I can usually like a romantic comedy, heck, I can even usually like a movie with "magic forces at work", but during my review of the Blu-ray release of "When in Rome," you’ll find out that event he cuteness of Kristen Bell, nor the acting ability of Danny De Vito, couldn’t help. There are a lot better romantic comedies out there, heck, even some you’ve probably already seen before, and maybe a tween might like this, but neither my BFF, nor myself, could find much to like about this one.
Category: Home Page
Secure Your Domain, Movies All Over the Place, 3-D Sucks Except for Maybe Toy Story,Frontierville, and Lazing on a Sunday Afternoon!
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Was “Prince of Persia” any good? Should you rent “When in Rome?” Why am I sort of watching “Burn Notice?” Well, you will find out the answers to all of these questions, and more, during this episode of the “Weekend Wrap-Up!” podcast!
As the podcast starts, though, my weekend was lazing, at least Sunday, and I reminisce with Stu Gotz about the first album I ever bought, Queen’s “Night at the Opera,” while he actually reels me in to a bad joke about Oprah that he heard while officiating the nuptuals of a couple in love. We do discuss TV, because it’s what we do, and Stu finally caught up on the MTV Movie Awards and realizes he’s old, while I was half-interested in “Burn Notice,” although sadly Zynga’s latest game for Facebook, Frontierville, has caught my attention. There is an abundance of movie-talk, also, with my early Blu-ray review of “When In Rome,” Stu went into a theater for “Prince of Persia,” he watched a Netflix movie I had but never watched called “500 Days of Summer,” and Stu is not excited about 3-D movies, anymore, except maybe the upcoming “Toy Story 3.”
Stu wonders when I’m getting a new iPhone, I’m wondering why weddings cost so much, Stu recommends a tuxedo place, and there’s a good lesson as to why you should secure your domain name for as long as possible, especially when the police are involved.
How do we fit so much into 20 minutes of podcasting? No commercials! Actually, I don’t know how, but we do, so sit back, have a listen, and feel free to weigh in with what you think!
That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
“Get Him to the Greek” is Good, The BP Oil Spill is Bad; Howie Mandel is Funny, Jimmy Buffett seems Sad.
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Our “Weekend Wrap-Up!” podcast is a day late because Stu Gotz was on a fact-finding mission to Key Largo, but I think he just wanted some time away from kids so he could spend quality time with Mama Gotz, or maybe just go diving. As Stu tells it, he was on a mission to check out the reefs in the area prior to them being contaminated by the BP oil spill, but he really seemed to talk more about the local spots he and Mama Gotz visited where the only fish they saw were the ones that ended up in their belly and they serve a lot of Bud Light.
SCUBA diving aside, I tell Stu if “Get Him to the Greek” is any good (It is!), and we both discuss the failings and not-so-failings going on at the launch of the new iPhone at the Apple WWDC. I find out that Stu isn’t a fan of Andy Ihnatko, a tech writer for the Chicago Sun Times, whereas I enjoy his articles, Stu is excited that “Burn Notice” is coming back, and I don’t care, I think Howie Mandel is a great judge on “America’s Got Talent,” Stu likes “Supernatural,” Jimmy Buffett seems sad, and it looks like graduation parties will be a part of my life for many years to come!
And to wrap up the podcast summary, during this podcast you can find out which one of us is excited about the new “The A-Team” movie, if either of us want to see the new “Karate Kid,” and how I’m hoping for the Chicago Blackhawks to win the Stanley Cup this year because I need to shave.
That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
Get Him to the Greek
May was a long month and I needed to laugh. Thankfully Judd Apatow produced another funny movie, this time “Get Him to the Greek,” and yup, oh my God, it’s actually a movie review a new movie! In any case, it’s an adult film, in much the same way “The 40 Year Old Virgin” and “Knocked Up” are adult films, and this one takes the rock star life to just a slightly higher level than actual reality, and hilarity ensues. Yup, I’m giving it 4 1/2 stars, and if you like any of the Judd Apatow touched stuff, this one ranks up there with the best of them.
Reviews of Movies You’ve Seen, I’m Watching The Bachelorette, No Dr. Who, and Happy Birthday Jacques Cousteau!
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I finally saw “Iron Man 2,” and Stu Gotz finally saw “Iron Man 2,” so a month after it came out, during this episode of our “Weekend Wrap-Up!” podcast, we tell you if you liked it when you already saw it. Me, I also saw “The Blind Side” and let Stu know if he should catch it, while Stu at least also saw something current, namely “Shrek Forever After” and comments on how it stacks up in the “Shrek” series.
There is also TV on our podcast menu as Stu is confused about why there didn’t seem to be a new “Dr. Who” episode (any help is appreciated as Stu is too lazy to actually find out), I was one of the few people watching “The Bachelorette” instead of the Chicago Blackhawks going for The Stanley Cup, and now that “American Idol” is pretty much done forever, especially with the failed Ellen experiment and Simon Cowell leaving, I’m looking forward to “America’s Got Talent” this summer.
Stu saw cars crash at a demolition derby, I got creeped out by people with germs, Stu says you can get a free movie rental from Redbox, and I give my tribute to John Denver and Jacques Cousteau all in one (Jacques would be 100 years old this month, and John, well, he’d be something like 66, but they’re both still dead)! Aye, Calypso!
That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
Pre-Cana Talk, Canada Talk, Blackhawk Talk, TV Talk, Diving Talk, and More Talk.
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I can get married, so says the Catholic Church, at least so far, and during this episode of our “Weekend Wrap-Up!” podcast I tell Stu Gotz how my BFF and I made it through our Pre-Cana training/seminar/class, or as I call it, our day of love. Yup, I let Stu know how our weekend changed from a weekend of love to a day of love (even though it’s actually a lifetime of love), how health is important in a marriage, or at least healthy insurance, and even though I don’t say it right, I wonder why the class didn’t focus as much on the reason we were able to have our class in one day and address those reasons, rather than some discussing of the already seemingly obvious. Oh well.
Stu, on the other hand, made a trip to the Great White North, and it wasn’t even for hockey (Woo Blackhawsk! – Heading to the Stanley Cup finals, or whatever they are calling it). Yup, he had a diving seminar to give, and according to Stu, it turns out his advice on underwater photography is very good, especially for those just getting started, or even for those just wanting to take a great picture. His trip also facilitated him seeing a movie, namely “The Tooth Fairy,” thanks to the airplane, and he lets us know if it’s a fine, family film.
I tell Stu about Brett Michaels winning The Celebrity Apprentice, neither of us saw the final Lost episode although I have it TiVo’d, we lament that Monk won’t be on TV this summer, and Stu most likely won’t be seeing “Sex In the City 2,” although he is going to see James Taylor and Carol King and will hopefully give his review of the show next week.
Memorial Day is coming up next Monday so our podcast will be bumped a day or so, but in the meantime Happy Summer – it’s coming on strong.
That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
Congrats to The W.G.N.!, iPad Touching, A Birthday Lunch Idea, TV Talk, and No Lyle Lovett
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Congrats to The W.G.N. for graduating college, but sadly for me, as I tell Stu during our "Weekend Wrap-Up!" Podcast, is that The W.G.N.’s ceremony didn’t include Lyle Lovett getting an honorary degree so the only excitement for me, other than him graduating of course, was an annoying Asian lady with bad perfume who kept fanning herself. His graduating did give me a chance to actually see my "Make Me Smile" app on an iPad, and Stu and Mama Gotz also got to play with an iPad, too, but Stu was disappointed by the iPad’s lack of Java support so unfortunately it’s "No iPad for Mama Gotz" (she really needs Java, and Stu thinks Steve Jobs should get on the stick and implement it, not counting the fact that Mama Gotz couldn’t play Treasure Isle on Facebook because it doesn’t have Flash, either).
Technology aside, Stu saw a movie called "Gentlemen Broncos" via his Netflix and gives his rundown of the movie, and he is still liking the new Doctor Who, while I re-bailed on "Survivor" when Colby got booted, thankfully I suppose because I would have been pissed because Russell didn’t win again even though he may be the best Survivor player, ever, again.
Stu saw the Chicago Cubs and got the kids a bear, My BFF had a birthday which led Stu to a inform me of a failed opportunity for me to treat her to lunch at Fry’s Electronics, I’m cheering on Brett Michaels for the Celebrity Apprentice finale, and we both wonder who Holly Robinson Peete is.
That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
No Iron Man 2, Camping Tales, Furry Vengence, Mom’s Day, and A Giant Surprise Party.
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Camping in the cold and wind, with a couple of youngins in tow, can really suck if you’re in a tent, but lucky for Stu Gotz he had the party RV, so during our “Weekend Wrap-Up!” podcast he lets us know that during a recent trip to Jellystone Campgrounds, things weren’t so bad. Me, I didn’t get to see “Iron Man 2” and let Stu know my reasons why, including a huge, giant, enormous surprise birthday party for staff member, Trash, then there was the trip to the church to listen to a lot of wedding music, and with it being Mother’s Day weekend, the BFF and I headed over to my future mom-in-law for some family time.
Stu got Mama Gotz a special Mother’s Day gift and says that the movie “Furry Vengence” really sucked, and he’s even a Brendan Frasier fan.
There is also some TV talk as I’m sucked back into “Survivor” even though I don’t know when I’m going to watch the final two episodes, Stu is sucked into “Doctor Who,” and Stu also realizes he is not really a fan of the lyrical stylings of Paul McCartney and Wings, and sure, that’s not really TV talk, but Paul McCartney has been on TV.
All of that and more, if all of that’s not enough. Thanks for listening!
That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
Stu is Lonely, A Non-Weekend for The Dude, A Nose Flute, No Skin Flutes, Government Spending, and No Swearing (sort of).
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As our weekends weren’t that eventful, it even surprises me that Stu Gotz and I could still have a “Weekend Wrap-Up!” podcast, but we do, and we talk about a lot of things that we would have liked to have done this weekend, namely Stu didn’t see “Furry Vengence,” and we both wonder why “Iron Man 2” opened internationally before it opens here in the States next weekend. Or is it this weekend. I don’t know, I always get that confused.
Me, I do have excitement with my nose flute, not to be confused with a skin flute, and I ponder to Stu about how our government is spending money stupidly by putting in sidewalks, and Stu, well, he was solo with the kids over the weekend and even though Mama Gotz was away, Stu didn’t really play.
Some congratulations are in order to The Dude on the Left and Trash about their upcoming nuptials, but my BFF seems confused about how Stu and I seem to be great friends with people yet don’t know what is going on with them.
And continuing on, Stu has become a Treasure Isle maverick while I analyze my Zynga love, and then the podcast takes a bad turn as I mis-name my nose flute, Stu gets fixated on the girls in Chuck and Doctor Who, and I can’t blame Stu for my slip of the tongue – it’s my own darn fault.
All of that and more, if all of that’s not enough. Thanks for listening!
That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
The C-Word, The Blackhawks, The Treasure Isle, The Kick-Ass, The Great Lake Pizza, and The More!
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Hide the kids, put on the headphones, and don’t play this “Weekend Wrap-Up!” podcast at work because Stu Gotz can’t stand a star that is dancing (psst, it’s Kate Gosselin) and uses language that only an 11 year old girl would use, that is if the 11 year old girl was in a movie called “Kick-Ass.” Me, I tell Stu some of the words that the 11 year old girl uses, and also if the movie is any good (I loved it). Also along the movie front, Stu, for reasons I’m still not sure, watched “The Yearling” with Gregory Peck and “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” with Gene Kelly and Frank Sinatra, and I’m really getting worried about Stu.
We also chat a bit about the Chicago Blackhawks as they are in the race for The Stanley Cup, Stu gives his “expert” opinion about Ke$ha while I explain my desire to be a Ke$ha back-up dancer, I fill Stu in on a pizza joint in Chicago called Great Lake that has the “best” pizza in America (somehow I compare it to seeing an artsy movie), both of us are now addicted to Zynga’s latest Facebook creation, Treasure Isle, and I wonder if Stu, being the dive-dork that he is, has seen the video of the octopus that stole some dude’s camera that is propogating the Twitter universe (hey, go ahead and follow me at @dudeonright). Also, there’s a dirty Starbuck’s bathroom, and it’s in the Andersonville neighborhood in Chicago in case you want to avoid it.
All of that and more, if all of that’s not enough. Thanks for listening!
That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!