Will You Watch the World Series?

As a Chicago Cubs fan, along with being a Cleveland Indians and Chicago White Sox fan although not necessarily in that order, I can’t say I was disappointed that the St. Louis Cardinals lost to the San Francisco Giants, but once again it’s a year when unless the TV people do their magic spinning I don’t think I’ll be watching the World Series. It’s not that I don’t like baseball, nor can’t get wrapped into teams I don’t really have an allegiance to, but of the many teams in Major League Baseball I can’t get excited about either the Giants or the Detroit Tigers being in the big game this year.

The thing I do know is that what might bother me the most is the fact that another sporting event I don’t care that much about might be screwing up my normal TV viewing. Yup, this summer it was the Summer Olympics screwing up my watching of “America’s Got Talent”, where it turned out that dogs have the most talent in America, and now I’ve got some baseball possibly interrupting Simon, Britney, Demi, and L.A. as yes, I’m getting sucked into “The X Factor.” I suppose I’ll survive and let me DVR plan my TV viewing (When does Real Housewives of Atlanta come back?), but I’m pretty sure FOX would probably prefer nearly any other teams fighting it out for the Commissioner’s Trophy, and the only people who really care are Giants and Tigers fans. And so I plight: Will you watch the World Series this year?

That’s it for this plight! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!

Will You Watch the Presidential Debate or Monday Night Football?

This should be a quick plight as it’s pretty much straight to the point, but after sort of paying attention to the previous two debates, knowing that I can get all of the relevant clips filtering out the B.S. the next day, and I’m a Chicago Bears fan, it really won’t be a decision for me at all as they’ve decided to put the final Presidential Debate up against the Chicago Bears/Detroit Lions Monday Night Football game. I have a 99.995% chance of skipping the debate and watching football but wonder about the rest of you, what your decision will be, and if neither of those two, feel free to comment about what your Monday night viewing will be. And so I plight: Will you watch the Presidential Debate or Monday Night Football?

I Call My Parents a Version of …

First I will say that I know some people have two parents of the same gender so there may not be a correct answer in my choices list so feel free to leave a comment if you use something else, however, this plight is because of my watching “Real Housewives of New Jersey.” As I’m watching the reunion show, which I’m finding out eventually might get as many episodes as the normal series (Jersey had three reunion episodes, not counting the “Lost Footage” show), Teresa Giudice started referencing her parents as “Mommy and Daddy,” and I have to say that I found it a little weird – a 40 year old lady calling her parents “Mommy and Daddy.” “Mom and Dad,” a “Mother and Father” fine, but “Mommy and Daddy” almost filters back to her being an 8 year old girl crying to her parents. I was trying to think of the last time I called my parents that and it had to be the pre-teen years, and I’m thinking the same is for my sister.

I did have a friend who called his parents by their first name, which I also find a little weird, but hey, what do I know? I guess I just found it a little weird, and then wondered how other people reference their parents, and so I plight: I Call My Parents a Version of …

That’s it for this plight! I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

Do You Know Anyone Who Has Hugged a Garbage Man?

The first Presidential Debate is over and now the debate will shift to who won. Me, I was watching the debate, wondering if Jim Lehrer owned a watch and thinking Mitt Romney just seemed a lot more sure of himself up there, but by the nine-o’clock hour I was getting tired of the seeming lack of control by Mr. Lehrer and since I wasn’t playing the Obamacare drinking game, decided my mind might be better served by relaxing a bit and switching to a new episode of South Park, complete with a lampooning of Honey Boo Boo, fat Americans, and the awesomeness of James Cameron who saved the day by “raising the bar.” I believe I made the right decision just before going to bed.

In addition to the debate of the debate, there will surely be a new blast of ads supporting each candidate, but one that already hit was from the AFSCME (that’s the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees to you and me) and was part of their “Meet…” campaign, designed for you to meet American workers that Mitt Romney supposedly doesn’t care about. In any case, one of the ads is about a gentleman named Richard, a garbage man who does the route in front of Mitt’s house in California. Richard talks about his job, about some of the things he does, and how people really appreciate him to the point that he mentions some of the people on his route will give him a bottle of water when it’s hot outside, and that some people actually hug him. It was the minute I heard this that I said “Really, people come out and hug you?” Fine, I can see an instance where a little old lady might hug a garbage man, like when the guy might spot a treasured heirloom in the trash, questions if it should be thrown in the trash, and joyfully presents it to the homeowner much to their delight, and sure, I’ll buy the bottle of water thing, but in general I have to plight: Do you know anyone who has hugged a garbage man?

That’s it for this plight! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!

Are You Concerned About the Upcoming Bacon Shortage?

The warning has been issued from the British National Pig Association, “A world shortage of pork and bacon next year is now unavoidable.” First, who knew there was a British National Pig Association, and second, heaven help us bacon lovers! Yup, remember how we have been having that drought and people were worried about corn prices impacting beef? Well, cows don’t really eat corn, but guess which animal does? Yup, the piggy. So with the drop in supply of corn, and soybean for that matter, the stories tell how farmers have been thinning their herds, especially in Europe, and with less pigs come a shortage in bacon, and even worse, an increase in prices.

We in the United States won’t really have to worry about finding bacon, as the American National Pork Board (Again, who knew?) says we won’t really have a shortage of baconny goodness, but with our increasing demand for all food bacon and the shortage of actual pigs to make said bacon, you can expect prices to go up. Me, I like bacon, but in moderation, however, football tailgaters will have to up their budget if they want to maintain their waistlines, and so I plight: Are you concerned about the upcoming bacon shortage?

That’s it for this plight! I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

Do You Plan on Watching the Presidential Debate?

I don’t know about you but I can’t wait for the election to be over next month as the over-analysis of everything Presidential has gotten nuts, and I’m not even in a battleground state and subjected to the relentless television advertising. ABC, a somewhat respected new outlet (Peter Jennings was the go-to anchor for the longest time for me), held a poll, and we found out that Americans would prefer to see President Obama on “Dancing With the Stars” instead of good-ol’ Mitt, but at least we don’t seem to be worried about a Mormon watching our kids as people think the President and Mitt would do about the same job babysitting our kids.

With the Presidential Debate on Wednesday night, the pre-analysis now has tried to figure out every bit of the debate before it happens, stressing the the strengths and weaknesses of both candidates, wondering if there will be any “knock-out” punch to the other guy, then debating whether we should even use the term “knock-out” punch anymore as the debates are so scripted it would seem impossible for anyone to land a “knock-out,” but mostly we are waiting to see if one of the guys trips over his own two feet. Does Mitt have an edge because he’s been debating in the primaries, does Barack have the edge because people seem to like him more, will Mitt be able to get under Barack’s skin, or will either candidate actually tell us what they plan to do to save America all in a 90 second soundbite? It seems all of these questions and more will finally be answered sometime tomorrow night, although probably not, to be immediately followed by about a week of analysis trying to figure out who “won” the debate.

As a good American it should be my due diligence to watch the debates and develop an educated analysis of which candidate will best lead our country, or I could just base my decision on whom I’d prefer as a ship’s captain, in which case if I’m not thinking Barack I’m in the minority. And so I plight: Do you plan on watching the Presidential Debate?

That’s it for this plight! I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

Do You Decorate for Halloween Like You Do for Christmas?

A couple of my Facebook friends recently posted that they’ve already done their decorating for Halloween, and it made me reflect on a few things like “When was the last time I actually really decorated for Halloween?” (I believe the answer is “Never”), and “Isn’t it a little early to decorate for Halloween?” (At the time of the posting it was still a month away so I say “Yes.”). We all have seen the escalation in decorating for Halloween, a holiday that most decorations used to just be the occasional jack-o-lantern and construction paper cutouts we would make in grade school to now a full-blown decoration feast where Halloween Factory stores will pop up for a couple of months so you can buy the latest, giant, inflatable witch to put in your front yard, and it has now become a competition for one neighbor to out-decorate their other neighbor, much in the way Christmas used to be. Back in the day there was always the one house that was uber-decorated, usually by the handyman who will build some sort of scary, haunted house theme, but now anyone can buy a cheap-looking, five-foot tall, Chinese made, lighted pumpkin that has a good chance of blowing away before the holiday even get here.

Maybe I would get into the holiday a little more if I had kids, but for me it has turned into a holiday where I end up with too much leftover candy because I never learn that I will get five kids, at the most, coming to my door for candy, thus leaving me with a couple of bags of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. Maybe if I did decorate I would get a few more kids, but I also know that if I open that decorating door that suddenly my car will be packed with Halloween tchotchkes, my wife will wonder what is wrong with me, and my neighbors will be upset because now the “Halloween Decorating Competition” will be on and suddenly I’ll have to bust out the circular saw and build a haunted house. I believe it is that first piece of yard decoration that starts it all, but I also plight: Do you decorate for Halloween like you do for Christmas?

That’s it for this plight! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!

Will Sean Lowe Make a Good Bachelor on “The Bachelor?”

Somehow, someway, I keep finding myself getting sucked into “The Bachelor” and “The Bachelorette,” and I’m still not sure why. Hell, I even found myself watching “Bachelor Pad” this summer and loved when the dude stiffed the girl and kept the prize money for himself. Notice how I can’t remember any of their names? Well, the other day it was announced that Sean Lowe was going to be the next contestant looking for true love on “The Bachelor,” and my first word was “Who?” Yup, once again a past loser on the bachelorette show becomes the lead contestant on the bachelor show, and it’s quickly becoming clear that if you want to be the bachelor or the bachelorette, you need to be one of the losers as a tryout on the opposite show.

Turns out Sean was one of the losers of Emily’s affection, she who opted for Jef Holm and also has to keep squashing stories of their love not going to last, so of course Sean is the likely choice to find a woman and fall into a summer of “Sean and Ms. Thang are breaking up!” headlines.

I can say I won’t watch the season when it kicks back into gear in January of 2013, but somehow it will find it’s way to my DVR, and within two episodes I’ll be sucked in, waiting for the next meltdown of some lady who thinks she can find love on TV (or is just hoping to be the next bachelorette thus keeping her dreams of reality show TV stardom alive for another season), and although I don’t really care because I’ll be watching it for the nut-job ladies, I do plight: Will Sean Lowe make a good bachelor on “The Bachelor?”

That’s it for this plight! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!

Have You Ever Seen a Crappy, Purple Scion?

Have you ever seen a crappy, purple Scion?

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As I am up too early this morning on a Saturday and somehow found myself watching VH1, they are actually playing music videos. On the screen pops “50 Ways to Say Goodbye,” the hit by the group Train that somehow rightly decided that it needed trumpets in it, and wouldn’t you know it, there’s David Hasselhoff on the screen in the video. The other day I was wondering to myself, “Self, I wonder what The Hoff is doing these days?” Now I know. The song, however, is a fun little ditty about breaking up with a girlfriend, listing a bunch of ways that she finds her demise including getting fried by a suntan and running into a shark in the water. The disappointing thing about the song is that it doesn’t actually list 50 ways to say goodbye, only having about 11 or 12 (I lost count), but my favorites are dancing to death in an east side night club and getting run over by a crappy purple Scion. One of the ways to say goodbye, however, doesn’t really make sense, the one about falling in a cement mixer full of quicksand, but hey, the song has trumpets in it, and thinking about it, none of the examples are really ways to say goodbye, but who’s being picky?

In any case, as I think about cars and with the tune still bouncing in my head, I was trying to recollect if I’ve actually ever seen a crappy, purple Scion, and so I plight: Have you ever seen a crappy, purple Scion?

That’s it for this plight! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!

Do Japanese Cherry Blossoms Smell Different than American Cherry Blossoms?

It all started as a question in my head when I saw the bottle of liquid soap in our kitchen. On its label it said “Japanese Cherry Blossom,” and I instantly wondered if Japanese cherry blossoms smelled different than American cherry blossoms. Fine, I’ll admit that I didn’t realize the history of the cherry blossom, let alone the cherry tree, at this time of this question, and assumed the United States pretty much had its own version of the cherry versus the Japanese version, and then I Googled “cherry blossom.” Low and behold I found that the majority of trees we know for their cherry blossoms originate in Japan, and that there are a few cherry tree varieties native to North America with Traverse City, Michigan calling itself the “Cherry Capital of the World,” yet how many of us are heading to Traverse City for their “Cherry Blossom” festival – nope, it’s the cherry blossom trees that cause flocks of people to descend to our Nation’s Capital.

I’m still a little confused and guess the main thing is there is a difference between the trees known for their cherry blossoms and trees known for their cherries, and so I plight: Do Japanese cherry blossoms smell different than American cherry blossoms?

That’s it for this plight! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!