What’s New? DVD reviews of “Juno” and “Girls Just Want to Have Fun.”


The Dude on the Right

I don’t know if Stu Gotz and I will get together for a “Weekend Wrap-up!” podcast tomorrow, but I do know my weekend was filled with, well, I actually realized that my Dude-pad is filled up with too much stuff! It’s almost like I need to create my own “eBay Store,” only selling stuff I own, but now that eBay and Paypal changed the way people get paid, I don’t know if it will actually be worth it, or if I should just throw the stuff out. Thinking about it, who would actually want a 3 1/2″ floppy containing my original outline for a movie I envisioned back in, like 1989ish, a pair of pants that are too big for me and are a little bit worn, or a “Southern Comfort” flag? Tonight, though, are the Academy of Country Music Awards, and it kicked off with Carrie Underwood putting nearly every other “American Idol” to shame, and Reba McEntire letting her writers bring on the funny, even making funny of Roger Clemens (the joke, it was funny).
Today, though, other than realizing I have too much stuff, I did accomplish DVD reviews of “Juno” and “Girls Just Want to Have Fun.” Now if I could only figure out what to do with a giant, foam, cowboy hat.

That’s it for this one! 
I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

What’s New? A Movie Review of “The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian.”

Dude on the Right never saw the first Narnia movie, the one about the lion, the
witch, and the bedroom furniture, but he did see the

"Prince Caspian" one, and even decided to review it.
  He really wanted
to like it more, and had he actually been a fan of reading or had at least seen
the first flick, he might have liked it, but there are so many things that
confused him, like the Narnian’s ability to fight, that he finds himself
scratching his head.  Actually it is the lack of fighting ability of the Telmarinians
that confuses him more.  And you now what, actually it is the fact that
this movie is only rated "PG" that confuses him even more.  All "The
Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian" did for The Dude on the Right was to
confuse him.

Narnia fans will probably disagree.

What’s New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up! “Speed Racer,” The Dude Leaves his Bunker, and Baseball Nuts.

The Dude on the Right and Stu Gotz are finally reunited for a “Weekend Wrap-Up!” podcast, and they’ve got a lot to talk about. Sure, Stu saw “Speed Racer” and gives his review, The Dude has to explain that he had a great time shirking his duties and meeting up with a dudette from his school days, and Stu relates that he still can’t understand sport uber-fans. The two of them talk about “Survivor,” about “American Idol,” and Stu tries to give a Netflix review of a movie that The Dude could care less about. Ah, such are Stu & The Dude!

What’s New? A Podcast of: “Iron Man,” I’m Sad, I am Tired of Politics, and My BFF is Getting Demoted.

The Dude on the Right is happy for this podcast because he had a nice birthday weekend and saw “Iron Man”; The Dude on the Right is sad for this podcast because Van Wilder is marrying his dream girl, he had to demote his BFF, and he saw “Made of Honor”; And The Dude on the Right wonders if you know how to pronounce “Yahoo!”?

What’s New? A Movie Review of “Made of Honor.”

The Dude on the Right thinks he can now be a screenwriter for a major Hollywood studio because he figures he can write a generic romantic comedy like "Made of Honor" just by taking aspects from every other romantic comedy he has seen, and not make it even close to how we live in reality. 

He did review "Made of Honor,"
didn’t really like it, but did like Michelle Monaghan.  Dr. McDreamy, well, The Dude is still wondering about his dreaminess, although he did like him in "Enchanted."

What’s New? A Movie Review of “Iron Man.”

The Dude on the Right gives you this advice during his review of “Iron Man” – If, after sitting in the theater and watching “Iron Man,” and you really liked it, sit back, relax, and look for who was the Best Boy. Okay, skip who was the Best Boy, but wait until the credits are over because this movie isn’t done until the final frame shows. Yup, there is a tease at the sequel when all is said and done. And, oh yea, The Dude on the Right loved this movie.

I Should Have Just Stayed in Bed.


The Dude on the Right

my weekend movie reviewing completed a day early after seeing

"Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay"
on Friday and

"Baby Mama"
yesterday, I was looking forward to a day to get things some
things done around The Dude-Pad, and as Sunday’s are my laundry day, what a
great way to start!  That sounds simple enough only that for the first time
in I can’t even remember, I was in my bathroom, dressed, yet felt naked. 
And then it occurred to me and I yelled, "Crap," only I didn’t yell "Crap," I
yelled the word even my Mom would be washing my mouth out with soap had she
heard me say it.  And the word came out knowing that yesterday’s jeans were
the first article of clothing in the washer, therefore as the washing machine
was still filling up, my wallet was toast, being soaked in a combination of warm
water, floating dirt, and laundry detergent.  So I’m digging through my
washing machine, looking for the jeans at the bottom, and sure enough, there it
was, my wallet, soaked, and then the fun part came, actually reminding myself of
all of the things in my wallet.  The simple things were there – driver’s
license, credit and bank cards, health insurance card, an expired Extended
Warranty card for my car, and some grocery store cards.  Then I remembered
some of the other stuff I knew might disintegrate, namely an old card to the
lady who used to cute my hair, old pictures of my niece and nephew, and some
receipts I didn’t yank out of my wallet for expense purposes.  Luckily,
happily, the disintegration didn’t occur, most everything was saved, and the
pictures of my niece when she was in Kindergarten and my nephew in 4th grade
survived (sure, these pictures are from 1996, but they are both so much cuter
back then)!  The only thing washing my wallet did do was remind me that I
need a new wallet, as it has been slowly falling apart over the last six months,
but damn, I love that wallet!

And sure, a wallet in the laundry isn’t a
catastrophic moment for the day, I just thank God it wasn’t my iPhone, so I
continued my day.  Sunday newspaper – Check!  Breakfast – Check! 
A quick TiVo through "Ebert & Roeper At the Movies" to see how they, or at least
Richard Roeper, felt about the movies I saw this week – Check!  Let’s keep
working on the newspaper while watching "Battlestar Galactica" – No check. 
It turns out my cable system didn’t seem to want me watching the show even
though my TiVo actually changed channels this time, leaving me with a "Searching
for signal message," or something like that, for an hour on my TiVo.  Uggh! 
Now I have to call Comcast this week, and that is always such a joy.

done, Sunday paper done, laundry started, all that was left for my day was
cleaning the first floor of The Dude-Pad.  The breakfast nook/storage area
for my fish-tank cleaning and maintenance stuff went fine, I found a spot for an
old radio in my kitchen which would work nicely when I cook my extravagant
meals, and I was looking forward to rearranging some photos around my living
room area, doing some much needed dusting, and it occurred to me that I had an
old photo I wanted to hang up but needed a frame that I knew I could pick up
when I went to either A) The hardware store where I needed to pick up a new set
of blinds for my living room window, or 2) Even at the grocery store while
getting sustenance supplies for the week.

I measure the blinds I would need,
51 inches wide, I have my grocery list, I head out in the Dude-Mobile to the
Home Depot, buy blinds that are 51 inches wide, and they even have three-packs
of air filters for my furnace!  Bonus!!  I get to the grocery store,
my shopping is complete, and then I get home.  I look down and there is the
picture I needed a frame for that I didn’t buy.  Alright, let’s move on. 
I bought liquid soap for my kitchen and bathroom dispensers, only to find the
bathroom one seems to have issues, necessitating an improvising for some fixing,
therefore slowing down my cleaning schedule, and before I cleaned my living room
I figured hanging the new blinds would be the first step.  I’m up on a
stool, the old blinds are down, the new blinds are up, and then I realized I
couldn’t walk around naked in my living room (not like I ever do, but I like
knowing I have the option), because although the blinds I bought were wide
enough, sadly I didn’t pay attention to the length.  Uggghhhhh!  I was
finally spent, too many things wrong, let’s just watch cars driving left so I
watched the end of the NASCAR race to clear my mind and said to myself, "Self,
the living room cleaning will wait until another day.  I’ve had it."

resting on my couch, watching cars go round and round and then crashing, I
didn’t think my day could get any more into "I should have just stayed in bed"
mode until my bed sheets came out of the dryer, and as I went to put one of my
pillows back into a pillow case, the pillow case tore in places I can’t even
figure out how to mend.  Uggggghhhhh, again.

So, my Sunday, which was
supposed to be all about me, turned into, still, all about me, but not like I
pictured.  I washed my wallet, my cable company doesn’t want me watching "Battlestar
Galactica," I can’t walk around in my living room naked, and I was reminded I
need a new wallet and bed linens.  It is, as a day progresses like this,
that I sort of wish I had a girlfriend, like Jewel, who would just utter the
simple line, "Come on darlin’, let’s go back to bed."

I will say, that today,
I did at least mount the bust of a moose, or maybe a reindeer, on my wall, but
tomorrow will be Monday, and oh, that looks so promising, and I mean that in a
totally sarcastic way.

That’s it for this one! 
I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

What’s New? A Movie Review of “Baby Mama.”

The Dude on the Right went to see and reviewed “Baby Mama,” because, well, that is his job, and he really liked the concept of the movie. Sadly he didn’t like the “twist” the movie folks felt was needed for the movie because he was already camped in with the story the movie trailer was showing. Luckily for his star rating The Dudette Scale overshadowed his.

What’s New? A Movie Review of “Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay.”

The Dude on the Right simply has this advice during his review of “Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay,” and that is if you were a fan of the “White Castle” version you will probably enjoy our two stoners next adventure. However, if you thought that movie was a giant piece of crap, “Guantanamo” will probably surpass it on your crapness scale.

What’s New? A Podcast of: Movie Talk, Artie Lange Talk, End of the World Talk, “Survivor” Talk, and more Talk.

The Dude on the Right is flying solo for this “Weekend Wrap-Up!” podcast, mostly because of his own fault, but he still tries to blame Stu Gotz a bit even while he talks about penis and “Forgetting Sarah Marshall.” The Dude also talks some martial arts with the movie “The Forbidden Kingdom,” how he is happy Artie Lange is back on The Howard Stern Show,” that the end of the world is coming, and last week might have been the best tribal council on “Survivor: Fans vs. Favorites.” The Dude also gives his tribute, sort of, to Pope Benedict coming to the United States of America.