Living The Hangover, Harry Potter, Oprah Gives Away Stuff, Getting Felt Up, and Who’s The Dancing Star?

By: The Dude on the Right

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Neither Stu Gotz nor I were in the audience for Oprah’s favorite things, but during this episode of our “Weekend Wrap-Up!” podcast, we both agree that we wish were in the second group because really, if the choice is between a cruise and a car, we’re taking the car. But Oprah leaving us soon aside, Stu survived his weekend in Las Vegas, and a hangover, and I’m just worried about a lot of TV.

Yup, I’m wondering if “American Idol” can survive if it moves from Tuesday and Wednesday to Wednesday and Thursday, and I’m also wondering if Bristol Palin has the voting public to ruin Jennifer Gray’s night. Stu, meanwhile, remembered he didn’t like “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice” that much, or at least the apprentice dude, and isn’t a fan of “Ramona and Beezus.” I laughed when I saw the WGN morning news folks miss seeing the bridge blow up, Stu is sort of indifferent about “Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows,” and wouldn’t you know it, Saturday Night Live was funny, or at least a couple of skits.

Turkey day is coming, so we’re also wishing a Happy Thanksgiving to you, yours, and others!

And as always, thanks for listening! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!

Stu Needs a Keg Fridge, Good and Bad Movies, Bears in the Super Bowl, and Did Blossom Ever Get Naked?

By: The Dude on the Right

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As Stu Gotz and I eagerly await what Apple has up their sleeve with their cryptic announcement of “Tomorrow is just another day. That you’ll never forget.”, to be, well, announced tomorrow at 10AM EST, (I’m guessing it’s The Beatles catalog, just in time for the Holidays, or streaming TV, or cloud based iTunes, or free iPhones to the people who send the most e-mails to Bill Gates telling him to buy an iPhone, but that’s just my guesses), we get back to pondering more important things, like our respective weekends which means it’s time for another podcast episode of Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up!

Me, I saw the movie “Unstoppable” and actually liked it, and I tell Stu why. Stu, he saw “Megamind” and actually didn’t like it, and Stu tells me why. We reminisce about a keg fridge and the scariness of getting some CO2, Stu tries to calm my hopes that the Chicago Bears will be going to the Super Bowl, and did you know that “Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows” opens this weekend?

Stu is liking the Blossom girl (Mayim Bialik) on “The Big Bang Theory” and wonders if she ever got naked, I had some alone time from my BFF, Stu knows a lot about tee-pees, and wouldn’t you know it, “Burn Notice” and “Psych” are back, much to the delight of Stu.

Thanks for listening! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!

A Scrubbed Shuttle, Wax On, Funny Movies, Stupid People and Doggie Diet Pills

By: The Dude on the Right

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Stu Gotz is back! Hooray! Yup, Stu is back from Florida for our "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast, and he tells me all about his failed attempt to see a space shuttle launch. Luckily for the podcast it did lend for some good storytellin’, and speaking of storytellin’, a smell of freshly waxed floors over the weekend made me reminisce of college days where I was relegated to cleaning the fraternity house kitchen while the floor crew got sloshed. Ah, college days!

But as weekends do go, I let Stu know that "Due Date" is a pretty funny movie and he should go and see it, Stu told me that "Date Night" is a pretty funny movie and I should add it to my Netflix queue, Stu is sucked into "Supernatural" on TV while I"m sucked back into "Smallville," and Stu has a story of stupid people in Spain.

And speaking of stupid people, Milo had a quick trip to a vet on Sunday where I found that yes, people are lazy and stupid, especially when I saw a pharmaceutical ad for doggie diet pills. How lazy is that?

Thanks for listening! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!

I’m Married, Seeing RED, Riding Gators, Bye Bye Walkman, Are Naked Men the Devil, and The Bears. Still. Suck.

By: The Dude on the Right

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This episode of Stu & The Dude’s "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast opens with my introducing Stu Gotz to a new tune brought to light with some of the current scandals going on in Chicago and Cook County, IL. Yup, we have corruption, and we also have good music! Another place that had good music was my wedding where Stu got to meet our biggest fan, and she didn’t even slap him! Yup, that’s right, I married my BFF, and now the debate is whether I should refer to her as my BFF or my wife. The debate rages on!

As other things go, though, it was a weekend and it was time to wrap up, and Stu gives tales of taking his kids to shoot pumpkins and happily didn’t have the decision to make if the Little Gotz’s should ride an alligator while I’m still watching the Chicago Bears even though I don’t really know why. Stu is teaching his kids to read about wizards, I tell Stu a news story about a case of nude, mistaken identity causing a bunch of people to leap to their deaths, and who knew the Walkman was still being made? Well, it isn’t any more as Sony has officially retired the cassette player, but I bring the podcast full circle explaining to Stu how I owe my marriage to a Walkman! And, oh yea, Stu seems upset that Microsoft won’t be making Windows XP anymore, and I can’t figure out why. I mean, I know why Microsoft is stopping their stuff, but I still don’t know why Stu seems sad.

There’s a World Series with the Giants and Rangers that most no one cares about, I went to another Confirmation, Stu saw the movie "Red" and liked it, and I’m still basking in the glow of marriage-ness!

Thanks for listening! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!

A Solo Dude No More, Brett Favre’s Little Quarterback, and Watch Out for That Google Car!

By: The Dude on the Right

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I’m flying solo for this episode of the Stu & The Dude “Weekend Wrap-Up!” podcast, and with my upcoming wedding I don’t go into too many news topics, like how Google has a car that drives itself and that reminded me of “Demolition Man,” and I’m not going in search of photos of Brett Favre’s little quarterback for fear it might be wearing a little Jet’s helmet, or worse yet, a cheesehead.

But, I do reminisce a bit about my upcoming nuptials, and how I’m still amazed that my BFF actually wanted to meet me, let alone marry me, especially after some of our early e-mail correspondence.

It’s a quick podcast because I’ve got a wedding to finish planning, but as always…

Thanks for listening! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!

RIP Stephen Cannell, Goodbye Jimmy Johnson, The Karate Kid, and Organized Chaos!

By: The Dude on the Right

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As this podcast episode of our “Weekend Wrap-Up!” kicks off, I play “Name That TV Theme Song” with Stu Gotz in homage to the passing of Stephen Cannell, TV series creator extraordinaire. And as I start with some TV talk, Stu kicks right into his wondering more about “The Event” and its likeness to “Flash Forward,” and not liking “Nikita” that much. Me, I’m sad that Jimmy Johnson got booted from “Survivor: Nicaragua,” but I’ll get over it as “The Real Housewives of D.C.” is finishing up and “The Real Housewives of Atlanta” comes back.

On the movie front, Stu, for reasons I still don’t understand, watched the original “Karate Kid” via Netflix, while I give a 5 star rating to “The Social Network” and agree with all of the Oscar buzz that is beginning to float around for the movie. The Gotz Children learned about fire safety, I learned the value of organized chaos at Nordstrom’s shoe department, Stu questions the proper way to pay for a magazine subscription, and with the Chicago Bears’ loss, Stu is laughing his ass off while I’m just wondering why anyone would want to take a snap with that offense sucking so bad.

Thanks for listening! I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

Fall TV Spectacular, Go Bears, Two Miles or Three, and Katy Perry has Boobs.

By: The Dude on the Right

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Even though Stu Gotz saw “Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga”Hoole,” most of this edition of our “Weekend Wrap-Up!” podcast is about television and the return of the fall season. Yup, I’m all about “Chuck” and its various references to pop culture (Come on, who doesn’t like a Vandelay Industries or Drago from the Rocky movies reference?) as well as “Survivor: Nicaragua,” still cheering on Jimmy Johnson but glad the Shannon dude is gone, meanwhile Stu is nestling back in with “Medium” and “Hawaii 5.0,” sort of, while neither of us are buying into the hype of “The Event.”

Stu is proud of his little Gotz’s as one completed his black belt training and the other was a patient, little lad, and I’m proud of myself, patting me on the back for some cleaning I did on Saturday. And, oh yea, there is some wedding talk, this time about seating arrangements and how easy they are, and talk about Katy Perry and her boobs on Saturday Night Live. Lastly, sort of, Stu is addicted to the internet, and it’s not a porn site for a change – this time it’s some doodle cartoons on YouTube that have caught his fancy, and he tries to rope me in. But I’ll have none of it – I’ve got the Chicago Bears playing the Green Bay Packers on the TV tonight! Go Bears!

Thanks for listening! I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

Kid’s Parties, Parade Love, Butterflies, Survivor, but No Movies, sort of.

By: The Dude on the Right

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There could have been a wrinkle in my pristine reputation that I’ve been trying to build with my future in-laws, and during this episode of our “Weekend Wrap-Up!” podcast, I tell Stu how a South Park song could have ruined it all! Okay, my reputation isn’t that pristine, but Cartman singing about Kyle’s mom probably wouldn’t be song neither my future mom-in-law nor dad-in-law would ever listen to, and would have probably garnered some looks, but during a cleaning Saturday, it could have happened. Stu, though, diverting the topic from dirty songs, sings the praises of the structure of “South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut,” much to my agreement.

Meanwhile, as weekends go, Stu’s was chock full of excitement and analysis with:

  • A trip to Chuck E Cheese
  • A trip to a butterfly festival
  • Eating oysters for the first time
  • and getting ready for the fall TV season

As far as me, I dissect to Stu my weekend of:

  • Being loved at a parade
  • Loving the new season of “Survivor: Nicaragua” with Jimmy Johnson
  • and seeing a gallon jug full of something that was probably pee.

Stu didn’t see any movies, I didn’t see any movies, we might see “Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps” next weekend, and neither of us will probably ever see “Waiting for Superman” even though Oprah seems to endorse it and tweeted that only we can stop the downward spiral. And let’s not forget, that in our 20 minutes, we also discuss the conflicting stories that the various trailers for “Megamind” seem to be telling.

Thanks for listening! I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

Movie Rental Mania, Bears Talk, Oprah Talk, Brad Pitt and Suits of Meat.

By: The Dude on the Right

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The Chicago Bears season opener came along, and during this “Weekend Wrap-Up!” podcast, I give Stu Gotz my excuse as to why I missed the most magical game of the season, at least so far. Sure, I blame my BFF (Get well my Love!), but what man doesn’t?

Blame-game aside, we dissect the Bears’ win that should have really been a loss, and we also dissect the MTV Video Music Awards, or at least wonder about music these days and who might still be around in ten years. Stu’s Little Gotz made a little movie, “Prince of Persia” passes my BFF’s movie test, Stu’s RV is stored for the winter, and I may mock it, but part of me wishes I were in Oprah’s studio audience today because who wouldn’t want a free trip to Australia!

All of that, I’m looking forward to Jimmy Johnson on “Survivor: Nicaragua,” and did Mama Gotz ‘mile high club’ Brad Pitt? I think part of Stu hopes so because then he can search out Jessica Alba.

Thanks for listening! I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

Chicago Bears, Machete, Weddings, Parades, Loneliness, and Flipping Off the Devil.

By: The Dude on the Right

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What a Labor Day weekend, and what better way to recap it than with a Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up! Podcast! Yup, my weekend was lonely, or rather spent many a time alone, while Stu was all over the place, and with people. Yup, my BFF had some things to take care of, so I tell Stu how I reverted to my old ways, catching a movie, by myself, namely this one being “Machete.” I let Stu know if it is any good (it was!), and how I was happy I went because it’s a movie my BFF would never watch.

Stu, meanwhile, loved “KickAss,” (as do I), but thought Cop Out sort of sucked. Also, the vacation destination that was set to rival the giant ball of twine, namely the teepee in Stu’s back yard, has come down following a summer of teepee-ness!

I’m looking forward to the Chicago Bears season opener for some reason, Stu liked a wedding with a brunch buffett, I forced my BFF to watch “The Fifth Element,” and Stu questions if it is okay for a preacher to flip the bird, if that bird flipping is aimed at the Devil.

All of that and more for this podcast, as we head into the fall, and wedding season!

Thanks for listening!

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!