The Dude on the Right
For this blue (and I’m not talking sad, I’m talking bad language) episode of our
"Weekend Wrap-Up Podcast!" Stu Gotz just doesn’t want to shut up (nor keep
it clean), not that there’s anything wrong with that. What it does do,
though, is lend this to a podcast of topics just about everywhere and anywhere.
We give our wrap-up of "The Academy Award" broadcast, how some missed out on the
coveted Oscar, and both Stu and I thought it was really cool that they let
Marketa Irglova come back out and give her speech for winning the best song
Oscar for "Falling Slowly" from the film
"Once" after the band cued her and Glen Hansard off the stage after Glen
spoke. We also discuss fashion, which is scary, and found it funny that
John Stewart slammed
"Norbit" even though it was up for an Academy Award.
Stu saw a couple of
movies over his weekend, one via his Netflix, namely "The Ex," the other without
Mama Gotz, namely "Be Kind, Rewind," and lets me know what he thought of them,
while I tell Stu about the joys of buying a meat slicer. There’s also talk
of the return of "Saturday Night Live" with a fake commercial called
"Annuale" that Stu said nearly had Mama Gotz fall out of bed (we both found
it very funny), and I have to admit I was wrong because it was Fred Armisen who
was doing the Barack Obama impression during the opening, not someone new,
although I still think Darrell Hammond doing Jesse Jackson doing Barack Obama
would be better.
I did hip Stu to the fact that Jimmy Kimmel has figured out
how to get back at Sarah Silverman, namely because
Kimmel is fucking Ben Affleck, and we find that Jimmy has the star power
Sarah only wishes she had. Stu also wants us to start a porn site because
that’s where the real money is, only I have trouble with the domain name he
wants to buy. Finally, since Stu still can’t stop talking, he now hates
Cantore from The Weather Channel because Jim woke the Gotz family up at
three in the morning just to tell him about an upcoming Winter Storm Warning and
not a tornado.
Thanks for listening! And Mom, get well soon!
That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!
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