Bad Company
A Concert Review |
It was a weird experience at the Bad Company concert. I was sort of
looking forward to seeing the band, back together again with Paul
Rogers, but part of me just didn't care. It was one of those days
best described as just plain crappy and I kind of just didn't want
to be at a concert. But, there I was. I felt I should just make the
most of it and enjoy the show, which, well, I did, sort of.
The first thing I noticed was Paul Rogers being in phenomenal
shape. Me, I'm there with my little belly, but there's Paul on stage
with a rock-hard set of abs. The second thing I noticed, well, was
as energetic and enthusiastic Paul Rogers was on stage, well, Boz
Burrell on bass was just the opposite, almost complacent just to be
In the mood I was in, well, this distracted me and I kept losing
focus on Paul and saying to myself "What is his problem?"
But thinking about it as I write this review, I should have been
saying to myself "What is your problem? Look at everybody -
they're having a blast."
Anyway, enough about my complacency, how did they sound? Well,
the show sounded solid as ever and every hit was a sing-a-long. Paul
worked the stage, getting the crowd to sing along (although this
didn't take much effort) in all of the right spots. "Rock
Steady," "Ready for Love," "Shooting Star,"
"Feel Like Makin' Love," and countless other of songs you
remember were great to hear again.
What else I enjoyed, especially seeing my share of
"nostalgia" tours where it is obvious the band is just a
token of their former selves, was seeing Paul spinning and tossing
the mike stand, smiling, interacting with the audience, and just
plain being a rock star. Sure, I gripe about Boz, but Paul did his
best at putting the "front" in front man.
What else can I say, really? I knew the songs, sang along with
them even, but I guess it was just my mood because I didn't get into
the show. But, most of the crowd on the other hand, well they were
happy as pigs in mud seeing Bad Company back together and they are
who matters most.
So, as kinda complaining as I am, well, I was in the total minority
as a person having a "just okay" time at the concert.
Everyone else seemed to have a blast and with that "TWO THUMBS
UP!!" for the Bad Company boys. Sorry for the boring review,
but I hope you like the photos. Maybe next time I should bring some
Prozac along.
That's it for this one! I'm The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!