was going to save this review of "I Want Someone to Eat Cheese With" for a rainy day, just to get something posted, but right now he is so sucked back into the Fall TV season, well, it might as well be a rainy day. So here is his posted review of the DVD, where more people than he can recognize are actually in this movie, but to name two, Jeff Garlin (duh, he wrote, directed and starred in it), and Steve Dahl (unless you live in Chicago you might say "Who?") have big or small parts, but hey, if you are a fan of Sarah Silverman, and want to see her in some slinky lingerie, this movie will probably be worth the rental, just to, well, see Sarah Silverman in slinky lingerie.
The Dude does find the movie funny, in terms of dialogue, but also thinks the movie drags a bit, even though he still thinks it's funny. The Dude is really confused.
Posted by Rightdude at 8:09 PM | Comments (0)
September 16, 2008
What's New? A Movie Review of: "Burn After Reading."
Dude on the Right is getting back into
the movie going groove, and for this one he went to see "Burn After Reading."
He loved it, though not 5 starring loving it. The Dude did like the
laughs, the intrigue, and even the violence, once the movie started clicking on
all cylinders after about the first 30 minutes of plot development. He
thinks Brad Pitt did a great job as the dopey physical trainer, appreciates the
creativeness (and maybe the magazine subscriptions) of Harry, played by George
Clooney, but, in the end, who wouldn't do anything they can to get the money for
some plastic surgery?
This is a Coen Brothers movie, so expect some Coen Brothers goofiness, but let the first part set things up for you, and then, as The Dude on the Right did, you can just enjoy the rest of the ride, especially realizing that Harry just wants women to be happy.
Posted by Rightdude at 8:24 PM | Comments (0)
September 15, 2008
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! Rain, Movies, TV, and A Loud Starbucks.
Stu Gotz somehow convinced The Dude on the Right that they should record their "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast at a Starbucks, and even though the music was loud, it did make for some nice, background music, even if it distracted The Dude. The both of them, though, overcame the background music to talk about the boatloads of rain that were dumped on the Midwest over the weekend, they both talk a bit about Hurricane Ike and the people who want to be rescued in Galveston now that the storm is gone, and hey, why not critique Tina Fey playing Sarah Palin on "Saturday Night Live?" Sure, they both liked Tina, didn't think Michael Phelps did that great on SNL, Stu's got questions about the ending of "3:10 to Yuma" while The Dude thinks Stu might piss his pants during one scene of "Burn After Reading," but a podcast with Stu and The Dude wouldn't be complete without some talk about TV, and The Dude on the Right needs to quit reviewing his visits to church. The Dude does give a shout-out to his BFF, if you followed The Dude's Twitter you would have been texted to see Carlos Zambrano of The Chicago Cubs get a no-hitter, and if you're looking for Sarah Silverman in skimpy underwear, go ahead and rent "I Want Someone to Eat Cheese With." Just don't ask The Dude what a "Hoagie Shack" is because he couldn't remember the term during his "review" while talking with Stu.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:02 PM | Comments (0)
August 18, 2008
What's New? Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! A Long Life, Beautiful People, Car Crashes, and More!
podcast episode of "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up!" is about living a
long life, and putting yourself in danger. The Dude on The Right put
himself, and the life of his BFF, in danger, by going to see the Chicago Air &
Water Show, where, at any time, planes could have come crashing down on them, or
more likely, they would have been sunburned beyond belief if it wasn't for the
level-headedness of The Dude's BFF. Stu didn't actually put himself in
danger, but he did take the Gotz family to an event of others putting themselves
in danger, namely a Demolition Derby, and he also found out that as cool as the
iPhone might be, it does have a stupid limitation that Stu's Sprint Instinct
might want to exploit a little more in commercial advertisements.
Both of the boys are almost sick of The Olympics and the coverage of Michael Phelps, Stu is still watching shows like "Psych" on Cable TV, and The Dude realized that the nightly light and music show that accompanies Buckingham Fountain in Chicago is pretty cool.
And, oh yea, they also talk about "Tropic Thunder" and upcoming movies.
Posted by Rightdude at 6:55 PM | Comments (0)
August 14, 2008
What's New? The Chicago Air & Water Show, "Tropic Thunder," Mark Your Calendars, and The Olympics!
The Dude on the Right flies solo for this podcast, though talking about flying is exciting him about seeing the "Chicago Air and Water Show" this weekend with his BFF. Hopefully that will go well, and Monday's podcast will be all about fun at North Avenue Beach in Chicago.
The Dude also does a large rant on The Olympics with Michael Phelps and Mark Spitz, the Chinese deceiving us, and his loving Fencing and not Women's Beach Volleyball. He is also strangely fascinated with the Norwegian weightlifter who blew out his arm during his competition.
"Tropic Thunder" talk also is in the podcast, though The Dude is worried that if you don't see the movie, well, you must be a reta$#, though, never mind, he doesn't want to get boycotted.
Maybe you better just listen to this podcast to find out when "Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince" will be in theaters in 2009.
Posted by Rightdude at 8:08 PM | Comments (0)
August 11, 2008
What's New? A Podcast of: "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! RIP Chef, Calliope Music, and Stu Doesn't See "The Scorpions" but Does Eat Tamales!" also A Movie Review of "Pineapple Express."
long weekend leads to building blocks of newness, so for this Monday The Dude on
the Right posts his weekend review of
"Pineapple Express," noting that as much as he liked the stoner aspect of
the flick, once it turned into a gunfight, well, the movie turned just a little
too over the top for him. The funniness was in the stoners, and all of a
sudden they had guns? The Dude on the Right is so critical, sometimes.
But newness isn't only about a movie review, since postings happen on a Monday
it's also time for a
Stu & The Dude "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast, and they've got a lot to talk
about. The boys have a different tribute to Isaac Hayes, The Dude one the Right,
again, reviews that "Pineapple" movie, Stu wishes his tamale wasn't so spicy,
and The Dude will probably be struck down by lightning soon for his comments of
attending mass at Holy Name Cathedral (while it is under construction).
who knew Stu Gotz actually wanted to see The Scorpions? The Podcast lets
The Dude on the Right know that he doesn't know Stu as well as he thought he
Oh well.
Have fun reading and listening!
Posted by Rightdude at 8:42 PM | Comments (0)
August 4, 2008
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! Movie-ing, Salespeople-ing, Turtle-ing, Food-ing, but No Twittering (yet).
For this episode of Stu & The Dude's "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast, during the written synopsis The Dude on the Right becomes obsessed about Twitter and twittering, but thankfully for the actual podcast he just talks about his weekend - spending some time with his BFF while she did some car shopping, they had dinner at Carnivale, and went to see "Swing Vote." Stu Gotz's weekend was kind of boring, although he did have a turtling issue, solved with a trip to Starbucks, and tries to corrupt The Dude with a visit to Stu's local Apple Store and some lunch at Ricobene's. Stu can be a bad influence on The Dude, but Stu is thinking The Dude has found a good influence in The Dude's BFF.
Posted by Rightdude at 6:36 PM | Comments (0)
August 3, 2008
What's New? A Movie Review of "Swing Vote."
The Dude on the Right still hates people, but for
his review of "Swing Vote," he doesn't explain why. His hating people
has nothing to do with the movie itself (though somewhat about people coming to
see a movie), has nothing to do about voting, and in his own twisted way, The
Dude almost wishes he could be the vote to decide the President of The United
States because, well, he would also want to see the "War Room" on Air Force One,
find out if
President's Secret Book" is real, if there is a secret treasure underneath
Wall St., and, if The President had any chance of wanting to get his vote, The
Dude would want full access to Area 51, because, well, who wouldn't?
All that said, The Dude can state, right now, that "Swing Vote" has the funniest/twisted/wrong fake "political commercial" he has seen, that has made him laugh, is a long time, and even though he give it 4 stars out of 5, he still recommends that you just might want to save your money and see it as a rental or on cable. The crazy thing is that the "political commercials" from the movie will still be topical for years to come, as always, in the wrong way.
Posted by Rightdude at 8:31 PM | Comments (0)
July 22, 2008
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! Nakedness, Lottery, Movies, and a Noid.
Dude on the Right couldn't believe that he actually got naked on a Saturday,
well, sort of, and for
this episode of Stu & The Dude's "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast, he
explains his nakedness. Both The Dude and Stu Gotz do their normal weekend
wrap-up about the movies they have seen, including "Mamma Mia!," "The Dark
Knight," and "Space Chimps," The Dude tells Stu about what he and his BFF have
been up to, and The Dude also tries to influence the attitude of Stu as to why
he still has a figurine of "The Noid."
Netlix rentals are topics of discussions, as is Stu getting a Mac, as is winning the lottery, and as is, well, a wedding.
Sometimes the days of Stu and The Dude are very complicated.
Posted by Rightdude at 6:59 PM | Comments (0)
July 20, 2008
What's New? A Movie Review of "Mamma Mia!"
block, a brain cramp, or maybe it’s just that the sweet words of greatness just
don’t want to flow from The Dude on the Right’s brain to his fingertips to
relate how, in a different way from his love of
"Iron Man," "The Dark Knight" will be only the second movie, so far, of
2008, that he will give a 5 star rating. But, somehow, and maybe it is the music
of ABBA stuck in his head, well, The Dude finds a way to say that he didn’t like
the movie version of "Mamma Mia!" during his review and wondered why Pierce
Brosnan was cast, even if it did make him laugh.
The thing is, do you really care what The Dude on the Right thought about the Batman flick, "The Dark Knight?" From the box office numbers it looks like most of you already have seen it. Now you will know if you should go and see "Mamma Mia!"
Posted by Rightdude at 7:35 PM | Comments (1)
July 17, 2008
What's New? A Podcast of: Technology Sucks, No WGN, iPhone Schematic Requests, and a Cowbell.
The Dude on the Right has internet issues so he told The WGN to be patient and wait until next week to do a podcast. But internet issues won't keep a good Dude down, so he recorded a quick podcast about "Batman: The Dark Knight," with Heath Ledger, his need for some iPhone schematics, and how having a cowbell on his iPhone just makes him smile. Do you have a "cowbell" on your cell phone? Good luck with that!
Posted by Rightdude at 9:22 PM | Comments (0)
July 15, 2008
What's New? Movie Previews Galore, or at Least a Few.
The Dude on the Right
So as I'm looking to get back into the swing of posting, and not feeling totally
creative, I realized I had a batch of
Previews already written. So, this evening, well, it was all about
getting previews of movies like "Swing
Vote," "Bangkok
Dangerous," "Pineapple
Express," "Henry
Poole is Here," "The
Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor," "The
House Bunny," and "My
Best Friend's Girl," among others, up and integrated into the website for
your perusal, or at least to help you to find their official sites.
Happy perusalling!
That's it for this one! I'm The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
Posted by Rightdude at 8:01 PM | Comments (0)
July 14, 2008
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! The BFF Meets the Family, Lots of TV Talk, and an iPhone Update.
The Dude on the Right took his BFF to visit some of his family in the old country, while Stu Gotz missed a Cubs' game, and those are just some of the topics they both cover in this podcast of "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up!"
Sure, they also talk about miniature golf, give a shout for The Dude's mom to "Get well soon," the uber-coolness of the iPhone update, and The Dude is psyched to see "The Dark Knight," but let's not forget Stu's love of "Burn Notice," SCUBA, and the younger Gotz's love of "Mr. Men." Now if only The Dude would have talked about his and his BFF's lottery winnings, well, this podcast might be complete, but that might just have to wait for The Dude chatting with The WGN, and explaining to said The WGN why opening car doors for girls could be fixed by more-advanced, door-unlocker key fobs.
Posted by Rightdude at 6:31 PM | Comments (0)
July 7, 2008
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! "Hancock," Fireworks, Cars, Church, and More!
The Dude on the Right and Stu Gotz survived the 4th of July weekend with all of their appendages attached, but more surprising was the fact that The Dude didn't get struck down by lightning as he entered a church with his BFF, especially since The Dude, at times, wondered more about what the sensors were at the top of the ceiling and why parents let their kids wear street clothes to mass, as opposed to focusing on what was really a nice homily, about an "e-mail" from God. This podcast, though, of "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up!" isn't all about fire and brimstone, or at least fireworks and religion, the boys also talk about cars, "Hancock," "Nancy Drew," Pringles, and some upcoming nuptials. The Dude also sends "Get Well Soon" wishes to his Mom.
Posted by Rightdude at 6:12 PM | Comments (0)
July 6, 2008
What's New? A Movie Review of: "Hancock."
As The Dude on the Right is a tad worried what Stu Gotz will say when he reveals something that happened over The Dude's 4th of July weekend during their next podcast, and The Dude is also a little more worried about some happenings in the Old Country, he figured out a way to review the movie "Hancock," even though, if you have an 8-year old and you took him to see the movie, The Dude's review might be a little too late because now, your 8-year old, probably, totally, loves the word "Asshole."
Happy movie-going!
Posted by Rightdude at 7:27 PM | Comments (0)
July 1, 2008
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! RV-ing, Penn & Teller, Movie Talk, Toilet Paper, and More!
Some travel issues delayed Stu Gotz getting back in town so the podcast of "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up!" was a day late, and even with some extra time, well, The Dude on the Right screwed up the opening. But that's okay because they have lots to talk about, including some movie talk about "Wanted," "Wall-E," "Presto," and "Letters from Iwo Jima." The Dude relates to Stu that he really should get Showtime so he could see "Penn & Teller: Bullshit," and Stu should also get Sirius Satellite Radio so he could hear ABBA, 24/7, for a couple of weeks. Stu, on the other hand, relates his woes of toilet paper at airports. They both talk about a fight at the Cubs/White Sox Crosstown Classic, they talk about tattoos, and with the 4th of July weekend coming up, they talk about how it looks like The Dude's BFF still won't get to meet any of The Dude's friends, even with the lure of REO Speedwagon.
Posted by Rightdude at 5:54 PM | Comments (0)
June 29, 2008
What's New? A Movie Review of "Wall-E."
The Dude on the Right is probably one of the few reviewers in the world that didn't like
"Wall-E" that much, and for his review, well, he can't even justify it. He blames the lack of dialogue; He blames his own PMS; He
even blames a dude sitting a couple seats away from him. What he doesn't blame, though, might be his own lack of just being able to envelop himself in a movie where, a lot of the time, only the eyes of the characters tell the feelings. The Dude might just need new contact lenses.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:00 PM | Comments (0)
June 27, 2008
What's New? Movie Reviews of "Get Smart" and "Wanted."
Dude on the Right was a little lax in getting his
review of "Get Smart" posted, but it is now here for your reading
pleasure, and The Dude recommends that if you don't want to be in a movie
theater filled with little kids, and hate gratuitous violence, maybe "Get Smart"
might be a good matinee for you and your lady to see over the weekend. The
Dude also saw
and that review is also posted, and if you want to be in a movie theater
with no little kids and seeing a movie with tons of gratuitous violence,
Angelina Jolie's butt, and physics be damned, enjoy the ludicrousness that is
Posted by Rightdude at 7:05 PM | Comments (0)
June 23, 2008
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! Computer Issues, Movie Talk, The Rest of the Family, and Remembering George Carlin
The Dude on the Right and Stu Gotz both had computer issues for this podcast, which they, sadly, reiterate in way too much detail, before they get to the fun stuff like Mama Gotz being pissed at The Dude for recommending "No Country For Old Men" to Stu, Stu wondering if there is any way he can now get free stuff from Apple since his shipment is late, The Dude meeting the rest of the family of his BFF, and both of them remembering George Carlin, with his "Seven Dirty Words" historical rant and "The Buddy Christ." In the end, George Carlin, R.I.P., or the hell with that, The Dude just hopes Mr. Carlin can make everyone laugh in the afterlife because it is what he does, did, and should be doing for ever, more.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:50 PM | Comments (0)
June 20, 2008
I'm Boycotting "The Love Guru," but Who is Rajan Zed, and Why am I Getting So Many E-Mails, Maybe From Him?
The Dude on the Right
As I have fallen behind on a couple of things, well, the last thing I wanted to
do was to waste a couple of hours at a movie that degrades a religion.
Yup, for the last bunch of months I've been getting e-mails from, well, I'm not
really sure who, although there is an e-mail address yet I'm not really sure if
it is valid or a spoof, mostly because I'm too lazy to actually reply to the
e-mail and figure out exactly who is e-mailing me. In any case, though,
they have been promoting that Rajan Zed (maybe not so surprisingly the e-mail
prefix is "rajanz"), who is a prominent Hindu leader (at least so says the
e-mail), states that I should boycott the latest Mike Myers' film, "The Love
Guru," because, at least with today's e-mail (it's the only one I didn't
delete), "it lampoons Hinduism and Hindu concepts and uses Hindu terms
frivolously." With that line, especially since this e-mail was sent after
Rajan supposedly saw the film, I knew it was my civic duty to skip the film and
save two hours of my life.
The e-mail continues in its lambasting the movie, saying "the antics of Guru Pitka (Mike Myers' character in the movie) are a mockery of the esteemed institution of guru," also stating "This is pure and blatant ridiculing and Paramount and its parent Viacom should immediately issue a general public apology for denigration of Hinduism and Hindu concepts, utter disregard of the protesters, backtracking on promise to pre-screen the movie for Rajan Zed and other Hindu leaders, making no efforts to have an open civilized dialogue with protesters to arrive at an mutually acceptable solution, Zed said."
As the e-mail begins to wrap up, we get: "Rajan Zed further said that comedy should make everybody smile and should not come at the expense of ridiculing others faith and spreading misinformation. Hinduism is the oldest and third largest religion of the world with about one billion followers and a rich philosophical thought and it should not be taken lightly. No faith, larger or smaller, should be ridiculed at."
Hear, hear, Rajan, I'm down with you brother! Oh, wait, don't most comedies ridicule others, if not their faith, and spread misinformation? Never mind, hear, hear Rajan!
But do you want to know the most bizarre part of the e-mail, calling for my boycotting of "The Love Guru?" Well, I'll tell you. It's the last paragraph that states, not something like "This is why we are calling for a boycott of "The Love Guru," or "until Paramount and Viacom recognize the dignity of Hinduism...," we get this: "'The Love Guru' (88 minutes), a comedy starring Mike Myers (of Austin Powers fame), opened today nationwide and will be released in different parts of the world in the near future. Viacom's family of brands includes MTV, Paramount, DreamWorks, etc. Paramount Pictures Corporation is a global producer and distributor of filmed entertainment." What the hell kind of ending to an e-mail calling for a boycott is that? No "So maybe you might want to boycott those entities as well," nor "You should also be boycotting "Kung Fu Panda," instead just a vague "legal" disclaimer about the movie, complete with the movies running time.
Suddenly, all this e-mail seems to scream is "I'm Rajan Zed. How can I get loads of publicity? I know, Spam!", or a viral campaign on the part of someone to make people go and watch "The Love Guru" to see if it actually "lampoons" Hinduism, because some news outlet are bound to reference the e-mail, or if this e-mail was really from Mr. Zed, maybe his press release should have been written in first person, starting out simply as "I am Rajan Zed, a Hindu leader, and after seeing 'The Love Guru' I urge you to boycott the movie, and here's why..."
Now that I think about it, I'm not boycotting "The Love Guru" because of this series of e-mails I received saying the movie makes fun of Hinduism, because, you know what, I'm all for making a mockery of all kinds of governments, ethnicities, freaks, geeks, jocks, horror movies, religion, and any other stuff that is open to be made fun of, especially if it's done in a funny way. I'm boycotting "The Love Guru" because, from the trailers, it looks like a load of crap, and from the early reviews most of them say it is a load of crap, and you know what, I've got more important things to do right now than invest in a potential load of crap. This movie will wait for Netflix, or cable, or a number of stints on the shitter, watching it in phases on my iPhone, unless, of course, Richard Roeper tells me to see it when I watch him over the weekend.
That's it for this one! I'm The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
Posted by Rightdude at 6:52 PM | Comments (0)
June 19, 2008
What's New? A Podcast of: A "The Swell Season" Preview, Meeting Family, The Bachelorette, and Missing "Nessun Dorma" on "America's Got Talent."
The Dude on the Right could really use a nap before this podcast about, mainly, going to see "The Swell Season," especially since getting back home was past his normal bedtime, but that's not important because this podcast isn't a full review of the show, just a quick blip at his still liking the folks from the movie "Once." The Dude also talks about some BFF family stuff, he's still watching "The Bachelorette," and is bummed he missed the premier of "America's Got Talent" where some dude did a great version of "Nessun Dorma" from Puccini's Turandot, complete with Jerry Springer interrupting it, because, well, it's on TV.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:52 PM | Comments (0)
June 15, 2008
What's New? A Movie Review of "The Incredible Hulk."
The Dude on the Right apologizes for the slight delay in getting this review of "The Incredible Hulk" posted, but, and not saying that the website isn't that important, a family get-together was at least more important than getting his review of "The Incredible Hulk" posted at an earlier time. Family get-together's aside, The Dude did like that this version of Hulk played a little more true to the story he remembers, that of the TV series, and that Hulk was only able to leap a few buildings, and not miles, at a single bound.
Posted by Rightdude at 9:09 PM | Comments (0)
June 13, 2008
What's New? A Movie Review of "The Happening."
The Dude on the Right decided to try to skip out on some Friday afternoon duties to see "The Happening, " and he reviews the movie, and he likes it. He likes it because he didn't try to re-envision "The Sixth Sense," especially since this is an M. Night Shyamalan flick, but instead engrossed himself into enjoying a campy, kind of "zombie" movie, without a twist that most people want Mr. M. Night to amaze them with. People, get over it, M. Night amazed you with the twist for "The Sixth Sense," get over it, now he's just trying to entertain you.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:41 PM | Comments (0)
June 10, 2008
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! "Echoes," Movies, T-Ball, an Attic, and a Tornado!
They may do their podcast a day late, but The Dude on the Right and Stu Gotz are back for a "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast since The Dude got home from his visit to the old country late on Monday, so what better day than to do it than on a Tuesday! They talk about "Kung Fu Panda," "You Don't Mess With the Zohan," kids playing T-Ball, a tornado, a hot attic, Jim Cantore from The Weather Channel, and Mama Gotz hating The Dude. Underneath it all is "Echoes" from Pink Floyd, they also talk about Lake Delton not being a lake anymore, and a dog that got transported a couple of blocks thanks to the same tornado that Jim Cantore warned Stu about.
Posted by Rightdude at 8:12 PM | Comments (0)
June 7, 2008
What's New? A Movie Review of "You Don't Mess With the Zohan."
The Dude on the Right, during his review of "You Don't Mess With the Zohan," realized that he loves the potential of many of the recent Adam Sandler movies, but that by the end of those movies, the potential generally falls flat as the jokes get just, too, easy. Guess what, he felt the same thing about the "Zohan" movie, but did like the George Takei cameo.
Posted by Rightdude at 8:01 PM | Comments (0)
June 2, 2008
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! A MySpace Page Change, Catch and Release, and "Sex and the City."
The fallout from The Dude on the Right changing his MySpace page began after recording this episode of "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast, but Stu Gotz kind of preambles it by setting up The Dude with a music clip, only so that Stu won't have to ask a question he has repeatedly tried to get an answer to. Stu's weekend was filled with family time and how snagging some "canal-chats" can be fun, complete with showing the kids that you can throw wounded fish back in the water, while The Dude saw "Sex and the City" with his BFF, expanded his culinary horizons, and heard opera at a gospel fest. There is also some talk of wondering how some people don't get sued, and Stu ditched The Dude during part of the podcast in search of some nip-slips from the 2008 MTV Movie Awards Gold-Carpet broadcast. Such can be Stu Gotz.
Posted by Rightdude at 5:51 PM | Comments (0)
June 1, 2008
What's New? A Movie Review of "Sex and the City."
The Dude on the Right went to see "Sex and the City," and was pretty sure the four dudettes next to him, and the dudette that he took to see the movie, would have been putty in his hands with a well-placed "Ohhh," that or they would have thought he was gay. He does mention during his review that he liked the movie, but still doesn't understand women's fascination with ugly hats.
Posted by Rightdude at 3:53 PM | Comments (0)
May 29, 2008
What's New? A Podcast of: The World's Greatest Nephew Needs a Nickname, Some Politics, Some Eddie Murphy, and Some Toilet Talk!
The World's Greatest Nephew is still in college, so The Dude on the Right might have to send him a few bucks to get a new headset, but even though the audio quality isn't the greatest, The Dude is happy to be able to do a podcast, through the magic of the internet, with his nephew. The WGN is pretty much tired of politics, but that doesn't stop The Dude from playing a clip of Father Michael Pfleger, but then they nicely settle into some banter about college, summer, movies, sex, and toilets. What better things are there for an Uncle and his nephew to discuss?
Posted by Rightdude at 8:05 PM | Comments (0)
May 26, 2008
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! The Dude sees "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" and Fireworks, Stu Wonders if He Can Get "Wii Fit."
Thanks to the internet, Stu and The Dude were able to record their "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast via Skype, and although not the most exciting of Memorial Day weekends, some things for them were the same, and some things for them were different. Duh.
Stu is nursing a cold, which kept him keeping up with his Netflix queue, namely watching "Wild Hogs" and "Cougar Club," while The Dude on the Right ventured into Chicago to see "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull," fireworks, and have a nice dinner. Stu couldn't go backyard camping with his kids, and The Dude needed to buy a new filter for his kids. And Stu probably didn't use his Wii Fit, while The Dude doesn't own a Wii.
Now that they know the Skype thing works, there really isn't an excuse for Stu and The Dude to not ever do a podcast again.
Posted by Rightdude at 5:57 PM | Comments (0)
May 25, 2008
What's New? The Dude sees "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" and Fireworks, Stu Wonders if He Can Get "Wii Fit."
Dude on the Right saw
"Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" with someone who
doesn't really like bugs, which, because The Dude is weird, actually made the
movie experience bring a bigger smile to his face, but in the end
it's all about the review, and The Dude does what he does. Stu Gotz,
though, is back doing some typographical reviewing, maybe because his kids might
be a little too young to see the "Crystal Skull" movie, but that doesn't mean
his family, or at least just him, can't
get in shape thanks to the Nintendo "Wii Fit." Hopefully Mama
Gotz won't let Stu shove the thing under the couch to collect dust bunnies.
The Dude saw movies and fireworks, Stu is probably trying to figure out
how to dry a sweater on a "Wii Fit." Such are different weekends.
Posted by Rightdude at 6:31 PM | Comments (0)
May 19, 2008
What's New? A Podcast of: I Could Have Won $0.40, or even Millions, I've Got Too Much Stuff, and Here Comes Indiana Jones!
The Dude on the Right realized, over this weekend, that he has too much stuff, and some of that stuff should have been thrown out years ago, like a phone book from 1995, so for this podcast he laments on seeing a movie he didn't care that much about, namely "The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian," how he didn't win millions, or at least $0.40, and wonders why he still has a hand-held scanner that only scans in black & white. At least he still has a film idea on a 3 1/2" floppy and his hope that "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" will be good.
Posted by Rightdude at 6:59 PM | Comments (0)
May 18, 2008
What's New? DVD reviews of "Juno" and "Girls Just Want to Have Fun."
The Dude on the Right
I don't know if Stu Gotz and I will get together for a "Weekend Wrap-up!" podcast tomorrow, but I do know my weekend was filled with, well, I actually realized that my Dude-pad is filled up with too much stuff! It's almost like I need to create my own "eBay Store," only selling stuff I own, but now that eBay and Paypal changed the way people get paid, I don't know if it will actually be worth it, or if I should just throw the stuff out. Thinking about it, who would actually want a 3 1/2" floppy containing my original outline for a movie I envisioned back in, like 1989ish, a pair of pants that are too big for me and are a little bit worn, or a "Southern Comfort" flag? Tonight, though, are the Academy of Country Music Awards, and it kicked off with Carrie Underwood putting nearly every other "American Idol" to shame, and Reba McEntire letting her writers bring on the funny, even making funny of Roger Clemens (the joke, it was funny).
Today, though, other than realizing I have too much stuff, I did accomplish DVD reviews of "Juno" and "Girls Just Want to Have Fun." Now if I could only figure out what to do with a giant, foam, cowboy hat.
That's it for this one! I'm The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
Posted by Rightdude at 7:12 PM | Comments (0)
May 17, 2008
What's New? A Movie Review of "The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian."
Dude on the Right never saw the first Narnia movie, the one about the lion, the
witch, and the bedroom furniture, but he did see the
"Prince Caspian" one, and even decided to review it. He really wanted
to like it more, and had he actually been a fan of reading or had at least seen
the first flick, he might have liked it, but there are so many things that
confused him, like the Narnian's ability to fight, that he finds himself
scratching his head. Actually it is the lack of fighting ability of the Telmarinians
that confuses him more. And you now what, actually it is the fact that
this movie is only rated "PG" that confuses him even more. All "The
Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian" did for The Dude on the Right was to
confuse him.
Narnia fans will probably disagree.
Posted by Rightdude at 6:31 PM | Comments (0)
May 12, 2008
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! "Speed Racer," The Dude Leaves his Bunker, and Baseball Nuts.
The Dude on the Right and Stu Gotz are finally reunited for a "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast, and they've got a lot to talk about. Sure, Stu saw "Speed Racer" and gives his review, The Dude has to explain that he had a great time shirking his duties and meeting up with a dudette from his school days, and Stu relates that he still can't understand sport uber-fans. The two of them talk about "Survivor," about "American Idol," and Stu tries to give a Netflix review of a movie that The Dude could care less about. Ah, such are Stu & The Dude!
Posted by Rightdude at 6:09 PM | Comments (0)
May 5, 2008
What's New? A Podcast of: "Iron Man," I'm Sad, I am Tired of Politics, and My BFF is Getting Demoted.
The Dude on the Right is happy for this podcast because he had a nice birthday weekend and saw "Iron Man"; The Dude on the Right is sad for this podcast because Van Wilder is marrying his dream girl, he had to demote his BFF, and he saw "Made of Honor"; And The Dude on the Right wonders if you know how to pronounce "Yahoo!"?
Posted by Rightdude at 6:49 PM | Comments (0)
May 4, 2008
What's New? A Movie Review of "Made of Honor."
The Dude on the Right thinks he can now be a screenwriter for a major Hollywood studio because he figures he can write a generic romantic comedy like "Made of Honor" just by taking aspects from every other romantic comedy he has seen, and not make it even close to how we live in reality.
He did review "Made of Honor," didn't really like it, but did like Michelle Monaghan. Dr. McDreamy, well, The Dude is still wondering about his dreaminess, although he did like him in "Enchanted."
Posted by Rightdude at 6:57 PM | Comments (0)
May 3, 2008
What's New? A Movie Review of "Iron Man."
The Dude on the Right gives you this advice during his review of "Iron Man" - If, after sitting in the theater and watching "Iron Man," and you really liked it, sit back, relax, and look for who was the Best Boy. Okay, skip who was the Best Boy, but wait until the credits are over because this movie isn't done until the final frame shows. Yup, there is a tease at the sequel when all is said and done. And, oh yea, The Dude on the Right loved this movie.
Posted by Rightdude at 6:27 PM | Comments (0)
April 27, 2008
I Should Have Just Stayed in Bed.
The Dude on the Right
my weekend movie reviewing completed a day early after seeing
"Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay" on Friday and
"Baby Mama" yesterday, I was looking forward to a day to get things some
things done around The Dude-Pad, and as Sunday's are my laundry day, what a
great way to start! That sounds simple enough only that for the first time
in I can't even remember, I was in my bathroom, dressed, yet felt naked.
And then it occurred to me and I yelled, "Crap," only I didn't yell "Crap," I
yelled the word even my Mom would be washing my mouth out with soap had she
heard me say it. And the word came out knowing that yesterday's jeans were
the first article of clothing in the washer, therefore as the washing machine
was still filling up, my wallet was toast, being soaked in a combination of warm
water, floating dirt, and laundry detergent. So I'm digging through my
washing machine, looking for the jeans at the bottom, and sure enough, there it
was, my wallet, soaked, and then the fun part came, actually reminding myself of
all of the things in my wallet. The simple things were there - driver's
license, credit and bank cards, health insurance card, an expired Extended
Warranty card for my car, and some grocery store cards. Then I remembered
some of the other stuff I knew might disintegrate, namely an old card to the
lady who used to cute my hair, old pictures of my niece and nephew, and some
receipts I didn't yank out of my wallet for expense purposes. Luckily,
happily, the disintegration didn't occur, most everything was saved, and the
pictures of my niece when she was in Kindergarten and my nephew in 4th grade
survived (sure, these pictures are from 1996, but they are both so much cuter
back then)! The only thing washing my wallet did do was remind me that I
need a new wallet, as it has been slowly falling apart over the last six months,
but damn, I love that wallet!
And sure, a wallet in the laundry isn't a catastrophic moment for the day, I just thank God it wasn't my iPhone, so I continued my day. Sunday newspaper - Check! Breakfast - Check! A quick TiVo through "Ebert & Roeper At the Movies" to see how they, or at least Richard Roeper, felt about the movies I saw this week - Check! Let's keep working on the newspaper while watching "Battlestar Galactica" - No check. It turns out my cable system didn't seem to want me watching the show even though my TiVo actually changed channels this time, leaving me with a "Searching for signal message," or something like that, for an hour on my TiVo. Uggh! Now I have to call Comcast this week, and that is always such a joy.
Breakfast done, Sunday paper done, laundry started, all that was left for my day was cleaning the first floor of The Dude-Pad. The breakfast nook/storage area for my fish-tank cleaning and maintenance stuff went fine, I found a spot for an old radio in my kitchen which would work nicely when I cook my extravagant meals, and I was looking forward to rearranging some photos around my living room area, doing some much needed dusting, and it occurred to me that I had an old photo I wanted to hang up but needed a frame that I knew I could pick up when I went to either A) The hardware store where I needed to pick up a new set of blinds for my living room window, or 2) Even at the grocery store while getting sustenance supplies for the week.
I measure the blinds I would need, 51 inches wide, I have my grocery list, I head out in the Dude-Mobile to the Home Depot, buy blinds that are 51 inches wide, and they even have three-packs of air filters for my furnace! Bonus!! I get to the grocery store, my shopping is complete, and then I get home. I look down and there is the picture I needed a frame for that I didn't buy. Alright, let's move on. I bought liquid soap for my kitchen and bathroom dispensers, only to find the bathroom one seems to have issues, necessitating an improvising for some fixing, therefore slowing down my cleaning schedule, and before I cleaned my living room I figured hanging the new blinds would be the first step. I'm up on a stool, the old blinds are down, the new blinds are up, and then I realized I couldn't walk around naked in my living room (not like I ever do, but I like knowing I have the option), because although the blinds I bought were wide enough, sadly I didn't pay attention to the length. Uggghhhhh! I was finally spent, too many things wrong, let's just watch cars driving left so I watched the end of the NASCAR race to clear my mind and said to myself, "Self, the living room cleaning will wait until another day. I've had it."
So, resting on my couch, watching cars go round and round and then crashing, I didn't think my day could get any more into "I should have just stayed in bed" mode until my bed sheets came out of the dryer, and as I went to put one of my pillows back into a pillow case, the pillow case tore in places I can't even figure out how to mend. Uggggghhhhh, again.
So, my Sunday, which was supposed to be all about me, turned into, still, all about me, but not like I pictured. I washed my wallet, my cable company doesn't want me watching "Battlestar Galactica," I can't walk around in my living room naked, and I was reminded I need a new wallet and bed linens. It is, as a day progresses like this, that I sort of wish I had a girlfriend, like Jewel, who would just utter the simple line, "Come on darlin', let's go back to bed."
I will say, that today, I did at least mount the bust of a moose, or maybe a reindeer, on my wall, but tomorrow will be Monday, and oh, that looks so promising, and I mean that in a totally sarcastic way.
That's it for this one! I'm The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
Posted by Rightdude at 7:11 PM | Comments (0)
April 26, 2008
What's New? A Movie Review of "Baby Mama."
The Dude on the Right went to see and reviewed "Baby Mama," because, well, that is his job, and he really liked the concept of the movie. Sadly he didn't like the "twist" the movie folks felt was needed for the movie because he was already camped in with the story the movie trailer was showing. Luckily for his star rating The Dudette Scale overshadowed his.
Posted by Rightdude at 6:24 PM | Comments (0)
April 25, 2008
What's New? A Movie Review of "Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay."
The Dude on the Right simply has this advice during his review of "Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay," and that is if you were a fan of the "White Castle" version you will probably enjoy our two stoners next adventure. However, if you thought that movie was a giant piece of crap, "Guantanamo" will probably surpass it on your crapness scale.
Posted by Rightdude at 5:51 PM | Comments (0)
April 21, 2008
What's New? A Podcast of: Movie Talk, Artie Lange Talk, End of the World Talk, "Survivor" Talk, and more Talk.
The Dude on the Right is flying solo for this "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast, mostly because of his own fault, but he still tries to blame Stu Gotz a bit even while he talks about penis and "Forgetting Sarah Marshall." The Dude also talks some martial arts with the movie "The Forbidden Kingdom," how he is happy Artie Lange is back on The Howard Stern Show," that the end of the world is coming, and last week might have been the best tribal council on "Survivor: Fans vs. Favorites." The Dude also gives his tribute, sort of, to Pope Benedict coming to the United States of America.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:11 PM | Comments (0)
April 19, 2008
What's New? A Movie Review of "The Forbidden Kingdom"
The Dude on the Right couldn't come up with a star-rating after he saw "The Forbidden Kingdom," so he let his movie review lead him to his final ranking. The thing is that he liked the comedy in the movie, especially with the interaction between Jet Li and Jackie Chan, but then the movie tried to be a more serious kung-fu flick. He also couldn't figure out if they were making it for kids to go and see (damn that Monkey King), or for martial art's fans. The Dude is so confused.
Posted by Rightdude at 6:01 PM | Comments (0)
April 18, 2008
What's New? A Movie Review of "Forgetting Sarah Marshall"
The Dude on the Right couldn't pull the trigger and give "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" 5 stars during his movie review because it almost seemed the film folks were trying to appease the females with some full-frontal, male, wiener, and the fact that the photo of Mila Kunis' was probably a body-double of her boobies. He did find the movie funny as hell, in that Judd Apatow kind of way, so if you are a fan of any of the trio of "The 40 Year Old Virgin," "Knocked Up," or "Superbad," you will probably laugh your ass off during "Forgetting Sarah Marshall." The Dude liked it so much he almost might see it again.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:18 PM | Comments (0)
April 14, 2008
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! Golf, Movies, Religion and More!
Stu Gotz had some questions about religion for this podcast episode of "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-up!", part of it related to priests, and part of it developed because of the news of Pope Benedict coming to the United States. Maybe Stu should forget about religion and just worry about the best way to raise the little Gotz's. The Dude on the Right gives his two cents about religion, wonders about the dislike of "Scooby Doo," but for The Dude, well, his weekend was filled with watching golf and a buttload of movies. Such is another weekend for Stu & The Dude.
Posted by Rightdude at 5:47 PM | Comments (0)
April 13, 2008
What's New? A DVD Review of "Enchanted."
So it's been a little while since "Enchanted" hit the movie theaters, but he put the DVD in his Netflix queue and decided to review it. As a whole he really liked the movie, thought Amy Adams was perfect in the role of Giselle, and thinks it might also melt the hearts of dudes who only like movies where things blow up. Even if you don't have kids you will probably still like it, and although most of the extras on the DVD he found boring, the "making of" stuff fascinated The Dude.
Posted by Rightdude at 5:40 PM | Comments (0)
April 12, 2008
What's New? A Movie Review of "Prom Night."
Here's what The Dude on the Right recommends in his review if you want to see "Prom Night" - See "The Ruins" instead, and he hasn't even seen "The Ruins" yet. He has many complaints about "Prom Night," and even though it's rated PG-13 he thought they could have put in some kind of "killer kills scantily clad girl before she sleeps with her boyfriend" scene, complains that they could have been at least a little original with the boyfriend dying, and wonders if fake blood costs that much money because either they were going for realism with the stab wounds (in which case, why?), or they were afraid of going over budget so they skimped on the blood. Can you guess that The Dude didn't like "Prom Night" that much?
Posted by Rightdude at 2:23 PM | Comments (0)
April 11, 2008
What's New? A Movie Review of "Smart People."
The Dude on the Right issues an "Artsy Film Alert!" for "Smart People," because, well, it's an artsy kind of film, and he knows that his review of the movie won't be glowing enough to try and drag the "Anti-Artsy Film" crowd into the theater. He did find it funny and thinks it will make a nice DVD rental, but just thought the Dennis Quaid character was a too-over-the-top portrayal of a literature professor in college and didn't think he needed to be hitting up on the Sarah Jessica Parker character.
Posted by Rightdude at 5:12 PM | Comments (0)
April 7, 2008
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! Prairie Fires, Movies, Dieting, and Poop.
Luckily The Dude on the Right wasn't engulfed in flames over the weekend, and Stu Gotz hasn't gotten the poop beaten out of him by Mama Gotz yet, so the boys are here for a "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast. With the weather being nice outside, both The Dude and Stu made the most of it by staying inside and watching movies. Also during the weekend, while The Dude was grilling a steak, it appears Mama Gotz was on a diet, at least according to Stu, (Why she's on a diet The Dude can't understand because he doesn't think she needs to lose any weight. Stu, on the other hand...) though the diet Mama Gotz is on might have failed to mention an important aspect prior to measuring your waistline.
Posted by Rightdude at 5:10 PM | Comments (0)
April 6, 2008
What's New? A Movie Review of "Nim's Island."
The Dude on the Right is still coming to terms that he skipped a movie with violence, sex, and nudity, for a movie about a girl and her Dad living on an uncharted tropical island with a writer who only eats soup. But there he is, writing a review of "Nim's Island," and liking it. He must be sick.
Posted by Rightdude at 5:46 PM | Comments (0)
April 5, 2008
What's New? A Movie Review of "Leatherheads."
The Dude on the Right might be introducing a new rating or review method called the "Dudette Scale." Developed with complex time algorithms and if a movie ends happy, "Leatherheads" received the same rating with the dudette method, which ends up being easy, straightforward, and short, versus The Dude's method, developing a review on the structure of the movie, if the foreshadowing was too obvious, and the inclusion of gratuitous sex and violence. The Dude might just be thinking too much.
Posted by Rightdude at 5:05 PM | Comments (0)
April 4, 2008
What's New? A DVD Review of "Steep."
The Dude on the Right doesn't ski, but after watching the DVD documentary called "Steep," he does have an appreciation for the extreme skiers spotlighted during the movie. He also liked the scenery shot during the film, he also was fascinated by the use of cable cams to do some of the filming, and even though the documentary fascinated him, there is still no way he is slapping on thin strips of wood to the bottom of his feet.
Posted by Rightdude at 3:16 PM | Comments (0)
March 30, 2008
What's New? A Movie Review of "21."
The Dude on the Right almost took his life savings out of the bank and headed to Las Vegas after seeing "21" because he had delusions that he could count cards. Luckily he came to his senses and decided to write a review about the movie rather than being stranded in Las Vegas, having to call his mom to wire him some money so he could buy a plane ticket home, then, of course, foolishly thinking that his luck was going to change.
Posted by Rightdude at 1:48 PM | Comments (0)
March 29, 2008
What's New? A Movie Review of "Superhero Movie."
Since when do the outtakes of a movie, shown during the credits, warrant raising a movie rating 1 star? Well, The Dude on the Right explains during his review of "Superhero Movie" as he added a star to his rating. He also wonders how a nationally syndicated movie reviewer can think, and write, that Tracy Morgan has two roles in the movie. The heck with you Kevin Hart!
Posted by Rightdude at 2:48 PM | Comments (0)
March 26, 2008
What's New? A DVD Review of "Jimmy Carter Man From Plains."
Go figure, there's a DVD about the controversy that came about from Jimmy Carter writing a book called "Palestine Peace Not Apartheid," and The Dude on the Right says, during his DVD review of "Jimmy Carter Man From Plains," how he was fascinated at the look at what goes into putting on a promotional tour for the book, especially when the tour involves Secret Service dudes who have to remind autograph seekers to keep their hands out of their pockets and travel usually involves a police escort.
Posted by Rightdude at 5:52 PM | Comments (0)
March 24, 2008
What's New? A DVD Review of "Tripping the Rift: The Movie."
When the Dude on the Right was watching "Tripping the Rift: The Movie," and then reviewed it, he wondered how he never was pointed towards the series when it was on TV. The Dude, being all things movies and pop culture, loved all of the spoofs and making fun of things we watch daily on the DVD, although he did think the "Frankenstein" segment was a little too long. That being said, if you are in touch with pop culture today, "Tripping the Rift: The Movie" should be on your DVD "Must Watch" list.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:58 PM | Comments (0)
March 17, 2008
What's New? Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! Stay Awake on a Plane, Horton, DVD's, and Child Rearing.
The Dude on the Right introduces Stu Gotz to the new way he wants to start the podcasts, but Stu isn't buying it. Even though The Dude can't convince Stu the new opening is better, The Dude gives a story why he doesn't sleep on a plane, they both talk about "Horton Hears a Who!", and since Stu has kids, well, Stu lets The Dude know his kids would have been out of the theater with the third kick. That's not enough for a podcast, so The Dude on the Right also talks about his "DVD Sunday!"
Posted by Rightdude at 8:30 PM | Comments (0)
March 16, 2008
What's New? DVD Reviews of "30 Days of Night" and "Wrestlemaniac."
The Dude on the Right spent his Sunday watching a bunch of DVD's, and in the middle saw Tiger Woods sink a fantastic putt to win the Arnold Palmer Invitational. He didn't review Tiger's putt, but he did start stacking up some DVD reviews in the likes of "30 Days of Night" and "Wrestlemaniac"
(The photo in this blog is from the wrestling film because I believe it's way too cold in Alaska in winter for dudettes to dress like that).
The Dude will be working on his reviews of "Tripping the Rift: The Movie" and "The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters" (Who knew classic video games could be so fascinating?) during the week, as well as getting ready for Easter weekend.
A podcast or two might also show up this week, another blog, and some American Idol commentary.
It's just another week in the Entertainment Ave! internet.
Posted by Rightdude at 6:49 PM | Comments (0)
March 15, 2008
What's New? A Movie Review of "Dr. Seuss' Horton Hears a Who!"
For some reason The Dude on the Right went to see a movie when he knew there would be kids there, so for some of this review of "Dr. Seuss' Horton Hears a Who!" we get to find out why The Dude wouldn't be a good parent. He also didn't care for the movie that much, and with the rambunctious kids he wonders if they were lying when they told their parents they really liked it.
Posted by Rightdude at 2:37 PM | Comments (1)
March 14, 2008
What's New? Some Movie Previews.
The Dude on the Right
Hey, we've got some new movie previews posted, namely
"Indiana Jones and the
Kingdom of the Crystal Skull,"
"Forgetting Sarah Marshall,"
"Superhero Movie,"
"The Happening."
I give you my brilliant take on if these movies might be any good, but at least
the previews also give you links to the official sites. Happy surfing!
That's it for this one! I'm The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
Posted by Rightdude at 8:12 PM | Comments (0)
March 12, 2008
What's New? A DVD Review of "Spiral."
The Dude on the Right sometimes gets nervous when he gets DVD's to review that never made it to his gigaplex, but, for his DVD review of "Spiral," the only reason the movie disappointed him was because it was rated PG-13, therefore not having its "Huey Lewis" moment, and thus eliminating it from the realm of "totally creepy, freaky, but great and twisted" thrillers. If your woman doesn't like blood, guts, swearing, and nudity, "Spiral" is a nice, twisted movie for you to rent.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:23 PM | Comments (0)
March 10, 2008
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! "10,000 B.C.", DST, Stu's Netfilx Movies, Killing a Hawk, Some Politics, Arena Football, and More!
So it looks like Stu Gotz and The Dude on the Right were able to work through their busy schedules and put together a new podcast of "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up!" They talk about a lot of stuff like movies ("10,000 B.C.", "Next," "Live Free or Die Hard," and "Spiral"), Daylight Saving Time (They hate it), A Pro Golfer killing a hawk (the animal people are pissed), Arena Football (Stu went over the weekend - The Dude almost 20 years ago), politics, and boobs - with the last two kind of intertwining. And even though this podcast is just over 20 minutes, they also talk about more. How do they do it? It's a mystery of the Gods.
Posted by Rightdude at 5:48 PM | Comments (0)
March 8, 2008
What's New? A Movie Review of "10,000 B.C."
The Dude on the Right has a question: "Does the trailer for '10,000 B.C.' hint anywhere that the movie would be appropriate for a 4 or 5 year old girl?" So even though he questions some people's parenting skills, during his movie review he didn't think "10,000 B.C." was as bad as some critics are saying. Sure, you have to suspend reality a bit, but at least our main tribe and characters speak English and there's even a translator for some of the other tribes.
Posted by Rightdude at 3:42 PM | Comments (0)
February 29, 2008
What's New? A Movie Review of "Semi-Pro."
The Dude on the Right knew there would come a day when he didn't like a Will Ferrell movie, and for this movie review of "Semi-Pro" he can't really explain why he didn't like it, he just didn't. Even though he didn't like the movie that much, he still likes Maura Tierney,
thus remembering he should start watching "ER" some more, and also likes "Big, bouncy, jiggly 'hearts.'"
Posted by Rightdude at 6:30 PM | Comments (0)
February 25, 2008
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! Oscar Talk, Who's Jimmy Kimmel "F"-n, and Stu Won't Shut Up.
The Dude on the Right is back from his weekend in Lorain, Ohio, a city where both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are making campaign stops, but The Dude didn't stay long enough to see either of them. Instead he got back to the Chicagoland area as quick as he could so he and Stu Gotz could put together a new episode of their "Weekend Wrap-Up Podcast!" The Dude would have liked to have stayed to see Barack speak and Hillary flash her crazy-eyes, but instead he gets to listen to Stu not stop talking (maybe Stu should be a politician?).
But because Stu wouldn't shut up this podcast is all over the place, including talk about The Academy Awards and who should have won an Oscar, movies like "The Ex" and "Be Kind, Rewind," buying a meat slicer, "Saturday Night Live," starting a porn site, a non-bachelor party, Jim Cantore from The Weather Channel calling Stu in the middle of the night, and Mama Gotz almost falling out of bed. At least The Dude got to tell Stu that Jimmy Kimmel is fucking Ben Affleck.
So many things are in this podcast, and probably a few more. Go ahead, give it a listen.
Posted by Rightdude at 6:47 PM | Comments (0)
February 18, 2008
What's New? A Podcast of: Lindsay Lohan is Naked, TV for Kids at Night, and Idols on iTunes.
The Dude on the Right was happy when he read Lindsay Lohan was getting naked, but for this podcast he states that he doesn't like Lindsay trying to copy Marilyn Monroe, that she should be her own woman. He's also frustrated because he ruined most of the animation of his and Stu's animated review of "Sweeney Todd," questions the decision to run a show geared for families, namely "My Dad is Better Than Your Dad" at a time-slot when the kids should be getting ready for bed, and wonders who will be buying "American Idol" performances on iTunes.
Posted by Rightdude at 6:16 PM | Comments (0)
February 16, 2008
What's New? A Movie Review of "Definitely, Maybe."
The Dude on the Right has turned in his guy-card. Yup, we find in his movie review of "Definitely, Maybe" that The Dude got weepy, even during a scene that was telegraphed from miles away. He does think it is a great date movie, but is sad the with Ryan Reynolds entering the realm of being a more serious actor, odds are there won't be a "Van Wilder: He's a Professor Now."
Posted by Rightdude at 5:13 PM | Comments (0)
February 15, 2008
What's New? A Movie Review of "Jumper."
The Dude on the Right thinks "Jumper" had the potential to turn itself into a movie about a new superhero, and he tells you how in his movie review. Sadly, though, for The Dude the movie just turned into a movie about a dork with a cool power, looking to get his girl. Maybe the book the movie was based on was better, but The Dude doesn't read so that really doesn't matter.
Posted by Rightdude at 6:24 PM | Comments (1)
February 11, 2008
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! At the Movies, Watching the Grammy's, A Song Not for The Grammy's, and The Dude isn't a Pimp.
Stu Gotz and The Dude on the Right finally got back together for their "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast, maybe just to stay warm. The Dude talks about The Grammy Awards and then spotlights a song that probably has no chance to win one, while Stu worries if his kids should see "The Spiderwick Chonicles." The Dude can't help with the "Spider" movie, but he does tell Stu about "Fool's Gold" and the Vince Vaughn comedy movie, while Stu saw "Atonement" and "The Nanny Diaries," but warns The Dude that those who hire a nanny might not get the funny of the latter.
Posted by Rightdude at 5:59 PM | Comments (0)
February 10, 2008
What's New? A Movie Review of "Fool's Gold."
The Dude on the Right went to see "Fool's Gold," and guess what? That's right, he wrote a review. The Dude's always had a thing for Kate Hudson, and now he has a thing for Alexis Dziena, he just wishes the movie was rated R. As far as the movie goes, you will get exactly what you will probably expect, The Dude just wishes the film people could have made up their minds if that should be comedy or adventure.
Posted by Rightdude at 5:00 PM | Comments (0)
February 9, 2008
What's New? A Movie Review of "Vince Vaughn's Wild West Comedy Show."
The Dude on the Right was looking for some laughs, and he got them when he went to see " Vince Vaughn’s Wild West Comedy Show: 30 Days & 30 Nights – Hollywood to the Heartland." The title might be long, but the movie is a great look at 30 days, and nights, with four comics and some special guests thrown in for good measure. A word of warning: If you are a blue-hair who doesn't like the F-Bomb please stay away from this movie, or just get through it to realize that comics are people, too.
Posted by Rightdude at 6:16 PM | Comments (1)
February 7, 2008
What's New? A Podcast of: Idol's Going to Hollywood, "Survivor" Has Fake Boobs, and Why I Voted for Barack Obama, and a DVD Review of "Once."
The Dude on the Right is still trying to get settled in to doing DVD reviews, so this time he watched a movie he already loved, and still loves, and thinks you might love, namely the movie "Once." He also did a solo podcast about hope, where he hopes Paula Abdul finally gives good audio now that "American Idol" is going to Hollywood, hopes the dudettes with the fake boobs stay awhile on "Survivor: Micronesia," and as much as he hopes for the future of the United States, he also gives, during the podcast, some reasons why he likes Barack Obama over Hillary Clinton. Bring on John McCain!
Posted by Rightdude at 7:12 PM | Comments (0)
February 3, 2008
What's New? A Movie Review of "Strange Wilderness" and a DVD Review of "The Game Plan."
As The Dude on the Right prepares for the Super Bowl, he pounded out a couple of reviews. One was of the movie "Strange Wilderness," which he saw the other day, and thinks the movie might be the worst movie ever. Of course that means he gave it 2 stars and laughed during the film, mostly laughing about how bad it was.
He is also trying to get more DVD reviews done, so this time it’s a movie with The Rock. No, it’s not a super action flick, The Dude reviews the DVD version of "The Game Plan." If you’ve got a 5 year old girl it’s probably a movie for all of you to enjoy together, but if you’re a dude, you’ll probably want to catch the ESPN extras on the DVD.
Posted by Rightdude at 5:15 PM | Comments (0)
January 28, 2008
What's New? A Podcast of: An Apology, Movie Talk, Some New TV and MTV, but No Stu.
Even though it's normally a day for a Weekend Wrap-Up Podcast with Stu Gotz, The Dude on the Right and Stu couldn't figure out how to meet up today so The Dude on the Right handles the podcast duty flying solo. The Dude apologizes for his choice of words in yesterday's blog, which he has since edited, but doesn't apologize for liking the new "Rambo" movie. But mostly TV is on the mind of The Dude and he thinks it's time for MTV to change its name because seriously, what do constant "America's Next Top Model" marathons have to do with music?
Posted by Rightdude at 5:58 PM | Comments (0)
January 27, 2008
Missing the Award Shows, Movies and Movie Previews, and an iPhone WebClip.
The Dude on the Right
With this weekend coming to a close, and my having "The Screen Actors Guild
Awards" on my TV, I realize that as much as I have been hating not getting new
TV shows, other than the reality ones, I do miss the award shows that propagate
the airwaves at the beginning of the year. Why? It's not the crap in
between the awards because who really wants to hear bad jokes that can't offend
anyone, but I do miss the speeches from those that win the awards, especially
from those who are surprised they actually won the award. We missed the
drunken ones that might have happened during "The Golden Globe Awards," but
damn, I hope the writers and the TV and whomever folks need to do it come to an
agreement so that "The Academy Awards" can be the exploited award show we have
grown to know and love, and maybe just give us that one speech, from one
surprise winner, to make us dream (I'm cheering on Ellen Page).
On another note, this weekend saw me getting to see a couple of movies, namely "Rambo," which I really liked, and "Meet the Spartans," not so much. I also got all of my movie previews up to date, thanks mostly to Tiger Woods making The Buick Invitational one of the most boring golf tournaments ever by beating the crap out of the competition, and the CBS announcers sounding like little schoolboys trying to call a golf outing, with one already pronouncing that this will be the year Tiger Woods wins the Grand Slam of golf and another (or maybe it was the same dude, I get them confused) upset because no one was able to get a birdie on the hole he was covering. I know Tiger was so far ahead that it was nearly impossible for him to lose the tournament, but for goodness sake, can't you golf announcers control yourself? He skipped Hawaii; it's only January; 2008 is the same length as any other year; with 320 days left, on any given day in 2008, Tiger might lose a tournament; but where is the dignity that is golf? CBS folks, please go back and listen to your broadcast and boot the crap out of the broadcast of those who have already lost their minds in January.
And finally, on a last geek note, I have said before that I have an iPhone. Fine, I'm a geek. With the Macsomethingorotherconference, the world of Apple gave me another iPhone update, still leaving me without the ability to cut and paste, but that's another blog for another time. What they did do, for the firmware update of 1.1.3, was give the iPhone the ability to add a WebClip to your iPhone. Pretty much it means that on your iPhone homepage you can have a cute little graphic that when you touch it, well, it will open the web page associated with that WebClip. Hell, that's too complicated to explain. Look, if you have an iPhone, and you like our web site, Entertainment Ave!, go to our home page on your iPhone, click the "+" at the bottom of your iPhone screen and add us to your homepage. We, unlike other non-cool sites, will have a cool icon on your iPhone that looks like our favicon, that when you touch it on your iPhone (and it also works for your iTouch, I think), instantly logs you onto Entertainment Ave!, keeping you informed of what's new.
Be smart, be safe, and if you like TV pray that the TV folks give in to the will of the writer folks, otherwise 2008 will be the year of reality, and who wants that, unless, of course, the dudettes on "Survivor: Where Ever They Are." are hot and get hotter with losing weight.
That's it for this one! I'm The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
Posted by Rightdude at 9:05 PM | Comments (0)
What's New? A Movie Review of "Meet the Spartans."
The Dude on the Right went to see "Meet the Spartans," and he even wrote a review about it. Although the movie did make him chuckle at times, there were only three things he used to give his final rating. Actually there were four things, but since two of them belonged to Carmen Electra, he left it at three. He also has grown very tired of Paris Hilton being the go-to fodder for spoof movies because there just isn't any more originality there.
Posted by Rightdude at 2:24 PM | Comments (0)
January 26, 2008
What's New? A Movie Review of "Rambo."
do-gooders. There John Rambo is, relaxing and getting on with his life in the
jungles of Thailand, and they want to help people in Burma. Now Rambo has to
kill people again.
Anyway, The Dude on the Right thought Sylvester Stallone did some nice closure with the Rocky character when he put out "Rocky Balboa" last year, and now, for this movie review of "Rambo," The Dude thinks the same has been done for one John Rambo. The movie gives you exactly what you probably expect from a "Rambo" movie, but he does say they up the violence quotient a lot, maybe to make some of you realize just how brutal some of the violence is in places like Burma. The only Sylvester Stallone character that now needs some closure is John Spartan.
Posted by Rightdude at 3:50 PM | Comments (0)
January 21, 2008
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! Lots of Movies, Mama Gotz's Issues, A New Ringtone, and Peeing on a Stick.
Being away from each other for a week sure doesn't put a kink in the conversation Stu Gotz and The Dude on the Right can put together for a "Weekend Wrap-Up" podcast, and they get right back into things for this episode. The weekends usually include a lot of movie stuff so they talk about that, Stu got a picture from Mama Gotz so they talk about that, Stu saw a pregnancy test commercial so they talk about that, The Dude has a new favorite ringtone so they listen and talk about that, and even though The Dude on the Right doesn't give a damn about the upcoming Super Bow, they talk about that anyway. And if that isn't enough they have other things to talk about, and they talk about that, too.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:21 PM | Comments (0)
January 19, 2008
What's New? A Movie Review of "27 Dresses."
The Dude on the Right is still trying to figure out why the three hot women who came to see the movie didn't just jump him in the movie theater, but a dream unfulfilled didn't stop him from reviewing "27 Dresses." This movie appears to be one that is totally for the ladies, because even though The Dude can dig a romantic comedy, "27 Dresses" seemed to lack anything at all testosterone, even with Katherine Heigl looking fantastic and Malin Akerman wearing skimpy outfits.
Posted by Rightdude at 5:54 PM | Comments (0)
January 18, 2008
What's New? A Movie Review of "Cloverfield"
In his getting back to some normalcy The Dude on the Right went to the movies. He saw "Cloverfield" and for this review he didn't like it that much. He did, though, appreciate the originality of the movie, but for most of it he found himself laughing at the stupidity of the crew of people, and damn, that dude's video camera has one hell of a battery. It's popcorn-fun at the movies if you are looking for a little bit of an escape, just don't take the thing seriously.
Posted by Rightdude at 8:16 PM | Comments (0)
January 7, 2008
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! Movies & TV, Britney & Lindsay, Weather & Delilah.
Stu Gotz and The Dude on the Right finally get back together after weeks of being apart to do another "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast. If they didn't trim things down this podcast would probably last a few hours, but they cut things to some recent movies in the theaters as well as movies on Stu's Netflix cue. The weekend brought huge entertainment news about the latest BUI (Britney Under the Influence) and Dr. Phil (Stu & The Dude disagree on the Dr. Phil factor), and why not talk about Lindsay Lohan's New Year's Eve while they're at it. Chicago had a warm spell, and The Dude watched "American Gladiator." And Stu still likes tormenting The Dude about the song "Hey There Delilah." Stu can be a mean, mean, man.
Posted by Rightdude at 5:48 PM | Comments (0)
January 5, 2008
What's New? A Movie Review of "One Missed Call."
Dare he say it. Dare, dare. But yes, he did, The Dude on the Right dares to say it that "One Missed Call" is the best thriller of 2008. Sure, it's only January 5th, but The Dude probably throws all of his credibility as a movie reviewer out the window with this 3 star rating (and he so wanted to give it 4 stars), but he's got his reasons and in the end it's because of the children, or at least the teens, who won't have to see "The Water Horse" the weekend before they go back to school.
Posted by Rightdude at 4:53 PM | Comments (0)
December 31, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "Charlie Wilson's War" and a Podcast of "Happy New Year!"
As 2007 wraps up for the Entertainment Ave! crew there's still a little time for one more movie review with The Dude on the Right seeing "Charlie Wilson's War" and now stalking Amy Adams, and although not a true Weekend Wrap-Up podcast, The Dude just wants to thank you, wants to lose weight, and wants to set some goals for the website. Here's to a fabulous 2008 for all of you!
Posted by Rightdude at 4:20 PM | Comments (0)
December 30, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story."
So yesterday we found that The Dude on the Right was stalking Diane Kruger, but during today's movie review of "Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story," we now find that The Dude has tossed Diane aside in favor of his new love, Jenna Fischer. The Dude is so easily influenced by the ladies, and also easily amused, but does warn that some of you might not get a lot of the humor in the latest Judd Apatow flick. It does, though, have things for both the dudes and the dudettes, so in any case you've got that going for you if you go and see it.
Posted by Rightdude at 5:17 PM | Comments (0)
December 29, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "National Treasure: Book of Secrets."
For this movie review of "National Treasure: Book of Secrets," The Dude on the Right returned to stalker mode of Diane Kruger. Too bad for him the movie is only rated PG, and he didn't get the role of Connor in the film. In any case, he's a fan of the original movie, so it's not really a surprise he likes this sequel.
Posted by Rightdude at 3:01 PM | Comments (0)
December 28, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street."
In anticipation of the next episode of "Stu & The Dude Reviewin' the Movies for You!", The Dude on the Right decided to write a review of "Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street" since the animated review might take a couple/three weeks to get done. In any case The Dude didn't really like the movie, and neither did his niece, his nephew, nor his nephew's girlfriend. The Dude still has troubles with Broadway musical adaptations put on the silver screen, but does think Johnny Depp and the rest of the cast can sing.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:37 PM | Comments (0)
December 27, 2007
What's New? A Podcast of: A Chubbier Nephew, Lorain, and A Christmas Tradition.
The Dude on the Right is home from home for the holidays and worries that his nephew is trying to be a little too much like him. Such is one of the musings for this podcast. The Dude is also closer to being "street" thanks to a gift from his niece, and as a gift back he takes his 16 year old to another R-Rated movie, this time "Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street." The Dude's movie review should follow soon.
Anyway, he also ponders his mother being in the hospital over Christmas, looks forward to seeing a boatload of movies over the upcoming weekend, and wonders if any college students realize the impact that Momofuku Ando had on their life's, or even celebrated Mr. Ando's life hearing about his death back in January of 2007. If you are a college student you should probably chug a beer, that you can now afford, thanks to the invention by Momofuku Ando.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:43 PM | Comments (0)
December 21, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "Juno."
The Dude on the Right reviews the movie "Juno," and he has found a new movie that has joined the ranks of his favorites of 2007. Who would have thought the telling of a story of a pregnant 16 year old in a movie that also includes that dudette from "Alias" would be so much fun? Not The Dude, but he loved it anyway and thinks Ellen Page deserves every acting accolade she is being given.
Posted by Rightdude at 6:39 PM | Comments (0)
December 18, 2007
What's New? A DVD Review of "Hatchet."
Most horror movies don't scare The Dude on the Right, usually they just make him laugh or groan. Watching (and reviewing) "Hatchet" made him laugh which is a good thing. The Dude knows that his sister would probably be crapping her pants viewing it, but for him, he loves these kinds of horror movies but just thought the first 30 minutes took too long. His favorite quote from the DVD actually came from the director/writer, Adam Green, during one of the extras - "If I'm not going to see some nudity and some gore , don't waste my time." According to The Dude on the Right, "Hatchet" will give you plenty of nudity and plenty of gore, so it probably won't waste your time.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:12 PM | Comments (0)
December 17, 2007
What's New? Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up Podcast! They Both See Movies, The Dude has a Cold, and Stu's Getting Old.
Stu Gotz and The Dude on the Right overcome some health issues to get together for another podcast of "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up!" They both saw "I Am Legend" and "Alvin and the Chipmunks," so there's discussions about the good and bad of those movies, while Stu's Netflix queue gave Stu a good movie while The Dude recommends a movie Stu should add to the queue. They also discuss Dan Fogelberg's death where The Dude gets it correct, TV shows are wrapping up, and what better thing this Christmas season than Mr. Chocolate Rain, Tay Zonday, orating "Twas the Night Before Christmas," at least The Dude on the Right thinks so.
Posted by Rightdude at 6:22 PM | Comments (0)
December 16, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "Alvin and the Chipmunks."
Maybe the movie wasn't that bad, or maybe it's because of The Dude on the Right's headcold, but The Dude reviewed "Alvin and the Chipmunks" and sort of liked it. Sure, he thought the story was too predictable, he found Claire cute but thought her storyline unnecessary, and The Dude also wonders why, after all of these years, it's still hard to understand the little critters, but if you've got kids it will be good for them and you won't be totally bored to tears.
Posted by Rightdude at 3:56 PM | Comments (0)
December 15, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "I Am Legend."
The Dude on the Right reviews "I Am Legend" and realizes once again why he isn't making films. His ending for the movie would have been a hell of a lot different, but he's not giving it away for the review so as not to spoil the movie for you. The Dude might tell Stu Gotz about how he would have turned "I Am Legend" into a movie masterpiece during their "Weekend Wrap-Up" podcast, but in a worst case, if he does a DVD review of the film, he'll be sure to spoil the ending of the film and try to explain why his ending would be so much better. Ending be damned, The Dude did think that Will Smith did a great job carrying the entire movie.
Posted by Rightdude at 6:29 PM | Comments (0)
December 13, 2007
What's New? A Podcast of: Hannah Montana, Baseball & Steroids, The Golden Globe Nominations, and Here Comes Santa!
The Dude on the Right is hoping during this podcast that a lot of baseball dudes get together and sue some of the major networks and radio shows for spouting that they did steroids even before the Mitchell Report came out, which then didn't list them. He was also hoping Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus would be adding some new shows near his niece so he could try to get her tickets as the perfect Christmas present.
The Dude was also disappointed that the Golden Globe nominations didn't include "Knocked Up" nor "Superbad" this year, and also wonders if Dewey Cox can out-funny McLovin? He also wants to lose weight next year, but what year doesn't The Dude on the Right not want to lose weight?
Posted by Rightdude at 6:52 PM | Comments (0)
December 12, 2007
What's New? A DVD Review of "Superbad."
The Dude on the Right was traumatized when he first saw "Superbad" in the movie theater, so he traumatized himself again by watching "Superbad" for a DVD review. As much as he recollected his high school self again, the bonuses on the 2 disc Extended Edition helped The Dude get through it by making him laugh. It will probably make you laugh also, unless you hate foul language and teens being teens in the real world.
Posted by Rightdude at 6:10 PM | Comments (0)
December 10, 2007
What's New? Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up Podcast: "The Golden Compass" Analysis, Weather Woes, and More Movie Talk.
Stu Gotz and The Dude on the Right reunite for another "Weekend Wrap-Up" podcast, and a lot of it deals with movies. They both saw "The Golden Compass," discuss some things about "I Am Legend," and Stu wonders how he let Mama Gotz hijack his Netflix queue. They also talk some football, mostly about the New England Patriots and Miami Dolphins since the Chicago Bears have been sucking lately, they also talk some TV as the fall season winds up, and Stu thinks Bon Jovi and Ozzy Osbourne aren't relevant anymore. Send your complaints to stu@entertainmentavenue.com
Posted by Rightdude at 6:03 PM | Comments (0)
December 8, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "The Golden Compass."
The Dude on the Right will usually justify in his head a reason or two for increasing his star rating for a movie, usually revolved around nudity or violence, but for his movie review of "The Golden Compass" The Dude actually talked his way into reducing a star rating. He wasn't going to give the movie many stars to begin with, but he almost seemed more disappointed that the movie didn't actually try to achieve "epic" status, instead just trying to leave people with a good feeling in under two hours. In the end, though, the loss of half a star came after finding out why Ice Bear nation wasn't involved in the final battle.
Posted by Rightdude at 4:11 PM | Comments (0)
November 26, 2007
What's New? Stu & The Dude's Weekend (and Thanksgiving) Wrap-Up! The Dude Calls 911 Twice, Stu Sees Movies and a Parade.
For this podcast episode of "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up!", The Dude on the Right and Stu Gotz wrap the weekend into talking about their Thanksgiving doings also. The Dude had hospital stories, but did watch "March of the Penguins" (and a lot of commercials) with his Mom, while Stu was Mr. Busybody, seeing "Enchanted," "August Rush," "The Guardian," and taking the family to see a parade. Stu tells The Dude all about it, while The Dude is now just looking forward to watching the "Dancing with the Stars" finale and hoping Helio (and Julianne Hough) win the coveted mirror ball trophy.
Posted by Rightdude at 5:54 PM | Comments (0)
November 19, 2007
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! Tig old Bitties, Mots of Lovies, and Gama Motz!
Stu Gotz and The Dude on the Right have a guest for their weekend wrap-up podcast, and it's none other than Mama Gotz. They talk a lot about Tig old Bitties on "30 Rock," some about the writer's strike, and a lot about movies they all saw, including "Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium," "No Country for Old Men," and "Beowulf." The Dude on the Right fills in Stu Gotz with his concert viewing of Shaw/Blades, and his non-concert viewing of Garth Brooks on the TV screen. Thanksgiving plans are also discussed, and they all hope you have a Happy Turkey-Day!
Posted by Rightdude at 8:21 PM | Comments (0)
November 18, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "Beowulf."
The Dude on the Right works to sneak his movie review of "Beowulf" in today because he has found he's getting a little long-winded in his concert review of seeing Shaw/Blades on Friday and still needs to do some photo editing from the concert. With that the concert review won't "drop" until tomorrow, but if you like watching movies that look like a video game you'll probably like "Beowulf," but The Dude still doesn't like video capture performances on the big screen because he would rather see Angelina Jolie with nipples and a landing strip. He even thinks "Beowulf" would have been better with a real butt shot of Anthony Hopkins. The Dude on the Right sometimes is all about reality.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:54 PM | Comments (0)
November 17, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "No Country for Old Men."
For his review of "No Country for Old Men" The Dude on the Right has found one of the best, stone-faced killers on screen he has ever seen. That's not to say this movie is a shoot-'em-up flick, but it's one of the best movies he has seen in 2007. He wonders if the Sheriff gives a crap, relates how Moss thinks the money is his, and if he had to die thinks Anton might have the best way to put you out of your misery.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:44 PM | Comments (0)
November 12, 2007
What's New? Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! Movie Talk, Football Talk, Scuba Talk, Garth Talk, and More Talk.
Stu Gotz is finally back so The Dude on the Right isn't flying solo for another podcast. For this episode of "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up!" they don't even have to talk about why Stu was missing, their weekends were just that action-packed. They both saw "Fred Claus," Stu did a lot of Scuba stuff in the Chicago area, and Stu also recognizes The Dude's wisdom when it comes to printer cartridges. The Dude saw someone turning 60, and hips Stu to a bunch of football things, especially Chicago Bears and Ohio State Buckeye things. Stu also gives The Dude his suggestion for seeing Garth Brooks this week on the big screen.
Wow, they talk a lot.
Posted by Rightdude at 6:22 PM | Comments (0)
November 10, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "Fred Claus."
For this movie review of "Fred Claus," The Dude on the Right thinks there was the potential for this to be a holiday classic, but lost it with the dastardly plot of Clyde (Kevin Spacey) to shut down The North Pole. The story of Santa (Paul Giamatti) trying to reunite with his brother, Fred (Vince Vaughn), was good enough, but got lost in the mix.
Posted by Rightdude at 2:46 PM | Comments (0)
November 6, 2007
What's New? A DVD Review of "Knocked Up."
The Dude on the Right spent the big bucks and got the 2-Disc Collector's Edition DVD of "Knocked Up" to review, and as much as he likes the original movie, the extras on the second disc were, at times, even funnier. Sure, like most extras, there are some things that were kind of iffy, but for Dr. Kuni alone, the second disc is great.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:28 PM | Comments (0)
November 5, 2007
What's New? A Podcast of: A Funny SNL, A Literally Crappy Saturday, and A Couple of Movies.
For this podcast The Dude on the Right is flying solo because he couldn't get some technology things together, but he did like Brian Williams on Saturday Night Live. He missed it live, and Johnny Brandmeier live, thanks to a couple of bad tacos, but did see a couple of movies, namely "Bee Movie" and "American Gangster" over the weekend. At least the Hollywood writer's strike shouldn't effect his TV viewing until next year.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:41 PM | Comments (0)
November 4, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of: "American Gangster."
For this movie review of "American Gangster," The Dude on the Right is still boggled by parents bringing their 10ish year old son to a very R-rated movie. The kid seemed to like the movie because he was clapping at the end, but I was wondering if he was applauding Frank Lucas, the heroin kingpin, or Richie Roberts, the honest cop. That aside, The Dude really like the movie.
Posted by Rightdude at 3:23 PM | Comments (1)
November 3, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "Bee Movie."
The Dude on the Right went to see "Bee Movie," and he even wrote a review. He seemed a little shocked at relating our treatment of bees to slavery, but figures kids will like the bright colors and flying scenes. The Dude also couldn't take the bee and insect puns anymore.
Posted by Rightdude at 3:23 PM | Comments (0)
October 29, 2007
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! The Bears Blow Up, Stu saw Movies, The Dude and a Wheel, and a Bachelor Meltdown.
For this podcast of "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up!", The Dude on the Right is sort of in the dumps because he wasted a Sunday afternoon watching the Chicago Bears, didn't get picked to go on stage during the "Wheel of Fortune" auditions, and feels bad for dead men's ashes. Stu Gotz saw some old movies, namely "Smokin' Aces" and "Employee of the Month," and had a hard time getting breakfast. He is also proud of his Mexican heritage. At least The Dude has one thing still making him happy, and that is Hillary's meltdown on "The Bachelor" from last week.
Posted by Rightdude at 6:58 PM | Comments (0)
October 22, 2007
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! The Dude does Movies, Stu does Jewel, The Dude Walks, and Stu MySims.
For this podcast of "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up!", don't believe the title about Stu Gotz doing Jewel, he only went to see Jewel in concert thanks to Mama Gotz. Stu, also, didn't enjoy the lovely weekend weather in Chicagoland, instead he forgot "Sweetest Day" and walkthrough'd his MySims game. The Dude on the Right, though, got out of his mourning the loss of the Cleveland Indians and into his afternoon by talking about the Chicago Bears win. The Dude also tells Stu about some movies he saw, and dreams of being on "Wheel of Fortune." The Dude's dreams don't reach that high sometimes.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:36 PM | Comments (0)
October 20, 2007
I've Got a Ticket for Garth Brooks!
The Dude on the Right
I can't believe it! After all of these years I am going to see him in
concert again! No, it's not Bruce Springsteen (he wanted almost a hundred
bucks for his concert tickets), nor
Rick Springfield. No, it's not
Neil Diamond, nor is it
Wayne Newton (thankfully he's finally off "Dancing With the Stars.")
And no, it's not even
Roger Waters.
I'm going to see the one and only Garth Brooks, in concert, at the Kerasotes ShowPlace 16, in Naperville, IL. And StubHub be damned, it's only costing me eleven bucks (damn Fandango fee)!
Yup, there it was, Friday morning, and as I was getting ready to see "The Comebacks" I remembered tickets for Garth were going on sale that morning. So I fired up my computer, headed to the Garth Brooks website, clicked on the link to buy tickets, and they kept sending me to the Fathom Events' site which was obviously overloaded, and it was just like trying to get home opener tickets for the Chicago Cubs - I kept getting denied any access. Then it occurred to me, and I headed to the Fandango website, and sure enough, with minutes I had it: My receipt that I would have a ticket to see the man, the myth, the legend, the dude who won't tour until his kids are grown - Garth Brooks.
And it only cost me eleven bucks (ten bucks for the ticket, one buck for the Fandango folks)!
Okay, sure, I'll be in Naperville, IL., during a concert that is actually taking place in Kansas City, MO., but the ten dollar cost actually got my investigative interest up, namely what will it be like to attend a "concert" at my local gigaplex? I know they don't serve beer at my local movie theater so I'm guessing there won't be an issue of the dude behind me dumping his beer down the back of my shirt. I know you can't smoke, but I also wonder if the smell of some wacky-weed might permeate the air at times? Will people be using their cell phones as "lighters" during some of the reflective songs? Will I be able to use my iPhone to take a picture of the screen?
The other thing that I really wonder is if there is a "secondary" demand for tickets to see Garth Brooks at a movie theater. After I figured out the Fandango option, and got my single ticket, I wondered if I should have bought the maximum allowed, maybe even "invested" money across these United States, to buy as many tickets for a Garth Brooks concert at a movie theater, and then simply tried to double my money. Could I have used Craigslist, eBay, StubHub, or any other of the many places to post tickets for sale, and then made a little more money on the handling part of the "shipping and handling" of the transaction? But no, I was too lazy, hell, I didn't even ask any of my friends who are Garth Brooks fans if they wanted to go, so if I can get my ass out the door, on November 14th, I'm going to see Garth Brooks on my movie screen.
And now all I can really think is "Can Garth Brooks actually put on a concert to excite a group of people watching him at a movie theater?" If he can Garth might go down as the best entertainer, ever, otherwise I'll just be kind of pissed that I didn't stay at home and watch "Bionic Woman."
Now all I've got to do is figure out how to see him live, in Kansas City, MO.
That's it for this one! I'm The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
Posted by Rightdude at 6:57 PM | Comments (0)
What's New? A Movie Review of "Rendition."
For this movie review of "Rendition" by The Dude on the Right, he thought there was actually a really good movie buried in between too many story-lines trying to be forced together. And, oh yea, he also didn't like the "twist" at the end showing you that one of the story-lines wasn't in the same chronological order as the other things going on. The Dude also would have preferred Reese Witherspoon not being pregnant, with most of the movie concentrated on her in Washington D.C. fighting politicians, but if you go and see "Rendition" be prepared to be told how all of the pieces fit together.
Posted by Rightdude at 5:41 PM | Comments (0)
October 19, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "The Comebacks."
Movie reviews, like this one for "The Comebacks," always have The Dude on the Right fearing he will lose any ounce of credibility as a reviewer, and not because the review sucks, but because he liked a movie that most reviewers will think sucks. He suggests you watch the trailer for the film because it tells you exactly what to expect. The movie is rated PG-13 so Brooke Nevin keeps her clothes on, but she does have a nice cure for "the dropsies."
Posted by Rightdude at 4:22 PM | Comments (0)
October 15, 2007
What's New? A Podcast of: Who Cares About Don Imus, O.J. and Jail, Paris Hilton is a Good Girl, and Go Cleveland Indians.
For this podcast The Dude on the Right is flying solo on a Monday because he and Stu Gotz couldn't sync things to do a weekend wrap-up. In any case The Dude on the Right tells of his movie going weekend, with "We Own the Night" and "Michael Clayton" being his choices, as well as doing a CD review of "The Soft Addictions" from Cleveland's own Michael Stanley. He also talks about O.J. Simpson, Paris Hilton, and he still can't figure out why, but also Don Imus. He would have talked for hours, but he had to get back to watching his last chance for giving a damn about The World Series, The Cleveland Indians.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:14 PM | Comments (0)
October 14, 2007
What's New? Movie Reviews of "Michael Clayton" and "We Own the Night."
The Dude on the Right saw two movies over the weekend, "Michael Clayton" and "We Own the Night." He really liked "Michael Clayton," but understands if you think it sucks, and didn't like "We Own the Night" that much, but understands if you think it's great. His suggestion is this: For a lot of violence see "We Own the Night," for thought-provoking suspense you should see "Michael Clayton." Maybe if you could meld the two movies together you would have something for everyone!
Posted by Rightdude at 6:08 PM | Comments (0)
October 8, 2007
What's New? Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up Podcast! The Cubs are Gone, The Bears are Back, "Balls of Fury" is Done, and Stu is "Sim"ed.
For this podcast of "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up!", Stu Gotz got to see the Chicago Cubs final game of the season, The Dude on the Right finished the "Stu & The Dude Reviewin' the Movies for You!" episode of "Balls of Fury." The Dude was happy the Chicago Bears beat Green Bay, neither of them had any delusions of entering The Chicago Marathon, and Stu might be getting addicted to MySims for his Nintendo Wii.
Posted by Rightdude at 6:25 PM | Comments (0)
October 7, 2007
I Can't Believe I Overslept.
The Dude on the Right
Well, if you are a reader of my
Entertainment Ave! blog, as well as my MySpace blog, you will probably notice that this blog post is the same in both locations. I figured since I usually keep my MySpace blog to my many exercising and eating healthy dilemmas, while the Entertainment Ave! blog is usually about everything else, and since this blog post sort of encompasses both, I would be lazy and just post it in both places. Sorry for my laziness.
Anyway, maybe it was because I was so beaten down by the trouncing the Chicago Cubs took yesterday, or maybe it was because I shouldn't have gotten sucked into watching "Independence Day" on cable last night, but this morning I overslept and missed The Chicago Marathon. Yup, I had every intention of going to The Chicago Marathon, but of everything to forget I actually forgot to set my alarm. Oh well, I suppose with the heat today it might have been for the best, but not going did allow me to finally finish our animated review of the movie "Balls of Fury" for Entertainment Ave! Sure, the movie's been out for over a month now, and sure, not many people saw it anyway, but me and my buddy Stu Gotz put forth the effort to write and record the audio, so I figured I might as well get the damn thing finished.
But it did feel good to get that off of my plate, so until the next animated review I can get back to some new music from Bruce Springsteen, Michael Stanley, and matchbox twenty to review, get my movie previews back up-to-date, and catch some concerts. I can also get back to some more consistent exercising (I admit I missed a couple of morning workouts this last week - I could use the animating as an excuse, but that's just lame), and even shift from all cardio to some actual strength training.
The good thing with the Chicago Cubs out of the baseball playoffs is that at least now I only have one team to cheer on, namely my hometown Cleveland Indians, and if the Chicago Bears lose to Green Bay and Brett Favre tonight, my football season is pretty much complete, and I'll have plenty of time to get ready for next year's Chicago Marathon.
I was sort of looking forward to going to the marathon this morning, to cheer on the runners. Please tell me you didn't actually think I was planning on running in the marathon? First off I've only been exercising for a month and that has been on my exercise bike at home and walking outside. By my calculations, even if I could make the 26.2 miles, at my walking speed it would take me around nine hours to finish the thing. Second, I don't know if my "bowler's knee" could even survive that pounding. And lastly,
I would probably die. But if the Chicago Cubs had won yesterday it would have been fun to cheer on some of the runners near Wrigley Field and then catch today's Cubs game in Wrigleyville, with my plan for the Cubs loss to be to head to Chinatown where it is supposedly party central to cheer the runners on, and then get a great Chinese lunch. Oh well, at least I got "Balls of Fury" done!
After last night and this morning, I guess the appropriate phrase for both The Chicago Marathon and The Chicago Cubs is "Wait until next year!"
And that's it for this one! I'm The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
Posted by Rightdude at 6:18 PM | Comments (0)
What's New? Stu & The Dude Reviewin' the Movies for You! Balls of Fury
For this animated movie review of "Balls of Fury," both Stu Gotz and The Dude on the Right thought Maggie Q was great in the film. The rest of the movie, though, pretty much shows that it isn't that easy to make a good comedy about ping pong. The boys do play a little table tennis themselves during their reviewing, and they've both got some skills. It probably won't help either of them impress Ms. Q, however.
Posted by Rightdude at 3:26 PM | Comments (0)
October 1, 2007
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! "The Big Bang Theory" and More TV, The Cubs and More Sports, and eBay Dummies.
For this podcast of Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up!, The Dude on the Right and Stu Gotz get into the fall TV season, both liking the new show "The Big Bang Theory" yet wondering if most of America will get it. Stu tells of his weeping at the passing of Flower on "Meerkat Manor," and The Dude lets Stu know if he should go to the theater and see "The Kingdom." They both have more TV talk, chat a bit about the Chicago Bears and Chicago Cubs, and The Dude tells Stu about a "not so happy" birthday for a Mom.
Posted by Rightdude at 6:38 PM | Comments (0)
September 30, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "The Kingdom."
For this movie review of "The Kingdom," The Dude on the Right waited patiently for the action to start, like he saw in the trailer. His wait was about an hour and a half, and then all hell broke loose for our FBI investigators. The rest of the movie is all about getting along and working together. How nice.
Posted by Rightdude at 2:18 PM | Comments (0)
September 24, 2007
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! A Family Outing, Watching Movies, Chicago Sports, and Breaking in Shoes.
For this podcast of "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up!", Stu Gotz is back from traveling with the family in his tenement on wheels, we catch up on the Chicago Bears loss and the Chicago Cubs wins, and he saw some DVD's, namely "Shooter" and "Invincible," while I saw "Good Luck Chuck." I bought new shoes which Stu tells me his method for breaking in, and we are both excited about the return of "Heroes" but were disappointed in the Christian dudette on "Survivor." If we only had more time we could have talked about O.J. Simpson and Stu's coffee palate.
Posted by Rightdude at 6:42 PM | Comments (0)
September 23, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "Good Luck Chuck."
For this movie review of "Good Luck Chuck," The Dude on the Right saw so much potential for this movie wasted by the movie folks who just made it crude and rude. Jessica Alba was cute as Cam, and Dane Cook did okay as Chuck, and when they were just trying to be in love The Dude thought the movie was cute. Then came Dan Fogler as Stu, Chuck's buddy, who brought a grapefruit into the mix, and suddenly the movie veered into crude territory it didn't need to find. Too bad.
Posted by Rightdude at 6:03 PM | Comments (0)
September 19, 2007
What's New? A DVD Review of "The Darwin Awards."
For this DVD review of "The Darwin Awards" The Dude on the Right finds there aren't many things making the DVD special, but he did find some scenes in the movie kind of funny. The problem is that he also found a lot of the DVD predictable since it's about The Darwin Awards, so when you have a scenario of stoner dudes climbing a fence at a Metallica concert, well, it can't be good. He also thought the film folks shouldn't have given away the fate of Harvey (David Arquette) early in the movie because, well, not knowing his fate would have at least given way to some suspense as to how he was a Darwin Award Winner. The Dude also would have liked to have seen Winona Ryder in the shower scene rather than Jospeh Fiennes. The Dude on the Right can be a stalker sometimes.
Posted by Rightdude at 8:07 PM | Comments (0)
September 17, 2007
What's New? A Podcast of: O.J. Simpson, The Bears, The Browns, Mr. Woodcock, Once, The Emmy's, and No Stu.
For this podcast The Dude on the Right is left alone for the weekend wrap-up, normally done with his buddy Stu, but Stu Gotz is leading the family through an adventure in their RV. The worst part is there is a whole bunch of stuff that happened this weekend, like O.J. Simpson getting arrested, the Cleveland Browns scoring a billion points, the Chicago Bears winning, The Dude seeing "Mr. Woodcock" and "Once," and Fox bleeping Frog, a.k.a. Sally Field, and others, during the Emmy Awards' broadcast. "We don't know what we can really show on TV" TV has truly hit the airwaves. I guess "God damn" and "screwing" are bad words now.
Posted by Rightdude at 6:50 PM | Comments (0)
September 16, 2007
What's New? Movie Reviews of "Once" and "Mr. Woodcock."
This weekend The Dude on the Right went to see a couple of movies. One was a current film called "Mr. Woodcock," even though it isn't that current since its been advertised for almost a year now. The Dude knows that when a movie takes that long to get released there are problems, and he thinks he knows how he would have fixed it. He also saw an Indie film called "Once," and there isn't anything that was needed to fix this one. Nope, he gives "Once" 5 stars out of 5. It's one of the best love stories/musicals he thinks he has ever seen. And, oh yea, he says "Once" got robbed by getting an "R" rating for using the F-bomb.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:24 PM | Comments (0)
September 10, 2007
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! Britney's Mom-Ass, "Shoot 'Em Up" Talk, and Smelly Coffee.
For this podcast episode of "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up!" Stu Gotz is trying to deal with his allergies, and his weekend was sort of boring except he is amazed at the ability of his son to recognize various smells. The Dude on the Right saw "Shoot 'Em Up," but for the most part the boys talk about the MTV Video Music Awards that had Britney Spears not losing her mom-ass yet, and Sarah Silverman doing stand-up that would have went over great in a club, just not so much at the award show. At least The Dude didn't have to talk much about watching the Chicago Bears and the Chicago Cubs both lose.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:19 PM | Comments (0)
September 9, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "Shoot 'Em Up."
For this movie review of "Shoot 'Em Up," The Dude on the Right thinks the movie lives up to the title, and then some. He also thinks Neo's shooting skills in "The Matrix" pale in comparison to those of Smith in this movie. "Shoot 'Em Up" also gives new meaning to the phrase "It's raining men" and shows that a carrot can actually cause you to lose your eyesight.
Posted by Rightdude at 3:17 PM | Comments (0)
September 4, 2007
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! Stu is Leaking at Both Ends and The Dude Walks 10 Miles.
Labor Day caused an extended weekend so Stu Gotz and The Dude on the Right have extra to say for their "Weekend Wrap-Up" podcast. Stu was leaking, and so was his basement, causing him a strange weekend. The normalcy ensued by giving his kids a good sugar buzz at a Chicago Cubs game. The Dude tried to exercise by walking ten miles over the weekend, cleaned the dude-pad, and also finished "The Movie Theater" building on their Second Life property. He also saw some movies, including the box-office winner "Halloween."
There's more, so go ahead and listen.
Posted by Rightdude at 6:59 PM | Comments (0)
September 3, 2007
Entertainment Ave! has a Movie Theater in Second Life.
The Dude on the Right
Labor Day Weekend has been fun-filled, and I’ll talk with Stu Gotz about it
tomorrow for our “Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up!” podcast, but one of the
things I did accomplish was actually build something in the Internet realm of
Second Life. Our staff
member, The Dude on the Left, says Second Life is dead, but Entertainment Ave!
has some virtual property, and a sort of vision for it, so with property in
hand, and limited building skills, our first building to be functional is
“The Movie Theater.”
As I slowly work in building our little virtual community, “The Movie Theater” seemed like the easiest to begin with, allowing virtual people to view, on our virtual big screen, our latest episode of “Stu & The Dude Reviewin’ the Movies for You!” as well as marquees directing people to our Interneted posted reviews.
you’re not a Second Lifer, I suppose this blog doesn’t mean much to you,
probably just wondering “What the hell is ‘Second
Life’ and why does The Dude on the Left think it’s dead?” But Entertainment
Ave! now has a virtual building, and it works, and although it doesn’t show
movies, only reviews, we still call it “The
Movie Theater.” If you are a Second Lifer, and you want to chill for about
five minutes, head to our
Movie Theater,
relax in a seat, and see why Stu Gotz pissed me off while reviewing "Blades of
That's it for this one! I'm The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
Posted by Rightdude at 7:29 PM | Comments (0)
September 1, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "Halloween."
For this movie review of "Halloween," The Dude on the Right thinks Rob Zombie did a great job with a movie in line with the horror genre of the late 1970's and early 1980's, complete with lots of screaming and topless girls, but thinks Zombie missed the boat by not having a full-blown prequel truly detailing the perfect storm of abuse that creates the monster that is Michael Myers.
Posted by Rightdude at 6:17 PM | Comments (0)
August 27, 2007
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! "Mr. Bean's Holiday," Stu Saw "Superbad," & The Dude Left His Pad.
For this podcast of the latest episode of "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up!", The Dude on the Right still marvels at how much they fit in with so little time. Sometimes The Dude thinks they should have their own radio show to be able to elaborate more, but for now they talk of "Mr. Bean's Holiday," "Superbad," door etiquette, the beauty of Fry's, Michael Jackson's parenting skills, cutting grass, Tivos, running down people with a bike, going to Super Target, TV shows coming back in the fall, and they do all of this talking in under 20 minutes.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:44 PM | Comments (0)
August 25, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "Mr. Bean's Holiday."
For this movie review of "Mr. Bean's Holiday," The Dude on the Right figures he had to sit through a little over an hour of Mr. Bean just being goofy and filming his travels on his trusty video camera. But it was at that little over an hour mark that all of that goofiness and videotaping payed off and really made The Dude laugh. Funny, though, because the kids in the theater didn't seem to understand why the adults were now laughing.
Posted by Rightdude at 4:28 PM | Comments (0)
August 20, 2007
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! Illegal Aliens, RVing, "Superbad," and a Cubs Game.
For this podcast of "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up!" Stu Gotz and The Dude on the Right give their take on the deportation of Elvira Arellano, how their grandparents learned to speak English, and where is the Dad? Stu also went on an overnight RV trip with the family, The Dude saw "Superbad," and they both went to a Chicago Cubs game where they can be seen on TV. What a weekend!
Posted by Rightdude at 7:46 PM | Comments (0)
August 18, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "Superbad."
For this movie review of "Superbad" The Dude on the Right thinks that Judd Apatow has found the perfect formula for adult comedies. Almost. The Dude didn't really like all of the cop stuff in the movie, and the film brought back traumatic high school memories which he didn't really want to re-live, but now that The Dude is older, they make him laugh. The Dude just wishes he would have told, well, someone, that he liked her. At least the "Superbad" dudes probably got their girls. The Dude had to wait a little while.
Posted by Rightdude at 8:20 PM | Comments (0)
August 13, 2007
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! Being Late Etiquette, "Rush Hour 3," A White Trash Picnic, and More.
For this podcast of Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up!, The Dude on the Right had a pretty boring weekend, seeing "Rush Hour 3" and cleaning his fish tank. Stu Gotz, though, got to go on what he calls a "White Trash Picnic" in his new, used RV. The Dude also questions Stu on proper etiquette when you are running late, Stu has his idea of how the late-ee should make it up to the wait-ee, and Stu is afraid he won't be able to control himself in a "Second Life," so he limits his porn to the normal internet, like most of us.
Oh, and they also talk about some TV stuff.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:45 PM | Comments (0)
August 11, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "Rush Hour 3."
For this movie review of "Rush Hour 3" The Dude on the Right had to get over the fact that Whammy was late before he could enjoy the film. Lucky for him there was a cab driver named George in the movie who got his spirits up so that The Dude could just let it be what it was. It's a "Rush Hour" movie, that's all you need to know.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:28 PM | Comments (0)
August 6, 2007
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! "The Bourne Ultimatum," Debating - Gladiator Style in Chicago, Chocolate Rain, and Poo.
For this podcast episode of "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up!", The Dude on the Right saw a couple of movies, and Stu Gotz just tried to stay cool. Stu wanted to know if The Dude was going to cover the Democratic Debate at Soldier Field, and even though The Dude is skipping it the both of them have some grand ideas, including Gladiator fighting and wet t-shirt contests, that might make the debate more exciting. The Dude, also, has sounds of "Everything Comes Down to Poo" and "Chocolate Rain" running through his head, but sometimes poo and chocolate rain are one in the same.
Posted by Rightdude at 6:44 PM | Comments (0)
August 5, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "Hot Rod."
For this movie review of "Hot Rod," The Dude on the Right saw a lot of potential wasted, and thinks Andy Samberg should stop trying to act like Will Ferrell. There were some funny moments for him, but he thinks some of those might be attributed to the fact that he hasn't grown up yet. Someday he'll act his age, but for now he laughed at some things during "Hot Rod" that if you have grown up, well, you might not find them funny.
Posted by Rightdude at 6:57 PM | Comments (0)
August 4, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "The Bourne Ultimatum."
For this movie review of "The Bourne Ultimatum," The Dude on the Right loved it. It had everything you would expect after "The Bourne Supremacy" and more. Matt Damon has turned out to be the best choice for Jason Bourne, and since The Dude is a Julia Stiles stalker he was happy to see her having a larger role as Nicky Parsons. And he also laughed during the movie. For him, it was nearly perfect.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:14 PM | Comments (0)
July 30, 2007
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! "The Simpsons Movie," It's Not Stu's Fault, and Boinking Animals.
For this podcast of their weekend wrap-up, Stu Gotz and The Dude on the Right are reunited once again and Stu seems to be hoping, as he listens to "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows," that J. K. Rowling is trying to set things up so that the final movie as an R-Rated flick. The Dude thinks not, but they both agree that "The Simpsons Movie" was entertaining. Stu also tries to defend his not being The Dude's fault for The Dude's chubbiness, and also urges The Dude to catch this week's "Entourage" for some boinking animals. The Dude is excited about catching "Entourage," but not as excited as a carny might have been in seeing Mama Gotz. Happy listening!
Posted by Rightdude at 7:27 PM | Comments (0)
July 28, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "The Simpsons Movie."
For this review of "The Simpsons Movie," The Dude on the Right was reminded why he liked the TV show so much and that he has to put it back on his TiVo Season Pass. He also found a lot of funny moments during the film, was a little creeped out at Homer and Spider-Pig (did you know that there was actually a Marvel comic called Spider-Ham?), and can't figure out why people didn't laugh, or at least groan, when Homer was stuck between a rock and a hard place. If you do take your kids, though, you might have to explain a thing or two, like why Ned Flanders was being thankful for a "bountiful penis."
Posted by Rightdude at 7:03 PM | Comments (0)
July 22, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry."
For this movie review of "I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry" The Dude on the Right was too busy worried what his niece was thinking rather than just enjoying the movie. There's a lot of sex jokes, some naked butts, boobs getting felt up, and, oh yea, you're also supposed to learn a thing or two about social tolerance. If you're an Uncle, take your nephew.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:49 PM | Comments (0)
July 20, 2007
Oh, I Hope She Chooses "Hairspray."
The Dude on the Right
With the web site redesign complete (although there is one problem I recently
found that will have to wait to get fixed until I get back to my main office),
and my spending some quality time with the family, I thought I would try to get
some stuff done for the web site but for now that is being limited to catching
up on the 40 odd movie previews I want to finish up. As of now I’m about a
quarter of the way complete with that project, but thought I would at least
throw out a quick blog so you know I haven’t deserted you, the avid reader, just
that the new stuff being posted might not show up on the home page.
I am hoping to drag my niece to a movie tomorrow, either “Hairspray” or “I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry,” (I’m hoping she chooses “Hairspray” because that John Travolta as a large woman is so hot. I mean, why would I want to see Jessica Biel after all) mostly because there don’t seem to be any good horror films out, so tomorrow night or Sunday I might actually be able to get something even more current posted.
Some obvious new stuff should be posted soon, maybe even a weekend wrap-up
podcast, but than again maybe not. The easiest way to always keep abreast is to
use our RSS feed to subscribe to the site, and that’s what these buttons --->
towards the top of our web pages are for, if you ever wondered.
That's it for this one! I'm The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
Posted by Rightdude at 5:27 PM | Comments (0)
July 16, 2007
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! An RV, Not Running Drugs, and Harry Potter.
For this episode of "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast, Stu Gotz made it back from Arizona with the Gotz family RV. It took him a little longer to get back, saw a giant cross, got pulled over but wasn't running drugs, and noticed that Missouri seems to have the most adult book stores of any state in the Union. The Dude on the Right is boring, just saw "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix," walked, and watched NASCAR. Stu Gotz is so much more exciting sometimes, and even gifted The Dude with some family made zucchini bread.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:09 PM | Comments (0)
July 15, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix."
For this movie review of "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix," The Dude on the Right really should start reading those Harry Potter books that he has already bought so maybe he would understand, before going into the movie, that the innocence of youth in the Hogwarts' world is gone, and the franchise is now about the drama. He did like the movie, but really hopes Nymphdora Tonks (Natalia Tena) didn't die because he finds her attractive, and hopes she has a larger role, or at a least a role, in the "Half-Blood Prince" movie. Maybe he should just read the book and find out.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:47 PM | Comments (0)
July 7, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "License to Wed."
For this movie review of "License to Wed" The Dude on the Right was a bit perturbed when Reverend Frank (Robin Williams) commented that for a man, having a baby would be like pulling your scrotum over your head, when everyone knows it's actually like pulling your bottom lip over your head. He also wasn't that thrilled with the movie, but thinks his sister would like it and has confirmation his buddy Big Bouncer Jimmy liked it. Oh well!
Posted by Rightdude at 11:43 AM | Comments (0)
July 6, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "Transformers."
For this movie review of "Transformers" The Dude on the Right liked most of the film, just not the parts where Michael Bay seemed to turn it back into a Michael Bay film. The robots were great, it was actually loads of funny, and he might have just become a Megan Fox stalker. Other than that it also had him flashing back to his college days where the animated "Transformers" helped him and his friends unwind from a grueling week of classes to get ready for the weekend.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:38 PM | Comments (0)
July 4, 2007
A Quick "Transformers" Review, and Michael Medved Should be Chastising His Friend.
The Dude on the Right
So on Monday evening myself, Stu Gotz, and some other members of the
Entertainment Ave! staff (including
Mystery Dude who is still pissed because I didn't mention him in my last
Roger Waters' review even though he was the one who got me the ticket) went
to see "Transformers" at an early screening in a Chicago suburb. My full
review will be coming soon, but quickly, I really liked the movie, found it very
funny, agree with Stu that it's a solid PG-13 with a lot of violence and sexual
innuendo so keep that in mind in terms of bringing your kids, but I didn't care
for the finale fight scene because it became to "Michael Bay"-ish, with too many
"slow-motion" scenes," to much "we are now at war," and if they just did the
fight scene in real time they probably could have trimmed about 5 minutes from
the film. Really good film, great effects, and Megan Fox is smokin' hot.
Like I wrote, my full review comes at a later date - hell, I might actually see
it again before I review it because my local gigaplex has it in Digital
Projection which this movie is sort of made for.
But anyway, then came Tuesday.
I'm driving around in the dude-mobile and since it is the week of The 4th of July a lot of the radio folks I would listen to are on vacation. With that comes a lot of channel hopping, and somehow AM 560, WIND here in Chicago, was still programmed on my radio. I landed on it somewhere in the host's discussion about his seeing "Transformers" with a friend of his, and said friend brought his 10 year old son. Turns out the host was Michael Medved, whose website says "Michael Medved is a nationally syndicated radio talk show host, best-selling author and veteran film critic." While listening I did not realize Mr. Medved was a "veteran film critic," but as he's talking about the movie he mentions that he never grew up with the animated "Transformers" and kept calling "Bumblebee," one of the Autobots, "Butterfly." I let that go because that's a mistake you can make if you aren't a fan, hell, they both start with the letter "B." But then he started on a slight rant about how "Transformers" seemed a little adult for its rating, even stating that with some of the sexual innuendos going on, well, maybe the movie should have been given the next rating up. I did a double take at the radio in my car (yes, I actually looked at the radio in my car, looked away, then looked again), and said, out loud, to my radio, "You wanted this movie rated 'R'?" He then mentioned that because of some of the content in the movie they would have to "cover the ears" of the 10 year old that was brought along, and seemed surprised "Transformers" was rated PG. I actually started yelling, again at my radio, that "the movie is rated PG-13. What the hell are you talking about?" And as he was finishing up his segment I sort of wished I wasn't in my car so I could find his phone number, or at least that the radio folks would announce it, so I could call him, and inform him, that the movie was rated PG-13, and rather than admonish the filmmakers for the content, maybe his buddy should have paid more attention and not brought his son to a movie that the MPAA says is "Rated PG-13 for intense sequences of sci-fi action violence, brief sexual humor, and language."
Still a little flabbergasted at such a huge mistake about the movie rating I lasted through his commercial break, and Michael Medved came back on, stating that he had to admit he was wrong, that the phone lines lit up, and I said "Phew, he's going to now state the movie was rated PG-13." Nope, no correction on that one, it seems the phone lines lit up to correct him that the yellow Autobot that is a Camaro is "Bumblebee," and not "Butterfly." He then went on to something about the immigration reform that still isn't happening, and I just couldn't listen anymore because conservative talk shows aren't my cup of tea.
Now, I might have given a slight pass to Mr. Medved and his stating "Transformers" was rated PG, but that was until the fact I found about he is one, a "veteran film critic," but worse, still doing movie reviews. He was right, that maybe his friend who brought the 10 year old might have to cover the kid's ears, or maybe even his eyes, during the movie, but rather than blasting the rating of the movie, which he was totally wrong in stating, maybe Mr. Medved should have been blasting his friend for not paying attention to the rating of the movie and being a bad parent. Hell, even The Mystery Dude, who has two kids, both under 13, said he was sort of happy to see the movie without them so he could decide if they could see it. I'm stating here that The Mystery Dude is a good parent while Michael Medved's friend might want to pay a little more attention to movie ratings.
Again I've gotten too winded in a blog, but when a "veteran film critic," although according to Wikipedia, Roger Ebert has stated "he is 'a political commentator and no longer a film critic.'" (and I agree), can't get a movie rating correct, it's actually a disservice to people. I'm not perfect and I make mistakes. Michael Medved isn't perfect and he makes mistakes. What almost made me sad, and I don't have all of his phone logs, was that his listeners didn't correct Michael on his movie rating mistake, they just wanted people to know the Camaro was "Bumblebee," and not "Butterfly." I guess it seems none of his conservative listeners that called in cared about the kids. I will give this disclaimer that maybe, somewhere, during the rest of his show on Tuesday, he corrected the movie rating of "Transformers," but folks like Michael Medved make me want to state in my bio that I am a "Worldwide Podcast Host, Veteran Movie Critic, and The Best Concert Photographer Ever."
By the way, again, "Transfomers" is rated PG-13. Be a parent. If your kids want to see the movie, and for God's, Christ's, or just Goodness sake, pay attention to the MPAA ratings. Whatever you do, don't listen to Michael Medved about "Transformers." He thought it was rated "PG."
That's it for this one! I'm The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
Posted by Rightdude at 9:35 PM | Comments (0)
July 3, 2007
What's New? Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up Podcast: So Much to Say that it's in Two Parts.
For this episode of "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up!" Podcast, Stu Gotz and The Dude on the Right just can't stop talking. The Dude on the Right has his normal entertainment stuff on which to comment so the two of them consolidate entertainment to "Part 1 of the Podcast." Part 1 gives insight into getting an iPhone, the latest movies like "Live Free or Die Hard" and "Ratatouille," and a lady and her Jaguar. Part 2 of the podcast lets Stu run wild with his weekend like how he gave Mama Gotz a challenge about an RV so now Stu might be heading to Arizona, his advice on where not to put photos of your old girlfriend, and Baptism invite etiquette.
Posted by Rightdude at 6:54 PM | Comments (0)
July 1, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "Live Free or Die Hard."
For this movie review of "Live Free or Die Hard," The Dude on the Right puts this installment as a little better than "Die Hard 2" but not as great as "Die Hard." Lots of action, lots of chasing, lots of people getting PG-13 killed, and an over the shirt boob feel. And, oh yea, John McClane is in top form with his verbal whit and wisdom, as we hoped he would be.
Posted by Rightdude at 6:56 PM | Comments (0)
June 29, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "Ratatouille."
For this movie review of "Ratatouille," Stu Gotz is disappointed because the movie doesn't have a scene that is memorable for him. He can easily rattle off scenes from just about every other Pixar film, but this one lacks a certain connection to him, and his kids were a little bored. See it because you have to, but Stu says don't bother buying the DVD when it comes out.
Posted by Rightdude at 5:00 AM | Comments (0)
June 26, 2007
What's New? A DVD Review of "Dead Silence."
For this DVD review of "Dead Silence", The Dude on the Right thought the marketing folks didn't market this movie appropriately. They seemed to have been stuck on the "It's from the 'Saw'" people, it's gruesome, and it's horrifying, rather than promoting it as just a decent thriller/horror flick dealing with ventriloquist dummies and a haunted ventriloquist which would creep out most of us anyway. We don't always want to see gruesome and horrifying, sometimes we just want a thriller, which "Dead Silence" mostly is.
Posted by Rightdude at 8:24 PM | Comments (0)
June 25, 2007
What's New? A Podcast of: Kids are Turning Japanese, Journey Scores a Top 5 Single on Sirius, Wii Workouts, and Movie Talk.
For this podcast of "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up!" Stu Gotz and The Dude on the Right think they are cool and recollect their cool things they did over the weekend. Some of it has to do with Journey getting a spot in the "Sirius Hits 1 Weekend Countdown," being good friends watching "The Sopranos," and Stu's kids spouting lyrics that might be politically incorrect, or maybe the little dudes are really "Turning Japanese." Stu also might be on the Nintendo Wii work out plan (though he loses to his 4 1/2 year old), and The Dude talks about movies like "Evan Almighty" and "1408."
Posted by Rightdude at 8:02 PM | Comments (0)
June 24, 2007
What's New? A Movie Reviw of "1408".
For this movie review of "1408," The Dude on the Right was utterly thrilled to find a horror/thriller movie totally well done without the slasher-film mentality. Sure there are lots of pictures of folks who killed themselves and their loved ones in room 1408, but mostly this movie is all about mind games that might be nightmares or might be reality, and they're lasting for a little over an hour once you enter the room. To quote the Eagles song "Hotel California" you can check out, but you can never leave. In the end you just have to decide how you want to check out of room 1408.
Posted by Rightdude at 9:34 PM | Comments (0)
June 23, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "Evan Almighty."
For this movie review of "Evan Almighty," The Dude on the Right understands there will be some people who will enjoy this film, only he's not one of them. In the end he found that a movie about getting God's powers ("Bruce Almighty") is a hell of a lot more enjoyable than being told by God to build an ark.
Posted by Rightdude at 4:28 PM | Comments (0)
June 18, 2007
What's New? Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up: Stu's Early "Ratatouille" Review, More Movie Talk, and a Skin Flute.
For this podcast of "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up!" Stu Gotz saw "Ratatouille" before most of you did, and gives his opinion. The Dude on the Right chimes in with his comments on the "Fantastic Four" and "Nancy Drew" flicks. They also reminisce about some college days and Stu gives his advice for sneaking liquor into the movies. All that and more, and The Dude finds a clip he heard on The Howard Stern Show about skin flute playing which was broadcast from a station out of Cleveland O Hi O. And never forget "Rat farts!"
Posted by Rightdude at 6:52 PM | Comments (0)
June 17, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "Nancy Drew."
For this movie review of "Nancy Drew" The Dude on the Right really liked Emma Roberts as Nancy in the film. He even liked Josh Flitter as the not so suave and debonair Corky. He even liked the film, even though he really isn't the target audience, but sometimes he just likes a fun mystery.
Posted by Rightdude at 4:17 PM | Comments (0)
June 16, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer."
For this movie review of "Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer," The Dude on the Right couldn't get over how Jessica Alba looked, but sadly not in a good way. He also thinks the film folks are trying to gear this series for the kids, and wonders how much Dodge paid for their product placement. None of these things are good things.
Posted by Rightdude at 5:49 PM | Comments (0)
June 11, 2007
What's New? Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up Podcast! Soprano Analysis, Stu Gets Exercise, The Dude's Cable Woes, and Big & Rich do AC/DC.
For this podcast of "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up!," well, Stu Gotz and The Dude on the Right give their discussion about the finale of "The Sopranos." Stu got in some exercising thanks to a Nintendo Wii (which he can't believe he camped out for, sort of), and The Dude saw "Ocean's Thirteen." There's also some other TV talk, The Dude finally got TV back, and did you know Big & Rich cover the AC/DC classic "You Shook Me All Night Long?" Now you do.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:21 PM | Comments (0)
June 10, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "Ocean's Thirteen."
For this movie review of "Ocean's Thirteen" The Dude on the Right thought it was on par with "Ocean's Eleven," so pretty much you can gauge it by that if you want to see it or not. He even liked the Oprah scenes in the movie, and didn't miss Julia Roberts nor Catherine Zeta-Jones at all.
Posted by Rightdude at 4:18 PM | Comments (0)
June 2, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "Knocked Up."
For this movie review of "Knocked Up" The Dude on the Right now realizes the brilliance of Kristin Wiig's skit, and her talent, on "Saturday Night Live," and he also loved the movie. It has everything adults who like the "R"-ness of movies, combined with an adult story, will love (except for one scene that single dudes might find gross), and The Dude also thinks the movie gives him hope that somehow he can impress a hot chick with his dance moves since he has more than the "dice throw" - he also has "churning butter," "the washboard," "starting the lawn mower," "the robot," "the mummer strut," and "the chicken dance."
Posted by Rightdude at 6:07 PM | Comments (0)
May 29, 2007
What's New? Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! Waitresses, Pirates, Walking, Baseball, Cornholing and Summer TV.
Stu Gotz & The Dude on the Right get together after Memorial Day for this podcast where the highlights are Stu seeing a baseball game and The Dude going for a six mile walk. Sure, there were other things they talked about, like "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End, " The Dude seeing "Waitress," and getting double-time by working on a holiday. The Dude needs Stu's advice about the possibility of his townhouse burning down, Stu wonders about "Ocean's 13," and The Dude seems to have missed out on the cornholing craze.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:27 PM | Comments (0)
May 28, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "Waitress."
For this movie review of "Waitress," The Dude on the Right realizes you should pull his "Guy Card" for liking the movie as much as he did, but he doesn't care. Keri Russell was great, Cheryl Hines was great, and Andy Griffith was just fantastic. Sadly the writer/director Adrienne Shelly was murdered, but at least we were left with this gem of a film.
Posted by Rightdude at 6:29 PM | Comments (0)
May 27, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End.
For this movie review of "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End," The Dude on the Right knows why you will see this movie, and likes that it wrapped up the story built in the second film, but still thinks the franchise was best with the first installment. The action is better, the story isn't as great, but for The Dude, well, Keira Knightley is still looking great. For him, that's all he really wanted.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:24 PM | Comments (0)
May 22, 2007
What's New? Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up Podcast: "Shrek" Talk, Stu Missed "The Simpsons," and Computer Woes.
For this podcast of "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up!" Stu is back in town so there actually is a podcast. Both Stu Gotz and The Dude on the Right saw "Shrek the Third," and both have their reservations about the movie. The Dude messed up some computer settings which is messing up his ability to get new stuff posted, while Stu laments that Mama Gotz most likely wears the pants in the family . They talk about upcoming movies, they talk about TV shows, and The Dude spoils his favorite line from "The Sopranos" to Stu, simply, "Get a mop."
Posted by Rightdude at 6:57 PM | Comments (0)
May 19, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "Shrek the Third"
For this movie review of "Shrek the Third" The Dude on the Right has finally realized that he's not really a big fan of the "Shrek" movie franchise. He appreciated the novelty of the first film, didn't even review the second, and for this installment, "Shrek the Third," he can understand why kids might like it, but feels this movie was made more for the money rather than the story.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:56 PM | Comments (0)
May 13, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "28 Weeks Later."
For this movie review of "28 Weeks Later," The Dude on the Right liked it a little better than the original "28 Days Later." A lot of the stuff was similar to the first film, but The Dude thinks this movie has the best helicopter scene ever. He also can't believe the stupidity of Tammy, the sister in the movie, who might have just killed us all.
Posted by Rightdude at 5:53 PM | Comments (0)
May 12, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "Delta Farce."
For this movie review of "Delta Farce," The Dude on the Right will simply tell you that this is not a great movie, but if the trailer made you laugh, well, you'll probably like it. Most reviewers won't, and he didn't like it too much, but you know exactly the kind of movie you will get from the trailer. See it at your own risk.
Posted by Rightdude at 8:09 PM | Comments (0)
May 7, 2007
What's New? Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up Podcast: Second Life, Spider-Man 3, Yay for a Midas, and Marketing to Kids.
For this podcast of "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up!" The Dude on the Right is starting to question the coolness of Stu Gotz with Stu's listening to public radio and watching the BBC. But other things are more important like The Dude trying to get a Second Life, The Dude not getting screwed over when the brakes on the dude-mobile started squeaking, and seeing "Spider-Man 3." Stu, in the meantime, had to fight the Spidey marketing because he isn't so sure his little guy could handle seeing the movie, and Stu also brings up if Kirsten Dunst is hot or not. They also have their normal conversation about TV, this time mostly about "The Sopranos" and "Survivor: Fiji."
Posted by Rightdude at 7:07 PM | Comments (0)
May 4, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "Spider-Man 3"
For this movie review of "Spider-Man 3" The Dude on the Right thought Kirsten Dunst's second song shouldn't have been in the film, loved the villains of Venom and Sandman, but still liked Doc Ock from Spidey #2 better so he can't give the film 5 stars. He still loved the movie and if The Dude tried to act cool, he'd probably look exactly like Peter Parker when he was trying to act cool, only bouncers could beat The Dude's ass.
Posted by Rightdude at 6:15 PM | Comments (0)
April 24, 2007
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! Alanis' Humps, Movies to See or Not to See, and T.V. Sweeps are Coming.
For this podcast of "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up!", Stu Gotz and The Dude on the Right are finally able to get together after a couple of weeks to actually do a wrap-up. There's some quick talks about Alanis Morissette and her humps, they trade movie notes on what to, and what not to see, and both are looking forward to the return of "Heroes." The Dude is now hooked on "Entourage" and is looking forward to the episode with Artie Lange from Howard Stern's show, and the nice weather also had The Dude reflect back to college and finishing off a Vicodin prescription.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:07 PM | Comments (0)
April 21, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "Hot Fuzz."
For this movie review of "Hot Fuzz," The Dude on the Right isn't always a fan of British humor, but for the last twenty minutes of this movie alone he recommends seeing it. He also admires probably the best use of a swan in a movie, ever.
Posted by Rightdude at 4:07 PM | Comments (0)
April 15, 2007
What's New? Stu & The Dude Reviewin' the Movies for You! Blades of Glory
For this episode of "Stu & The Dude Reviewin' the Movies for You!", Stu Gotz and The Dude on the Right tackle the Will Ferrell/Jon Heder flick "Blades of Glory." Sure, The Dude did a written review a couple of weeks ago, but for this video podcast Stu needs to be taught a lesson, and The Dude is just the one to teach him.
Posted by Rightdude at 4:58 PM | Comments (0)
April 14, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "Disturbia."
The Dude on the Right went to see "Disturbia," and since he hasn't grown up he understands the concept of this PG-13 movie. But since he is also older he saw the potential this movie had to be a great thriller. Sadly it was stuck in the PG-13 world.
Posted by Rightdude at 8:19 PM | Comments (0)
April 8, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "Grindhouse: Planet Terror & Death Proof."
For his movie review of "Grindhouse," which included two separate movies, "Planet Terror" and "Death Proof," The Dude on the Right found it kind of funny that people complained about the lousy projection of the film. He sort of likes both films, but thought "Planet Terror" took too long to get the machine gun put on Cherry's leg stump, and "Death Proof" had way too much dialogue and not enough killing.
Posted by Rightdude at 4:00 PM | Comments (0)
April 3, 2007
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! Freaky Fraternity Visitors, Movie Talk, and Nice Easter Eggs.
For this podcast of "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up!", The Dude on the Right relives fraternity days thanks to a story in a campus newspaper and Stu Gotz's recollections. They also talk about recent movies, and words caught on tape, by Stu, at an Easter Egg Hunt that Stu has to try to figure out how to erase so that his kids can watch the tape and not ask "What is a MILF?"
Posted by Rightdude at 8:11 PM | Comments (1)
March 31, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "The Lookout."
For this movie review of "The Lookout" The Dude on the Right loves the movie but does his best not to give away too many of the twists and turns. He does mention a shoelace, but that's not really giving much away. It's got a bank heist, some quality kills, and some sex, but that's not really what the movie is about.
Posted by Rightdude at 8:11 PM | Comments (0)
March 30, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "Blades of Glory."
For this movie review of "Blades of Glory," The Dude on the Right doesn't give an in-depth look about the movie because he is also busy working on the latest installment of "Stu & The Dude Reviewin' the Movies for You," which will review the same film. He just wants to quickly make sure that if you want to laugh you go and see this movie. But then, of course, come back and see their animated review, because Stu Gotz won't fair too well.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:07 PM | Comments (0)
March 26, 2007
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! Trump Wants The Dude, Stu Saw Some Nija Turtles, The Dude Saw a Sniper and a Sandler, and Bad Starbucks' Etiquette.
For this podcast of "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up!", The Dude on the Right tries to impress Stu Gotz with his letter from Donald Trump. Stu doesn't really care because he's got Starbucks' issues. They both, also, saw some movies, including "Shooter," "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles," and "Reign Over Me." And in Chicagoland this weekend, they both enjoyed the nice weather.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:34 PM | Comments (0)
March 25, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "Reign Over Me."
For this movie review of "Reign Over Me" The Dude on the Right thought the movie had a ton of potential, but lost it by having too many things that didn't make sense in the real world. And yet, he got weepy during the film.
Posted by Rightdude at 6:39 PM | Comments (0)
March 24, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "Shooter."
For this movie review of "Shooter" The Dude on the Right isn't sure where to start. He sort of liked the movie, thought Bob (Mark Wahlberg) getting shot wasn't necessary and a time-waster, and wished Sarah (Kate Mara) got naked. It did have a ton of quality kills, though.
Posted by Rightdude at 4:35 PM | Comments (0)
March 20, 2007
What's New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up!: Vote for Sanjaya, Movie Talk, Chris Rock, Building Shelves, and More!
For this podcast of "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up" The Dude on the Right reminds Stu Gotz about voting for Sanjaya on "American Idol." Stu saw "Premonition" and fills in The Dude while The Dude saw "I Think I Love My Wife" and fills in Stu. There's also NCAA basketball talk, and Stu got in trouble for making shelves.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:26 AM | Comments (0)
March 17, 2007
What's New? Movie Reviews of "300" and "I Think I Love My Wife."
The Dude on the Right saw "300" last week, but didn't get off his ass until this week to review the movie. Maybe he was just shocked the teenagers ended up so well behaved, or was just mystified by the gratuitous violence and nudity. He also saw "I Think I Love My Wife" which he can't relate to, since he hasn't been married. He thought everything was good with the Chris Rock movie, up until the musical number at the end. Chris Rock shouldn't sing, nor be in a musical.
Posted by Rightdude at 9:03 PM | Comments (0)
March 12, 2007
What's New? Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up Podcast: Bet on Heather's Leg, Happy Birthday Stu, A Trip to Ohio, and "300."
For this podcast of "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up" The Dude on the Right went home to Ohio, and his city wasn't gone. Instead he tells Stu Gotz of things like bad radio, restaurant reviews, math, and "Dancing Queen." The Dude also saw "300" and lets Stu know if he can expect nudity, sex, and violence in the film. Stu, on the other hand, celebrated a birthday but is in a bad mood because he didn't get the present he was expecting.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:11 PM | Comments (0)
March 5, 2007
What's New? Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! "dirt," Movie Talk, and A Sweet 16 Party vs Vegas.
For this podcast of "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up!", The Dude on the Right gets to tell Stu Gotz about his "exciting" weekend, seeing "Black Snake Moan" and "Wild Hogs," while Stu tells The Dude about what happened while he was in Las Vegas, and that if The Dude had spent his travel money going to Vegas instead of his niece's birthday party, well, The Dude could have also been a part of it. The Dude on the Right now has to keep reciting "Family comes first" instead of "I could have seen boobs."
Posted by Rightdude at 7:39 PM | Comments (0)
March 4, 2007
Maybe My Sister Should be a Movie Critic.
The Dude on the Right
The movie industry is a bizarre monster, and so are the critic rating scales.
My case in point is the release of
"Wild Hogs" this week (and I suppose
"Norbit" a few weeks back). Hundreds, if not thousands of critics,
thought it (they) sucked, yet as of tonight "Wild Hogs" did about $38 Million
bucks worth of business for the weekend. Me, I gave it 1 1/2 stars out of
5, which pretty much for me means it's a rental at best. But where did
these $38 Million dollars worth of people come from? Was the word of mouth
that great? Did people just want to see a movie, and rather than see
something that was nominated for an Academy Award, or the R rated "Zodiac" or
"Black Snake Moan" that also opened this weekend, did they just opt for
"Wild Hogs" by default? I don't know, but maybe critics need a new rating
scale, kind of the anti-critic scale, so I'm trying to come up with one, based
mostly upon my sister.
You see, and I can't verify this yet until she sees it, but I think my sister will find "Wild Hogs" one of the funniest movies ever (she also really liked "RV"), as opposed to most people who watch or analyze movies for a living. While I was watching the movie I could pretty much envision every instance where my sister would be laughing, mostly because there was a woman, a couple of rows behind me as I was watching the movie, laughing at those moments. Me, I found Borat very funny, 4 1/2 stars funny, as did most critics, but this woman behind me, during "Wild Hogs" well, from her laughter, this was probably a 7 Stars out of 5 comedy.
As a critic I try to at least relate my reviews to those who might like the movie, and I can see how "Wild Hogs" can give folks some entertainment for a little over an hour and a half. But you can't get that from a simple 3 stars out of 4, from a simple thumb, from a simple tomato, or from a simple beer rating. Nope, who will like a movie is a hell of lot more complicated than that, sometimes it just has to relate to my sister.
And right now I'm just wondering what she would have given this movie?
Maybe, in a bizarre way, there's actually a place for her to be a movie critic. Too bad I can't offer her a job, unless, with the Mega Millions jackpot at over $340 million, I might be able to, when my numbers come in this Tuesday night.
Then again, maybe not, and "Wild Hogs" is still a 1 1/2 star movie out of 5 on my critic scale, or also rated "Sister" on my new scale.
That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
Posted by Rightdude at 7:40 PM | Comments (1)
What's New? A Movie Review of "Wild Hogs."
For this movie review of "Wild Hogs" The Dude on the Right thinks he needs to come up with a new rating system for movies, different from the "star" thing. He knows the Siskel and Ebert and Roeper "thumb" thing is the best, but has now realized that a movie like "Wild Hogs" needs one not related to stars, to thumbs, to tomatoes, or to beers. With that, The Dude gives the movie a "Sister."
Posted by Rightdude at 6:34 PM | Comments (0)
March 3, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "Black Snake Moan."
For this movie review of "Black Snake Moan," The Dude on the Right divides people who will see the movie into two classes. The Dude believes he is in Class A, at least after he got over his ogling of Christina Ricci, and really liked the movie. He also remains a fan of Samuel L. Jackson, and thinks Justin Timberlake also has a future career as an actor.
Posted by Rightdude at 3:42 PM | Comments (0)
March 1, 2007
What's New? Stu & The Dude Reviewin' the Movies for You! Ghost Rider
For this video podcast episode of "Stu & The Dude Reviewin' the Movies for You!", the boys tackle "Ghost Rider." They both kind of liked the movie, especially Eva Mendes' boobs, but The Dude on the Right really wishes Stu Gotz would have used the fire extinguisher hanging on the chair.
Posted by Rightdude at 8:14 PM | Comments (0)
February 26, 2007
What's New? Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up Podcast: Academy Award Talk, "Reno 911!: Miami," and a Children's Museum.
For this podcast of "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up!", The Dude on the Right gives his Oscar/Academy Award show wrap-up, since he was stupid enough to watch the entire show, while Stu Gotz was smart, and didn't. The Dude also saw "Reno 911!: Miami," while Stu went to an aquarium and a Children's Museum.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:57 PM | Comments (0)
February 25, 2007
The Academy Awards are Boring Me Right Now.
The Dude on the Right
Well I survived our ice storm, and now I'm just trying to survive The Academy
Awards. I have to admit that I have been in the midst of finishing up
animating our next episode of "Stu & The Dude Reviewin' the Movies for You," our
review of "Ghost Rider," and at this stage all I have left to do is let the
computer do its work and render all of my work into something I can post for all
of you to see, which hopefully will get finished tomorrow night. But in
that midst, The Academy Awards have been on, and I have to say other than the
slightly entertaining musical number about comedians not winning anything, it's
been a bore-fest. The un-surprise has been that Eddie Murphy didn't win
for best supporting actor, which most people will blame his latest work in
"Norbit" as the cause, or
worse, that the Academy is racist.
The odd part for me is that this is probably the first year that I haven't seen any of the films nominated for Best Picture. I know, I suppose I'm a lousy reviewer for admitting this, especially when, yesterday, my local gigaplex was having "Academy Award" picture day, where for a mere $30 you could sit from 11AM until it finished and watch all five of the films back-to-back. Rather than catch up on my films for Oscar day, I opted to see "Reno 911!: Miami," which I can honestly say, even though I gave it 4 stars out of 5, has absolutely no chance of being nominated for anything for next year's award show.
Well, I suppose I'll wrap-up this blog now, let my computer do its rendering magic, and see if I can stay awake for the rest of The Academy Awards, and see if Jennifer Hudson loses the best supporting actress award, since it has already been bizarre that "Happy Feet" beat "Cars."
That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
Posted by Rightdude at 9:19 PM | Comments (0)
February 24, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "Reno 911!: Miami"
For this review of "Reno 911!: Miami," The Dude on the Right really enjoyed the movie, but then again, he is King of The Land of the Easily Amused. He also thinks he had a peek into one of the screenwriting sessions as to the real reason for the beached whale scene.
Posted by Rightdude at 4:57 PM | Comments (0)
February 20, 2007
What's New? Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up! Britney Spears, The Daytona 500, and "Ghost Rider" Talk.
For this podcast of "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up," Stu Gotz wanted to rant about Britney Spears a bit, The Dude on the Right watched The Daytona 500, and both of them went to see "Ghost Rider." It's another fun-filled episode.
Posted by Rightdude at 8:01 AM | Comments (0)
February 12, 2007
What's New?: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up: The Bag-Lady, "Norbit," Scuba Diving, and TV Talk.
For this podcast of "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up" Stu Gotz revels in stories of pirates and diving. The Dude on the Right, on the other hand, met up with The Bag-Lady, skipped tennis for "Norbit," and watched too much T.V.
Posted by Rightdude at 8:02 PM | Comments (0)
February 10, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "Norbit."
For this movie review of "Norbit," The Dude on the Right doesn't have much to say except he did like the neighbor dog, and Eddie Murphy's portrayal of Mr. Wong.
Posted by Rightdude at 4:44 PM | Comments (0)
February 4, 2007
What's New? Movie Reviews of "Epic Movie" and "Smokin' Aces."
The Dude on the Right saw a couple of movies over the weekend. He felt "Epic Movie" had pretty much no potential, but felt "Smokin' Aces" had a lot of potential, until it changed direction from a movie about a bunch of over-the-top assassins to an FBI mob want-a-be movie.
Posted by Rightdude at 6:44 PM | Comments (0)
January 20, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "Pan's Labyrinth."
For this movie review of "Pan's Labyrinth," The Dude on the Right was amazed he liked a movie with subtitles as much as he liked this one. Don't bring the youngin's, even though there is a fairy tale story, because the rest of the movie deals with reality, and as usual, is sucks.
Posted by Rightdude at 8:22 PM | Comments (0)
January 14, 2007
What's New? A Movie Review of "Alpha Dog."
For this movie review of "Alpha Dog," The Dude on the Right feels bad for Zack. Sure, he gets kidnapped, but Zack seems to be having the best couple of days ever for a fifteen-year-old. Then he ends up dead. The Dude, thinks the movie, though, is very good, and Justin Timberlake is great in his role.
Posted by Rightdude at 5:42 PM | Comments (0)
December 30, 2006
What's New? A Movie Review of "Dreamgirls."
For this movie review of "Dreamgirls," The Dude on the Right liked most of the movie, but thought the musical part got in the way at times. Jennifer Hudson was great as Effie, especially her rendition of "And I’m Telling You I’m Not Going," and Eddie Murphy finally got back to a great role. Just remember while you're watching it that "Dreamgirls" is a musical.
Posted by Rightdude at 8:26 PM | Comments (0)
December 26, 2006
What's New? A Movie Review of "Rocky Balboa."
The Dude on the Right finally got to see "Rocky Balboa," but his trailers didn't include the new "Transformers" trailer. The Dude, though, loved the movie, thought Stallone got the finale right, but missed a little bit of the grittiness of the first "Rocky" some 30 years ago. The Dude on the Right suggests, though, that you see this one if you are a fan.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:50 PM | Comments (0)
December 10, 2006
What's New? Movie Reviews of "Apocalypto" and "Tenacious D: The Pick of Destiny."
The Dude on the Right saw Apocalypto and thought the brutality was realistic (and great), liked the love story, and his buddy, Stu Gotz, says that no woman should ever complain about childbirth unless she has to do it while drowning and trying to save her other son. Stu & The Dude's animated review of "Apocalypto" is coming soon. The Dude on the Right also saw "Tenacious D: The Pick of Destiny," and seeing it made him long for his college days.
The Dude on the Right also realized he can't really blame "The Holidays" for not getting things done, but you'll have to check out his "Myspace" blog for that.
Posted by Rightdude at 8:54 PM | Comments (0)
November 19, 2006
Turkey Day Week Plans Already Are Going to the Birds.
The Dude on the Right
With Turkey Day being this coming Thursday, this is always a weird week to
actually try to accomplish anything as planned. Most people either take
off the entire week, realizing nothing substantial will get accomplished, or go
to work because they have to only to worry most of the time about how this
Thanksgiving will turn out and if there will be any fights. Me, my Turkey
Day week of trying to accomplish things but not sticking with my game-plan has
already started.
First off, this weekend, I actually had four movies I wanted to see. "Casino Royale," "Shut Up & Sing," "Happy Feet," and "Let's Go to Prison" were all on my list. I even had the schedule planned. I would see the first showing of "Casino Royale" on Saturday, followed immediately by "Happy Feet" and I would still be able to catch the end of the Ohio State/Michigan football game. Then there was a 10AM showing of "Let's Go to Prison" on Sunday morning, which would have worked perfectly to see the Chicago Bears game, and I could go and see "Shut Up & Sing" after the Bears' defeat of the New York Jets. I also figured I could fit in cleaning my bathroom and maybe even some exercising during the weekend. And, oh yea, I was going out Saturday night to top it all off.
Then I remembered I should probably get the brakes on my car looked at, and my self-diagnosed OCD kicked in at getting all of our IMDB links fixed so I could re-design our Movie Theater review archives (the re-design hasn't happened as of this blog typing).
With my plans now in flux, I go and see "Casino Royale" on Saturday, just as planned. Skipping "Happy Feet" I head to the place I've always gone to when having my brakes looked at, only to find they changed their hours on Saturday, closing at 1PM. So I head to the local Midas, only they are already filled for the day. So much for my brakes. Those plans screwed, I went home to watch Ohio State beat Michigan, while feverishly updated our IMDB links because I was heading out Saturday evening.
Then of course I stayed out too late.
Yup, oversleeping on Sunday morning blew "Let's Go to Prison" out of the movie viewing schedule, the Bears did beat the Jets, but by that time I could see "Shut Up & Sing" or continue with my OCDing of our IMDB links, especially since I was so close to being finished, so I opted for my OCDing.
So, lets' see. This weekend I wanted to see four movies and I saw one. I wanted to clean my bathroom but at least I did do laundry. I wanted to exercise, but sadly only my fingers and mouse hand got any exercise. At least I did get all of our IMDB links finished, if only I could catch up on some of my TV viewing right now instead of typing this blog and watching the Dallas Cowboys play the Indianapolis Colts.
So much for getting anything I really want to get done during Turkey Day week so far, and I haven't even brought up when I might get some time to set up my Christmas display.
That's it for this one! I'm The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
Posted by Rightdude at 5:23 PM | Comments (0)
What's New? A Movie Review of "Casino Royale."
For this movie review of "Casino Royale," The Dude on the Right was surprised to find that he really liked a James Bond film without any totally wacky gadgets. He liked Daniel Craig in the role of James, wishes his accountant looked like Eva Green, but just thought most of the scenes dragged on just a little too long.
Posted by Rightdude at 5:20 PM | Comments (0)
November 12, 2006
What's New? A Movie Review of "Stranger than Fiction."
For this movie review of "Stranger than Fiction," The Dude on the Right is getting tired of male nudity. That's not saying anything bad about "Stranger than Fiction" because he did like the movie and doesn't want to give the ending away - he thought it was pretty cool. He is just looking for some new female boob-age, but might have to wait until "Apocalypto," but then it will probably be National Geographic boobs. In any case, The Dude says to go and see "Stranger than Fiction," but for the funny and not for boobs.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:04 PM | Comments (0)
November 4, 2006
What's New? Movie Reviews of "Borat" and "Jackass Number Two."
The Dude on the Right see "Borat:, something, something, something about Kazakhstan" and wonder if you find it offensive or if will make you laugh. He like. He also like "Jackass Number Two," and got video review finally done. It took too long, but he did stunt. Ooops.
Posted by Rightdude at 8:37 PM | Comments (0)
October 28, 2006
What's New? A Movie Review of "Running with Scissors."
For this movie review of "Running with Scissors" The Dude on the Right had two choices when seeing a movie, either "... Scissors" or "The Departed." He opted for the movie with horrible pacing and a masturbation room.
Posted by Rightdude at 3:31 PM | Comments (0)
October 23, 2006
What's New? Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up Podcast: Stu Heads to Orlando and Fright, While The Dude Heads to the Movies and Types.
For this podcast of "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up," Stu Gotz headed to The Sunshine State and the lovely city of Orlando to get a little frightened at Universal Studios. The Haunted Houses were scary, but not nearly as scary as the customer service he seemed to experience. Meanwhile, The Dude on the Right caught a couple of flicks, and traveled near and far for a new family member.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:52 PM | Comments (0)
October 22, 2006
What's New? Movie Reviews of "Flags of Our Fathers" and "The Prestige."
Two new movie reviews are posted this weekend, one being "Flags of Our Fathers," the other being "The Prestige." The Dude on the Right reviews them both. For the "Flags" movie, The Dude does admit that at times it gets a little confusing as the movie does flashbacks and flashforwards throughout, but thought it did a great job at telling the story of the dudes who raised the second flag at Iwo Jima. For "The Prestige" The Dude loves magic, but doesn't like a movie that takes too long to tell how it is done, or how the story is done. He still liked the movie, though.Posted by Rightdude at 8:22 PM | Comments (0)
October 15, 2006
What's New? A Movie Review of "The Marine."
For this movie review of "The Marine," The Dude on the Right found it hard to believe he would say something like "sometimes you can blow up too much stuff." He did like "The Terminator" reference, though.
Posted by Rightdude at 6:09 PM | Comments (0)
October 14, 2006
What's New? A Movie Review of "Man of the Year."
For this review of "Man of the Year," The Dude on the Right loved the first half. The second half, not so much. He wonders, sometimes, why film folks can't just seem to stick with what is working and instead they try to get serious.
Posted by Rightdude at 8:19 PM | Comments (0)
October 8, 2006
What's New? A Movie Review of "Employee of the Month."
For this movie review of "Employee of the Month," The Dude on the Right thinks he should have opted for hanging out with Mother Nature for an hour and a half rather than seeing this movie. It's better for a DVD or cable viewing on a snowy evening when you're stuck in your pad. But he did laugh, and like Joe Simpson, does like Jessica's boobs.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:01 PM | Comments (0)
October 1, 2006
What's New? A Movie Review of "School for Scoundrels."
For this movie review of "School for Scoundrels," The Dude on the Right saw a lot of potential for Billy Bob Thornton beating up on Jon Heder. Sadly the war they have if pretty lame.Posted by Rightdude at 5:15 PM | Comments (0)
September 30, 2006
What's New? A Movie Review of "The Guardian."
For this movie review of "The Guardian," The Dude on the Right actually thought Asthon Kutcher and Kevin Costner did fine in their roles, but doesn't think this movie will be the recruiting tool for the Coast Guard the way "Top Gun" was for the Navy.
Posted by Rightdude at 8:01 PM | Comments (0)
September 24, 2006
What's New? How Do you Review a Movie Like "Jackass Number Two."
The Dude on the Right
In my years of doing movie reviews I stumbled across a weird thing today:
How do you review a movie that really isn't a movie? For this case it was
my review of "Jackass Number Two," and I didn't know where to go with it,
especially since I found the movie very funny in a kind of way that can't be
reviewed. And maybe that is why some of the other movie critics can't like
this movie for what it is, because this is a movie that can't really be reviewed
in the movie review kind of way. There is no plot development, they're not
seeing this movie for cinematography, and there aren't any special effects for
them to go "goo-goo, gaa-gaa" over. Maybe they just can't see the humor in
a guy trying to hitch a ride on a big red rocket (in this case Johnny
Knoxville), nor why anyone would want to see what horse semen tastes like.
Yet they try to review "Jackass Number Two" like it's "Titanic."
But really, "Jackass," as I see it, in its core, is a movie about a bunch of dude-friends bonding, each time, because we all do stupid stuff at times, and what worse time than to have all of our friends around us laughing at us when it happens. Or in a funnier case, when all of your friends are in on a joke, tormenting one of your friends. Sure the likes of Johnny Knoxville, Bam, Wee Man, Steve-O, and the rest of the Jackass boys take it to another level, but as boys, at least those of us who got outside sometimes instead of stuck behind a Playstation, didn't you want to see if you could actually jump off a roof using an umbrella to coast you down? (It doesn't work). When isn't someone getting hit in the balls not funny? (Except when it is you and your balls). And didn't you ever try to jump your bike over anything? (And you crashed on your ass to the delight of your friends).
In any case I did my review of "Jackass Number Two," but as I look back on if after writing this blog, and fellow critics, take this to heart, you can't really review the movie. There should be only be two reviews for the "Jackass Number Two.": "It's funny as hell," or "I was so disgusted I wanted to walk out and vomit." Any reviewer who give this movie a middle-of-the road review, like 2 stars out of 4, is copping out by A: Not wanting to admit that the movie made them laugh their ass off, thus reducing their reviewing street-cred. Or B: Were so disgusted you can't understand why guys think this shit is funny, yet understand that some people find this funny so I have to at least give it 2 stars. Me, I understand the appeal of the movie, and that's why I gave it 5 stars out of 5.
That's it for this one! I'm The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
Posted by Rightdude at 7:27 PM | Comments (0)
September 23, 2006
What's New? A Movie Review of "Jet Li's Fearless."
For this movie review of "Jet Li's Fearless," The Dude on the Right wasn't bummed about having to read the subtitles, he was more bummed by the movie taking too long to tell it's story. And even the though the fight scenes were okay, they were predictable.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:51 PM | Comments (0)
September 20, 2006
What's New? A Movie Review of "Gridiron Gang."
For this movie review of "Gridiron Gang," The Dude on the Right almost had a private screening. He likes the story, likes the movie, but thinks it drags on about 15 to 20 minutes too long. He thinks The Rock was great, but wishes the football game scenes were, well, you'll have to read the review to find out.
Posted by Rightdude at 8:26 PM | Comments (0)
September 19, 2006
What's New? A Movie Review of "The Last Kiss"
The Dude on the Right saw "The Last Kiss," and liked it, but thought the trailer was misleading. He thinks this movie actually takes a real-world look at relationships, as apposed to the general romantic comedy the trailer seemed to portray.
Posted by Rightdude at 8:45 PM | Comments (0)
September 17, 2006
My Sunday was Supposed to be More productive. I'm Blaming the Spinach.
The Dude on the Right
I really wanted to be a little more productive this weekend, but today I woke up
feeling a little out of sorts. I'm blaming it on bad spinach. In any
case I still hauled my ass to my local gigaplex to catch the 10:15AM showing of
Gang" so that I could get back to the dude-pad without missing much of the
Chicago Bears kicking the crap out of the Detroit Lions, even though Roy
Williams of the Lions said
his team would prevail. You would think the Bears' winning would have
helped me feel a little better, but then I watched the
Chicago White Sox get
swept by the Oakland A's, and it took all I had to get my clothes in the laundry
and get my ass trying to get some stuff done.
The things I didn't get done were my reviews of "The Last Kiss" (a much darker movie than the trailers tended to show, though still good) and "Gridiron Gang" (a decent movie about overcoming adversity, though I still wanted The Rock to yell 'Can you smell what The Mustangs are cookin'!), some cleaning of the dude-pad (thank god for my dishwasher so I've at least got some clean dishes for the coming week), and getting my TiVo's programmed with their Season Passes for the upcoming week. At least I washed my clothes so I've got clean and only a couple of week's old underwear, paid a couple of bills, and did this blog.
I think Stu and I are geared to do our weekend wrap-up tomorrow, and I'll do my best to get some movie reviewing done. Damn spinach.
That's it for this one! I'm The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
Posted by Rightdude at 8:24 PM | Comments (0)
September 10, 2006
What's New? Movie Reviews of "Idiocracy" and "The Protector."
Over the weekend The Dude on the Right had a six person screening of "Idiocracy," and a private screening of "The Protector." Being a fan of the movie "Office Space," it is easy to see that The Dude liked "Idiocracy," and even though "The Protector" is no "Dumbo Drop," Tony Jaa really knows how to break a lot of arms and legs.
Posted by Rightdude at 5:55 PM | Comments (0)
September 7, 2006
What's New? Stu & The Dude Reviewin' the Movies for You! Snakes on a Plane
For the latest episode of "Stu & The Dude Reviewin' the Movies for You!," the boys give their take of "Snakes on a Plane." Too bad for Stu Gotz he brought a big turd, umm, snake, to the review taping, and put the pheromones in the wrong pocket. Happy watching.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:10 PM | Comments (0)
September 3, 2006
What's New? Movie Reviews of "Crank" and "Invincible."
The Dude on the Right is enjoying his Labor Day Weekend by seeming some flicks, and his reviews of "Crank" and "Invincible" are now posted. The Dude says that both movies give exactly what you can expect from the trailers.
Posted by Rightdude at 5:08 PM | Comments (0)
August 27, 2006
What's New? A Movie Review of "Beerfest."
For this movie review of "Beerfest," The Dude on the Right found it better than "Club Dread" but not as good as "Super Troopers." Pretty much he says the movie gives you exactly what you can expect from the trailer.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:07 PM | Comments (0)
August 20, 2006
What's New? A Movie Review of "Accepted."
For this movie review of "Accepted," The Dude on the Right thinks that the potential was there for this to be near-classic in the college movie genre, but has absolutely no chance by being rated PG-13.
Posted by Rightdude at 5:17 PM | Comments (0)
August 19, 2006
"Snakes on a Plane" was Great, and I Missed a Live Viewing of the Steve Dahl & Garry Meier "Reunion."
The Dude on the Right
I'm a little torn right now because part of me wants to do a full movie review
of "Snakes
on a Plane," but since
Gotz and I decided that it will be our next episode of "Stu
& The Dude Reviewin' the Movies for You," I've got to hold off a tad on my
full opinion, but if you know me, you can probably guess that, awe, screw it, I
give it 5 stars out of 5. The purported re-shoots did what they were
supposed to do, namely add the gratuitous nudity, Samuel L. Jackson being able
to swear, and some kick-butt snakes killing humans in way-creative ways.
It was exactly what I wanted and more, but even more comes when Stu and I do our
reviewin' which will be posted some time next week.
I'm also a little bummed right now because of something I didn't do yesterday, yesterday being Friday, August 18th. A few years ago I found the secret to seeing the Chicago Air & Water Show, and that was to go and see it during the practice on Friday. Full show, a lot less people. But the weather was a little iffy, and I had some consulting obligations to take care of since I was in Ohio the previous Monday, so I opted to skip the Friday practice. Originally my plan would have been to take the camera gear, have a nice day at the beach, but it didn't happen. Sure, that's not really something to bum you out, especially since the weather wasn't that great, but in missing not going to the Air & Water Show, I also missed out on witnessing, live, some radio history in Chicago. For a lot of you this won't mean a damn thing, but yesterday, Steve Dahl and Garry Meier were on the radio, together, again, and it was funny.
Quick history - Steve and Garry were huge in the Chicago market until a falling out between them occurred in 1993 (supposedly a lot about money, and some about Garry getting married). I had never heard them together, as radio wasn't a big a part of my life back then, but have since become a fan of Steve's, and even of Roe Conn where Garry was also a co-host, but then Garry seemed to make a huge blunder, again, supposedly, a lot about money, and Garry has been out of radio since 2003. For years lots of radio folks and fans wondered what would happen if Steve and Garry got back together, and yesterday it happened. Steve Dahl was doing a live broadcast from Oak Street Beachstro, a restaurant at Oak Street Beach in Chicago, where the Air & Water Show also happened to be happening. As was also happening, Garry Meier happened to be dining at same said Beachstro. And then it happened. Steve mentioned he had heard Garry was eating there, and all of a sudden Garry Meier was back on the air with Steve Dahl, and no one could really believe it. And had I gone to the Air & Water Show practice, I would have been there, camera in hand, to get some photos. But, like most folks, I just got to listen to their "reunion" in my car, and at home, and even though I thought Garry was okay when he was teamed up with Roe Conn, I could hear how Steve and Garry seemed to have that special chemistry on the radio that doesn't happen often. Even after all of these years apart, they seemed to gel right back into a radio team, if at least for just a day.
The skeptic in me thinks this reunion might have been planned by a bunch of friends, and the radio folks at WCKG, looking for some ratings boosts after their latest debacle with the departing of Howard Stern. But part of me really hopes that this reunion was genuine, that Garry Meier was at the Beachstro to have some eats and watch the Air & Water Show, that Steve Dahl just happened to be there to do his broadcast, and somehow, Garry just said "Fuck it. Maybe it's time to just say 'Hi.'", and Steve was smart enough to let that happen. No matter the case, it was great radio with Steve & Garry on August 18, 2006. I'm just a little bummed I wasn't there to see it live. At least I was able to hear it, on my radio, where maybe it was really meant to be heard. I guess I'm really just bummed because I wasn't there to get some pictures.
That's it for this one! I'm The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
Posted by Rightdude at 7:34 PM | Comments (0)
August 6, 2006
What's New? A Movie Review of "Barnyard."
For this movie review of "Barnyard," The Dude on the Right recommends that you not bring the little kids because they might have some nightmares about coyotes. He also didn't find himself that impressed with the movie, but did enjoy the story.
Posted by Rightdude at 4:13 PM | Comments (0)
August 5, 2006
What's New? A Movie Review of "Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby."
For this movie review of "Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby," The Dude on the Right has found a new actress to stalk, and you might be surprised to find it isn't Leslie Bibb. He was slightly disappointed with the film, but does think it will end up being one of his cable TV favorites.
Posted by Rightdude at 5:34 PM | Comments (0)
August 4, 2006
No MySpace Yet, and Creative "Snakes on a Plane" Marketing.
The Dude on the Right
First, in case I confused any of you with my podcast yesterday (sorry sis),
don't go looking for a MySpace page for me yet. It doesn't exist. My
podcast was about my dilemmas of setting one up and the best way to do so to get
the least amount of grief from my two biggest critics, my niece and my nephew.
When, and I suppose if, I actually set one up that I think is at least almost
niece and nephew proof, you can bet your ass I'll post the link, but until now,
it's only a pipe-dream.
But for this blog I wanted to hip you to one of the coolest, "let the fans do all the publicity for us" campaigns I have found in years. And don't go and correct me, because I have found out this has been done before, but never for a movie with as much internet buzz as this, or one I really cared about...
You might have heard about the upcoming movie "Snakes on a Plane." It's about, well, snakes, on a plane. The movie folks have teamed up with another company to, well, I guess the easiest way to put this is, is that you can have Samuel L. Jackson "call" your friends, family, neighbors, or lovers, and "tell" them to go and see the movie "Snakes on a Plane," personalized to fit your said friend, family, neighbor, or lover's lifestyle. You can also e-mail the audio message to same friends, but that isn't nearly as fun as it might be for the phone call option. I have already sent some friends and family members the message, and so far my friends have found it very funny. In any case, if you want to have some fun, head to the "Snakes on a Plane" website and use the "Get a call from Samuel L. Jackson" area, or you can head directly to the Varitalk site and start from there.
Have a good weekend. It's another busy movie weekend for me, so look for new posting as the weekend goes along, I hope.
That's it for this one! I'm The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
Posted by Rightdude at 7:48 PM | Comments (0)
July 31, 2006
What's New? Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up: "Miami Vice" and "John Tucker," It's Hot Out Here, and "What Time Does the Carnival Start?"
For this podcast of "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up," The Dude gives his take on "Miami Vice" and "John Tucker Must Die," Stu finally got to see "Clerks II," and it is really hot in Chicago lately which doesn't make a family trip to a carnival a good thing. The Dude is happy a song has reached #1 on Alt Nation - Sirius Satellite Radio Channel 21, and Stu is looking for a clean copy of "Beep Beep" by The Playmates. Songs sure are different between the days when "Beep Beep" was fun, and well, now, when folks write a song about what living in Connecticut is good for, a song that really can't be played on FM radio, by a band with one of the longest names ever, Jesus H Christ and The Four Hornsman of the Apocalypse.
Posted by Rightdude at 8:20 PM | Comments (0)
July 30, 2006
What's New? A Movie Review of "John Tucker Must Die."
For this movie review of "John Tucker Must Die," The Dude on the Right still can't explain why, but he likes high school-themed movies. He might have liked the movie more had John Tucker actually died, but also feels John might have a great career in politics.
Posted by Rightdude at 5:00 PM | Comments (0)
July 29, 2006
What's New? Movie Reviews of "Miami Vice," "Monster House," and "My Super Ex-Girlfriend.
For these movie reviews of "Miami Vice," "Monster House," and "My Super Ex-Girlfriend," The Dude on the Right has finally gotten off his ass and actually done some movie reviewing. He was disappointed with "Miami Vice," liked "Monster House" but thought the 3-D thing needs some work, and doesn't think you should really spend the movie money for "My Super Ex-Girlfriend," but it might make a fun DVD rental.
Posted by Rightdude at 8:46 PM | Comments (0)
July 24, 2006
What's New? A Movie Review of "Clerks II."
For this movie review of "Clerks II," The Dude on the Right loved the movie, but will understand reasons why you might not. In any case he's giving the movie his highest rating, 5 stars, partly because he sometimes likes the sentimental, understands people have to grow up, and one scene will live in his mind to give him laugh forever. And he also loved Jay's t-shirt.
Posted by Rightdude at 8:10 PM | Comments (0)
July 23, 2006
Three Movies in Two Days, but Flies and a Dinner Got in the Way. Only "Clerks II" Got Done.
The Dude on the Right
I had a great plan, it was simply to see four movies in two days, those movies
being "Clerks
II," "My
Super Ex-Girlfriend," "Monster
House," and "The
Lady in the Water." In the immortal words of Meat Loaf, no, wait, he
was a little short of this, he only had "Two Out of Three Ain't Bad." Me,
I had three out of four. But the bad part is this weekend, I was only able
to get one review done, and this might sound weird, but it was because of flies,
and I'll also blame Whammy, but I suppose, really, it's not her fault.
Nope, it was my fault asking her if she wanted to see a movie in 3-D with me
losing a couple of hours of valuable reviewing time, stuck at a great Italian
restaurant and great good, with interesting conversation as only Whammy seems to
come up with. In a nutshell, who the hell would try to set her up with a
"Metal-Head" and a hunter?
So this weekend that was supposed to be full of movie reviews became about trying to see movies, killing a lot of flies, and having some really good food, although I did get an offer Stu will wonder why I turned it down. All I got done was one movie review, a lot of flies killed, and this blog. Dammit, there were a lot of flies. And I still don't know why.
That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
Posted by Rightdude at 8:22 PM | Comments (0)
July 16, 2006
What's New? A Movie Review of "Little Man."
For this movie review of "Little Man," The Dude on the Right finds another Wayans' movie that had so much potential to be a comedy treasure, but again lost it in the direction it decided to take. He thought it would have been better in a PG mode, geared at the kids, but he did enjoy the bouncing boobies, even with the clothes on.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:40 PM | Comments (0)
July 15, 2006
What's New? A Movie Review of "You, Me and Dupree."
For this movie review of "You, Me and Dupree," The Dude on the Right admits that the movie is really about a 3 1/2 star film out of 5. He gives it 4 1/2 stars not because of nudity, not because of action, and not because of the great shots of Kate Hudson's butt, but because of a song from his "Heartland" that was in the film. It's from The Michael Stanley Band, and he couldn't believe he heard it, but thought it was way-appropriately included in the scene. Song aside, he still thinks it's a good movie for both the dudes and dudettes.
Posted by Rightdude at 9:20 PM | Comments (0)
July 13, 2006
What's New? Some "Snakes on a Plane" Hopes, A Good Day for Our Web Site, and Needing Help With Printing a Google Calendar in Color.
For this podcast The Dude on the Right talks about his really looking forward to "Snakes on a Plane," thanks his readers, and is looking for some help in printing a Google Calendar in color. He tries to keep the podcast shorter for his sister and his niece, but still talks too fast.
Posted by Rightdude at 8:22 PM | Comments (0)
July 11, 2006
What's New? A Movie Review of "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest."
For this movie review of "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest," The Dude on Right has already fallen in love with all of the characters of the movie from the first film, and is planning on stalking and professing to Keira Knightley his love for her. But as far as the movie, The Dude was a little disappointed that the story lacked a lot even though the effects were great. He's looking forward to the third part of the trilogy because it seems to show a better story.
Posted by Rightdude at 8:32 PM | Comments (0)
July 10, 2006
What's New?: Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up: Pirate Talk, Is Stu too Protective as a Dad, and The Dude has the Most Productive Sunday Ever.
For this podcast of "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up," Stu & The Dude have confilicting weekends. They both saw "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest," and Mama Gotz is looking to save some money. The Dude on the Right had the most productive Sunday ever, and it's looking like Stu will have a funner weekend next weekend while The Dude, well, won't.
Posted by Rightdude at 9:09 PM | Comments (0)
July 8, 2006
What's New? A Moview Review of "The Devil Wears Prada."
For this movie review of "The Devil Wears Prada," The Dude on the Right comes right out of the box and admits he liked it. He thought the women were hot, especailly since some of the times the outfits were skimpy, and really enjoyed Meryl Streep, doing a fantastic job as the bitchiest of bosses. He also finds Anne Hathaway attractive, but isn't sure why.
Posted by Rightdude at 6:53 PM | Comments (0)
July 5, 2006
What's New? Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up: Arguing Neighbors, Superman Returns, Stu Performs a Marriage Ceremony, and The Dude's Fish Might Die.
For this podcast of "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up," The Dude on the Right didn't realize a relationship spat could last two hours, Stu Gotz tells of his performing his first marriage ceremony, and Stu found himself, with his family, in the middle of a Little People of America convention. There's also some usual movie talk, and The Dude hopes he hasn't killed his fish.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:32 PM | Comments (0)
July 1, 2006
What's New? A Movie Review of "Superman Returns."
For this movie review of "Superman Returns," The Dude on the Right enjoyed that they kept the story a little more serious than those of the Christopher Reeve time. He also loved Kevin Spacey's take as Lex Luther, and wishes Kate Bosworth, umm, Lois Lane, would cover him the was she did Superman.
Posted by Rightdude at 5:33 PM | Comments (0)
June 28, 2006
What's New? A Movie Review of "Click."
For this movie review of "Click," The Dude on the Right is disappointed and worred because lately Adam Sandler hasn't been able to bring the funny. He's just still happy that Kate Beckinsale is still smokin' hot, and would like to role-play with her, even though she has her own dude.
Posted by Rightdude at 8:25 PM | Comments (0)
June 19, 2006
What's New? Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up: Stu's Father's Day, Britney Talk, Movie Talk, and Some Fun but Dirty Songs.
For this episode of "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up," it was Father's Day for Stu, but they both saw "Nacho Libre." There's also some talk about "The Lake House," but The Dude on the Right shows his proficiency as a radio DJ talking up his new favorite band, "Jesus H Christ and the Four Hornsmen of the Apocolypse."
Posted by Rightdude at 7:07 PM | Comments (0)
June 18, 2006
What's New? A Movie Review of "The Lake House."
For this movie review of "The Lake House," The Dude on the Right is a sap for a good romance, likes time travel and magic mailboxes, but wonders if Alex might have gotten a ticket because he doesn't think his truck had the proper license plate on it. Even so, he still liked the movie.
Posted by Rightdude at 6:27 PM | Comments (0)
June 17, 2006
What's New? A Movie Review of "Nacho Libre."
For this movie review of "Nacho Libre," The Dude on the Right is sort of torn between his not having seen "Napoleon Dynamite" and wishing the movie was more like "School of Rock."
Posted by Rightdude at 8:31 PM | Comments (0)
June 11, 2006
Chicago has the Champions, Should Blue-Hairs Get a Pass at the Theater, and do Potty and "The Omen" mix?
The Dude on the Right
We are the champions! We are the champions! That's right, here in
Chicago, we are the champions! And I watched the game. I was there
with them at the beginning, when they were the
Bruisers. And I haven't been there for them since, until today, when I
remembered that the
Chicago Rush
were in Arenabowl XX and
it was on TV. So I watched. Yay! I still remember
Super Bowl XX, and how couldn't I, it was my first winter in Chicago, and
the Chicago Bears won. So how much of a weird twist of fate is it that
Mike Ditka coached the Chicago Bears to victory in Super Bowl XX, and there he
is, part owner of the Chicago Rush, with the Rush winning Arenabowl XX.
Coincidence or are the Football Gods just giving Mike Ditka his due? Somehow, though, I don't think the Chicago Rush are going to get a parade. Anyway, the
only thing that sort of kept bugging me was the continued talk of this being
Chicago's first trip to the Arenabowl. No, this is the first trip for the
Chicago Rush to the Arenabowl. The Bruisers, one of the original Arena
Football teams, were there, in 1987, for Arenabowl II, where sadly they lost to
the Detroit Drive. In any case, we have Arena Football bragging rights for
a year! Hooray!!
On a different tangent, I have some movie issues to talk with Stu about during our weekend wrap-up podcast tomorrow, but one I also wanted to bounce off of you, the reading crowd. The dilemma is simply this: You're in a movie theater, and the couple sitting one seat away from you insists on jibber-jabbering back and forth during the movie. They aren't that loud, but loud enough. Do you nicely lean over and ask them to keep quiet? Do you look in their direction and give them the "if you don't stop talking I'm going to do something" stare? Do you give them that annoying "Shhh" sound? Do you wait for the end of the movie and express your displeasure at them for their talking during the movie? This is usually an easy answer, it's usually one of the listed responses, or you just go home upset. But what if the couple were a couple of elderly ladies? I knew I should have said something, maybe as I was leaving, but I wasn't up to a confrontation with a couple of blue-hairs. I knew I could probably out-run them if I had to, but I enjoyed the movie, "A Prairie Home Companion," so much, that I just let it go. I guess my question is really should they get a pass for talking during a movie because they are elderly?
And lastly I'm waiting to do my review of "The Omen" until I can go back and re-watch the original version and see if I really remember how it stacks up. I will say this for now, that this 2006 version of "The Omen" seemed to drag a lot during the beginning half of the movie, and then when it got to the bad stuff, it was so over-the-top that I burst out laughing at times. Don't get me wrong, the beheading in the 2006 was cool, but it will never stick with me like the beheading in the original.
And one last movie question, which I'm pretty sure I can guess Stu's answer if I remember to ask him, is this: Should you bring your kid to see "The Omen" when you have to ask her, about five minutes before the film starts, "Do you have to go 'potty' before the movie starts?" Ah, parents of today.
I suppose I'll get off my questioning soap box for now.
That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
Posted by Rightdude at 6:18 PM | Comments (0)
What's New? A Movie Review of "A Prairie Home Companion."
For this movie review of "A Prairie Home Companion," The Dude on the Right harkens back to a time when he was younger. He also gives a warning that even though he thought it was a 4 1/2 star movie, you might walk out half-way through.
Posted by Rightdude at 6:15 PM | Comments (0)
June 10, 2006
What's New? A Movie Review of "Cars."
For this movie review of "Cars," The Dude on the Right got a little weepy. What a puss.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:36 PM | Comments (0)
June 5, 2006
What's New? Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up: Stu Did Nothing, The Dude Saw "The Break-Up" and Posted 20 Movie Previews.
For this podcast, Stu and The Dude reminisce about their weekend. Stu didn't do much, but The Dude on the Right talks a lot about seeing the movie "The Break-Up" with Whammy, where Stu asks The Dude if he did the "popcorn trick." Their's also some "Sopranos" talk, and some movie preview talk since The Dude on the Right posted about 20 new movie previews.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:32 PM | Comments (0)
June 4, 2006
What's New? A Movie Review of "The Break-Up."
For this movie review of "The Break-Up," The Dude on the Right generally liked the film, but was bummed that Jennifer Aniston's butt was blurry. He also wonders who is getting in trouble for having the wrong license plate on their car and where was "The Bean?"
Posted by Rightdude at 2:45 PM | Comments (0)
May 28, 2006
What's New? A Movie Review of "X-Men: The Last Stand."
For this movie review, The Dude on the Right caught "X-Men: The Last Stand" with Stu Gotz, who couldn't really give The Dude any insight if this movie followed any comic book storyline. The Dude on the Right did like the movie, thought, but can't get one scene with Phoenix out of his head.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:41 PM | Comments (0)
May 22, 2006
What's New? Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up: The Da Vinci Code and Sports.
For this podcast, Stu and The Dude give their weekly weekend wrap-up show where "The Da Vinci Code" played a big role, and Stu wonders what's up with Axl Rose.
Posted by Rightdude at 7:45 PM | Comments (0)
May 21, 2006
What's New? A Movie Review of "The Da Vinci Code."
For this movie review, The Dude on the Right wonders what all of the hubbub is about because he really liked "The Da Vinci Code." He's just hoping a certain woman can find a good man to carry on Jesus' blood line, and if Audrey Tautou is the certain woman, he volunteers to be that man.
Posted by Rightdude at 8:02 PM | Comments (0)
May 15, 2006
What's New? Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up: Technical Issues and Movie Talk.
For this podcast, The Dude on the Right obsesses about how lousy this podcast sounded in his headphones, but after listening to it, it didn't sound that bad. In any case, Stu and The Dude talk about the movies, discuss a President speech on TV, and question the inclusion of "Plop, Plop. Fizz, Fizz" as part of The Dude's podcast sound effects.Posted by Rightdude at 7:19 PM | Comments (0)
May 14, 2006
What's New? A Movie Review of "Keeping Up With the Steins."
For this movie review, The Dude on the Right debated between "Poseidon" and "Keeping Up With the Steins." He was really happy with his decision, and thinks Jami Gertz is a MILF.Posted by Rightdude at 7:11 PM | Comments (0)
May 13, 2006
What's New? A Movie Review of "Just My Luck."
For this movie review, The Dude on the Right admits that he is addicted to Lindsay Lohan, and because of his addiction, he had to see "Just My Luck." In the imortal words of some wise dude who came up with the saying, as far as the movie goes, "It is what it is."Posted by Rightdude at 3:43 PM | Comments (0)
May 7, 2006
What's New? Stu & The Dude Reviewin' the Movies for You! Mission: Impossible III
For this episode of "Stu & The Dude Reviewin' the Movies for You!," "South Park" fans called for a boycott of all things Tom Cruise, but one of the reviewers just couldn't resist the pull of Tom Cruise and gave "Mission: Impossible III" 3 out of 5 stars.Posted by Rightdude at 6:32 PM | Comments (0)
May 1, 2006
What's New? Stu & The Dudes' Weekend Wrap-Up: Seeing Movies and The Dude is in a Lot of Hot Water.
For this podcast, it's a new episode of "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up." They talk movies, but The Dude on the Right puts himself in a lot of hot water with his sister. Ahhh, sibling rivalry.Posted by Rightdude at 8:15 PM | Comments (0)
April 30, 2006
What's New? A Movie Review of "RV."
For this movie review, The Dude on the Right learned an important lesson - Don't listen to his sister. "RV" was "Vacation"-light.Posted by Rightdude at 8:20 PM | Comments (0)
What's New? A Movie Review of "Stick It."
For this movie review, The Dude on the Right had high hopes for this film, but in the end, it's no "Bring It On" for gymnastics.Posted by Rightdude at 8:19 PM | Comments (0)
I Should Never Listen to My Sister, and Oh Favorite Niece of Mine, Please Don't Disown Me!
The Dude on the Right
It's Sunday morning and the weather is pretty crappy. It's windy, a little
cooler, with a big douse or rain. I get myself out of bed, take a shower,
and suddenly get the hankering for a McGriddle sandwich. While cleaning
the soap off of my svelte body, with my breakfast plans firmly implanted in my
head, I planned my day: Get dressed, head to my
Drive-Thru, get back home, read my Sunday paper, eat my breakfast, and
eventually head to the movies. While reading my paper (I had to buy one
because my delivered copy was soaked thanks to the rain, but I digress), Stu called me after
dropping Mama Gotz at the airport. He just wanted to chat a bit, asked me
my plans for the day, and I told him I was going to see "United
93," the movie about 9/11 and the plane that crashed. He said he would
be interested to hear my take about it on Monday, as well as fill him in a
little bit more about the movie "Stick
It," which I saw on Saturday.
With the topic of the movie "United 93," I was sort of psyching myself up for it. I knew it wasn't going to give me any laughs, would bring some flashbacks to some television memories I could do without, but in a way, I wanted to be somewhat inspired by the bravery of the folks on the plane. I figured I would sit in the theater after the movie ended and reflect a little, make my way back to the dude-pad, and type up reviews for "Stick It," United 93," and maybe a blog about my reaction to the "United 93" movie. I would get things posted, then sit back and watch "The Sopranos" wondering if Artie really did get his cooking mojo back, and if they were going to find Vito. My day was planned. It would be a little bit happy, a little bit sad, and some work would even get done.
Then I got an e-mail from my sister that ruined my entire day.
The beginning of it simply started: "You should of went to go and see RV. I laughed my ass off. To the point of tears in my eyes. Yes it resembles chevy chase but when you watch the movie you don't even think of it because it was funny."
And for some dumb-ass reason I actually started to think "Maybe "RV" is a funny movie?"
And so I started to debate in my head, a debate which never should have happened, but it was simply "Go see "United 93," what is supposed to be a great movie and maybe be depressed" vs. "Go and see a movie that made my sister laugh her ass off (and I'm sorry, this is too easy), and since she's got a pretty big ass, it's got to be hilarious."
And so, for some reason, rather than see a movie getting tons of critical acclaim, even with the subject matter, I decided to go and see "RV," on the recommendation of my sister.
I have one question for my sister, which she might answer, but probably won't, especially with the "big ass" comment, but "What scenes in this movie brought 'tears in my eyes?'"
For me, it was an okay movie, but tried to stay too safe. It was "Vacation"-light. For my sister, it sounded like the comedy event of a lifetime.
Now, my niece
supposedly disowned me a couple of weeks ago, I think for a
I posted in my blog. I thought I might have a chance to get back in her
good graces when I agreed with her that "Scary
Movie 4" was a funny movie, but I'm pretty sure that now, after taking her
Mom's advice about a funny movie, she'll never talk to me again (and if she
found the movie as funny as her mom did, I'm going to start to also wonder about
her ability to pick a funny movie). I hope that's not the case, because,
from now on, I have a new plan when I get an e-mail from my sister touting the
comedic genius of a movie. My new plan is this:
A: | I receive an e-mail from my sister touting the comedic genius of a recent movie I haven't seen yet. |
2: | I make sure I have already seen the trailer for the movie and immediately begin to question her opinion of comedy. |
III: | I try to instant message my niece to find out if she went to see the movie as well. |
D: | If my niece said she has seen the movie and found it funny, I see the movie. |
Cinco: | If my niece said she has seen the movie and couldn't figure out why her mother was laughing, I don't see it. |
6: | If my niece said she didn't see the movie, I still don't see it. |
VII: | If my niece doesn't respond to my instant message, over the course of a day, I will know that she has totally disowned me for actually taking the advice of her mother for seeing the movie "RV." |
So that is my new plan, and I hope two things right now so that it will work: A: My niece hasn't disowned me. 2: My niece didn't find "RV" nearly as funny as her mom.
To wrap up this blog, I do have to thank my sister for two things today, and one is that "RV" did have ample amounts of cleavage. The other is I did get one good chuckle during the movie, when Travis comments something like "Don't worry. I'm keeping my eye on them in the rear-view mirror, and he's not very good," to which his wife replies, "Neither is his dad." A little bit more uplifting than reliving 9/11.
That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
Posted by Rightdude at 7:43 PM | Comments (2)
April 29, 2006
What's New? Speaking English in The United States, and When to See "United 93."
For this podcast, The Dude on the Right talks about his Grandma and her buying a "Polish to English Dictionary," when he should see "United 93," and still thinks his entry should have been one of the qualifiers in the "Howard Stern Film Festival."Posted by Rightdude at 7:45 PM | Comments (0)
April 26, 2006
What's New? Stu & The Dude Reviewin' the Movies for You!: Scary Movie 4.
For this episode of "Stu & The Dude Reviewin' the Movies for You!", Stu wanted "Scary Movie 4" to be rated "R" for one reason, The Dude on the Right for another. That, and Stu doesn't take too well to The Dude's latest revelation.Posted by Rightdude at 8:06 PM | Comments (0)
April 9, 2006
Our "Howard Stern Film Festival" Entry is Done. Back to Our Normal Posting Schedule.
The Dude on the Right
Sadly I've been shirking some of my duties here at Entertainment Ave! as I was
working hard on finishing our entry into the "Howard
Stern Film Festival." It's a special episode of our movie reviews, but
per rules, unless we win, you'll never see it. That is kind of sad, but
maybe kinda good because it would be kind of hard to explain to my mom how our
humor could get so sick.
Anyway, with that done, I was able to catch a few flicks this past weekend, namely "Thank You For Smoking" and "The Benchwarmers," both of which I enjoyed in their own way of being enjoyed.
Thankfully I am almost caught up on all of my TV viewing from last week. "Lost" is still weird, but I still like it, people on "Survivor" are still stupid, in my opinion, the boys doing "South Park" are entering dangerous territory, and "24" tosses a huge monkey-wrench into the mix by showing it is the President causing all of our latest troubles for Jack and not the V.P. I did not see that coming at all. All I've got left are a couple of episodes of "Smallville" to get through, and re-watch last week's "Sopranos" before I catch the next episode. I won't be doing any catching up tonight because I'll be at the Cubs' game (watch for me on one of the rooftops, I'll be the one with the bag over my head and a cowboy hat!), but we'll get a new podcast posted Monday night, and finally get back to our normal posting schedule.
That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
Posted by Rightdude at 3:14 PM | Comments (0)
March 12, 2006
The Flu is Gone and I've Been Doing Some Reviewin'.
The Dude on the Right
Well I think I've finally kicked the flu bug that has been tormenting me for
about a week, and thankfully, just in time for tonight's return of "The
Sopranos." I've been doing my best to stay away from spoilers about
the episode on the internet, so, for the most part, I'm looking to be
entertained by what many are saying is a great return for the series.
Sure, it's been a while since the last episode, and I know it will take a little
bit to get back up to speed with who is who and what is what, but sorry
"Desperate Housewives," when the TiVo decision is between Tony or Susan, at
least there's a good chance Tony will find some ladies who will get naked.
I did catch "Failure to Launch" this weekend. That's the movie where Matthew McConaughey still lives at home with his folks and Sarah Jessica Parker gets hired to get him to move out. Sure, it was formulaic, but I found it entertaining for the most part, although I would have preferred seeing Zooey Deschanel's butt rather than Terry Bradshaw's. I also did a full review of "Ultraviolet," a movie that really needed to be rated "R," although that may not have really helped other than giving me some nudity.
I haven't posted them yet, but will be doing so as I format them, them being the 15 movie previews I typed up over the weekend, and I plan on doing a DVD review of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, so I won't spoil my change in thought on this movie yet.
I can't remember if Stu gets back in town tonight or tomorrow, so tomorrow's podcast might be a solo effort, or a return to "Stu & The Dude's Weekend Wrap-Up." I've got to make some dinner, finish laundry, and maybe get some previews posted before "The Sopranos," so I've gotta go. Hope you had a nice weekend!
That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
Posted by Rightdude at 5:09 PM | Comments (0)
January 22, 2006
Learning Animation, Lucid Dreaming, and "The Matador."
The Dude on the Right
Not much new has hit the pages of Entertainment Ave! in the past week, and I
partially apologize. Pretty much I’ve been wrapped up trying to finish the
animation for the debut of "Stu and The Dude Review the Movies for You" later
this week. I think I’ve just about got it down pat, I hope, because I’d really
like to get some sleep and not have wacky dreams where I started bouncing around
my bedroom, eventually landing on the floor, and then being pulled through the
ceiling, only the ceiling seemed to be infinitely thick because I keep floating
higher and higher yet still going through plaster. The weird part, as if that
wasn’t weird enough, was that I was aware I was dreaming and usually when that
happens I can take control,
dreaming as it is called, and believe me, being able take over a dream can
be pretty fun sometimes. But, I just kept floating up through my ceiling until,
still aware I was dreaming, I forced myself to wake up.
Anyway, thanks to The Dude on the Left calling, I was able to get from in front of my computer monitor and saw pretty funny adult film, "The Matador," where Pierce Brosnan is working quickly to shed his image as James Bond, although he does kill some people in the movie. If you’re looking for some adult humor and entertainment, I recommend it.
Wrapping up before I get back to getting back to trying to learn how to do animation, thanks for your patience and support. We should have a new episode of "Stu and The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up," I’m going to try and write some reviews of "Underworld: Evolution" and "Last Holiday," as well as review "The Wedding Crashers" DVD that has been sitting next to my TV, but in working to get one of my goals for the new year accomplished, I’ve got to get our premier video podcast of "Stu and The Dude Review the Movies for You" done by the end of January, even if it means no sleep or more wacky dreams. I just hope I can take control of the next one because it’s always fun being able to fly around in your dreams, especially when you can control it.
That's it for this one! I'm The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
Posted by Rightdude at 4:46 PM | Comments (0)
January 11, 2006
Funny how getting your car serviced can help you get work done.
The Dude on the Right
I had to take the dude-mobile to get some servicing done so I figured what
better time to catch up on some reviewing than sitting in the waiting room at
the car shop. I brought along my trusty new laptop and popped out reviews
of "Syriana," "Fun With Dick and Jane," "The Producers," and "Match Point."
I know, "What took you so long?", but I've got my reasons, and none of them good
enough or ones that I want to share. Let's just say that too many things
got in the way. So, "Bamm!", four new reviews and a new blog all in one
If all goes well we should have our first videocast by the end of the month. Sadly, yesterday, I ran into some computer issues that blew up a file (I know, back-ups are the name of the game, but do you have a full back-up of all of your work?) that set it back about a week. Fine, I admit it, I'm an idiot because this was important and I should have been doing a continual back-up, but I didn't. Stu and I are in test mode right now for this videocast, and now I've got to rebuild some things I should have never lost in the first place, but at least I have my knowledge of doing it the first time, so it shouldn't be as difficult, kinda like riding a bike.
Enough rambling, read the new reviews, and have a fabulous day.
That's it for this one! I'm The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
Posted by Rightdude at 6:40 PM | Comments (0)
December 18, 2005
Go and see "King Kong," Radio Shack Still Has Problems, and I Really Wanted to Like "The Family Stone."
The Dude on the Right
First off, and I'm hoping word of mouth will propel this movie, but for goodness
sake if you are a fan of movies, or if you just like an entertaining movie, or
you just want to spend about three hours immersed in a time of wonder, or if you
might want to get weepy, or you are curious to see how movie-making has changed
from the 1933 version to this version, go see "King Kong" at a theater near you.
It did okay at the box office this weekend, around $50 million, but not nearly
the numbers the film studio was hoping for I'm sure. But as movies come
and go, I'm hoping "King Kong" has some staying power, kind of like "Titanic,"
because it deserves it. I was this close to changing my mind and seeing it
again today, instead of "Syriana," and between the two, "King Kong" is a
million times more entertaining (although "Syriana" does challenge your mind a
little more). Fine, it's not for those under, probably 10 or 11 or so, but
for everyone else, the dudes will love the action, the dudettes will love the
sentimentality, and sure, you know how it ends, but you knew the Titanic sank
and you still went to see that one. "King Kong" in 2005 does not deserve
to be a box office miss-step. Enough preaching, now to Radio Shack, and
this story will probably make this blog a little too long, but I've got to write
what I've got to write, so let's get to it.
My podcast a few days spoke about my disappointment in visiting a couple of Radio Shack stores, and the lack of really getting me the items I needed. I have to say that my experience yesterday was better, but at one store, still lacking, not because of the sales dudette not wanting to help me, but because of poor training in my eyes, and that's not a good thing as we come upon Christmas. You see I've been working on this "not so high tech nor super high quality" portable podcast studio. My goal is to be able to make a multiple person podcast on the road, and even get it posted, and all of it fitting in a nice case. First necessity a laptop, and since it's the holiday season, I had that licked and at little bit of a break. Other than the nice case, the rest of the parts should have been easily available at one or two of my local Radio Shack stores. They sell basic microphones and a portable mixing board capable of either four microphones or two microphones and one line input. They also sell the patch cables, wind screens for the microphones, and 9 volt batteries. So last week I started my hunt, and at the first store I went to they had nothing I needed on display, nor the tags where the item might have been so I could inquire if they might have had it in the back room. That and they didn't greet me. Next stop the mall. Not too busy, a couple of salespeople talking amongst themselves, and I give every indication I'm looking to buy something. Yup, I found the mixer, but oddly enough the basic microphones were nowhere to be seen, and even though I picked up the mixer, was making sure it had all of the ports, plugs, outputs, that I needed, narry a sale-dude came over to ask me if I was interested in buying anything. I don't play that game, especially since I know how the sales game should at least be played. At the third store, I have to admit that the dude was nice enough, but upon telling him what I was looking for, and not checking in the back, or at least on the computer, he announced they didn't have any, but he could order them for me. I wanted to buy, if I wanted to order I would do so on the web.
So yesterday I was on a mission, to finally get all of the damn things I needed. I did some initial investigative work the day before, where at least the Radio Shack web site said a different store had, in stock as of Friday, the items I were looking for, and after seeing "The Family Stone," I headed the dude-mobile in the direction of that store. Upon entering the store I was greeted by who seemed to be a newbie, mostly because she was younger and asked me a taught sales line of "Hello, what brings you into Radio Shack today?" It's actually a good sales line, but most sales-folk forget it after a while, when they have become disgruntled as sales-folk, and just say something really generic like "Is there something I can help you find?" Anyway, enough of my knowing sales technics. Being a previous Manager of a Radio Shack, and knowing all of the things they used to look for in a saleperson at the end of the day at the corporate level, I figured, hoped, wanted this to be her easiest, sort of high ticket, multiple line item especially since it included a battery, and I might even spend the extra couple of bucks on the service plan to help her out, sale of the day. I was her perfect customer, knowing exactly what I needed, knowing the Radio Shack product line, knowing she didn't know the add-on items like the wind screens and the battery needed for the mixer, and knowing that if I bought the couple of buck service plan on the microphones I could pretty much walk into a Radio Shack a couple of years from now, say the microphone wasn't working, and be given a new one on the spot. But, sadly, her training was nowhere to be found, and I really felt bad for her. She wasn't really sure of the mixer I was looking for, but there was one, in the box, on the shelf, so I nicely told her it was the first thing I was looking for. Next, there weren't any microphones on the shelf, out of the box, nor the boxes for the microphones, so I nicely asked if that meant they were out of stock. She didn't think they were, but they might be in the back, so she went to her manager, with the tag from the shelf that clearly said "Unidirectional Microphone," stating that I wanted two of them, and her manager said there were two microphone stands in the back room, somewhere on a top shelf. The girl came back with the microphone stands and I had to crush her the first time by informing her I was looking for microphones, not mic stands, and I could hear the nervousness in her voice as she went back to her manager, who somewhat scolded her, then sent her back in the back room, where she came out with two microphones, and we proceeded to head to the counter, where I forgot all about the wind screens. The girl starts ringing up the sale, finishes clicking on everything, and comes up with a total of a little over twenty bucks. I'm too honest, and felt bad at this time because I also noticed she grabbed two different microphones that weren't even the mic's I was looking for, and nicely said "Something must be wrong." Alright, enough rambling. Still rattled, the girl went into the back room, turns out they only had one of the microphones I was looking for, and as I kept trying to be up-beat with her, that mistakes happen and all, I couldn't help but wonder what happened to at least the simple training that should be necessary in a store such as Radio Shack. All the manager did, without doing it, was set up this girl, who seemed nice enough, and eager enough, to fail. Finally I got smart, called another store saying I needed X number of these, X number of these, and one of these. The dude, Alex, plugged the numbers into his computer, said the computer showed he had all of them but wanted to quickly check the back room to make sure the microphones were back there. He came back on the line, said they were in stock, I told him I would be there soon, he nicely asked "Please ask for Alex when you come in," and he had the easiest sale of the day. I still feel a little bad for the younger dudette from the earlier store, because she at least tried, much more than I can say for the stores before hers, and Alex either had a manager who really taught him the ropes getting into the holiday season, or at least just knew an easy sale when he saw it.
Look, I'm still a fan of the Shack, still know that when I need certain things I know where I can go, but from now on, I suppose if I'm really looking for something I should call first, doing all of the selling to myself, and just be bummed I'm not getting the commission or perks they used to give when I was there.
Well, that's enough lamenting about my Radio Shack struggles these days. I've got a podcast yet to do on my mobile podcast studio and a Chicago Bears game to watch. That and still get this blog, the podcast, and my review of "The Family Stone" posted. There's never enough hours in a Sunday sometimes.
That's it for this one! I'm The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
Posted by Rightdude at 8:42 PM | Comments (0)
December 14, 2005
Some New Postings and a Random Thought.
The Dude on the Right
This is just a quick blog for some updates if you want them. First off,
there's a review of "King
Kong" on the website, and I loved it, and also, now, want to stalk Naomi
Watts. Second, there's a
new podcast with a quick discussion of my disappointment of two Radio Shack
stores, my analysis of how to lose a million dollars on "Survivor," and a quick
audio review of "King Kong."
There was supposed to be a big winter storm here, in the Chicagoland region, but it didn't happen. I think winter weather is harder for weather folks to forecast, but that's just a random thought right now. In any case, click on the links if you want to, and see you next time.
That's it for this one! I'm The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
Posted by Rightdude at 7:39 PM | Comments (0)
October 23, 2005
I Still Wonder What God Has In Store - The World Series or the Lottery
The Dude on the Right
Well right now it seems that God is granting my prayer that the White Sox win
the World Series because, well, I didn't win the
Mega Millions game on
Friday and the
White Sox took Game 1 on Saturday night. Since no one won the jackpot,
though, I told God this morning that he could still let Houston win the Series
as long as I win the estimated $128 million jackpot coming up on Tuesday.
I guess we'll see which way God is leaning after tonight's (Sunday) game, as
well as Tuesday's game, and if I win the big money on Tuesday night. I
can't help but hold my breath either way, and I'm not re-taunting my sister's
family until at least Tuesday night to see exactly which way God wants to take
In the meantime, this weekend, I almost got all of my podcasting connections working like I want them to, I just have one more thing to work on, and that's trying to come up with an easy way to get some TIVO sound into my iTunes library because I've got some audio from the World Series Game 1 that really needs to be revisited, and I'm not talking about Liz Phair's version of "God Bless America," because that stood out on its own, and sadly, not in a good way (don't get me wrong, I love Liz Phair, wish I would have gone to Oberlin College back in the day just to maybe hang with her, but is it really a good idea to put someone who notoriously has been known for not being the most comfortable in front of a crowd, and plopping her in front of 41,000+ people who aren't really fans of hers, as well as the thought of millions on TV?).
Anyway, the Bears won this afternoon :-), the Browns lost :-(, Doom pretty much sucked, and that Snake Plissken, I mean Kurt Russell horse movie was really enjoyable. I'm settling in for Game 2 as I write this, and the weather has gone to shit here in Chicago, but not nearly as gone to shit as Florida is about to get. The baseball folks seem to think they can get the game in, and with the money involved, they probably will, but it might be a long night, hopefully with a White Sox win, unless, of course, God has the intention of me winning $128 million on Tuesday. Only God knows right now, I just hope he's kinda got Hurricane Wilma on cruise control and doesn't let something slip by in the World Series or the lottery.
That's it for this one! I'm The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
Posted by Rightdude at 7:07 PM | Comments (0)
October 2, 2005
Website Issues, "A History of Violence," and The Indians Lost, At Least TV Gets Back to Normal.
The Dude on the Right
So last I left with how God might have messed up with Hurricane Katrina and how
I was pissed at my cable company for messing up with the Indians/White Sox
broadcast, but I suppose I should just let that all go since the hurricane stuff
was mostly based on wacky religious postings and Hurricane Rita didn't hit
Houston like it was supposed to, and then, of course, the Cleveland Indians,
coming on strong, really choked, as apposed to the White Sox who found
themselves winning games like they were at the beginning of the season. At
least I don't really have to worry that much about watching the baseball
championships on TV, I've got too many other shows to watch anyway, although I'm
still pissed about The W.B. moving "Smallville" against "Survivor."
I'm finally catching up on things after a couple of weeks of tweaking some website design issues that were bugging me, most of which none of you will notice, but I just wanted to tidy up the place a bit, thus delaying a lot of postings and podcastings. So, posted now are reviews of "A History of Violence," "Flightplan," and "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" DVD, the last, which, sadly, didn't have that much cool on this release but the movie was okay viewing the second time around.
This week I'm working on a podcast review of the movies I've seen, a podcast and website review of the new Bon Jovi and Crazy Frog CD's, getting back on the concert trail, as well as still trying to catch that damn penguin movie everyone seems to like. September just ended, kinda like the Green Day song, and there are only three months left in 2005. For me, 2005 has really been a hell of a year so far, a lot good, a lot bad, and maybe it's been the same for some of you out there, but the Holidays are coming, as well as Howard Stern going to Sirius (farting is supposed to start this Thursday, and farts are always funny, and in all fairness and disclosure, I do own some of their stock), Paris broke up with Paris, Renee is back on the market, so is Jennifer, and I've got two months to lose some weight and beat my sister in our second bet. It's looking to be a busy three months for the rest of 2005. Good luck, we're all going to need it, I think.
That's it for this one! I'm The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
Posted by Rightdude at 8:11 PM | Comments (0)
August 14, 2005
I Anoint Myself King of the Nation of Easily Amused!
The Dude on the Right
I was hoping to see the movie
"Four Brothers"
today, but I became very long-winded as I was finishing up my review of
Green Day
from last week. The reason I wanted to see "Four Brothers" was because
most people said it was good, and if so, I needed to show that some of my movie
reviewing is still believable because most people will quickly discredit me as I
have given
"Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo" 3 1/2 stars. I have done so by
deeming myself King of the nation of Easily Amused. My justification for 3
1/2 stars - They didn't make European Gigolo to be anything more than easy jokes
and some gross-out stuff, and for that they succeeded. Sure, there are
movies better at it, but I laughed at times, and that was all I wanted out of my
movie-going experience on Saturday afternoon.
So, new review-wise, we've got the "Deuce Bigalow" and "Green Day" reviews. The Dude on the Left and me are supposed to be covering George Thorogood this week, so I've got that to look forward to, but I've also been working on a bunch of movie previews with links and such to their sites, so those will start getting posted today and tomorrow. I've also got a backlog of some DVD's to revisit, and I forgot about my CD reviewing project, doing quick reviews of a bunch of CD's that I have. I've got the quick reviews written, I just have to get off my ass and get them posted, so those will probably filter in.
Hope you all had a fun weekend. Later this week I'm heading back home to the old homestead to see the folks ahead of the Labor Day weekend travel nightmare, that and the fact that I'll be hanging at Wrigley Field when Jimmy Buffett comes to town next month. More on that later.
Anyway, hope you all had a nice weekend.
That's it for this one! I'm The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
Posted by Rightdude at 3:38 PM | Comments (0)
July 24, 2005
My Problem With Kids and Movie Theaters
The Dude on the Right
Maybe it’s because I’m not a parent and I can’t relate, or
maybe it’s just that the parents don’t care, but I still find it
unbelievable the number of parents that bring kids to movies that just
aren’t appropriate for them. My case in point this time being while I
was at "Bad
News Bears."
Getting to the gigaplex a little early so I can get my favorite seat, I’m sitting in the theater knowing that the movie is rated PG-13, for rude behavior, language throughout, some sexuality, and thematic elements, whatever that last one means. Just as the commercials begin, in walks a dad and I’m assuming his two sons, looking to be about 5 or 6. They proceed to sit a couple of seats away from me, and then dad instructs the sons that they should move because he’ll be back in a few minutes with candy and stuff. What dad doesn’t instruct them is the basic rule in movie theaters – keep your mouth shut, don’t ask questions, and don’t kick the railing in front of you. While dad was gone, the kids went on to do all of those things, and I knew my movie-going experience would be a chore. I hoped, that at least when dad got back, that things might change, but low and behold, I guess dad thought this was his living room.
Yep, I’m trying to watch a pretty funny movie, and Johnny and Billy (not their real names) keep asking dad questions about what is going on in the movie, what Billy Bob Thornton just said, or to pass another Twizzlers. Then of course there was Johnny, or maybe it was Billy, who kept thinking that the cool thing to do because he didn’t understand what was going on during the movie was to kick the railing in front of him. Dad, did, politely tell his son to stop, but these were kids who don’t seem to listen to their parents because he kept at it for most of the film.
I hope you, our reader, are good parents and courteous movie-goers, because damn, we’ve all paid our good money to see this movie. It’s bad enough we think the theater is our garbage can when we toss our empty popcorn bag under our chair, but people, it is not your living room, because I’m not in your living room. That’s how you can tell.
That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
Posted by Rightdude at 7:00 PM | Comments (0)