What’s New? A Movie Review of “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.”

For this movie review of “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix,” The Dude on the Right really should start reading those Harry Potter books that he has already bought so maybe he would understand, before going into the movie, that the innocence of youth in the Hogwarts’ world is gone, and the franchise is now about the drama. He did like the movie, but really hopes Nymphdora Tonks (Natalia Tena) didn’t die because he finds her attractive, and hopes she has a larger role, or at a least a role, in the “Half-Blood Prince” movie. Maybe he should just read the book and find out.

What’s New? A Movie Review of “License to Wed.”

For this movie review of “License to Wed The Dude on the Right was a bit perturbed when Reverend Frank (Robin Williams) commented that for a man, having a baby would be like pulling your scrotum over your head, when everyone knows it’s actually like pulling your bottom lip over your head. He also wasn’t that thrilled with the movie, but thinks his sister would like it and has confirmation his buddy Big Bouncer Jimmy liked it. Oh well!

What’s New? A Movie Review of “Transformers.”

For this movie review of “Transformers” The Dude on the Right liked most of the film, just not the parts where Michael Bay seemed to turn it back into a Michael Bay film. The robots were great, it was actually loads of funny, and he might have just become a Megan Fox stalker. Other than that it also had him flashing back to his college days where the animated “Transformers” helped him and his friends unwind from a grueling week of classes to get ready for the weekend.

A Quick “Transformers” Review, and Michael Medved Should be Chastising His Friend.


The Dude on the Right

So on Monday evening myself, Stu Gotz, and some other members of the
Entertainment Ave! staff (including
Mystery Dude
who is still pissed because I didn’t mention him in my last

Roger Waters’ review
even though he was the one who got me the ticket) went
to see "Transformers" at an early screening in a Chicago suburb.  My full
review will be coming soon, but quickly, I really liked the movie, found it very
funny, agree with Stu that it’s a solid PG-13 with a lot of violence and sexual
innuendo so keep that in mind in terms of bringing your kids, but I didn’t care
for the finale fight scene because it became to "Michael Bay"-ish, with too many
"slow-motion" scenes," to much "we are now at war," and if they just did the
fight scene in real time they probably could have trimmed about 5 minutes from
the film.  Really good film, great effects, and Megan Fox is smokin’ hot. 
Like I wrote, my full review comes at a later date – hell, I might actually see
it again before I review it because my local gigaplex has it in Digital
Projection which this movie is sort of made for.

But anyway, then came

I’m driving around in the dude-mobile and since it is the week of The
4th of July a lot of the radio folks I would listen to are on vacation. 
With that comes a lot of channel hopping, and somehow AM 560, WIND here in
Chicago, was still programmed on my radio.  I landed on it somewhere in the
host’s discussion about his seeing "Transformers" with a friend of his, and said
friend brought his 10 year old son.  Turns out the host was
, whose website says "Michael Medved is a nationally syndicated radio
talk show host, best-selling author and veteran film critic."  While
listening I did not realize Mr. Medved was a "veteran film critic," but as he’s
talking about the movie he mentions that he never grew up with the animated
"Transformers" and kept calling "Bumblebee," one of the Autobots, "Butterfly." 
I let that go because that’s a mistake you can make if you aren’t a fan, hell,
they both start with the letter "B."  But then he started on a slight rant
about how "Transformers" seemed a little adult for its rating, even stating that
with some of the sexual innuendos going on, well, maybe the movie should have
been given the next rating up.  I did a double take at the radio in my car
(yes, I actually looked at the radio in my car, looked away, then looked again),
and said, out loud, to my radio, "You wanted this movie rated ‘R’?"  He
then mentioned that because of some of the content in the movie they would have
to "cover the ears" of the 10 year old that was brought along, and seemed
surprised "Transformers" was rated PG.  I actually started yelling, again
at my radio, that "the movie is rated PG-13.  What the hell are you talking
about?"  And as he was finishing up his segment I sort of wished I wasn’t
in my car so I could find his phone number, or at least that the radio folks
would announce it, so I could call him, and inform him, that the movie was rated
PG-13, and rather than admonish the filmmakers for the content, maybe his buddy
should have paid more attention and not brought his son to a movie that the MPAA
says is "Rated PG-13 for intense sequences of sci-fi action violence, brief
sexual humor, and language."

Still a little flabbergasted at such a huge
mistake about the movie rating I lasted through his commercial break, and
Michael Medved came back on, stating that he had to admit he was wrong, that the
phone lines lit up, and I said "Phew, he’s going to now state the movie was
rated PG-13."  Nope, no correction on that one, it seems the phone lines
lit up to correct him that the yellow Autobot that is a Camaro is "Bumblebee,"
and not "Butterfly."  He then went on to something about the immigration
reform that still isn’t happening, and I just couldn’t listen anymore because
conservative talk shows aren’t my cup of tea.

Now, I might have given a slight
pass to Mr. Medved and his stating "Transformers" was rated PG, but that was
until the fact I found about he is one, a "veteran film critic," but worse,
still doing movie reviews.  He was right, that maybe his friend who brought
the 10 year old might have to cover the kid’s ears, or maybe even his eyes,
during the movie, but rather than blasting the rating of the movie, which he was
totally wrong in stating, maybe Mr. Medved should have been blasting his friend
for not paying attention to the rating of the movie and being a bad parent. 
Hell, even The Mystery Dude, who has two kids, both under 13, said he was sort
of happy to see the movie without them so he could decide if they could see it. 
I’m stating here that The Mystery Dude is a good parent while Michael Medved’s
friend might want to pay a little more attention to movie ratings.

Again I’ve
gotten too winded in a blog, but when a "veteran film critic," although
according to Wikipedia,
Ebert has stated
"he is ‘a political commentator and no longer a film
critic.’" (and I agree), can’t get a movie rating correct, it’s actually a
disservice to people.  I’m not perfect and I make mistakes.  Michael
Medved isn’t perfect and he makes mistakes.  What almost made me sad, and I
don’t have all of his phone logs, was that his listeners didn’t correct Michael
on his movie rating mistake, they just wanted people to know the Camaro was
"Bumblebee," and not "Butterfly."  I guess it seems none of his
conservative listeners that called in cared about the kids.  I will give
this disclaimer that maybe, somewhere, during the rest of his show on Tuesday,
he corrected the movie rating of "Transformers," but folks like Michael Medved
make me want to state in my bio that I am a "Worldwide Podcast Host, Veteran
Movie Critic, and The Best Concert Photographer Ever."

By the way, again,
"Transfomers" is rated PG-13.  Be a parent.  If your kids want to see
the movie, and for God’s, Christ’s, or just Goodness sake, pay attention to the
MPAA ratings.  Whatever you do, don’t listen to Michael Medved about
"Transformers."  He thought it was rated "PG."

That’s it for this one! 
I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!

What’s New? Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up Podcast: So Much to Say that it’s in Two Parts.

For this episode of “Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up!” Podcast, Stu Gotz and The Dude on the Right just can’t stop talking. The Dude on the Right has his normal entertainment stuff on which to comment so the two of them consolidate entertainment to “Part 1 of the Podcast.” Part 1 gives insight into getting an iPhone, the latest movies like “Live Free or Die Hard” and “Ratatouille,” and a lady and her Jaguar. Part 2 of the podcast lets Stu run wild with his weekend like how he gave Mama Gotz a challenge about an RV so now Stu might be heading to Arizona, his advice on where not to put photos of your old girlfriend, and Baptism invite etiquette.

What’s New? A Movie Review of “Live Free or Die Hard.”

For this movie review of “Live Free or Die Hard,The Dude on the Right puts this installment as a little better than “Die Hard 2” but not as great as “Die Hard.” Lots of action, lots of chasing, lots of people getting PG-13 killed, and an over the shirt boob feel. And, oh yea, John McClane is in top form with his verbal whit and wisdom, as we hoped he would be.

What’s New? A Movie Review of “Ratatouille.”

For this movie review of “Ratatouille,” Stu Gotz is disappointed because the movie doesn’t have a scene that is memorable for him. He can easily rattle off scenes from just about every other Pixar film, but this one lacks a certain connection to him, and his kids were a little bored. See it because you have to, but Stu says don’t bother buying the DVD when it comes out.

What’s New? A DVD Review of “Dead Silence.”

For this DVD review of “Dead Silence“, The Dude on the Right thought the marketing folks didn’t market this movie appropriately. They seemed to have been stuck on the “It’s from the ‘Saw‘” people, it’s gruesome, and it’s horrifying, rather than promoting it as just a decent thriller/horror flick dealing with ventriloquist dummies and a haunted ventriloquist which would creep out most of us anyway. We don’t always want to see gruesome and horrifying, sometimes we just want a thriller, which “Dead Silence” mostly is.

What’s New? A Podcast of: Kids are Turning Japanese, Journey Scores a Top 5 Single on Sirius, Wii Workouts, and Movie Talk.

For this podcast of “Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up!” Stu Gotz and The Dude on the Right think they are cool and recollect their cool things they did over the weekend. Some of it has to do with Journey getting a spot in the “Sirius Hits 1 Weekend Countdown,” being good friends watching “The Sopranos,” and Stu’s kids spouting lyrics that might be politically incorrect, or maybe the little dudes are really “Turning Japanese.” Stu also might be on the Nintendo Wii work out plan (though he loses to his 4 1/2 year old), and The Dude talks about movies like “Evan Almighty” and “1408.”

What’s New? A Movie Reviw of “1408”.

For this movie review of “1408,” The Dude on the Right was utterly thrilled to find a horror/thriller movie totally well done without the slasher-film mentality. Sure there are lots of pictures of folks who killed themselves and their loved ones in room 1408, but mostly this movie is all about mind games that might be nightmares or might be reality, and they’re lasting for a little over an hour once you enter the room. To quote the Eagles song “Hotel California” you can check out, but you can never leave. In the end you just have to decide how you want to check out of room 1408.